UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN AND NIC02AR ISLANDS HAND BOOK ON ANDAMANS DISTRICT 1991 sal Bureau iistra tio n ’■^rC'TvHftar P o rt B lair PREFACE The present edition of Hand Book on Andamans District is the third in the series presenting the important statistical informatioti relatirpg to various sectors of economy of Andamans District, The generous co-operation extended by the various Government Departments/Offices and other private agencies in making available the statistical information presented in this Hand Book is gratefully acknowledged. It is hoped that this publication will be found useful by the users. Suggestions for further improvements of the publication are most welcomed n ie p a d c D07865 Director (StatisticsJ A & N Administration Secretciriatf Port Blair, Liir A ,V !i ;;0.:.j:.l£MTftTION Ci;".:-; . I,! of Educstiouai Pi^nmog and Administration. 17-B, Srj Aurobhido Marg, N^w Dtlbi-110016 DOC, N o .......•t^'jrriTW 'S — ........................................ n c d w f i W s Table HEADING No. No. Andaman Island—^•neral Informition 1&2 AREA AND POPULATION 1 Ar«a, Sub-division, Tehsils and Villages In Andamans District 2 2 Population of Andamans District since 1^01 3 3 Population of inhabited islands 1981 Census 3—4 4 Tahsilwise Popuiatlon 5 5 Sex Ratio 6 6 Tahsifwise sex ratio as per Census year 6 7 Tahsilwise density of PopulatkJrt 7 8 Tribal population in Andamans 7 9 Kan dicapped Persons 7 10 Islandwise house and house hofds 8 11 House holds and scheduled tribe population 9 12 Literarte scheduled tribe population 9 13 Distribution of working tribal population 9 Table Heading Page No. No. AGRICULTURE 1 Distribution of Seeds in Andamans District 10 2 Distribution of Seedling in Andamans District 10 3 Distribution of pesticides in Andamans District 10 4 Distribution of fertilisers in Andamans District 10 5 Number, area and average size of operational holdings 11 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 1 Livestock and Poultry in Andamans 11 2 Veterinary facilities in Andamans 12 3 Animals treated in Andamans 12 CO-OPERATION 1 Co-operative Societies in Andamans District 12 2 Membership and Share capital of Co-operative Societies, 13 CIVIL SUPPLIES 1 Fair Price Shops in Andamans District 13 2 Storage facilities 13 EDUCATION 1 Literaty rates in Andamans District 14 2 Educational Institutions in Andamans District 14 3 Institution wise Scholars in Andamans District 15 Table Heading Page No. No. 4 Enrolment of Tribal pupils 15 5 Scheduled tribe students undergoing higher education in Andannans District 16 6 Scholarship awarded by Education Department to ST Students for various courses 16 7 Incentives provided to students in Andamans District 17 8 Incentives provided to tribal students 18 9 Teachers according to stages 19 10 Secondary School Examination results 20 11 All India Senior Secondary Examination results 21 12 Adult Education Centres and Enrolment of Adults in Andamans District 22 ROADS 1 Road Length in Andamans District 22 EMPLOYMENT 1 Employment Information and Assistance Bureau Applicants and placement 23 2 Registration and placement of Scheduled Tribes 23 FISHERIES 1 Fisheries in Andamans 24 FORESTS 1 Area under Forests 24 2 Outturn of major Forests Produce in Andamans Dist. 24 Table Heading Page No. No. INDUSTRfES 1 Industries in Andamans District 25 2 Snfiall Scale, Village and Handicrafts unit in Andamans District 25 3 Loan sanetioned to Industrial unit in Andamans 26 4 Industries according to typ« of activities in Andamans District 27 LAW AND ORDER 1 Police Stations/Out posts in Andamans District 28 2 Road Accidents in Andamans District 28 3 Crimes in Andamans District 28 MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1 Tahsilwise Hospitals and other Medical institutions with bed strength in Andamans Dist. 29 2 Medical Personnel in Andamans District 29 3 Patients treated ih Medical Institutions in Andamans District 30 4 Maternity cases attended in Andamans District 30 5 Sterilisation operation/IUD insertion in Andamans District 30 6 Registered death in Hospitals according to causes in Andamans District 31 Tstble Heading Page No. No. ✓ PQ8TS AN§ fELEGRAPH 1 Postal facilities in Andamans. D|^^riqt 31 2 Tahsilwise postal facilities in An(^^m#ns (district 32 3 Regionwise telephone connections in Andamans District 32 4 Tahsilwise telephone connections 33 POWER 1 Villages electrified in Andamans District 33 2 Number of electricity consumer 34 3 Installed capaci^ and geMration of electricity 34 4 Sectorwise electricity ccxnsumptkm in Andamans District 34 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 Motor Transport in Anct^m ^s Distjriqt 35 2 Motor vehigle \n Andjr?\|ins Distfict 36 3 Navigational Ai^si, in A^d^anrians Pistric^ 36 4 Cargo traffic by foreshore/Islands H'arbour Ferry Service 37 5 Passenger traffic by foreshore/inter Island Harbour Ferry Servtee ^ 37 TOURISM 1 Places of Tourist internal 38 Table Heading Page No. No. 2 Foreign and Domestic Tourist arrivals fn Andamans 39 MISCELLANEOUS 1 Commercial establishment and employment in Andamans 39 2 Films exhibited in Andamans 39 3 Religious places in Andamans District 40 ANDAMAN ISLAND—GENERAL INFORMATION Item Unit Particulars Location Bay of Bengal Length of Andaman Islands Kms 467 Average Width Kms 24 Southern most Island Little Andaman Northern most Island East Island Biqgest Island South Andaman (2021.00 sq. km) Smallest Island Aves (0.20 sq. km) IMPORTANT ISLANDS IN ANDAMANS GROUP Name of Islands Area (in sq. km) 1. South Andaman 2021 2. Strait Island 6.0 3. Baratang Island 297.80 4, Havelock Island 113.90 5. Neil Island 18.90 6. Rutland Island 137.20 7. Little Andaman Island 731.60 8. Peel Island NA 9. Viper Island 0.50 10. North Andaman Island 1348 11. Narcondom Island 6.80 12. East Island 6.10 13. Smith Island 24.7 14. Stewart Island 7.20 15. Aves Island 0.20 18. Interview Island 133.40 17. Prolob Island 13.10 18. l.ong Island 17.90 19. North Passage Island 22.0 20. Middle Andaman Island 1070 Highest elevation in Andaman District Saddle Peak (732 mts.) CLIMATE Actual Rainfal (in MM) Jafi. to Dec. 1991 1. Port Blair 3097 2. Long island 2754.70 3. May€rt>under 1647.4 4. Hut Bay 2438.7 POPULATION (1991 Census) (Provisional) 1. Total Population of Andanr»ans District Nos. 240089 (a) Males „ 132193 (b) Females „ 107896 Density of population (per sq. km) „ 37 Sex Ratio (No. of females per 1000 males) „ 816 TAHSILWISE POPULATION (1991 census) (Provisional) 1. Port Blair Nos. 122452 2. Ferrargunj „ 39135 3. Mayabunder „ 21513 4. Rangat „ 33295 5. Diglipur „ 23694 AREA AND POPULATION TABLE— 1 Area, Sub-division, Tahsils and Villages in Andamans District. Tahsil No. of census included Villages Sub-division in the (1981 Census) Sub-division 1 South Andaman (a) Port Blair 86 (b) Ferrar Gun] 79 2 Middle Andaman (a) May£’bunder 60 North Andaman (b) Rangat 70 (c) Diglipur 39 A re a A m pdpulatiqn TA&LE—2 Population of Andamans District since 190t Census Total % decadal Variation Year in Population 1901 18138 _ 1911 17641 ( - )2.82% 1921 17841 1.13% 1931 19223 7.75% 1941 21316 10.89% 1951 18962 ( - ) 11.04% 1961 48985 158.33% 1971 93648 91.18% 1981 158287 69.02% 1991 (Provisional) 240j089 51.68% AREA AND POPULATION TABLE—3 Population of Inhabited Islands — '’ 981 Census SI. No. Tahsils Islands Population 1 2 3 4 1 Diglipur 15702 (a) Narcondum 17 (b) East Island 72 (c) North Andaman Island (Part) 15352 (d) Smith Island 261 2 Mayabunder 13954 (a) North Andaman Island (Part) 5076 (b) Stewart Island 3 (c) Aves Island 2 (d) Interview Island 10 (e) iWidd^Fe Andaman Island (Part) 8863 AREA AND POPULATION Rangat 24289 (a) Middle Andaman Island (Part) 22696 (b) Prolob Island 13 (c) Long Island 1580 4. Port Blair 76329 (a) Port Blair Municipal Area 49634 (b) North Passage Island 155 (c) Strait Island 41 (d) Baratang Island 4575 (e) Peel Island 245 (f) Havelock Island 2600 (g) Neil Island 1560 (h) South Andaman Island 59167 (i) Rutland Island 772 (j) Little Andaman Island 7214 5. Ferrargunj 28013 South Andaman Island (Part) 28006 Viper Island 7 AREA AND POPULATION Table — 4 Tahsilwlse Population Male Female Total Percentage Tahsil 1981 — 1991 1981 — 1991 1981 1991 variation over 1981 Population (Provisional) (Provisional) (Provisional) Diglipur 8509 12763 7193 10931 15702 25694 50.90 <J1 Mayabunder 7792 11576 6162 9937 13954 21513 54.17 Rangat 13756 18074 10533 15221 24289 33295 37.07 Port Blair 44701 68702 31628 53750 76329 122452 60.42 15688 21078 12325 18057 28013 39135 39.70 a r e a a n d p o p u l a t io n ^ Table — 5 * Sex Ratio Census Year Andaman District 1901 197 1911 197 1921 146 1931 348 1941 433 1951 489 1961 554 1971 615 19&1 750 1991 (Provisional) 816 * Number of females per 1000 males. a r e a a n d POPULATION TABLE—6 ♦Tahsil wise Sex Ratio Tahsil 1961 1971 1981 1991 (Provisional) T. Diglipur 714 793 845 856 2. Mayabunder 543 707 7.91 858 3. Rang at 427 632 766 842 4. Port Blair n a 560 708 782 5. Ferrargunj NA 609 786 857 *No. of females per 1000 males. 6^ AREA AND POPULATION TABLE—7 Tahsil-wise Density of Population Density (Number of persons per square kms) Tahsil 1961 1971 1981 1991 (Provisional) 1. Diglipur 5 11 18 26 2. Mayabunder 4 6 10 16 3. Rangat 7 14 23 31 4. Port Blair ( 10 20 33 52 5. Ferrargunj AREA AND POPULATION TARLE—8 Tribal Population in Andamans Population Census Year Tribals 1951 1961 1971 1981 Andamanese 23 19 24 26 Onges (150) 129 112 97 Jarawas (50) (500) NE 31=^ Sentinalese — (50) NE NE Nicobarese — — ■— 745 NE: Not Enumerated Note; Figures in brackets are estimated figurej.
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