3774 Petrol Prices

3774 Petrol Prices

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA N$2.60 WINDHOEK - 19 January 2007 No. 3774 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 4 Regulations regarding prices for the reselling of petrol: Petroleum Products and Energy Act, 1990 ........................................................................................................................... 1 Government Notice MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY No. 4 2007 REGULATIONS REGARDING PRICES FOR THE RESELLING OF PETROL: PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND ENERGY ACT, 1990 Under section 2(1)(c) of the Petroleum Products and Energy Act, 1990 (Act No. 13 of 1990), I make the regulations set out in the Schedule below. E. NGHIMTINA MINISTER OF MINES AND ENERGY Windhoek, 16 January 2007 SCHEDULE PRICES AT WHICH PETROL MAY BE RESOLD Defi nitions 1. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates - “petrol” includes any mixture of petrol with any other substance, which mixture can be used as fuel for the operation of a spark ignition engine; 2 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 No. 3774 “reseller” means any person who, whether he or she has a petrol pump in operation in terms of an arrangement with a wholesale distributor or not, acquires petrol directly from a wholesale distributor and sells it to any other person in the course of or as part of the activities of a business carried on by him or her, but does not include any such person in relation to petrol which he or she sells in terms of an agreement with a wholesale distributor only in quantities of not less than 200 litres at a time; “the Act” means the Petroleum Products and Energy Act, 1990 (Act No. 13 of 1990); “wholesale distributor” means any person to whom a wholesale licence has been is sued under the Petroleum Products and Energy Act, 1990 (Act No. 13 of 1990), and includes any person who is deemed to be a wholesaler, under that Act and includes any of the following licensed oil companies or traders: Pandu Trading Company (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/1/2000 Total Namibia (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/2/2000 Caltex Oil (Namibia) (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/3/2000 Bachmus Oil & Fuel Supplies (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/4/2001 Shell Namibia Limited - Licence W/5/2001 BP Namibia (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/6/2001 Engen Namibia (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/7/2001 LVW Boerediens - Licence W/8/2001 Kunene Net Oil Brokers - Licence W/9/2001 Namibia Fuel - Licence W/10/2002 Namibia Petroleum Trading & Dis tri bu tion (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/11/2002 Internam Shipping (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/12/2002 Internam Automotive & Fuel Supplies (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/13/2002 Jaco N van Dyk - Licence W/14/2002 Ombuga Oil Company (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/15/2003 Rhino Trek - Licence W/16/2003 Norwegian Seaways Namibia (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/17/2003 Namibia En er gy Corporation (Proprietary) Limited - Licence W/18/2004 Namibia Liq uid Fuel (Pro pri e tary) Limited - Licence W/19/2004 Namibia Prima Trad ers (Pro pri e tary) Lim it ed - Licence W/20/2004 Central Oil Namibia - Licence W/21/2004 Lia Hold ings (Pro pri e tary) Limited - Licence W/22/2004 Africa Legend Energy Na mibia (Pro pri e tary) Limited - Licence W/23/2005 Franchise Namibia CC - Licence W/24/2006 Namibia Future Petroleum & Mar keting - Licence W/25/2006 SANCOR Af ri ca Energy (Pro pri e tary) Limited - Licence W/26/2006 Namib Contract Haulage (Pro pri e tary) Lim it ed - Licence W/27/2006 Reselling price of petrol 2. (1) The prices at which 93 octane leaded petrol and 95 octane unleaded petrol may be sold by a reseller to any person at any place mentioned in An nex ure A is the price indi cat ed opposite the place concerned. (2) The price at which 97 octane leaded petrol may be sold by a reseller to any person at any place mentioned in Annexure B is the price indicated op po site the place concerned. (3) The price at which GASOIL may be sold by a reseller to any person at any place mentioned in Annexure C is the price indicated opposite the place concerned. No. 3774 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 3 Commencement of regulations 3. These regulations come into effect on 19 January 2007. Withdrawal of gov ern ment notice 4. Government Notice No. 218 of 14 December 2006 is revoked. ANNEXURE A (regulation 2(1)) Price in cents per litre Lead Unleaded Replacement Place Petrol Petrol 95 Octane 93 Octane AI-AIS 621 619 AMINIUS 625 623 ANDARA 607 605 ARANDIS 592 590 ARANOS 623 621 ARIAMSVLEI 621 619 ARIS 606 604 AROAB 614 612 ASAB 619 617 AUS 614 612 BAGANI 607 605 BEN HUR FARM 615 613 BERSEBA 614 612 BETHANIEN 614 612 BETTA 620 618 BRAKWATER 606 604 BRANDBERG 600 598 BRAUNFELS 600 598 BUFFALO (COC ONLY) 607 605 BUITEPOS 619 617 BULLSPORT 627 625 CHAMAITES 614 612 CHIEBELLA ESTATES 621 619 COBLENS STORE 615 613 CORDOVA 611 609 DANKBAAR FARM 619 617 DEI GRACIA (Otjipiro-Waterberg Lodge) 619 617 DEKKA CONSTR. (PAST USAKOS) 611 609 DEKKA CONSTR. (PRE USAKOS) 600 598 DERM STORE 617 615 DIKDOORN 616 614 DIPCAPDI SCHOOL 615 613 DONKERSAND 598 596 4 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 No. 3774 DORDABIS 612 610 DUIKERSVLEI 616 614 EENHANA 606 604 EKUJA 614 612 ELBE COPPER MINE 608 606 ELDERS 619 617 ENDOLA - OHANGWENA REGION 606 604 ENGELA 606 604 EORONDEMBA 615 613 EPIKURO 10 634 632 EPIKURO 3 634 632 ERNST MEYER SCHOOL 615 613 ETUNDA 610 608 FARM TRADOS NO. 92 613 611 GAMIS 626 624 GAMSBERG (COC) 603 601 GHANSIES 610 608 GIBEON 617 615 GOAGEB 614 612 GOBABEB (Desert Research Foundations) 596 594 GOBABIS 607 605 GOCHAS 623 621 GROOTFONTEIN 607 605 GROSSBARMEN 603 601 GRUNAU 621 619 GUISES 632 630 HALALI 624 622 HARDAP 614 612 HARIBES 616 614 HEKEL SERVICE 617 615 HELENA FARM 622 620 HELMERINGHAUSEN 608 606 HENTIES BAY 592 590 HOCHVELD 611 609 HOLOOG 614 612 ISABIS 614 612 K. E. 13 608 606 K.E. 3 610 608 KALKFELD 608 606 KALKRAND 615 613 KAMANJAB 619 617 KANDUMI STORE 597 595 KARASBURG 621 619 KARIBIB 601 599 KATIMA MULILO 607 605 KAVANGO RANCHES 607 605 KEETMANSHOOP 614 612 No. 3774 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 5 KHORIXAS 600 598 KLEIN KARAS 621 619 KLEIN MENASSE 614 612 KLEIN-AUB 624 622 KOBLENS 621 619 KOËS 614 612 KOMBAT 615 613 KONGOLA 607 605 KORRIDOR POS 13 625 623 KRANZBERG MINE 608 606 KRIES HOTEL 614 612 L B GARAGE 621 619 LEONARDVILLE 621 619 LEPEL STORE 611 609 LINYANTI 607 605 LITHIUM MINE 604 602 LÜDERITZ 614 612 LUHEBU DISTRICT 614 612 MAHANENE 606 604 MAKKANOR 615 613 MALTAHÖHE 620 618 MANGETTI 606 604 MARIENTAL 608 606 MIDGARD 606 604 MILE 108 TN 601 599 MILE 72 TN 596 594 MOKUTI LODGE 616 614 MOUNT ETJO 612 610 MUKWE 607 605 MURURANI 607 605 MUSESE 607 605 MUTJAVIKUA F 615 613 NAMIB RESTCAMP 605 603 NAMUTONI 618 616 NEI-NEIS 603 601 NEPARA 607 605 NEUDAM 606 604 NINA 619 617 NKURENKURU 607 605 NOMTSAS 611 609 NOODBURG 617 615 NOORDOEWER 621 619 NYANGANA 607 605 ODIBO 606 604 ONGANDJERA 606 604 OHANGWENA 606 604 OKAHANDJA 597 595 6 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 No. 3774 OKAKARARA 600 598 OKANDJATU 600 598 OKASHANA 606 604 OKAUKUEJO 618 616 OKAMATAPATI 600 598 OKOMBAHE 603 601 OKONGO 606 604 OMAFO 606 604 OMAJETTE CONCESSION 611 609 OMAPUMBA S/STATION 600 598 OMARURU 607 605 OMATJENNE 606 604 OMBALANTU 606 604 OMBIKA 616 614 OMEGA 607 605 OMITARA 614 612 OMURAMBA FARM 621 619 OMUTHIYA 606 604 ONDANGWA 606 604 ONDEROMBUA 621 619 ONDEROMPABA 619 617 ONHGA 606 604 ONGWEDIVA 606 604 ONIIPA 606 604 ONYAANYA 606 604 ONYUULAYE DISTRICT (Omyuulae Trading & 606 604 Investm Co) OPUWO 600 598 ORANJEMUND M95 (same as Keetmanshoop M95) 614 612 ORUNAHI 600 598 OSHAKATI 606 604 OSHIGAMBO 606 604 OSHIKANGO 606 604 OSHIKUKU 606 604 OSHIVELO 604 604 OSIRE 612 610 OTAVI 604 602 OTJIHASE 606 604 OTJIMBINGWE 608 606 OTJINENE 597 595 OTJITUUO 617 615 OTJIWARONGO 600 598 OTJIWARONGO POS 11 622 620 OTJOWIKAMBO 614 612 OTOMBOROMBONGA 600 598 OUTJO 608 606 OVITOTO 605 603 No. 3774 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 7 PALMWAG 600 598 PLESSIS FARM (NISWA) 617 615 REHOBOTH 612 610 REHOBOTH STASIE 611 609 RIETFONTEIN (UCHAB) 611 609 RIETOOG 629 627 RIETQUELLE-AMINUIS 625 623 ROSH PINAH 614 612 RUACANA 606 604 RUNDU 607 605 SAMBIU 607 605 SANDVELD 619 617 SCHLIP 621 619 SEEHEIM 614 614 SEEIS 609 607 SESFONTEIN 600 598 SESRIEM 635 633 SHADIKONGORO 607 605 SHITEMO 607 605 SOLITAIRE 603 601 SORRIS-SORRIS 607 605 SPITSKOP 600 598 SPRINGVALE 621 619 STAMPRIET 617 615 STEINHAUSEN 615 613 STOP 95 610 608 SUDERECKE 624 622 SUKSES 608 606 SUMMERDOWN 615 613 SWAKOPMUND 588 586 TALISMANIS 607 605 TARANAKI 617 615 TERRACE BAY 616 614 TORRA BAY (based on Terrace Bay) 616 614 TOWNSANDS 603 601 TSANDI 606 604 TSES 614 612 TSUMEB 606 604 TSUMKWE 607 605 TWEERIVIERE 630 628 TWYFELFONTEIN (Namibia Country Lodges) 600 598 TZOBAAS 612 610 UHLENHORST 619 617 UIS 603 601 USAKOS 600 598 VERGELEË 619 617 VOORSPOED 621 619 8 Government Gazette 19 January 2007 No. 3774 VUNGU VUNGU 607 605 WALVIS BAY 582 580 WARMBAD 621 619 WATERBERG 614 612 WÊRELDEND 632 630 WILHELMSDAL 606 604 WINDHOEK 600 598 WINDHOEK AIRPORT 608 606 WINSWINKEL 616 614 WITVLEI 615 613 WIUMSRUS 607 605 ANNEXURE B (regulation 2(2)) Price in cents per litre Place 97 Octane ORANJEMUND 629 ANNEXURE C (regulation 2(3)) Price in cents per litre Place GASOIL AI-AIS 636 AMINUIS 639 ANDARA 621 ARANDIS 607 ARANOS 637 ARIAMSVLEI 636 AROAB 629 ASAB 633 AUS 629 BAGANI 621 BEN HUR FARM 629 BERSEBA 629 BETHANIEN 629 BETTA 634 BRANDBERG 614 BRAUNFELS 614 BUFFALO (COC ONLY) 621 BUITEPOS 633 BULLSPORT 642 CHAMAITES 629 CHIEBELLA ESTATES 636 No.

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