Listed Issuers: Sustainability Report or Integrated Report 1) The information below has been compiled from issuer statements found under subsection 7.8 ("Material long-term relationships") of 2014 Reference Forms (base year 2013) filed up to May 31, 2014. 2) List of issuers as of June 2, 2014. Issuer Data Releases Sustainability Reports or Integrated Reports Yes Corporate Name Trading Name Listing market No, because... Link provided by the issuer Direct acces to report (...) Despite these initiatives aimed to mitigate the impact of its activities, Abril Educação has yet to start issuing Sustainability Reports per se or other similar document. However, we do participate in the sustainability reports the Abril Group releases every year in accordance with the sustainability reporting guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, or GRI. ABRIL EDUCAÇÃO S.A. ABRIL EDUCA LEVEL 2 http://www.aesbrasilsustentabili dade.com.br/upload/file/relatori http://www.aesbrasilsustentabilidade. o/relatorio_79_filept_relatrio-de- com.br/ sustentabilidade-aes-brasil- 2013.pdf AES ELPA S.A. AES ELPA Traditional Segment http://www.aesbrasilsustentabili dade.com.br/upload/file/relatori http://www.aesbrasilsustentabilidade. o/relatorio_79_filept_relatrio-de- com.br/ sustentabilidade-aes-brasil- 2013.pdf AES SUL DISTRIB GAUCHA DE ENERGIA S.A. AES SUL Traditional Segment http://www.aesbrasilsustentabili dade.com.br/upload/file/relatori http://www.aesbrasilsustentabilidade. o/relatorio_79_filept_relatrio-de- com.br sustentabilidade-aes-brasil- 2013.pdf AES TIETE S.A. AES SUL Traditional Segment AETATIS SECURITIZADORA S.A. AETATIS SEC Traditional Segment AFLUENTE GERAÇÃO DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA S.A. AFLUENTE Traditional Segment AFLUENTE TRANSMISSÃO DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA S/A AFLUENTE T Traditional Segment (...) While Alfa Conglomerate does not issue sustainability reports per se, it does engage in responsible social and environmental practices (...) ALFA HOLDINGS S.A. ALFA HOLDING Traditional Segment http://www8.algartelecom.com.b r/ri/Download.aspx?Arquivo=Hlh http://www.algartelecom.com.br/ri GrrVlHscHnH0RYKihaw==&idcana l=sPyH5Z9OOw4UJ3UdKMeFTA== ALGAR TELECOM S/A CTBC TELECOM Traditional Segment http://www.aliansce.com.br/pt/C http://www.aliansce.com.br/ri/ ontent/pdf/RelatorioSocioambien ALIANSCE SHOPPING CENTERS S.A. ALIANSCE Novo Mercado tal_2013.pdf (...) We should note the Company is now in the process of completing its Annual Social Report, which as soon as posted in our website, will be accessible at www.all-logistica.com/ri, tag “A Companhia” , in the section “Responsabilidade Social e Ambiental” (...). ALL AMERICA LATINA LOGISTICA S.A. ALL AMER LAT Novo Mercado (...) We further note that, being a startup, the Issuer has yet to engage in sustainability reporting. ALL ORE MINERAÇÃO S.A. ALL ORE Traditional Segment http://ri.alpargatas.com.br/arqui http://ri.alpargatas.com.br/ vos/informacoes_financeiras/rela torios_Anuais/2013/index.html ALPARGATAS S.A. ALPARGATAS LEVEL 1 ALTERE SECURITIZADORA S.A. ALTERE SEC Traditional Segment (...) Whilst we do not issue sustainability reports per se or other similar reports, we do engage in multiple action-oriented initiatives to tackle the impact of our business operations on the environment, and our management of environmental aspects aims at mitigating and offsetting the impact of our operations on the environment. Nevertheless, we plan to adopt annual reporting of internal policies and practices regarding sustainable development, a project now in progress. ALUPAR INVESTIMENTO S/A ALUPAR LEVEL 2 http://www.ambev.com.br/investidor http://www.ambev.com.br/relat AMBEV S.A. AMBEV S/A Traditional Segment es orio-anual-2012/ http://www.ampla.com/ampla-e-a- http://www.ampla.com/ampla-e- sociedade/relatórios-de- a-sociedade/relatórios-de- sustentabilidade.aspx sustentabilidade.aspx AMPLA ENERGIA E SERVICOS S.A. AMPLA ENERG Traditional Segment http://rsocial.unianhanguera.edu. http://www.anhanguera.com/ri br/assets/docs/rs_2013.pdf ANHANGUERA EDUCACIONAL PARTICIPACOES S.A ANHANGUERA Novo Mercado ÁPICE SECURITIZADORA IMOBILIÁRIA S.A. APICESECURIT Traditional Segment ÁQUILLA SECURITIZADORA S.A. AQUILLA SEC Traditional Segment http://www.arezzoco.com.br/Do http://www.arezzoco.com.br wnload.aspx?Arquivo=8D/tobv3g AREZZO INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO S.A. AREZZO CO Novo Mercado SJp02olc7lKgQ== http://www.arteris.com.br/ri/Download.aspx?Arquivo=EckgqFlMM2iRth 1m9Bx+dw== ARTERIS S.A. ARTERIS Novo Mercado (...) Whilst it has not been possible to issue a sustainability report or other similar document for year 2013, we are working intently to release a report in the near future highlighting our Company’s main sustainability actions. AUTOMETAL S.A. AUTOMETAL Novo Mercado Whilst our Company did not release a sustainability report in 2013, we are moving towards gradually start reporting our actions in the near future, possibly beginning with a report, such as an annual social report, regarding sustainability-related information about our subsidiary. AZEVEDO E TRAVASSOS S.A. AZEVEDO Traditional Segment http://www.b2wdigital.com/hotsi http://www.b2wdigital.com tes/sustentabilidade2012/ B2W - COMPANHIA DIGITAL B2W DIGITAL Novo Mercado http://www.baesa.com.br/baesa http://www.baesa.com.br/publicacoe /publicacoes/relat_sust_11_12/in s/relat_sust_11_12/index.html BAESA - ENERGETICA BARRA GRANDE S.A. BAESA Traditional Segment dex.html#/6 (...) Bahema clarifies it does not release sustainability reports because of the nature of its business – that of an investment holding company. Our support to sustainable practices is expressed through investments in other public companies with established social and environmental responsibility policies, whose actions are conducive to sustainable development. BAHEMA S.A. BAHEMA Traditional Segment http://www.edp.com.br/conheca- http://www.edp.com.br edp/relatorios/Documents/EDP_ RAS2013_HD_v2.pdf BANDEIRANTE ENERGIA S.A. EBE Traditional Segment BANESTES has been engaged in implementing sustainability actions and is now considering the possibility of engaging in sustainability reporting, such as recommended by BM&FBovespa in External Communication 017/2011-DP (...). BANESTES S.A. - BCO EST ESPIRITO SANTO BANESTES Traditional Segment (...) however, we do not issue sustainability reports per se or other similar document. Nonetheless, given the recommendations of BM&FBovespa in External Communication 017/2011-DP, we plan to develop a sustainability report and release it as soon as practicable. BARDELLA S.A. INDUSTRIAS MECANICAS BARDELLA Traditional Segment BARIGUI SECURITIZADORA S.A. BARIGUI SEC Traditional Segment (...) we should note that while our Company does not release sustainability reports, it does engage in the practices set forth below (...) BATTISTELLA ADM PARTICIPACOES S.A. BATTISTELLA Traditional Segment (...) we note we have yet to start issuing and releasing sustainability BAUMER S.A. BAUMER Traditional Segment reports per se or some other similar document. BB Seguridade does not release sustainability reports. However, engaging in socially and environmentally responsible practices is one of our Company’s strategic priorities, and for this reason we are working towards adopting sustainability reporting (...). BB SEGURIDADE PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. BBSEGURIDADE Novo Mercado (...) while Banco ABC Brasil does not issue or release sustainability or other similar reports, it does engage in, among other things, responsible social, cultural and sporting initiatives, such as those set forth above. BCO ABC BRASIL S.A. ABC BRASIL LEVEL 2 (...) we are a member of the Alfa Conglomerate, which does not engage in routine sustainability reporting. Nonetheless, we develop and encourage responsible social and environmental practices (...). BCO ALFA DE INVESTIMENTO S.A. ALFA INVEST Traditional Segment http://www.bancoamazonia.com.br/ http://www.bancoamazonia.com. bancoamazonia2/includes/investid br/bancoamazonia2/includes/inv ores/arquivos/relatorio_sustentabili estidores/arquivos/relatorio_sust dade/rel_2013.pdf entabilidade/rel_2013.pdf BCO AMAZONIA S.A. AMAZONIA Traditional Segment http://www.bradescori.com.br/si te/conteudo/download/Downloa d.aspx?file=%7e%2fuploads%2f63 http://www.bradescori.com.br 5370721991269531-bradesco- ras2013-completo- BCO BRADESCO S.A. BRADESCO LEVEL 1 20140529v2.pdf http://www45.bb.com.br/docs/ri http://www.bb.com.br/ri /ra2012/port/ra/index.htm BCO BRASIL S.A. BRASIL Novo Mercado (...) while Banco BTG Pactual does not issue or release sustainability or other similar reports and is not planning to engage in sustainability reporting, it does embrace responsible practices in this area, including, among other things, those that are set forth above. BCO BTG PACTUAL S.A. BTGP BANCO Traditional Segment (...) while Daycoval has yet to start issuing sustainability reports per se or other similar document, it does engage in socially and environmentally responsible practices on three fronts: Social and Cultural Investing; Responsible Lending; Human Capital Sustainability (...). BCO DAYCOVAL S.A. DAYCOVAL LEVEL 2 http://www.banese.com.br/wps/ wcm/connect/c39ae3a7-a6cf- 4333-8046- c80be8330d10/Relat%C3%B3rio+ http://www.banese.com.br Anual+Banese+2013_Versao+FIN AL.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID =c39ae3a7-a6cf-4333-8046- BCO ESTADO DE SERGIPE S.A. - BANESE BANESE Traditional Segment c80be8330d10 http://www.banpara.b.br/Documentos/Balanço_Dezembro_2013(2).pdf BCO ESTADO DO PARA S.A. BANPARA Traditional Segment http://www.banrisul.com.br/bob http://www.banrisul.com.br/banrisul/ /download/RI/Relat%C3%B3rio%
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