VOL. 61, No. 19 Nov. 22, 1963 12 Pages • Official TCU Newspaper Since 1903 Texas Christian University * * * Fort Worth, Texas TCU War-Geared in 1943 See Page 4 * • • Homecoming Time Is Here See Page 3 • • • Glory-Hour for a Queen See Page 10 • • * Congress States Its Case See Page 6 • • • Letter to the Exes See Page 8 • • • Far-Out Yells Not So New See Page 5 • * • Frogs To Battle Owls See Page 12 • • • Frog Club a "Right Arm' See Page 2 On THE SKIFF Friday, November 23, 1943 'Right Arm of TCU/ Frog Club Boost Frogs With Spirit, Advertising By CHARLES CRIDER tic expenses that the University cent of the members were either TCU Frog Club members can is restricted from handling. graduates of other colleges, or be found in the midst of the cheer- The Southwest Conference for- had no college affiliation. ing, pennant-waving fans who bids schools to pay for the re- Post-Game Chalk Talks support the purple and white at cruiting visits of prospective ath all of the Frog's sporting events. letes to the different campuses. At a luncheon each Monday This year the booster organiza- following a game, the club enjoys tion for TCU athletics has more The Frog Club's funds make such visits possible. a film of the game and a discus- than 1700 members whose contri- sion with the TCU coaching staff. butions to the athletic department The "Adult Frogs" have gener- The "arm-chair" quarterbacks total well over $20,000. ously provided entertainment for cite a TCU athlete as the out- R. M. Hazlewood, TCU '39' is varsity members, and sound standing back or lineman of the It's a this year's president and David equipment as coaching aids, fi- week. A trophy is presented by O'Brien, TCU '39 is the executive nancial assistance to the band the club to the outstanding ath- vice president. and have boosted support for the lete of the year in each of the Since the 142 charter members Fightin' Frogs by paying for large major sports at TCU Many din- Campus organized the club in 1940, this scale advertisement. ners and outmgs are sponsored group of Frog fans has proven Surprisingly, only a small per- by the club, at which the mem- itself to be the right arm of the centage of the club's members bers can become acquainted with TCU coaches with all of the as- are TCU exes. Last year 68 per TCU athletes. Tradition sistance it has given to the depart- ment. Texas has chartered the You'll like the TCU club as a non-profit educational 7 corporation. 'Basic Research Unclear; Florist specialty . Athletics Financed the MUM with a ruffled With the funds it collects, the Prof Offers Definition club foots the bill for many athle- Much of TCU's centennial pro- thought of as an attempt to solve collar, just $4. Order early. gram revolves about a research a problem which would have a foundation that has "basic re- direct effect on business, health, search as its core." social status, or other criteria re- Game and at Football MUM from - "Basic research, in general, is lating to out way of life," Dr. seeking for knowledge without any Lyles continued. immediate application," Dr. San- Among scientists themselves, ders T. Lyles, professor of biology however, these categories are not explained, when asked just what always clearly differentiated. "basic research" is. They often think of all significant "Applied research is generally research as being both basic and having possible application, either at present or under future con- Miss Sherley ditions, Dr. Lyles said. Has Role TCU's research philosophy ap- pears intended to free the scien- In English Meet tist of time pressure. Pure re- search is not supposed to have a Check the Bargains in SKIFF ads! The English department will time limit. send four faculty members to the National Council of Teachers of English in San Francisco Nov. 29. Miss Lorraine Sherley, a mem- ber of die English faculty since 1927, will participate in the Shake- of course speare section of the annual con- ver.uon. TGIF Party Today! it's a She will lecture on "Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I" and will illustrate her talk with slides. Others who will attend are Dr. Come to the Hootenanny with Karl Snyder, professor of English, who will chah* a section on "Com- mon Themes in the Literature of the Americas;" Dr. Malcolm MeLean, associate professor of Spanish, who will address the JOHN MATHENY group on "Currents of Literature Influence Between the Americas;" Ally Hart's and Dr. Cecil B. Williams, chair- man of the English department, 3019 University Drive who is secretary for the regional and His Band conference. r I i 3-5 p.m. \ Welcome Back 1 I I I TCU Exes ! I Now serving Spaghetti and Pizza 1 See us for DRY CLEANING at its best 1 Dine here, carry out or i SOFT CUSTOM FINISHING ONE HOUR SERVICE Call WA 3-6482 for Fast Fast Service SATURDAY also 'til 3 PM Hot Delivery to TCU. I I I OfMHOUR I I I I fnmmm^thWYOiAn^ ijouse of pna I the 2905 W. Berry 2503 W. BERRY WA 3-3806 i Friday, November 22, 1963 THE SKIFF Exes Come Home Today • • • Dean Praised Festive Weekend On Tab For Largest Exes Group Summer By JON HILTUNEN dents' Association will be held at 10:30 a.m. At this time Alfred Homecoming begins again to- Roark of Houston, class of 1932, Policy night (Friday), and the largest will be made president. Presi assembly ever of ex-students and dent-elect will be John Grimland- parents will be on hand for the of Midland, class of 19J3 Shifted three-day period ot fun and seri- Vice-president Henry Rose of ousness. By BARBARA JOHNSTON Dallas, class of 1947, will be of- Beginning at 6 p.m. in the ficially sworn in, and so will the A major change has been made Brown-Lupton Student Center, secretary, Mrs. Katy Nichols of in Summer School policy. guests will register. At the same Fort Worth, class of 1948. Direc For the past 20 years Dean time, judging of floats will be tors for the following term of of- Jerome A. Moore of the College held. fice will be Dr. W. L. Parker of of Arts and Sciences has served At 7:15 p.m., a Snake Dance Wichita Falls, class of 1914, and as director of the Summer School. led by the Horned Frog Band will Dr. James Swink of Tyler, class At the recent trustees meeting, wind its participants to Amon of 1957 Carter Stadium for a bonfire cer- the Board approved the discon- • • * tinuation of this administrative emony and pep rally. The bonfire unit. In the future the Summer will be lighted by the Homecom- BEFORE the TCU Rice con session will be handled by the ing Queen, and laiter, Mayor test, a barbecue will be conducted various deans as in a Fall or Bayard Friedman of Fort Worth in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum for Spring Semester. will make an address. Concluding students. Exes, and faculty. A On Chancellor M. E. Sadler's the rally hour will be the "float student group will furnish enter- strong recommendation, the trus- lighting" on the quadrangle. tainment. tees praised Dean Moore for his • * • At noon, KTVTTV (channel 11) many years of work with the will carry the Homecoming cere Summer School, which included HIGHLIGHTING the evening mony on the program "Campus a wide variety of activities. will be the Homecoming Dance, Caravan." During the time that faculty scheduled for 8 p.m. It will fea- Prior to the game at 1:45 p.m., contracts called for only nine ture recording artists Santo and presentation of the Distinguished months of teaching, Dean Moore's Johnny. Winners of the float com- Alumnus and Valuable Ex Student most significant task was to ob- petition will be presented at this Awards will be made. tain professors for the courses time. An award will be made to Kick-off for the TCU-Rice game being taught m the summer the Grand Prize winner and is slated for 2 p.m. and at half- months. trophies will be given in all div- time, the Homecoming and Com- isions. ing Home Queens will make their Fewer Snags Saturday, late registration for appearances. exes will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Since the faculty schedule has Last minute preparations on the Homecoming floats were being • * * been put on a 42-week basis, the the Student Center lobby. Also at made Thursday night and for Susie Anderson, Wichita Falls jun- 9:30 a.m. a coffee will be given FOLLOWING the game, "open problem of coordination has been ior, the Pi Beta Phi entry was no exception. When Monday comes, lessened somewhat. Most profes- for all Exes m the Faculty Center. house" will be held in various chapter rooms and meeting halls all over campus will be in dire During coffee hour, installation chapter rooms. (Continued on Page 10) need of cleaning. of new officers for the Ex-Stu- In Fort Worth, the "Exes 100" will hold their dance at the Hotel Texas in the New Grand Ball- To Fame from Ditches room. Also the Journalism Exes will have a reunion at the Fort Worth Press Club begining at 6:30 p.m. '43 Grad, Dr. Moudy Knows TCU Well Dinner will begin at 7:30 p.m. By BARBARA JOHNSTON this reporter interviewed a well- U. S. Treasury Department in tices that have since been discon- known '43 grad, Dr James M.
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