DISTRIBUTION LISP PDR ME&T 63-0970 D/596,6C1T D/5140, FB68 D/5143, FB66 Dr. R. Paton W .J. Costas M . Francis M. Mogg D/539, AC1O D/5614, n66 R. Schmued . Buckles J.A. Lieb W D/596, SSii R .P. Jevett M .C. Shoemaker F . 'Ii' J. Wooten D/031, SS32 D/539, A129 R. Johan W.T.- McFarlen C . Winzer W. Kappen R. McKovan D/539, HC92 3. Levis D/539, BA33 F . Schuler D/539, 33T R . Movers J. Rosengard D/539, BA71 3. Becker J J D/539, HC82 - K. Kirkhan ¶f&kl?AZE ~~}12 CI-~ oti NDMAc (14 ITZo5OD (ThYtAfl*Nt3 II0Imuimiiimmimiiiuumiiuiuu BNA00834964 HDMSE00609163 Internal Letter ® Rockwell International Date. November 28, 1983 No . MEAT 83-097 0 FROM : t Natne orQantraa °n . rnremal Andress . Pnonel TO rNaTe Orpan.: .'cn, lnleraar AU essl . Michael Francis Norma Fujikawa, Manager Environmental Task Team . SSFL Analytical Chemistry . 0/541, FB 12 . 0/539-169, SS 1 1 5448 ) Subject : . Literature Search Findings on N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA At your request , the toxic levels, the general abundance of the compound, and the analytical methods for the determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine have been reviewed . ABSTRACT It is now generally agreed that N-nitroso compounds are among the most potent chemical carcinogens known . The U .S . Department of Health, Human .4 Services , and Public Health ~ervice has reported that a concentration of 1 10- grams /liter, or 0 .0000014 ppm) of parts per trillion (1 .4x e N-nitrosodimethylamine ( NDMA ) is estimated to limit cancer risk to on in a million . NDMA has been reported to be carcinogenic in all animal species tested and induces benign and malignant tumors following its administration by various routes , including ingestion and inhalation , in various organs in several species . It produces tumors mainly of the liver, kidney , and respiratory tract . It has been associated with the high incidence of esophageal cancer in Eastern China , in Iran, and with heavy cigarette smoking . The precursors of the N-nitroso compounds, such as nitrates , nitrites , and amines are in naturally occurring substances . N-nitroso compounds , including NDMA, may be found in soil, Consequently , . water, air , food, and the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals The chemical analysis is conducted by gas chromatography /mass spectrometry for pert per billion levels . For part per trillion detection , a Thermal Energy Analyzer ( at a cost of $40,000) is required . BACKGROUND AND CHEMICAL NATURE OF NDMA N-nitrosodimethylamine ( NDMA ) is a yellow , volatile , non-hygroscopic liquid of low viscosity with a boiliij point of 150°C at 755 mm . It is _ considerably polar and has a molecular weight of 74 .1, with the chemical of : formula of C2H6N20 and the structural formula -N =0 CHI an intermediate Prior to April 1 , 1976 , NDMA was used in the United Sates as in the production of 1,1-dimethyl hydrazine ( UDMH ), a storable IIOImuimiiimmimiiiuumumiu BNA0083496 5 HDMSE00609164 MEAT 83-0970 to Michael Francis From Norma Fujikawa November 28, 1983 p 2 liquid rocket propellant that contained 0 .1% NDMA as an impurity . (Past Rocketdyne programs which have utilized UDMH Include the Lance, Martin Transtage, and sane smaller research programs . Aerojet used larger amounts of UDMH because of the size of the Titan missile which loaded 50% NZH4 and 50% UDMN .) In addition to aerospace, NDMA was frequently used in the fiber, rubber and plastics industries as an antioxidant , a softener of copolymers , and additive for lubricants , syntheti c cutting fluids , and leather formulations . The pesticide 2,3,6-tri- chlorobenzoic acid with dimethylamine contains , as a contaminant , up to 640 micrograms/liter of NDMA . NDMA is found in foodstuffs such as frying bacon, cider distillates, beef, commercial sausage, and i n beer. It is present in cosmetics and in anti-histamines . More importantly, it is manufactured from amines and nitrates in the human GI tract . The presence of NDMA has been reported in deionized water and dialysate water ( as well as the blood of chronic dialysis patients) when a carbon bed or UV absorber in a particular sequence were not included in the purification process . The postulation has been that the quaternary ammonium ion of the strong anion resin may be the amine precursor for th e nitrosamine formation . NDMA is regulated by the federal government under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA ), the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Wate r Act, the Clean Air Act , and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES ) . The FDA established action levels of 5 parts per billion NDMA in malt beverages ( beer ) and 10 ppm in barley malt . The tendency of animals to develop neoplasms upon exposure to carcinogens depends upon a number of factors, one of which is the ability to metabolize the compound . Nearly all chemicals believed to be carcinogens require enzymatic activation before they can transform normal cells to cancer cells . In the human body, the system which processes many foreign circulating substances prior to elimination is a network in the liver called the Cytochrome P-450 mediated mono-oxygenise system. The ultimate carcinogen ( active metabolite) is an electrophile which covalently bonds to cellular molecules---particularly DNA, protein molecules, etc . Cytochrome P-450 may be the transforming enzyme to convert an innocuous molecule to active cancer-causing substances by reacting to form carbonium ions . The carbonium ion free radical fragment acts as the alkylating intermediate which methylates the cellular components including the nucleic acids and proteins . Cytochrome P-450 is an essential part o f the body 's detoxification system ; it hydroxylates substances and makes them more water soluble . The potential formation of nitrosamines in the body is great . Many scientists believe that this endogenous pool of nitrosamines may prove to be a more important exposure than any single other contributor with the exception of a unique , high level industrial incident . IIOImuimiiimmimiiiuumiuuiu BNA0083496 6 HDMSE00609165 ME&T 83-0970 to Michael Francis From Norma Fujikawa November 28, 1983 p 3 After ingestion, NDMA is metabolized within a few hours ; by twenty four hours not a trace of it can be found in body fluids . Chemical and Engineer - ingNe~ws has labelled it the ideal murder weapon except that in small doses, like other lethal agents, it takes years to produce liver damage . [As noted by Rocketdyne's Medical Director, Dr . Norton Stein, individuals can perform the same process on themselves with cigarettes, beer, and other modes of cell destruction by chemicals, chemical additives, and other products freely available to the general public in supermarkets, stores, and vending machines . Or . Stein stated that the "buzz" people get(from these voluntary purchases) is due to brain cell destruction . In an Omaha murder case, milk laced with NOMA was the cause of death (by massive brain hemorrhage) of a 25-year old man . Aside from extreme and pathological instances, the National Cancer Institute's Larry Keefer reported in 1980 that , excluding a high exposure level in certai n industrial settings, and with all the appropriate caveats, the nitros- amine exposure to the population at large would be scaled as follows, using arbitrary units : smoking at 1500, new car interiors at 400, beer at 90, cooked bacon at 50, and Scotch whiskey at 1 . Nitrogen oxides are nitrosating agents , and elimination of this effec t or the amine is a step towards limiting the production of the nitrosamines . Depending upon the precursors and the presence of catalysts such a s ozone and metal ions , nitrosamines can be formed under acid , neutral, or alkaline conditions . Since nitrate-nitrite combinations are used in luncheon meats as bacteriostats ( up to 500 mg/ kg), this has become another foodstuffs source for the synthesis materials . The air we breathe in the L .A . basin has been found to contain 1-4 ppb nitrous acid in the night hours . Nitrous acid is a facile nitrosating agent and acts in this fashion in the body . Nitrosamine formation /synthesi s in soils and waters is considered a disturbing reality because experiments have been performed and the findings indicate that a pH of 5 is best for promoting the generation of the nitroso compounds . Under the Clean Water Act, the EPA recommended ( tentatively ) a criteria of 5 parts per trillion in drinking water in 1980 , while , in contrast, the FDA's limit in beer was 5 parts per billion . The usual consideration is that drinking water is involuntary , and the public should be protected ; imbibing beer is a personal matter and voluntary . Some of the level s of NDMA in commonly ingested materials , or exposure (as with cigarette smoke ) are listed in the table below . II0I I0I liD ID IID III III DD III 101 10 0 BNA0083496 7 HDMSE00609166 ME&T 83-0970 to Michael Francis From Norma Fujikawa November 26, 1983 p4 NDMA IN COMMONLY AVAILABLE/ INGESTED ITEM S per ~illion ) ( 1 microgram/kilogram = 1 x 10"g grams - I part AMOUNT ITEM CHEMICAL INFORMATION Contain the dimethyl amin o 0 .22-3 . 6 micrograms Antihistamines ; per kilogram Tricyclic - group which is easily nitrosated tranquillizers commonly found ingredients are methapyrilene hydrochloride and Cold/cough dophenhydramine hydrochloride . preparation s One unfiltered Tobacco smoke contains both the up to 0 .043 micrograms per cigarette nitrogen oxides ( NOr) and the amines available for the formation cigarette for mainstream smoke of nitrosamines . These includ e NDMA, hydrazine , diethylnitrosamines, 0.680-0.823 micrograms etc . per cigarette for sidestream smok e 17 micrograms/kg Smoked salmon NDMA present 10-80 micrograms/kg Commercial sausage NDMA present 10-108 micrograms/kg Bacon NDMA present 34-242 micrograms/kg Fresh beef NDMA present 10 micrograms/k g Cider distillates NDMA present 5 micrograms/k g Beer NDMA present IIOImuimiiimmimiimuunuuu BNA0083496 8 HDMSE00609167 ME&T 83-0970 to Michael Francis From Norma Fujikawa November 28, 1983 p 5 The chemical analysis of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is performed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS ) for the part per billion level of concentration of the compound .
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