GOP forum:.debate tames candidates Ritchko, Ringler differ on few issues By Mark Stuart The issues For the first time in the history of The two reiterated their stances on Bethlehem, two Republican candidates many of the issues that have been brought vying for town supervisor went head-to­ out through the media and at each of the head in a forum that broughttogether 130 candidate's community meetings. residents for an evening of no real sur­ Ringler's said he recognized the need prises. for improving existing roads and building Since the meetingThursdaywas more new roads to alleviate traffic problems of a forum than a debate, there was no way similar to those currently experienced on to gauge one candidate over the other, Rt. 396 in Selkirk. He said he would sup­ particularlysincethecrowd'sresponseto port the establishment of a road fund. the statements made by Kenneth Ringler Ritchko recognized the same traffic prob­ and Sue Ann Ritchko was about 50-50 all lems, but added one specific - safety the way from the opening statement to concerns about the Delaware Avenue the closing remarks. bridge over the Normanskill. The two fielded questions fro in a three­ :Soth candidates said they opposed the member panel on subjects ranging from American Ref-Fuel incinerator propoSal, controlling development and taxes, plans but for different reasons. Ritchko stressed for the American Ref-Fuel waste incinera­ her concerns over health effects of incin­ tor, traffic in Selkirk and developing an eration, the lack of information presented ethics code for town government. by the proponents of incineration and the The panel was comprised of Thomas impact that incineration and the resulting McPheeters, editor of The Spotlight, Jen­ ash would have on the air and landfills. nifer Bowen, reporter for the Ravena News Ringler said he was against the American Herald, and Sally Webb of the League of Ref-Fuel proposal because the town has Women Voters. Perhaps the only surprise already committed itself to the ANSWERS of the evening came at the very end of the program and that the American Ref-Fuel forum. In her closing remarks, Ritchko proposal does not have the ability to ade­ said "I certainly have been a team player quately meet the entire solid waste needs throughout this campaign. I appreciate of the four counties within the Capital the quality of the campaign that we have District. He said he agrees with the re­ run and stuck to the issues and Ken, gional approach ANSWERS has followed believe me, if I lose the primary, I am and said that American Ref-Fuel's plans going to support you on Nov. 3." are too large for the Capital District. The forum will be cablecast over the One issue the candidates clearly do not Bethlehem Channel on Friday at 6 p.m. see eye-to-eye on is town board district- and on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. (Turn to Page 9} (". Sl-'Cnes from Saturday's dance, spOnsored by Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited at Main Square, Delmar. Elaine McLain Barchittasaid one of Salvatore's age 13, was killed on her bike, by a Greenberg said 'that repeat D DWI awareness sons now suffer from seizures, drunk driver. Her mother, Cathy fenders are "getting bigger which may be due to the loss of his Spiezio, described Vicki as a child, bigger." (From Page J) been accepted to West Point. father. Barchitta said, "I miss my "who took care of everybody." Bethlehem Town Judge She said, "My son was six years uncle Sal." . She said/Vicki will never expe. Wenger said Friday he was.son. old when he said he wanted to go Roger Barchitta, also a victim, "Nowordscandescribethegrief rience her life, go to her junior he could not attend the meetinlil to West Point He only had two lost his uncle satvatore, age SO, and shock of this; said Marian prom, or have anything." but that he was willing to reQuii~ months to go." ki11ed by a drunk driver. Barchitta Shimel,wholostherhusbandAug. Betty Martin, organizer and misderneanor offenders to Trying to controf her tears said, "My uncle Sal was an Italian 30, 1987. speakerfor the victims' panel, lost future impact panels. inunigrant and father of four sons. Gleason said, "I still go to the "This is the most powerful cemetery every day. My mind tells His childhood dream had been to "My husband was healthy, and her daughter Michelle. Martin a good person, who cared about said, "!fyou break your arm orteg, to reach offenders, and I will me he will come back. but the come to America. It just didn't his kids. He has agrandson that he it heals, bet the loss of a loved one seen in court again; said grave tells me the truth." A week make sense to be snuffed out in Aiken, founder of Remove the place (America) he wanted to will never see." can never be healed." after Sean's death, the family re­ cated Drivers (RID). ceived a telephone call. Sean had be." On July 4, 1986, Vicki Spiezio, Cheryl Coleman, assistant Dis- trict Attorlley for Albany Ccunty, . Martin ended the evening witlj said that most of the offenders the words of her daughter Michl have had ')etween five and nine elle, "There is always a rainbow.'l DWl convktions. She said, "None "I hope this will be a new tool of the offenders are here bycl:oice. justice." NoOne Can I hope it will help them realize the Martin and Lalor plan to impact of t-heir behavior." with Foley within the next Albany County District Attor· weeks to discuss future DWl ney Sol GreenJ>erg said, "I think pact panels in the area. They Give' You A Better the panel !'Poke from the hearts, the response they have had and the offenders were tou::hed local judges and lawmakers Home Equity by what was said." been' positive. 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OFFER Hours: M-F ! am - 8 pm $tOO OFF t1ese services with Ih:s ad Sat. 9 alii • 5 pm Expire.8I181a9 PAGE 2 - August 30, 1989 - The Spotlight }A~.·fit Jockeying continues on airp-ort sale By Tom McPheeters "CDTA is not the perfect The bidding for the Albany "Owner," Wagner said Friday. "But C~unty Airport continued last Albany County it's the best owner that's available week with both"CDTAand British now." American attempting to sweeten their offers. Meanwhile, new be­ thority is proposing a $112 million hind-the-sceneseffortswere being Wagner said efforts are being investment in a new terminal with made to add Republican members made to revive a flagging proposal parking garage, with most of the to move the terminal to the east to the CDTA board to resolve revenue to come from fees paid by concerns raised by legislators in side of the airport. the airlines and the rest from FM grants. Saratoga County and elsewhere All of the bidding was compli­ that the board is not representa· cated by legalities and federal tive. _ regulations not yet clarified. New After the meeting, CDTA offi- questionswereraised,forinstance, cials ~ook pains to avoid the im­ as to whether Albany County could presston !}Ia~ they we~ rea~y. tho ·Wagner said CDTAalso has the use revenue from the airport sale start ~ btddmg war With Br!ti~ makings of a deal on fees with the to apply to reducing tax rates- a Am~·~ and Lockheed. Our airlines. "For aU practical purposes, plan that some say is designed to· posttion ts !hat when a!ld how the the airlines are going to build a subsidize the ballooning cost of paymel).t w!ll be made ts up to the People who are confused about the negotiations over the new terminal," he said. By con­ the Albany "County Civic Center. county, sruda CDTA spokesman. sale of the Albany County Airport may be equally confused trast, he said, the British Ameri­ Nor have local officials received a · by this sil(n. can proposal is not specific about definitive answer as to whether By Saturday, British American - how it will finance the acquisition private ownership would affect' wasbackwithanewcashdealand The Thompson plan calls for of the airport and start over.
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