339 Wrinen Answers DECEMBERS. 1991 Written Ans¥¥ers 340 [Translation] [Transiation] SHRIMATI RITA VERMA(Dhanbad): SHRIMATI RITA VERMA; The condi- Mr. Speaker, Sir, with your permission, I tk>n is more or less the same in the whole of would like to draw the attention of the House Bihar. We don*t feel that we are living in a and the Gtovernment to the Inckient of kki- society. It Is as if we are living in the utter napping of Kavita Solanki and the helpless* darkness of medieval period. The matter is ness of our society against the growing law­ worth conskieration that it is not the story of lessness especially in Dhanbad in Bihar atrocity committed on a single woman, rather it is a story of all the women who bebng to the Last month, on 25th November at 7.00 harijans society. The incidents of atrocities p.m. Shrimati Kavita Solanki was forcibly on women in general and harijans in particu­ kkinapped by four gonads and taken into a lar are on the increase in Bihar these days. motor car. Please remember that Shrimati The House should condemn this incident Solanki belongs to a mkidle class respect­ unanimously and the hon. Home Minister able family having three young daughters. should make a statement in this regard. I Their residence is in a densely populated also urge upon the Government that Shrimati mohalla. When her husband went to the Kavita Solanki be brought to Delhi for treat­ Police Statbn to bdge a report, h was not ment in All India Institute of Medical Sciences recorded for six hours by the staff of the on Government expenses and herstatement Police Station, and they behaved in an un­ be recorded in Delhi because there is danger concerned manner as if his wife was not to here life in Dhanbad. Moreover, she can kkinapped but a commodity like suitcase not othenvise get rid of fear. was lost. Not only that when police brought to the Polce Station for interrogatbn the SHRI LAL K. ADVANI (Gandhinagar): person whom Shri Solanki suspected, the Mr, Speaker, Sir, through you I woub like to workers of a particular political party at once have an information from the Govemment. got him released. The D.C and C.P. dki not The Pariiamentary Affairs Minister is sitting pay any attentbn to this inckient for two here. (Intenvptions) days. Finally, when I gave a notbe to the Police that if Shrimati Solanki was not traced SHRI RAM N AIK (Bombay North): He is by the morning of 28th a massive demon- standing. stratbn wouki be staged under the agues of B.J.P., the very next day, the kkinappers left Shrimati Solanki In an unoonsck>us state in SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: One is sitting and a rickshaw in front of her house. Shrimti the other is standing. Firstly, a discussion on Solanki is still in the hospital in a critteal Meghalaya was scheduled on last Monday condition. After gaining a little consck>us- and the Government had urged the House to ness on seeing even a male doctor she defer it for 2-3 days. It was not formally listed becomes again unconscbus out of fear. for Thursday but informally it was given to understand that there wouki be a discussbn She is unable to recognise her husband on Meghalaya on Thursday. In today's List andchikiren. As soon as she regains a little of Business Meghalaya is not there. IwouU conscbusness, she starts crying - Take me like to know when it woub be decided, be­ to Dhanbad. these people wiK sell me in cause whatever is to be decbed about the Varanasi". {Intenruptions) PresUenf s Rule shall have to be decided by the Government before 11th December. MR. SPEAKER: You are reading a Secondly, when there was adiscussbn about lengthy note. Delhithe day beforeyesterday, we discussed it with M.Ps also. Yesterday, there was a lEngtish] discusskm with the leaders of various par­ ties In the House and we felt as You have to be brief. tt.,.,{^temjptions) 341 W ritten A nsw e rs' AGRAHAYANA 14,1913 (S/IK4) Written Answers 342 [English] Sub-Editors of foreign origin. This is not at all wek»me. , Therefore, through you. Sir, I MR. SPEAKER: I am just told that the draw the attentron of the Ministerfor Informa­ Minister is going to make a statement today. tion and Broadcasting to this matter. Since I received it only one minute back. He will the Ministers for Informatbn and Broadcast­ make the statement at 4.30 P.M. Shrimali ing is not here and the Parliamentary Affairs Geeta Mukherjee. {Inten-upttons) Minister is not here, I request through you Sir, to draw the attention... {Inten'uptton) SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE (Panskura): Mayl have your indulgence SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOUDHURY please? (Katwa): He is here. SHRISRIKANTA JENA (Cuttack): What MR. SPEAKER: You think that he can about Meghalaya? hear only when he sits in his place. [Translation] SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: I wouki like to draw the attention oi the Minis­ SHRILAL K. ADVANI: According to the ter of State for Parliamentary Affairs and List of Business, that day was fixed for a request him to take it up with the Ministry of discussion on Meghalaya and with the per­ Information and Broadcasting. mission of the House none of these two topics was taken up for consideration on that SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE day. (Interruptions) (Bolpur): Sir, it is only a point of procedure I want to raise now. Yesterday I raised this [English] when you were not here in the Chair and the honourable Deputy Speaker was in the Chair. MR. SPEAKER: We will find out at that I know that it is not possible for the Govern­ time, he says. ment to respond in all matters which you were albwing to be raised during this period. SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: Sir. I But, Sir, at least some steps should be taken am also interested in Meghalaya because to inform the Members concerned !ater on as the Statutory Resolutton is in his name and to what Is the Govemmenfs response to also in my name. While supporting him, I am these matters. I hope, what is expected in coming to my subject. Matters under Rule 377 shouki also be ap­ plied to this. Sir, for some time there are attempts on behalf of certain newspaper owners of for­ MR SPEAKER: While I woukJ not re­ eign countries to enter into oollaboratk>n with spond to it immediately. I wouki discuss it Indian newspaper owners. It is reported that with you in the Business Advisory Commit- theownersof Finanda/Times of London are preparing to enter into collaboratton with one of the big newspapers of India If such SHRI BUTA SINGH (Jalore): Mr. collaborattons are aNowed, It will be harmful Speaker, Sir, the unprecedented hike in the for our country as weH as for our Journalists, fee of the students in the Delhi University is As it is , India is yet heavily dependent on not only unparalled but also it Is unheard of foreign news sources partkuilariy those of in the annals of the Universities. And the ^ Britain and America. Most of these sources educational establishments in Delhi have have their own angle, whch are not neces­ hicedtheirfeesalmoston 100 per cent basis sarily to the best interests of our country. which has greatly disturbed the students all over Delhi, the national c^^itaL On top of this, if foreign coHaborattons, as mentk>ned above, are allowed, then we Alargenumberof students called on me may have to see Editors and even yesterday and explained to me about the.
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