Derby City Cou ncil DERBY RETAIL AND L EISURE STUDY Volu me 1 œ Main Report Final Report April 2009 ROGER TY M & PARTNERS 3 Mu seu m Sq u are L eicester L E1 6UF t 0116 249 3970 f 0116 249 3971 e leicester@ tymconsu lt.com w www.tymconsu lt.com This docu ment is formatted for dou ble-sided printing. CONTENTS 1 INSTRUCTIONS, CONTEX T AND OUTL INE OF REPORT STRUCTURE ..................... 1 Instru ctions .......................................................................................................................... 1 Contex t ................................................................................................................................ 1 Stru ctu re of the Remainder of the Report ........................................................................... 2 2 TH E REQUIREMENTS OF NATIONAL AND REGIONAL POL ICY ................................. 5 PPS6 ................................................................................................................................... 5 PPS12 ................................................................................................................................. 13 Potential Changes to National Policy .................................................................................. 14 Proposed Changes to PPS6 ............................................................................................... 15 Conclu sion in Relation to Potential Changes to National Policy......................................... 19 The Req u irements of the Cu rrent and Emerging RSS........................................................ 20 Regional Planning Policy .................................................................................................... 20 3 PERFORMANCE ANAL Y SIS - TH E PPS6 INDICATORS ............................................... 27 Application of the Ten Vitality & Viability Indicators to Derby City Centre .......................... 28 Cu stomer Views and Behaviou r œ The K ey Findings and Su rvey of Pedestrians ............... 44 Conclu sions - Derby City Centre H ealthcheck .................................................................... 49 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to the Normanton Road / Peartree Road linear centre ......................................................................................................................... 50 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Allenton District Centre ............................... 51 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Allestree District Centre .............................. 52 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Alvaston District Centre .............................. 53 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Cavendish District Centre ........................... 55 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Chaddesden (Nottingham Road) District Centre .................................................................................................................................. 55 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Chellaston District Centre ........................... 56 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to L ittleover District Centre ............................. 57 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Mack worth District Centre ........................... 57 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Mick leover District Centre ........................... 58 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Oak wood District Centre ............................. 59 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Sinfin District Centre ................................... 59 Application of Vitality & Viability Indicators to Spondon District Centre .............................. 60 4 CURRENT PATTERNS OF RETAIL SPENDING............................................................ 62 Introdu ction .......................................................................................................................... 62 H ou sehold Su rvey Methodology ......................................................................................... 62 Overall Catchment Area ...................................................................................................... 64 Comparison Goods Spending Patterns .............................................................................. 67 Comparison Goods Mark et Shares ..................................................................................... 72 Overlapping Comparison Goods Catchments .................................................................... 74 Comparison Goods Su b-Sectors ........................................................................................ 76 Convenience Goods Spending Patterns ............................................................................. 84 Convenience Goods Mark et Shares ................................................................................... 88 Su mmary ............................................................................................................................. 91 5 QUANTITATIVE AND QUAL ITATIVE NEED IN TH E RETAIL SECTOR ......................... 93 Introdu ction .......................................................................................................................... 93 Methodology for Assessing Qu antitative Retail Need ......................................................... 93 Qu alitative Retail Need ....................................................................................................... 108 Su mmary ............................................................................................................................. 111 6 ASSESSMENT OF SCOPE FOR ADDITIONAL COMMERCIAL L EISURE PROVISION 114 Forecast Increases in L eisu re Ex penditu re ......................................................................... 114 Conversion of Ex penditu re Increases to Additional L eisu re ”Req u irements‘ ...................... 116 Su mmary of Scope for Additional Commercial L eisu re Facilities ....................................... 120 7 STRATEGIES FOR MEETING RETAIL NEEDS ............................................................. 121 Introdu ction .......................................................................................................................... 121 Comparison Req u irements ................................................................................................. 123 Strategy 1: Derby City Centre Focu sed .............................................................................. 123 Strategy 2: Derby City Centre, the District Centres and Retail Park s ................................. 124 Strategy 3: Rebalance the Network .................................................................................... 125 Option 4, Ring Fence Comparison Ex penditu re Req u irements .......................................... 126 Convenience Req u irements ................................................................................................ 127 RTP Recommendations on Strategy................................................................................... 128 8 RECOMMENDATIONS ON POL ICY AND RETAIL H IERARCH Y ................................... 131 The Network of Centres ...................................................................................................... 131 SEPARATEL Y BOUND DOCUMENTS VOL UME 2 œ FIGURES 4.1 to 4.5 & SPREADSH EETS VOL UME 3 - APPENDICES Appendix 1 œ Brief to Consu ltant Appendix 2 œ L ist of Stak eholder Consu ltees Appendix 3 - H ealth Check s Data Appendix 4 - National Trends in the Retail and L eisu re Sectors Appendix 5 - Su mmary Note œ Commission on Retail Conservation (2007) and Case Stu dies (Retail Distinctiveness & Promotion of Independent Retail in Town Centres VOL UME 4 - RETAIL SURVEY , BY NEMS VOL UME 5 - H OUSEH OL D SH OPPING SURVEY , BY NEMS Derby Retail & L eisu re Stu dy Report. Volu me 1 œ Main Report 1 INSTRUCTIONS, CONTEX T AND OUTL INE OF REPORT STRUCTURE Instru ctions 1.1 Derby City Cou ncil commissioned Roger Tym & Partners (RTP) to u ndertak e this Retail Stu dy following a competitive tender process. The brief, which is reprodu ced as Appendix 1, ex plains that the stu dy is to form part of the evidence base for the retail and town centre policies and proposals in the emerging L ocal Development Framework . Thu s, the stu dy has to reflect the Government‘s req u irements, as set ou t in PPS6 and in the new PPS12 (which are discu ssed in Section 2 of ou r report). The stu dy has a forward horizon to 2026. 1.2 Section 4 of the Stu dy Brief sets ou t k ey req u irements of the stu dy, su mmarised as follows: ° Review National, Regional and L ocal Retail policies inclu ding the locally based strategies. ° Forecast q u antitative and q u alitative need for additional comparison and convenience floorspace within the City Cou ncil u p to 2026 and indicate where this shou ld be accommodated. ° Consider how any q u antitative or q u alitative need identified can be accommodated within Derby. ° Undertak e ”healthcheck s‘ of the city centre and the district centres, review their role and fu nction and mak e recommendations on how their health can be improved. ° Consu lt with all the main stak eholders. ° Ex plore the role of the city‘s ou t-of-centre and q u asi- retail shopping locations and assess and advise on cu rrent policy regarding these. ° Consider whether the ex tent of the primary
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