,1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY tO, 1M2 > A C * W E U f r Avantta DRiljr NM Pr«R IMi iaW( iBatifligfitgi* Cwnittn la r ih* -------------- ■' ' ■"»'■' '■■Ill "I V iii—' mh ' .■uJnMMkKiP^ - Tha monthly boataaaa waaUat tag iKddtags: glSySMUM <■ 188; 8.800 abgraft AUaatk KaOn- ACatora. 8PBT,M8; 1IB08 MUlr«a,' of the Center Theaplana wtU ha stocks, of which gS.OISiiSS waa ing Cb.. 1399,800; 9,900 shares. nUiMta Oantral ftaUniad, 88M.4M; 10.510 WHturd Leaves lag FiMajr. AboutToira held at < o'clock tonight in tha deductml to eov'»r loaiUL leaying Brown Fnrtaan DiatUiars. 8141.- 40.300 aharaa, Para OH Ob., lilM - Bibar at tba AtaM Robbins Room of the Center net stodt boldinga of n J U jlO; 281; 8M0 ahares. Chryatar Cbrp, 000; T.00O'aharaa. Staclair 'OH aaa al OtealsttaM to t tochea. 1H« ItoBdierter r#d««Uon Bf Church. The program following Nine Million 1119.018 in bank dappSiU; |«.49| 8884,<^. Onrp.. 8308,187; 8,000 aharaa, City of F2Kdf« Chatm at 9 o'clock In Woodruff HalldsdII in uncaahad checksr S 88.000 auto- ' Six Thousand, three hundred Southam Pacitle Os.. 8878,000: DmoCTAtk! Women vrlll hold Itii be' a workshop presentation of an maiaa mobile; and $12,898 in litaiaahoUl shares. Cities Service Cb.. 8718,- t«(uUr mcetinf Thuridmy. r«b. 1.000 aharaa, Suparior Oi) Cb-. bHglnal one-act play, "Peace 1 Estate of Former Ju nttu re. 900; 14,000, shares, Gmeral 1980,000. ^ TOL. LXXI. NO. 121 Aivarttabig an Page 14) MANCHESTER, CO N k^URBD A Y . FEBRUARi^ 21, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) M, at the Community Y at 7:4S Bring Unto Yqu.” written and di­ Of 81,279.780 in stocks ownM PRICE FIVE CENTS p. m. The bualneaa will be to rected by RuUt Rowley. Owner Includes Stock outright, the following blocks plan for the county and atate fed­ In Over 100 Concerns were held; 0,000 shares, Budd eration coBVentlonf. Preaidenl Pfc. Joseph W, Kaminsky of Manufacturing On.. gOO.cioO; 169 Helen Fltapatrlck will apeak on 113 North School street la among shares. Cooper Bessemer Oorp.. Film Stan Wed in London "Facta and Jaauea" at the meeting the 900 Marines aboard the USNS The late Elisha E. Hilliard, who Japan Reds I British Say of the Glaafonbury Federation of Aiken Victor)’, bound for San lived in Hartford but maintained 960.328; 1,900 abares, Gulf Oil Co., All, Departments Of Democratic Women thl* Thuraday. Diego. The men, who are return­ close ties with Manchester, his 988.829; 1.800 shares, Mission ing home in accordance with the birthplace, left an eatate valued at Cnrp. 893.100; 1,148 ahares. Skelly | Winnera of the O by 12 felt bane rotation plan, arc all veterans of 99,419,338, it was diaclosed yester­ Oil On.. 8109,816; and 400 ahares; —Stage^RiotS" Arms Drive pjps ifiven by Bedard'*'' Floor the Korean conflict serving with day by Hartford Probate Judge Travelers Inanrahce Co.v 8242,400. j T^is Store'Including Mr. Hillard had outright owner­ -r* tToverinc at Ha arand opening *ale the First Marine Division and the Russell Z. Johnston. Until his re­ * • Included the faliowinp: Mr*. S. R- Pirat Marine Air Wing. - tirement in 1941, Hilliard was presy ship in stock in 98 concerns. He Wilaon of 29 Griawold atrect. ideflt and treasurcre of the B. B. also held stock in 123 firms which Against U.S. To Be Slow \-.-hoae name waa drawn by^Her- Tlarold Roy Strickland, son of Hilliard Company in Hilliardville. ha put up as collateral for loans. The Self Serve and bert Klngabury. Jr., *on of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarertrc Strickland He died In October of last year. Among stocks held in the latter London, Feb. 21—(ff)--e-The and Mra. Herbert Klngabtiry; Mr*. of M Spruce street, cslebri^ted his "category were:_______ _ L^Yokyo, Fridty. Feb. 22-^ iritish government said to- Albert Platt of Baldwin road, second birthday yesterday with a of stocks in more than. KHi Rrms, Two hundred ahares. Traveler* (/P)—Thousands of Japanese whoae name wa* 'drawn by Judy. party at his home last evening. Is ont of the laigest ever to be Aetna Life Insurance On., $108.- sy that lack of manpower ■ .1 Communists and sympa- Walaa.'daughter of Mr. and .Mm.- Seventeen Children and parent* *t- filed in the Hartford Probata 300; 1,200'shares. Hartford Fiir Meat Department, and- ateel and ~ the-veffib^ of John Weis*. Jr,, and Mr*.. Ernest I fended the party and presented Court, *ccordihg'~to Judge"John- Jnaurance On., 9190,000 : 4.300 y>^p r th k e rr rioted in Tokyo this nation’s economic crisis Powd of 32 .Lilac street, whose 1 Harold with many lovely gifts and alon. ’ , shares. National Fire Insurance Thursday in a demonstration have caused the big arms - t name was drawn b.v Cathy Huh- I also gifts of money. Refreah- Principal beneficiaries of the es­ Co., 9249.000; and 2.000 aharei. against “colonization” of lard, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. I menta were served by his moth- tate are Alice B. Brown of Haver- •Steam Turbine Co., 9176,000. Will Be OPEN Japan-by-the -United States. -drive to lag—iflo that now it ' Wailace HuhTard.' i'ec^......... I ford;'Pa.raTitece: and ' Lnrlns" M; OnFTKouiiiina“8hafe*, Ameflfail’ At least 14 Japanete policemen will ■■fake ■ IbngielP"^^^ f3,ooo,ooa| Barbour of Hartford, a nephew. 1 Stirs NATO Cynamld Co., 9119,802; ' 2.000 were Injured In stone-throwing planned three years to com- shares, Rmhart Manufacturing f and tear gas melees before order pletp. Hartford Hospital will receive a Co., 9144,000; 4.000 ahares,' All Day FRIpAY was restored. An estimated 11,300 In a white paper, the govern- Paid Before I gift of 9790.000. Art treasure* val- Amerada Petroleum Corp.. 9612,- police patrolled the city to pre­ ta*nt said Britain’s armed forces Fears Over I lied st 98.000 were left to the 000 ; 2.000 shares, Atchison Topeka vent further trouble. will expand slightly from the cur­ For attractive, piping hot Wadsworth Atheneum. The eollec- Other demonstrations were re­ rent 893.000 men to 900,400 by : tion Include* Chinese and Japanese i Sante Fe Railroad (>».. 1198,- Washington's Birthday ported In Yokohama, the big In­ April 1, 1993. Earlier, the govern­ Men on Job I Jade, ivory, agate and.quartz.. HU-' dustrial cities of Osaka. Nagoya Asia Strife ^ Hard gave a valuable tapestry col- ment hoped to have one million WHATH THE REAL PRICE and elsewhere. men under arms by the end of serving right at the tablet ; lection to Morgan Memorial be- ON TOUR HOU8RT The Jspsneie Communists, in 1952. 7" Washington, Feh. 21—(/P) By STAN SWINTON I fore hla death last October. their most open post-war demon- Until Hilliard sold the Hllliard- ToaTl flag wir eunipelaal / ■ Thetdocument said "it waa made — A Senate investigation ■' Lisbon. Portugal, Feb. '21 ! vllle mill in. 1942, the year after tppralaera weO gaaHfltd ta atratlon of vinienre, had set clear at the outset” that Britain's heard today that workers on Thursday *s “Anti-C01onl**tion-of •rots proglJMi) could be achieved —(>P)--U. S. Secretary of hia retirement, it .was one of the M p yoa. -Japan Da.v." a auperrsecret.. air. liaae . epn- -Stiite Dean Acheaon waa-Te> ; oldest woolen mills in operation In ta'tKf#* yeafa' ’’only If 'the labor.' struction. program near the ' the United States. Bankets for Ramember, there la never (Even before the demonstra­ raw materials, machine tools and ported to have told the At­ the Amfricsn soldiers in the Wsr any obHgaMnn when ron call tions subsided, the Peiping Radio Other manufacturing capacity North Pole collected more lantic Allies today that there of 1812 were woven there. Hilliard C0NN«a was reporting that Chinese Oom- were availabi* aa and where they than three million dollars in are good chances for peace in , Inherited the mill fropi his father, JARVIS RCALTT j inunlrt Youth had sisit ''mcaaages were needed. It la now clear that wages before even reaching Maaebester 4118 | Korea b.Y the end of the win­ Clinton Hilliard. of solidarity’’ to the. "Japanese these conditions cannot be fully the job,^ * ter. • — The inventory shows the follow- Youth Federation’’ for its ’’strug­ satisfied.” Lt. Gen. Lewis A. Pick, Chief of gle against colonialism."I Cite Eronomie Foaltioa Army Engineer.*, defended the.se Conference sources said the There were no reports of Injury The paper pointed to ’’ihevlt- pa.vments as well as salaries at a statement was made behind to Americans and other for­ "A able delays in matters of design rate of 913.000 a year for laborer* closed doors to the 14 for­ eigners. and production planning” and re­ and 917.000 a year for mechanic# 58'* BAULINSS One mob atormed a railway sta­ Beauteous. Maek-haired movie actress Elizabeth Taylor, It, and eign ministers of the North ferred to deterioriation of Brit­ on the project. Atlantic Treaty Organization tion demanding free ridea. threw BrlUah actor Michael Wilding, 89, were quickly married toda.v in a ain’s economic position. Questions hy Tlowne'y 'RieS, WOOL a n d RAYON tear gas ■ bombs and forced their registry office full of daffodils sent hy the bride’s atudki. The cIvU Actually, the report said, de­ counsel for the rommittee which (NATO) during a session de- . way onto a train. ceremoay la London's COxtan Hall took 10 minutes. fense expenditure rut* for 1052-93 was set up as a . watchdog group voted to an .up-tfvthc-mioute_; AND ALL r a y o n ___ Another, which included univer­ have been made up partially by on military spending—brought out stud.v of Russian intentions ' '-■'•‘I ’*.
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