EXCHANGE TRADED PRODUCTS 1 Product Type Region Listing ETF ETN Future Option Europe Eurozone Americas APAC Global Americas APAC/Africa Europe ISIN BLUE-CHIP INDICES EURO STOXX 50® Index ETFS EURO STOXX 50 ETF x x AU00000ESTX4 iShares EURO STOXX 50 (DE) x x DE0005933956 ComStage 1 EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF x x DE000ETF9504 Deka EURO STOXX 50® UCITS ETF x x DE000ETFL029 Deka EURO STOXX 50 (thesaurierend) UCITS ETF x x DE000ETFL466 Accion Eurostoxx 50 ETF, FI Cotizado Armonizado x x ES0105321030 Lyxor EURO STOXX 50 (DR) UCITS ETF - Dist x x FR0007054358 BNP Paribas Easy EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF EUR C x x FR0012739431 BNP Paribas Easy EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF EUR C/D x x FR0012740983 iSharesCoreEUR STOXX50 UCITS ETF EUR(Dist) x x IE0008471009 HSBC EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF x x IE00B4K6B022 iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF x x IE00B53L3W79 Invesco EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF x x IE00B60SWX25 Invesco EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF B Dis x x IE00B5B5TG76 UBS ETF - EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis x x LU0136234068 db x-trackers Euro Stoxx 50 UCITS ETF (DR) 1D x x LU0274211217 Lyxor Core Euro Stoxx 50 (DR) - UCITS ETF Dist x x LU0908501488 db x-trackers Euro Stoxx 50 UCITS ETF (DR) 1C x x LU0380865021 Lyxor Core EURO STOXX 50 (DR) - UCITS ETF Acc x x LU0908501215 Amundi Euro Stoxx 50 - UCITS ETF DR - EUR (C) x x LU1681047236 Amundi Euro Stoxx 50 - UCITS ETF DR - EUR (D) x x LU1681047319 Amundi Euro Stoxx 50 - UCITS ETF DR - USD (C) x x LU1681047400 Yuanta EURO STOXX 50 ETF x x TW0000066000 SPDR EURO STOXX 50 ETF x x US78463X2027 Sygnia Itrix Eurostoxx50 ETF x x ZAE000249512 TRUE Inverse EURO STOXX 50 ETN (H) x x KRG574100258 TRUE Inverse 2x EURO STOXX 50 ETN (H) x x KRG574100274 KBSTAR EURO STOXX 50(H) x x KR7379790009 FSSX x x OSSX x x EVAR x x FES1 x x FESQ x x FESX x x OES1 x x OES2 x x OES4 x x OES5 x x OESX x x OMSX x x TESX x x EURO STOXX 50® ex Financials Index FEXF x x #Internal EXCHANGE TRADED PRODUCTS 2 Product Type Region Listing ETF ETN Future Option Europe Eurozone Americas APAC Global Americas APAC/Africa Europe ISIN OEXF x x STOXX® Europe 50 Index iShares STOXX Europe 50 (DE) x x DE0005933949 Deka STOXX Europe 50® UCITS ETF x x DE000ETFL250 Amundi ETF Stoxx Europe 50 UCITS ETF (C/D) x x FR0010790980 iShares STOXX Europe 50 UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) x x IE0008470928 Mirae Asset TIGER Synth-EURO STOXX50 ETF (H) x x KR7195930003 Credit Suisse FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN 2028 x x US22539U1079 SPDR STOXX Europe 50 ETF x x US78463X1037 UBS AG FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN x x US90274D2348 FSTX x x OSTX x x EURO STOXX 50 Corporate Bond FCBI x x BENCHMARK INDICES EURO STOXX® Index iShares EURO STOXX (DE) x x DE000A0D8Q07 Lyxor Core EURO STOXX 300 (DR) - UCITS ETF Acc x x LU0908501058 Lyxor Core EURO STOXX 300 (DR) - UCITS ETF Dist x x LU0908501132 FXXE x x OXXE x x STOXX® Europe 600 Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 (DE) x x DE0002635307 ComStage 1 Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF x x DE000ETF9603 BNP Paribas Easy Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF C x x FR0011550193 BNP Paribas Easy Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF H x x FR0011550672 Invesco STOXX Europe 600 ETF x x IE00B60SWW18 db x-trackers STOXX Eur 600 UCITS ETF (DR) x x LU0328475792 ComStage STOXX Europe 600 NR UCITS ETF x x LU0378434582 Lyxor Core STOXX Europe 600 (DR) - UCITS ETF Acc x x LU0908500753 Lyxor Core STOXX Europe 600(DR)UCITS ETF MH DE x x LU1574142243 Amundi STOXX Europe 600 UCITS ETF - EUR (C) x x LU1681040223 Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF 2C EURH x x LU1772333404 FXXP x x OXXP x x STOXX® Europe 600 Equal Weight Index OSSIAM Stoxx Europe 600 EqualWgtNR UCITS ETF 1CEUR x x LU0599613147 STOXX® Europe 600 Equal Weight Index SinoPac STOXX USA 500 ETF x x TW0000085802 STOXX Europe 600 Paris-Aligned Benchmark Franklin STOXX Europe 600 Paris AlignedClimate EUR x x IE00BMDPBY65 INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE INDICES EURO STOXX® International Exposure Index SELECT DIVIDEND INDICES EURO STOXX® Select Dividend 30 Index #Internal EXCHANGE TRADED PRODUCTS 3 Product Type Region Listing ETF ETN Future Option Europe Eurozone Americas APAC Global Americas APAC/Africa Europe ISIN iShares EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 (DE) x x DE0002635281 Deka EURO STOXX® Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF x x DE000ETFL078 iShares EURO Dividend UCITS ETF x x IE00B0M62S72 Mirae Asset TIGER Euro STOXX Dividend 30 ETF x x KR7245350004 ComStage EURO STOXX Sel Div 30 UCITS ETF x x LU0378434236 FD3D x x FEDV x x OEDV x x STOXX® Europe Select Dividend 30 Index iShares STOXX Europe Select Dividend 30 (DE) x x DE0002635299 Lyxor STOXX Europe Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF-D x x LU1812092168 First Trust STOXX European Select Dividend Idx Fd x x US33735T1097 STOXX® Global Select Dividend 100 Index iShares STOXX Global Select Dividend 100 (DE) x x DE000A0F5UH1 db x-trackers STOXX Gl Select Div 100 UCITS ETF 1D x x LU0292096186 FGDV x x OGDV x x STOXX® ASEAN Five Select Dividend 50 Index Next Notes STOXX Asean-Five Select Dividend 50 NR-JY ETN x x JP5528310005 SECTOR INDICES INDUSTRY: TECHNOLOGY (ICB CODE 1000) SUPERSECTOR: TECHNOLOGY (ICB CODE 1010) EURO STOXX® Technology Index FESY x x OESY x x STOXX® Europe 600 Technology Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Technology (DE) x x DE000A0H08Q4 db x-trackers STOXX Eur 600 Tech UCITS ETF x x LU0292104469 Lyxor Stoxx Europe 600 Technol UCITS ETF EUR Dis x x LU2082998837 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF - Acc x x LU1834988518 FSTY x x OSTY x x INDUSTRY: TELECOMMUNICATIONS (ICB CODE 1500) SUPERSECTOR: TELECOMMUNICATIONS (ICB CODE 1510) EURO STOXX® Telecommunications Index FEST x x FETD x x OEST x x STOXX® Europe 600 Telecommunications Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications (DE) x x DE000A0H08R2 db x-trackers STOXX Eur 600 Telecom UCITS ETF x x LU0292104030 Lyxor Stoxx Europe 600 Telecom UCITS ETF - Acc x x LU1834988609 Lyxor Stoxx Europe 600 Telecom UCITS ETF - Dist x x LU2082999058 FSTD x x FSTT x x #Internal EXCHANGE TRADED PRODUCTS 4 Product Type Region Listing ETF ETN Future Option Europe Eurozone Americas APAC Global Americas APAC/Africa Europe ISIN OSTT x x INDUSTRY: HEALTH CARE (ICB CODE 2000) SUPERSECTOR: HEALTH CARE (ICB CODE 2010) EURO STOXX® Health Care Index FESH x x OESH x x STOXX® Europe 600 Health Care Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Health Care (DE) x x DE000A0Q4R36 db x-trackers STOXX Eur 600 Health Care UCITS ETF x x LU0292103222 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Healthcare UCITS ETF EUR D x x LU2082997516 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Healthcare UCITS ETF - Acc x x LU1834986900 FSTH x x OSTH x x INDUSTRY: FINANCIALS (ICB CODE 3000) SUPERSECTOR: BANKS (ICB CODE 3010) EURO STOXX® Banks Index Lyxor Euro STOXX Banks (DR) UCITS ETF- Acc x x LU1829219390 FEBD x x FESB x x OEB1 x x OEB2 x x OEB4 x x OEB5 x x OESB x x STOXX® Europe 600 Banks Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Banks (DE) x x DE000A0F5UJ7 db x-trackers STOXX Eur 600 Banks UCITS ETF x x LU0292103651 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Banks UCITS ETF - Acc x x LU1834983477 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Banks UCITS ETF - Dist x x LU2082996112 FSBD x x FSTB x x OSTB x x EURO STOXX® Banks 30-15 Index iShares EURO STOXX Banks 30-15 UCITS ETF (DE) x x DE0006289309 SUPERSECTOR: FINANCIAL SERVICES (ICB CODE 3020) EURO STOXX® Financial Services Index FESF x x OESF x x STOXX® Europe 600 Financial Services Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Financial Services (DE) x x DE000A0H08G5 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 FinancialServices UCITSETF x x LU1834984798 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Finl Svcs UCITS ETF Acc Dist x x LU2082997193 FSTF x x OSTF x x SUPERSECTOR: INSURANCE (ICB CODE 3030) #Internal EXCHANGE TRADED PRODUCTS 5 Product Type Region Listing ETF ETN Future Option Europe Eurozone Americas APAC Global Americas APAC/Africa Europe ISIN EURO STOXX® Insurance Index FEID x x FESI x x OESI x x STOXX® Europe 600 Insurance Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Insurance (DE) x x DE000A0H08K7 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Insurance UCITS ETF Dist x x LU2082997946 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Insurance UCITS ETF- Acc x x LU1834987973 FSID x x FSTI x x OSTI x x SUPERSECTOR: REAL ESTATE (ICB CODE 3510) EURO STOXX® Real Estate Index FESL x x OESL x x STOXX® Europe 600 Real Estate Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate (DE) x x DE000A0Q4R44 FSTL x x OSTL x x STOXX® Europe 600 Real Estate Cap Index INDUSTRY: CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES (ICB CODE 4000) SUPERSECTOR: AUTOMOBILES & PARTS (ICB CODE 4010) EURO STOXX® Automobiles & Parts Index FESA x x OESA x x STOXX® Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts (DE) x x DE000A0Q4R28 Lyxor Stoxx Eupe 600 Automobiles&Parts UCITS ETF D x x LU2082995908 Lyxor Stoxx Europe 600 Automobiles&Parts UCITSETF x x LU1834983394 FSTA x x OSTA x x SUPERSECTOR: PERSONAL & HOUSEHOLD GOODS (ICB CODE 4020) EURO STOXX® Personal & Household Goods Index FESZ x x OESZ x x STOXX® Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Pers & Househld Gds (DE) x x DE000A0H08N1 Lyxor STOXX Eupe 600 Prsnl&Hshld Gds UCITS ETF Dis x x LU2082998324 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Prsnl&Hshld Gds UCITS ETF x x LU1834988351 FSTZ x x OSTZ x x SUPERSECTOR: CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (ICB CODE 4020) STOXX Europe 600 Consumer Products and Services Index OSTQ x x FSTQ x x #Internal EXCHANGE TRADED PRODUCTS 6 Product Type Region Listing ETF ETN Future Option Europe Eurozone Americas APAC Global Americas APAC/Africa Europe ISIN EURO STOXX Consumer Products and Services Index OESK x x FESK x x SUPERSECTOR: MEDIA (ICB CODE 4030) EURO STOXX® Media Index FESM x x OESM x x STOXX® Europe 600 Media Index iShares STOXX Europe 600 Media (DE) x x DE000A0H08L5 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Media UCITS ETF Dis x x LU2082995734 Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Media UCITS ETF - Acc x x LU1834988195
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