\ ' i H ightstown Gazette n u m b e r 36 HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1944 PRICE—FIVE CENTS East Windsor Auction Market Presented With NEWS o r OUR Teachers Form ■ MEN«</WOMEN Organization Food Production Award Saturday The teachers of the school district of IN UNIFORM East Windsor organized a local Teach­ Comparable to Army-Navy ers Association at a meeting Monday afternoon in the Hightstown elementary ‘E’ Award; Presentation school. Dr. Frederick L. Hipp of the Co«$t GuardtniMi Requests ‘Somewhere in India’ New Jersey Education Association pre­ By Secretary W. H. Allen sided prior to the election of George N. Return of Lost Package Hall of the manual training department i^s president. The number of New Jersey Food T Mariani, S l/c of the U. S. Coast Production Awards conferred uppn ag­ Tiiarci Third and Spruce streets, Phila­ Other officers chosen: Miss Marjorie ricultural organizations in the state was delphia, offers a reward for the recov­ M. Matlock, vice president; Miss Alice brought up to 60 Saturday afternoon ery of a package containing the wring- R. Everett, secretary; Mrs. Ada D. when the certificate was awarded to the „s and housing to an Easy washer Harper, treasurer. Tri-County Co-operative Auction Mar­ Uicli he rvas going to have repaired The purposes of this association, ac­ ket Association, Inc., at their annual cording to the newly elected secretary, for his mother. meeting in Hightstown. Mariani w rites to The Gazette: Sun­ shall be: To foster good fellowship and The presentation was made by State day evening while hitch hiking to Phil­ professional ethics among its faculty; Secretary of Agriculture W. H. Allen adelphia, a car gave me a lift along to establish cooperation between the in the name of the State Board of Ag­ with four A rm y fellows. I was carrying schools and the community; to further riculture* and the government of New a package. The car left us off in two its professional development; and to Jersey. It was received by Robert M. pangs I was in the second and got out form a representative body which will Dilatush, Jr., president of the auction. lust over the high bridge at 4:30 a. m. function effectively through and with the County, State and National Educa­ The award is conferred upon agricul­ When I left I forgot my package, miss­ tion Associations. tural organizations which surpassed ing it too late to attract the attention Auction Market President Accepts Production Award their 1942 food production iti 1943. It of the driver. It is impossible to re­ is comparable to the Army-Navy “E** place the parts, due to war conditions. Lone Candidate PrcMBtatiofi ceremony at tko ooction market Saturday aftemooB awarded to industry. Although the ^ 1 believe the driver is a resident of when tke New Jersey Food Production award was conferred upon tbe award to the Hightstown farmers is the Hightstown. If anything turns up, drop Tri-county Cooperative Auction Market Aaeodation for tk# contribu­ 60th in the 1943 production scries, it is tion made to tbo war offort by tbe ISIS farmer member*. me a card. ________ Seeks Office in the first to bear the signature of Gov­ Left to right: Cbarlee F. Kingeland, aeanager of tbe egg depert ernor Walter E. Edge. ment; Robert M. Dilatueb, Jr., aaeociation preeident; Socretary of Ag­ T^h. Sgt. Hurry Burd Asks riculture W. H. Allen, who mRde tbe preeentation; William F. Mielcke, In petitioning for the award, the 1,515 School Election general manager of tha aseociatioB. members of the Tri-County Co-opera­ For Letters From Friends ThU waa tbe first food production award certificate eagned by Gov­ tive Auction Market Association. Inc, through President Dilatush and Man­ U M t WARREN E. FIELD Mrs. Margaret D. Dey was the only ernor Walter E. Edge. Tbe Tri-county Cooperative bandies farm pro­ Harry Burd, recently advanced to the ducts produced in^ercer, Middlesex and Monmouth counties. ager William J. Mielcke, submitted this rank of technical sergeant, writes from Lt. Warren E. Field, son of Mr. and person to file a petition with the district statement: Peoria, 111., where he was visiting on a Mrs. Harry R. Field of South Main clerk for election as member of the Board of Education. The election will “During 1943, the members of this lurlough, Extracts from his letter: street, is stationed somewhere in India, association sold through the cooperative Jnst a few lines to let you know I am according to a letter received from him be held Tuesday evening, February 8, between the hours of 6 and 9 p. m. Dr. G. A. Silver Funeral Services market at Hightstown: 437,000 packages receiving The Gazette every week. It by his parents. Lt. Field wrote that he of fruits and vegetables, 118,063 cases sure is nice to read about the folks had been on his first combat mission. William A. Mitchell and Ernest A. Simpson declined to again seek another of eggs, and 8,2^ crates of poultry, back home. I am writing from Peoria Will Probated Held Today for w4th a total value of $2,049,909.54. Harold Drake, Fl/c, is receiving ad­ term. It is possible to elect by a stick­ where 1 am on a furlough. This is the “In addition, substantial amounts of same city where I attended the cater­ vanced training at the submarine chas­ er campaign or writing names on the er training center, Miami, Fla. ballots. In case of no election the va­ A number of m oneta^ bequests were farm food products were produced by pillar diesel school. Have just received made by the late Dr. (George A. Silver Woman, Age 104 our membership and sold through other another stripe and am now a technical cancies may be filled by appointment Pvt. Myron 0. Parker has been by the county superintendent of schools. of Stockton street, in his will which marketing channels. sergeant, ^ly work is tractor mechanic was probated last week by Mercer Former Seamstress Dies and I like it very much. Would like transferred from Camp Forrest, Tenn., The official notice of the annual “This association also conducted a to Framingham. Mass. He is attached meeting is published in The Gazette County Surrogate Albert H. Rees. M nnriav IMSoks «s number of educational and service pro- to hear from my friends. Sgt. Harry to a mechanized battalion. Monday Night at Home of wzr effort, and Burd, Co, A, 878th AEN Bn. (Avn.) this week. The voters will approve or Dr. Silver, a practicing physician here Army Air base. Alliance, Nebr. reject the proposed budget for current for many years, directed that his ex­ participated in the program to relieve Sergeant Albert Punk has been trans­ expenses, $88,600; repairs and replace­ ecutors give $1,000 to each of his grand­ Grandaon in Plainaboro the farm labor shortage. ferred from Camp Stewart. Ga., to ments, $4,500; manual training, $1,900; daughters and $500 to the family maid, Mrs. Mary Ouderkirk Sullivan, who “We point with considerable pride to Pvt. Harry Bleiweiss of Camp Maxey. Camp Pickett, Va. a total of $95,000. the assistance given by our organiza­ Texas, will arrive home this week on Margaret Staken, (now Mrs. Ted was a young matron when the Civil an emergency furlough. His mother, The current expense account is $13,-' Stockton.) War began in 1861. died Monday night i tion, in the^ usej of its■, facilities. and cm-, Sergeant Norval A. Wilkins 100 more than last year. The physician who died at the age of at the home of a grandson. William J . |Ploy«es to grade and store the surplus Mrs. Emil Bleiweiss, of Mercer street, The public hearing on the proposed has been ill with pneumonia. 82 years on January 7, left the fuimi- Sullivan, at Plainsboro. She would! products of other states. Partic- Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster budget will be held at the high school ture, medical equipment, books, surgical have observed her 104th birthday anni- ularly in this connection, we recall our Monday night, January 31, between 7 instruments in his office and an auto- versfirv on February 5. cooperation wnih the State of Maine, Edward Fielder, who was wounded in The W ar Department has announced and 8 o’clock. The district is composed and the part the Hightstown market the South Pacific area and honorably, mobile to his grandson, Dr. George A. Mrs. Sullivan, for many years a seam- the award of bronze Oak Leaf clusters of the Borough of Hightsto^vn and Silver, 3rd. He gave him also his gold played in conserving a large p>ortion of discharged from the service, spent the or the Air Medal to four New Jersey East Windsor township. stress; was born in Schenectady, N. Y., the Maine potato c;rop when the facil­ week end with ifr. and Mrs. Harry watch and 32nd degree in l&W, and was married when she was fliers and one from Delaw’are, mem­ Masonic rin^ ities there were inadequate for the size Taylor of Maxwell avenue. nineteen years old to Ed^^-ard Sullivan, of the crop.” bers' of the U. S. Army Air Forces Miss Beatrice Tyack Hostess Part of the residue of his, estate will painting contractor of New Bruns­ serving with the 12th Air Support Com­ be placed in trust and the following wick. Mr. Sullivan died many years Carl Mattes Regrets Leave mand in Northwest Africa. At Friday Club Meeting disposition made: from income, $2,000 ago. Market Holds 11th Annual All the awards were for “meritorious will be paid to each of his daughters-in- For years Mrs.
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