rrrBRJE-ARv K VOLUME 6 Winter, Park Florida, Thursdajf|Fefmmry. f 0, 1921 NUMBER15 ORANGE CO. Rah For Rollins" 11TH AHHOAL FAIR 'ROLL FOR ROLLINS" Baiipt Slogis OP£NSTD£SDAY ..CAMPAIGN SLOGAKV Great Enthusiasm at Mass Sixty-five Workers for En- Oriando is getting ready foe atd W". Bofc, of Annual Meeting and Election Drive for Endowmeat Fund Meeting ia Orlando. Five dowment Launch Campaign what will undoubtedly be feha %%« i editor, who is at tbe Serai- of Officers Precedes Social In Qriando Began Last Night gest and best mid-winter iaVtfO|t-- tbe prizes at the Bach- Citizens will Confer With at Dinner Marked by Enthu- srical Contest on Thursday Event Which was Attended with Dinner at San Juasu Commissioners to Estimate siastic Speeches for Cause- icsl fair t&st%as «ver been IseiS is Feb. 24tb at 4 o'clock at by Large Number, of Mem- Twelve Companies witi Figures for Bond Issue. Will Telegram From P3c$«i<leBt Central Florida. The entire bn8- if-Hall and Major Alexander bers and Men Relatives. Sixty Workers out for $75,- Also Enlarge Court House. Ward Wishing SanecemL ineas section of the cfty is adorned he famous war correspondent, OfiHOT by Saturday Night. r ' with large flags and bunting for ; at the Delphic dinner at tbe A crowd oi people that • iilled tbe At Tuesday's big mass meeting Enthusiastim for Bollins and a de- Fair week which opens In ia Orlan- omroons on Saturday evening, place gathered at tho new Womaa'j termination to succeed marked she din- does Rollins m«sxi te in Orlando it was unanimously do Feb lo. Club hoaae last Friday, when open ner at the San Juan last night when 65 i= distinguished men of letters are house was kept by the Tiffin Twig for Orlando! Tills Is the qvtsstioa voted that a committee of five campaign workers gathered to launch This will be the eleventh anneal i Mr. Irving Baehellor and Mr. the members and tbeir men relatives. \ that is being pat up to the peo- from different quarters' from Or- tbe drive in Orlando. sub-tropical mid-winter fair • and it. Powell will come from Flor- The Helen Morse Ha)] had been beau- ple of that eitjc'thB rest of- t&fg. ange eounty prepare with ' the Mr. W,C. Comotock, state chairman exposition of five counties in Cen- enaa- |fa to be' gnests of Mr. and Mrs. tifully decorated by Mrs. Macdonald in week by- Chamafen. Donald A, made an eloquent speech, summoning tral Florida. Yolusia and Seaoi- 3ao! r during Founders' Week. yellow, the cinb color, and many com- count/ commissioners an estimate Cheney and his. «dmmHteet tho.people of Orlando to support Boi- nole counties report preparation8 pliments were beard on the enterprise of of the cost of the additional road Hns and reading the following message are appealing fo-rfife, 000 to for the biggest exhibitslin tbeir the women who had at last acquired BO improvements preparatory, to a from Pre3. George Morgan Ward, who is beautiful a home, .: the million dollar ehiio:win:e.nt bond issue. This committee will now at Palm BeAch: "My loviDg greet- histories. Orange couuty is pre- At the annual meeting held at 3:30, '.ox the college. - •, . ,;.,• . paring an exposition of its pro- b6 chosen by mass meetings in ings to (he friends of Kollios a&se • bled ffiLL ADDITION tbe chief features were reading of re- Beginning last night, with .». different parts o£ the eouaty 10 in conference. You hold the key to ducts that will greatly enrpass pdrts of officers. The meeting was pre- the college's permanent prosperity. It dinner at the San- Juan hot&Jf an«t thoss of former years. 'A. P. Soptt, of Boston, Mass., has sided over by Mrs. C. Fred Ward in the ansure fairness in decision as to could not be in better hands. Success, xtending through until Satnrday a lake front lot in the Zeall ad- absence from illness of Mrs. Djer. Mrs. •what will serve the best interests :ind God b ess von." The telegram was ,&nd 'will er ct a Datoh Colonial Ward read Mrs. Dyer's report, and .the night, the two divisions-which will heard with profound enthusiasm by the of the county as a whole. The en- it. Mr. Zeall has rented tbe following chairmen lead leports from make the "appeal, the .Blues unde*- gathering larging ot the court house will also Sercice firs ;se ia the Court to Mr. Apple.by their departments: Civic, Miss Grace O. Others who spoke were Donald A, division commander, FrankKn .0. be included in the estimate of im- wim ,,i#building a home on his lot in Ed wards; Child's Welfare, Mrs. L. A. n Cheney, chairmua of the Oriando cam- ; 5 Ea g, and the Golds uad«r division Coiwpbek a¥6QHe across from the DetwiJer; Bales and* Regulations, Mrs. provements. paign, who presided at the dinner, tha iommander, Paul T. Davis, will- League Bazaar WopWsCIub. DeHaven Bachelor; Twig Report, Mrs. Commissioner A. Schultz, chair- majors of the ihreo divisions,.Mrs. A.B H. W. Barnum. canvass the city in behalf of-Os- man of the Beard of County Com Whitman, Paul T. Davis and Franklin The bazaar at Mrs. Morse's The Dominating committee brought is landcc's quota- O. King, all of whom emphasized the lift DUDLEY MATTHEWS missionors, called the meeting to Guesthouse on Tuesday was a tbe following report for the officers for Because of tte vital place wiricii. order and William Edwards of importance of the campaign, and the tbe coming year, who were unanimously fact that Koliias students Jead in the great success, raising 8475.00 • OPENS KINDERGARTEN the college holds in tbe city's edu- Z liwood was elected chairman of elected: Mrs. John K. List, president; cummeicial ^and professional circles of for the work of the Church Ser- Mrs. W. 0. Temple, 1st vice-president; cational life and ol the benefits the citizens committee of five. Orlando and that lo B .presidents fi\ ss vice League 6t AH'Sain.t's/ Cta Monday, Feb. 7, Mrs. Dudley Mat- Miss Grace O. Edwards, 2nd vice-presi- which acerne locally from ths loca- A number of citizens and visit- leading Woman.,a dubs ate Kollins The rooms were beautifully dent; Mrs. Arthur Schultz, recording tion of the college ia Winter Psrkg- alumnae. tbewg opened a. kindergarten in tbe ors spoke commending the fine decorated with flaine vine and ifefUodlstCharcb. Sunday school rooms secretary; Mrs. G. E. Carrier, treasurer; thestati; executive committee, head- ' roads already built, and favoring A. F. Landstreet, of Butt-Landstreet Mrs. H. W. Barnum, corresponding sec- Co., one of the leading students of. the bamboo sprays and a very pret- Hfinrs are from 9 to 12. Urs. Matthews ed by W. C. Gomstoefe, %as €e- ' further imyrovements and their is 4 graduate of the Jenay Hunter Kin- retary. Mrs, &. L. Dyer was also elect- past decade and now one of the besi ty display of fancy articles, ral- ed "an honorary president. aided that the Orlando appeal is to semarks were applauded vigorous- known younger business men made a dergarten Training School, 2Taw York be made first- The coinmitiee feelg tines; sweets and flowers were fcitj, and wag at ODe time head of the The reports of the committees were ly. 'It was plain that tho good stirring talk for his alma mater—and on sale. all indicative of an active growing or- confident that the city will respond challenges between the divisions added 0ol| Trinity Chaieli Kindergarten, of roods taovemett is popular, from Mrs. L. B. C. List had charge Brooklyn. Telephone,425-C. ganization and showed a tremendous in ample measure and that wills one end s>f the county to the other. to the high pitch of untbusiasm that amount of work dons during the past marked the affair from beginning to of the fancy work table each a lead, the rest of th® aia'ter - Commissioner Schultz when year, Which has been the most import- •mil also respond and raise the end. helping her were Mnies. Follett, ant in its history. seen hare yesterday expressed him- Wilson, Freeman, Wheat and The treasurer, Mrs. Caldwell, was $150,000, which miistbe ddni" ba self as well pleased with the out- FOBTHlfiHTLI CLUB Miss Elisabeth List. commended for the bneiness-like print- ennowand Fab. 22n3. • '--*'''"•'," come of the meeting and said that Mrs. DeHaven Bachelor at the ed statement given to each member ac- 'Koli it up for Rollins" i» the tfa® spirit of progress evident in th e candy table was assisted Ay coantingfiorih,e_ large funds entrusted official slogan of ths eaiowmeal m~ HEARS ABOUT BANKS to|ier «are during tbe building of the people vt Orange ia very gratify •"••• . ' • • •••' ,;- Qrfaa^o aad aaa gsajikio iilustjta.- •''--'- , Jffts. 'diffe'beaiieA;- " "?-- r-'y"'' .-" Ing to the Board.' An interesting- -review of the Dr. Lippintiolit, cashier. iion of the slogan 8n<Ttfe give the 1 sway at the college Excellent reports were made by Miss The next- mass meeting will be progress of banking during the Many ^uyers were drawn tp. OH Friday afternoon st Bdjfards sod Mrs. Detwiier of the civics peopl« of the city an idea of the within a week, the date to be an last 50 years was given by Mr. Mrs. Hirsch's table where valen- and child -welfare departments, and Mrs. progress of the throe days, campaign nouaced in the daily papers. H. A. Wells, of Providence, be- tines were sold and the Miss#s with Mi g Eeeves, List's Twigreport of |724 83 'waa very which is to end Saturday »yenihgp 3 roundly applauded.' Lack of space for- fore the Fortnightly Club at its Brayman did a thriving- busi- rentsid the bungalow ».giant snowball will be rolled up meeting last Monday evening.
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