Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1961 Eastern Progress - 27 Oct 1961 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1961-62/6 WELCOME DOWN THE ALUMNI! H1LLTOPPERS! ■ oozess ' ■ "Keeping Pace In A Progressive Era" Friday, October 27, 1961 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Vol.39, No. 6 Alumni Reunion To 33 Eastern College Seniors Begin Homecoming • Homecoming: festivities 'at Eastern began last night and will continue through tonio'row evening In what ia expected to^bc the biggest alumni reuiuon ami most colorful homecoming In Eastern's 66- year History. The annual homecoming dance, to be held tonight from 8 until midnight in Walnut Hall of the'Keen Johnson Student Union Building, wi|l kick off the 1961 celebiution for the alumni. Twenty-six candi- Who dates for homecoming queen will be presented at this time. The majority of the alumni will Military Day at Eastern, will he n.-vmed for the vice chairman of Thirty-three of Eastern's senior* report to the campus early tomor- among the other marching units , the board of regents, and Me- have been selected •> 1 htp row morning for a full day's pro- that wilt include Hov Scout groups. Gregor Hall, a six-story women's In "Who's Who Amon- Students in gramming. Registration of alumni thoroughbred riding group, and dormitory to house 448. was named Ameiican Colleges :I-I Un ver- and friends is vet for tomorrow others. for Judge Thomas B. McGregor.' sifies." This is considered the most from 9 a. m. untr. I p. m. in the The marching band of Western Frankfort, long-time member of coveted honor to be beilo^cJ 0:1 a lobby of the Student Union Bldg. SUlte College. Eastern's arch-rival the board. The two dormitories college student. 1 Tickets for the remaining activi- homecoming opponent, will per- will cost about S3 million. The selections were n«1« h» a ties may be purchased at this form in halftime activities, along Athletic Director Charles T. committee of faculty and students with the other bands. Hughes announced today that time. 1 in the basis of schol ', nip. quali- Parade At 10 A.M. A luncheon will be held from a ; hough about 7.000 are expected ties of leadei-ship. ard the 1 o a At 10 a. m., the colorful parade 11:30 until 1 o'clock in the cafo- for the game, tickets will he avail contributing to the stii''ent'- <n th of 24 floats, the most ever, ac- teria and pre-game activities will able at the gates. He said that on the campus. These arc our lead- cording to KYMA. the sponsoring begin at approximately 1:30. Pre- several sections of blearher scats ers of tomorrow. organization, and two dozen other game activities will Include the were added so that no one will be The select students are: units will leave the campus for a crowning of the .1961 homecoming turned away at the gates. Chris Montgomery. elem"ntHry tour of the downtown business dis- queen by President Robert R. Closing out the gala festivities education major from Louisville; trict. The candidates for queen Martin. will be the annual alumni barbe- Evelyn Craft. English major from will be aboard the floats. Game At 2 P. M. cue in the cafeteria, followed by Frankfort; Carol Caldwell. social Included in the parade will be At 2 p. m., the main attraction a-'coffee in Walnut Hall. science major from Paint r.lck; about two dozen marching units, of the week-end celebration takes Linda Murrell, elementary educa- including visiting high school place when Coach Glenn Pros tion major from Irvine; Nell bands from Lexington. Lafayette nell's Maroons meet the Western Bonny, elementary education major High School, one of the state's Hilltoppers of Coach Nick Denes | from Irvine; Joyce Halsey. home largest bands with 156 members, In a crucial Ohio Valley Confer- Highway economics major from Eubank; Harrodsburg High School, Frank- ence game at Hanger Stadium. Diana Munsen, elementary educa- fort High School. Franklin Coun- Business will be mixed with tion major from Frankfort; Anna ty High School. Madison High, pleasure for college officials. A Merritt, music major fiom Rich- and Madison Central, both of Rich- board of regents meeting is slated mond; Linda Gassaway, English mond, and"perhaps others. for 9 a. m. tomorrow and at 1 Chief Visits major from Richmond: Nancy Nick Koenigstein's famed 99- p. m., ground will be broken for HONORED IN "WHO'S WHO'"—These Eastern seniors have been selected for "Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities." Rodgers, math major from Carroll- Siiece marching band, "The March- two dormitories on the growing iTlhey are, seated, from left; Chris Montgomery, Louisville, Evelyn Craft, Frankfort. Carol Caldwell, Paint Lick; Linda Murrell, Irvine; Nell Ion Margaret Barczuk, elementary ng Maroons," will also march In Eastern campus. The two dorms Bonny, Irvine; Joyce Halsey, jEubnnk; Diana Munson, Frankfort; Ann Merritt, Richmond; Linda Gassaway, Richmond; Nancy Rodgers, education major from Frankfort. the parade and the award-winning arc Earle Oombs Hall and Judge Carrollton; and Margaret Basczuk. Frankfort. Back row: Suzanne Marcum, LaGrange; Brandt Coleman. Clevis, Ohio; Harve Turner, Suzanne Marcum. physical edu- Pcrshlng Rifles drill team that McGregor Hall. Combs Hall, a Frankfort; Oorhss Keesy, QrejsnviMc, Ohio; Don Stivers, Louisville; Jim Bai-rett, Middlesboro; Don Dix, Hazaid; Jim Pearce, Crestwood; cation major from LaGrange; wowed spectators at last week's men's dormitory to house 238, was On Campus Don Wmtaker, Cynthiana; Tommy Nichols, Somerset; Bill Elkins. Jenkins; Jim Showalter, Louisville: Hugh Bradford. Raceland; George Brandt Coleman, social science ma- Dopp, Erianger; Joanne Vajn.peur.sem, Richmond; Uarb.ira Sammons, Newtown, Ohio; Bai-bara Edwards, Louisville; and Ann Stanley jor from Cleves, Ohio; Harvey Henry Ward, state commissioner Johnson. Frankfort Missing- from photo are Sandra Blinker, Cynthiana; Jim Farris, Lawrenceburg; Eveiitt Wayne Kendall, Cairolton, and Turner, elementary education ma- of highways, told an Eastern Mary Ellen Willis, Scott Depot. W. Wa. jor from Frankfort; Corliss Keesy, State College audience this mom- music major from Greenville, KYMA Lists 26 that "no other state in the Ohio; Don Stivers, math major from Middlesboro; Don Dix, chem- nation will have better highways Fund - Raising New Radio Series, istry major from Hazard; Jim when the new systems are com- Editors Journey South Pearce, industrial arts major from pleted, but that now there is not Campaign Soars Crestwood; Don Whitaker. math Voice Of Eastern, major from Cynthiana; Tommy Queen Candidates a single highway in Kentucky Above $130,000 Nicholas, industrial arts major that could be considered a good For Press Conference from Somerset; JUH Elkins, KYMA, Eastern's Pep Club and uponsor of the annual homecom- one." He Bpoke at the assembly Contributions to the PatUff Begins On WEKY English major fpefnJenkins; Jim ing parade, today luted twenty-six candidates for homecoming queen. Five editors of the Progress and Nov. 2, 3, 4, in Miami Beach, Flor- program in Hiram Brock Audi- Clay fund-raising campaign, ro The first installment of a new Showalter, physics major from Mis* Susaiujo Hale, Mt. Olivet senior and president of KYMA, also Its fourth week, have rea Milestone will represent Eastern id*. Louisville: Hugh Bradford, com- said that "there wfll be forty-threw units in tomorrow morning* home- torium^ $139,841.09. This represents 38 p at-the 37th annual Associated. Col- -Delegates representing the Pra- radio series, "The Voice of East- merce major from . Raceland; coming'parade, including twenty-fdur decorative floats, eight bands, "tin - former editor of the cent of the goal of $500,000. legiate Press Oonferente, to be held gma will be Marian Bazzy, Edi- ern,'' waa-heard Wednesday aidUiLUaorgs Dopp, commerce major the Eastern Pershing Rifles drOl team, and the Madison County Paducah Sun Democrat said that The figures were given Tuesday | loi In-Chief and Ronnie Wolfe, Man- on WEKY. Richmond's radio sta- from Erianger: Joanne Van Peur- Saddle Club. Kentucky must keep pace with night at the third weekly report aging Editor. Representing the tion. Sponsored by the Student sem, math major from Richmond; other states in population if fed- Milestone will be Linda Gassaway, The parade, to be the largest in publicans Club. night held in the Student Union Council, the twenty-five minute Barbara Sammons physical educa- the 66-year history of Eastern, will Janet Wilson, junior from Irvine, eral funds are to be made avail- Building. Volunteer workers pres- Dr. Gordon Ross Carol Caldwell, and Jim Montgom- tion major from Newtown, Ohio; begin Its tour of downtown Rich- able for the kind of highway pro- ent numbered 225. ery. program was aired at 10:55 a.m. Barbara Edwards, math major mond at 10 a.m. The parade route Sigma Tau Pi; Betty Bruce Gilson, gram the state needs. "We are The delegation will leave Eastern Anne Stanley Johnson, secretary from Louisville; Ann Stanley John- senior from Russell, the Senior The top team reporting was that Stresses Language shows the units marching from losing federal funds for all of headed by Mrs. Wallace Maffett, Monday afternoon. Tuesday will be of the Student Council, began the son, English major from Frankfort; our programs, including the high- spent in Knoxville, Tennessee at Lancaster and Park Drive, down ('lass; Pat Dean, freshman from with $6,779. Top division was led by At 1st Round Table program by reporting the news Sandra Blinker, commerce major Lancaster to Main, down Main to Cawood. the Harlan County Club; way program, because we did not Mrs.
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