Page 4, Jne Ketrtever, vcrooer ' · 1'11'1 ltev.ievvs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Americathon' adds up to· stupidity, not satire By A nnelte Soirez of a mad<.'-for-td(·\i')ton movie. Jt'c., {'\'('0 Americathon takes plact· in the America chock full of TV 'tar~ . Riucr. Harvn of 1998, an America where people live in Korman, Fred Willarrl. and Ri<har;l their cars and jog or rollerskate to work. Schaal. all play m<tjor roles and P<"tt·t An America whose President is a laid-back Ma"hall mak<·s a cameo appearann·. lin· Californian who describes everything as fortunately for the produn-rs (hut not " incredible." An America in rlebt 400 for television vit•we"). the film will prob­ billion dollars to an Indian who made a ably n<•vet make it to TV because it ridi­ fortune producing jogging su its. cules the medium'> one great contribution It is supposed to be satire. It is supposed to humanity-the telethon. to he funny. In reality, all of this adds up On the big screen, the movie fails pri­ to mere stupidity. marily due to the fl at, superficial acting The basic premise of the film is that a of a ridiculous, mcaninglcS> scrip!. The ri ch Indian has decided to lend the U.S. only two highlights of the film (if you 400 billion dollars, then he suddenly can ca ll 1hcm that) involve rock s1ars decides he wants his money back. If the Meat Loaf and Elvis Costello. In I he first. government docs not find a way 10 raise M'eat Loaf ~mashed up the last running the money in a matter of weeks, the Arabs car left in America with a sledgehammer. and J ews (w ho sometime in the 1980s In the other. Elvis appears for just a joined 'together to form a new country minute, but the audience loves it. call ed the United Hebrab Republic) wi ll There is some sa lvation in all thi'>, pay the debt ant! take over. however. It is running with a film called The PJ:.(ls ident (played by Three's Com­ "Douhletalk," a film distributed with the pany star J ohn Riuer) call s in a media feature as pan of a short film showcase expert who tells him· that the easiest way which give~ independent filmmakers a to raise mo ney in the U.S. is to hold a tele· chance to screen their films nationallv. thqn. The Pres ident thinks ,the idea is " Douhletalk" is a funny, interesting 10- " incredible," and is seized with the in­ m inute film depicting the thoughts which spiration to call it the "Americathon." run through everyone's mind as a boy The rest of the film deals with the tele­ must make small talk with his date's thon itself and all the trials and tribula· parents while he waits for her to get Lions facing those involved in the extra· ready. vagama. Unfortunately, the price of admi sion is rather steep for ten minutes worth of Americathon has all of the exci tement entenainment. Progressive, punk hatS Happen define lull in~ By Debbie Browning (Vance) is the lecture by Richard B y Ron Amesbury masterpieces like A Passion Play, Thick ART Valeriani, NBC diplomatic correspondent Throu~h the \ears, a counlless numbe( as a Brick, War Child, and Benefit. Belated Switch, a sculpture exhibit by and author, that will be presented Oct. 10 of pro~ress" e rock groups have 1ried 10 In case you thought Jethro Tull was retired physicist Otto Weinreich of N.J. at noon at Towson State University in the c.tplllre a ptece of the marke1. On!) a few fading out of the picLUre, check out the will be on display Sept. 30-0ct. 19 at the Garrett Room of the Milton I. Eisenhower 'llnt~\es ha•e emerged. no ne with sound latest release Stormwatch is a typical Johns Hopkins University in the galleries Library. quaht' quue as superb as J ethro Tull. J ethro Tull a lbu m. But there's a twist. of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library. In fan. Jet hro Tull 's unique brand of The twist 10 ihis album is that Ian Gallery hours are 9-6 p.m. Monday­ MUSIC nHI>IC hasn't reall) been reproduced. Anderson is leuing the other members of Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday. For more Pianist, Alexis Weissenberg will be the T hetr roots go back 10 Ian Anderson in the group show their stuff. His acoustic info call 338-7160. guest soloist at the Baltimore SYmphony's tht• St'<llt's, where blues rock brought him guitar and flute dominate the previous Art Faculty Show, will be on display at second pair of midweek " Celebrity" hi\ 'ucce" In 1969. he formed J ethro works and don't real ly utilize his sur­ Towson State University in the Holtzman concerts at the lyric Theatre Oct. 10 and full rounding talents. Gallery of· the Fine Arts Building, 3rd 11 at 8:15p.m. For more info concerning In 1970. J et hro Tull released their first The albu_m gives you more of every­ floor. Opening reception Fri. Oct. 5 from tickets call 837-5691 . album entitled rl qualun~. which pro­ thing. More electric guitars, more key- . 7-9 p.m. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, The Baltimore Symphony's popular duced the cla,sic single bv the same name. boards. and more drums. This generall y Thursday, Friday 11-4. Tuesday and Friday " Favorites" Series will open Oct. 12 Th" first effort launched the group to­ adds up 10 be more interesting. Thursday evenings 6-9 p.m. Saturday and in the Lyric Theatre featuring piano '' .ud 'en e-.uly ~ u ccess. One track that stands out is entitled Sunday 1-5 p.m. Closed Wednesdays. soloist David Bar-lllan at B:1 5 p.m. For " other albums followed and then a " Dark Ages." The lyrics and the music ticket infor call 837-5691 . ~-r<atnt hn, pacl.. age. T heir consistency blend perfectly. If you're a Tull fan , you BOOK REVIEW ha' bet-n undemable, recalli n g- such won 't be disappointed. Nuclear Weapons and World Politics: SPECIAL INTEREST Alternatives for the Future, by D. C. Numism~tic Coin Show, over 100 coin Gompert, E. Mandlebaum, R.l. Garwin, dealers will display and sell their coins at and ).H. Barton, will be reviewed by Towson State University Oct. 12-14. For Edward Rubendall at TOwson State more information call 321-2244. University at 1 p.m. in Cook Library, The Color Mandala Theatre will give a Room 400-A performance exploring the medium of FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 WEDNESDAY~ OCTOBER 10 CONCERTS light and sound Oct. 12 at 6 p.m. at The O RL : O ctober Festival Carnival Quad, 12· Political Science Council of Majors: Towson Chamber Players will give a Great Hall of the johns Hopkins 4 p.m .. DH I, 7-11 p.m. lecture: Internship Program by Dr. performance under the direction of University. Ticket price is $3 . Pre-De n tal C lub-Genera l Meeting Harold Levy and Dr. john Boyle, LHIII, 1-2 Edward Palanker at Towson State The Baltimore Museum of Art will E'\1004, 1-2 p.m. p.m. University in the Fine Arts Concert Hall sponsor a performing arts series for GA-Lecture Sen es: Congresswoman left Studies Project, Sociology Council of on Oct. 7 at 8:15 p.m. children. Oct. 6 the French author and Barbara .0, , '-itkul si<J LHIIl , 1-2 p.m. Majors- Slide Presentation, SS103, 1-2 FILMS illustrator Michel Marionnet, of the )G - pecia h ems Comminee: Mixer p .m. SS212, 2-3 p.m. Hawaii Revisited will be shown at company Les Montreurs D'lmages, wil (B -\ D-Energize Commuter Cafeteria, Soccer, Stadium, 3 p.m. Western Maryland State College, Oct. 8 in perform tales in English about 9 p.fTl -1 a.m. Department of English-Lecture: Faculty the Decker Forum at 8 p.m. International children. The performance SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 Colloquium, Library, Special Collections Swept Away, a film by Lina Wertmuller, will be at 11 :30 a.m. and at 2 p.m. For info ome"' Tennis Tenn.s Co urts, 1 p .m. Room, 3-5 p.m. will be shown at Western Maryland concerning tickets call 396-6314. len· Cross Country. Fi e lds. 2 p.m. Ancient Studies Department College Oct. 9 in the Forum at 8 p.m. lasagna Dinner and the film "African udent l mtstries· Christian Rock lecture and Film, LHIII , 7-11 p.m. Queen" to be shown afterwards will be Concert· ' unrise F<\118 , - :30 p .m.-9:30 Protestant Campus Ministry: Close LECTURES held Fri. Oct. 12 at 6:30p.m. in the Relay pm Encounters-" A Inner Search: God Children of the World speaker series Town Hall, Arlington Ave. and Rolling Rd. pha Phi '\lpha Frate rmty-Evemng Get Within Us" Dorm I, Room 058, 7:30p.m. topic for Thurs., Oct. 11 is " Health Ti ckets •are $6 for adults, and $3.50 for Together- DI SCO Commuter Ca feteria. SGA lecture Series: John Marks, Topic: Problems of Children Worldwide," by children. Reservations end Sunday. For p ..-1 a m. The Manchuran Candiate. Gym I, 8 p.m. Lee Tawney, at 7:30 p.m., auditorium of more info call 247-4033. S DAY, OCTOBER 7 ONGOING EVENTS Mudd Hall , Johns Hopkins University. Square Dance, with a live band and caller 0 L-Qctober Fesuval Pool, 1-5 p.m.
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