Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 TPA TEXAS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION TheAustinVillager.com This paper can be recycled Vol. 41 No.23 Phone: 512-476-0082 Email: [email protected] October 25, 2013 Sir Elton John Returns to INSIDE the 8th Annual Andy Roddick Foundation Gala By Naomi Richard Sir Elton John re- event for the Founda- Austin congregation turned to Austin for the tion whose mission is to contributes $6,000 Eighth Annual Andy ensure youth in low-in- to Austin education RAPPIN’ Roddick Foundation come communities See HT Tommy Wyatt Gala at ACL Live at have abundant oppor- Page 3 Moody Theater on Oc- tunities to reach their It’s Time tober 17. The event sold full potential, through out moments after ticket educational and sports- sales opened to the pub- based mentoring. To Vote!! lic. Elton was the head- Founder and liner in 2011 and this Chairman Andy It is time to vote, but year he returned to a Roddick moved his there is probably less interest packed house sharing Foundation to Austin in TCDJ bridges the gap in this election than we have his timeless treasures of 2012 and is in full effort between the APD had in a long time. The rea- music. to build a Sports and and Austin’s minority son is that most of the items The gala serves as Learning Center in East population. to be voted on are constitu- Elton John the chief fundraising See ELECTION tional amendments. Unless See RODDICK, page 2 Page 6 you paid very close attention to the last session of the A JAGUAR and an Texas Legislature, you have no ideas about the amend- ments. AIRMAN There is one election with candidates, but it only Air Force Airman Letavion K. Williams gradu- CARY witness a 43% affects those living in State ated from basic military training at Joint Base San diminution in juvenile Representative, District 50 Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. crimes across Texas. area. This is the position that The airman completed an intensive, eight- See COUNCIL was previously held by Mark week program that included training in military Page 7 Strama. There are four can- discipline and studies, Air Force core values, didates for the position; three physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and Texas Book Democrats and one Republi- skills. can. Airmen who complete basic training earn Festival to Celia Israel (D) is four credits toward an associate in applied science best suited for the position. degree through the Community College of the Air Feature She has a long history of po- Force. litical action in Texas and Williams is the son of Vivian McKenney Local Austin. She says that she is and Lennie Williams, both of Austin. running to show that Texas He is a 2012 graduate of Lyndon B. Johnson Author’s really does believe in free- High School, Austin, Texas. dom, respect, tolerance, and Letavion K. Williams New Book opportunity. DDCE Fall SENIORS IN The City of Austin Let The will have one item on the bal- Lecture Series THEIR 80s lot, The Bond Election. It calls for the issuance of $65 mil- Slated for AND 90s HELP Games lion in Affordable Housing November 1 NEXT Bonds and Notes for con- Begin! structing, renovating, improv- GENERATION ing, and equipping affordable OF MOTHERS housing in Austin. And while there are no specifics as how by Shirley A. Hammond these funds will be applied, The Breast Cancer (Austin) - Shirley A. they will probably be used as Awareness Campaign Hammond, contribut- Bid Whist, Bingo, the current rules are applied. takes place every Octo- ing writer for The Vil- Bridge, Dominoes While I do not favor ber, even though all lager Newspaper, will and Spades giving the city a blank check (AUSTIN) - Seniors throughout the year be a featured author at to use in any way that they (Austin, Texas) - at Austin’s Buckner Vil- smaller campaigns are the Texas Book Festival choose, we all know that On Saturday, Nov. 2, The Division of Di- las have found it in their held. This year, a new on Saturday, where she there is a rapidly growing 2013 at 10am – 2pm, the versity and Community hearts to give back and program was launched will launch her new need for affordable housing, Capital City Chapter of Engagement (DDCE) help out young preg- in the fight against book “Xtreme Ride because of the urban removal Top Ladies of Distinc- Fall Lecture Series will nant women, single breast cancer. The Breast Wish: An Untwinnable that is currently going on in tion, a nonprofit com- be held on Friday, No- mothers and poverty Cancer Campaign Day.” The book will be the city. We need to support munity service organi- vember 1, featuring Dr. stricken families “Help Us Find The available first as an these Bonds and Notes now zation, will hold its An- Jerlando F. L. Jackson, through a Baby Bottle Cures,” which is a ebook, but will also be and then continue to be pro- nual Games Day event the Vilas Distinguished Campaign for the Aus- multi-pronged action provided as a recorded active in seeing that they are at the Crown Plaza Ho- Professor in Higher tin Pregnancy and Re- plan to fight breast can- book and printed book. used in the correct way. tel, 6121 IH 35. The re- Education at the Uni- source Center (APRC). cer and shore up any This project has been There are also 9 ceipts from this versity of Wisconsin- APRC is a nonprofit or- deficits in research. It underway for over two Constitutional Amendments fundraising event will Madison. Jackson will ganization that works to amounts to an accelera- and a half years. It is on the ballot. All of the benefit the Top Teens amendments seem reason- speak on “Ethnic and meet the needs of fami- tion of efforts to find about a special dy- Scholarship Fund. able, except Prop. 6, that Racial Administrative lies in the Austin com- cures and eliminate this namic with the roller Please join us for this calls for the creation of a Diversity: Understand- munity. Over the dread disease. coasters at an amuse- day of fun, games and State Water Implementation ing Work Life Realities course of a couple of The campaign has ment park on a special prizes. For tickets, con- Fund. This issue will open and Experiences in weeks, the seniors col- some set milestones, day. tact Polly Street at (512) the doors for all kinds of cor- Higher Education.” The lected change inside and identified some The Fantasy Young 928-1390 or any member ruption and misuse. lecture will be held on baby bottles, which they gaps that need to be Adult Fiction book has of Top Ladies of Dis- Vote for all of the the University of Texas recently presented to closed. According to the an interesting mix of tinction. There will be Amendments except Prop. 6. at Austin campus in the Lori DeVillez, the ex- breast cancer campaign highly engaging charac- no door sales for this This is our opportunity to Main Building, Room ecutive director of website, breast cancer is See ROLLER show Texas how intelligent event. Come and join us 212 from 11:30-1 p.m. APRC. This is a truly still the most common COASTER QUEEN, we are in seeing through November 2nd as we “let See JACKSON, page 2 See GRANTS, page 7 page 2 shams. See APRC, page 2 the games begin”. Page 2 ~ October 25, 2013/THE VILLAGER www.theaustinvillager.com THE COMMUNIQUÉ Andy Roddick The Roller Coaster Queen continued from page 1 ters; including The in Pleasanton, TX at and visit with people Foundation Has Lady in Luminous their intermediate who want to know Blue, The Lady Who Sits school on 10/11 about this book. Other Raised over $11M on the Porch, Gavin, a awarded her with thun- authors will have continued from page 1 mystery lad, The Wise derous applause after scheduled time blocks One and The Mites of she read three excerpts, at the Texas Association Sorrow. showed them the book of Authors (TAA) table, The book has 4 in- cover and illustrations as well. ternal gray scale illus- and then taught them There’s power in trations, and three of the roller coaster clap. hyper drive roller coast- them are available with- On Friday, October ers. And it’s not just Shirley A. Hammond out shading for coloring 25, she will read to chil- about G-forces. In an pages. dren at the Boys & Girls unidentified town dur- opportunity on this day, Photo Credit: Naomi Richard Hammond, who Club in San Marcos, TX ing a particular day, all with a few conditions. states that The Titan at during their Storybook the xtreme coasters at On one super busy Six Flags over Texas is Parade. In addition to the theme park grant a day, many townspeople her favorite roller the reading segment, reversal of one act. pull out all stops in an coaster, indicates that children will dress up Two boys in par- effort to get their rever- the book was im- like their favorite book ticular are at the theme sal granted. mensely fun to write character and compete park to reverse an an- There is plenty of and that everything for prizes. cestors’ act. That’s help, but will the riders came together to make All this leads up to Gavin, and one mystery recognize and accept it? it into a book worth Saturday, October 26, lad. They, as well as all Is there a common de- reading and sharing by where she will have a other riders, have to nominator that brings Andy Roddick all age groups.
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