... ' All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of. All the Pointes Home ot the News •. OOPerYeu Entered as second Class Matt.er at GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, January 24 Pages-Two Sections-Section One Vol, 3o-No, 5 the Post Office at Detroit, Mlchllaa. 30, 1969 lOC Per CcPY '. IIEADLINES The Cottage Hospital of the Future Create Committee EXPC11s Give of .the Scary Fuels WEEK To Seek Solution About Users As 'Compiled by the Grosse Pointe New! Participants in Program ~t To Convent Edict North High Impressed: Thursday, January 23 May Extend Format MICHIGAN INCOME this New York Province Sending Representatives to Discuss to Other Classes year will be $1,453,200,UOOand Alternate Plans and Proposals expenditures will be $1,510,- W.lth Comml'ttee If any ninth graders at 600,000. The state's general G P . t N rth H' h fund will be kep( out of the red -------- rosse om eo' Ig only by using the $70.3 million Parents of students and alumnae at the Academy School are unaware of the surplus expected at the end of of the Sacred Heart continue to work toward a solution effects of LSD and other the current fiscal year. It is to the problem created by the announcement of the New drugs, it will not be the helieved that the new Gover- York Province of the Society of the Sacred Henrt to close fault of the teachers in the nor's first budget is merely de. the doors of the Pointe landmark in June of this year. social studies ,department, laying the day of reckoning on Currently the C8mpau Com.s>------------ Working under the diree- a tax increase. mittee president, Peter J, Mer- P Z- Q I tion of John Corbin, depart- WILLIAM. G.4OMI~LlKEN was ,cier, is awaiting a he.aring b~- 0 'tee uas" ment head and Dr. William fore Judge Horace Gilmore In Craig, principal, they plan- sworn in as Michigan's 44th Wayne County Circuit Court, I ned a two-day program of governor Wednesday. The 46- . F'd J 31 II" M C - Spr Ion rJ ay, anuary . lr. er- r-me" ee education and information year-old Milliken told reporters, cier, who has two children in -z h . "I'm ready for the job - and I ~ttendanee a~ t~e A.eademy, has Of ]aven- es in cooperation with aut ort- eager to get started on it." He filed 8S plamtiff lD a "class "ties in the fields of law en- pledged a total commitment to A VIEW FROM MUIR ROAD OF', THE" F'U"TURE EXPANDED COmmAGE HOSP,ITAL action" pursuant to the applic. forcement, pharmacy. and the people of the state by work- ...... able Michigan Court ru'es, Pair Arrested Attempting scientific research. ing to improve the quality of '" ' <1;----------- h h h t . '. th ------------~ Add I were e opes 0 enJom e E t f B Sh The stlldents were provided life in Michigan. T B h Cottage Hospl.tal ition A t M-' Academy from disposing of the .n ry 0 ump op; with many facts related to the ., * • wo rot e'rs I rres an property now occupied by the Loot Recovered from legal and medical aSpects of Friday, January 24 r' b THE SENATE confirmed ' W. A 1 fe-I A' school and .or such relief as Other Rob eries drug consumption during their e'. IDS ppro:'&ra 0 ounCl: Two ccuse the court deems proper and social studies class. \ President Nixon's nomination of '~ I . bl Walter Hickel as Secretary of Attack ,Polr,c equlta e. Park police end e d the Over and over, speaker after the Interior, overriding the op- Af C h To Cost at Least $'2 Million Of,4 t. g Committee Elected budding c rim e career of speaker stressed the unprediet. position of a few Democrats. ter. ras ,i:l.CCOS 'tn In the meantime a Planning two juveniles on Saturday, ability of a person's bebavior Hickel was the only Nixon nomi. Committee has been formed. J 25 h th when he is under the effect of nee not unanimously confirmed Work to Start in Early Spring; Houses on East Side of City Officers Nab Suspect The first meeting was held on anuary ,wen ey ar~ drugs. by the Senate. Officers and Youths Re. Muir Road Will be Demolished To Provide Also Wanted in Farms., Monday, January 20, at tbe Con- rested the youngsters in the Students were informed that, • • • • H 't I T t t R f' Ex ' P' vent. The following people were act of attempting to break in the case of hallucinogenics, A TOR:l!lADOsweeping across qUire osp' a rea men , oom or pensIon rogra", Hearing Set for Wed- elected: Charles Bayer, Mrs. into the Ewald Bump Shop, for example, because drugs re- central ~nssissippi killed 31 Following Struggle at What better time for a hospital to aimounce plans 'ne~day, February 26 JO~f1nu!U'iussA' MkullHen'MMlliles1005 Wayburn avenue. The act differently on each person, people. Damage was widespread Accident SCf'ne A . flen, r., Fran . u en, pair had just completed even a single dose may cause in three counties, and it is ex- for expansion and moderniza~ion tha.n in its 50th nm. Within hours after the C. Bradfot:d Lundy, Jr., i'llary burglarizing the Park muni- long.term physi~at and mental peeted that more bodies will Two Farms police offi. ver~ary Year? .Cottage H?Spltal, ,WhICh has served the I mother of a l5.year.old Ann Beattie, ~rs. Walter B~i~gs cipal garage at the rear of da;mage. They are even report. be found as clean-up operations . 'd t res.ldents of thIS commuOlty. for the past 50 years and tude t at Grosse Po'lnte Rlbinsonr WIlliam H. Griffith th M .. 1 B 'ld' ed to have induced cancer. cers, answenng an aCCI en WhICh hopes to better serve It through an expanded and s n. .. and Robert L. GoUredson. e un 1c 1paUl mg, May Extend Program ~f:J~~d~[~t:1:i~ ~:lls;;~~a~; call at Mack aV,enue and modernized hospital facility, has received the long- S?uth H~gh School notified 'Memh~s of the committee 15115 Jefferson avenue. ' Teachers and administrators e~~fen,~_ .. ti~. _. B~u;~ne~~~th rO~~~~:J:" ~ from the GreaterDe~~ Area lf~;,Clt: pO~lCe that her d~g~; _=~~~~~o~~:~=a.~f.J~~: an~e~elS~~h~::~;l!trrea~:~~ at North ,High are studying eare- ,~t~_aJULWiQi:~twO. it lori-do aI's ~~~-_.,.. I ,,~ .. ,1~~C~Munen. At that time they elee. tbat the boys, one 15 years old funy the program evaluation THE NIXON ADMINISTRA- brothers who attacked the ..' .'. ! 1.1 ed in J 1919 It on Friday., J a n u a r y 24, ted Mrs. Walter Briggs Robin. and the other o~ly 11 years old, ~~e~~o~~et~~.~~yninp~o gg~:~ TION announced Friday an in. policemen without provoea- The hospital 'IS ; still awaiting cas. f thranuary, d" police picked up a suspect. son, cl1alI"man and Miles M. bolh of DetrOit, had broken crease to seven and or'e-half tl'on. One brother suffered the CounCIl's deCISion concern- e0!1~lsted. 0 ee war 5, con. Th . I alkin ... O'Brian co.chairman. into the bump shop on Satur. witb an eye to extending the . th dd'ti f tw f1 tammg fIve beds for adults ~ glr was w g nor .., , ' formal tu other classes. percent in the maximum in- a gash on the head when mg e a I on a 0 oors f" bed f, h'ldre d th ' on Rivard at Kercheval when Members of the Provineial day, January 18, and took a terest rate on mortgages in. other officers were forced of patient beds in the new wing. ;ve. t: or ~~ Jt ~n ree a man in 'an old model black Council of the New York Pro- number of tools according to "Many of the comments on sured by the Federal Housing h Included in the immediate I tras~ne ~s, WI d ah ~ en, r~' car spotted her and' asked vince of the Society of the Sa- the boys' confession. The IIlJs the evaluation sheets stressed Administration. Secretary of to subdue t e assailants. future of the hospital is the Y. aun ry an ea ng p a? where Cadie'ux road was. The cred Heart were sch2duled to also admitted breaking into the the importance of the need for Housing and Urban Develop' Warrants approved by Wayne ad~ition of an .lntensive Care The .upper floor was occupIed girl approached the car to di- fly in on Wednesday, January municipal garage, and being in- p~ren~ involvement," Mr. Cor- ment, George Romney, said County Assistant Pros!!Cutor Untt and Physlo.Tberapy De. by resident nurses and a house- reet the man. The man then 29, to begin discussions of new volved in shoplifting at the bm said on Monday. He ~dded when he made the increase an. Angelo Pentolino, charge the partment, new faeiliti~ for the kee;per. After a thoro~gh reno- asked her to get into his car ,and alternate plans and pro. Downton J. L. Hudlion company that based hupona thtabulatlO~of nouncement that the rate was brothers,. DorianP. Griffin, 22, operating and emergency rooms, vation, ~ottage Hospital was and go for a ride. The girl fled. posals store more than al! of e question- determined after consultation and Dwayne M., 17, both of 41',0 an enlarged Radiology depart.
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