2019 Baseball Record Book.Pdf

2019 Baseball Record Book.Pdf

BASEBALL • RECORD BOOK Individual Career Records — Hitting Batting Average (Min. 200 AB) Runs Scored Name Seasons Average Name Seasons Runs 1. Kevin Vogel 1985-87 .402 1. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 202 2. Greg Dowden 1983-85 .385 2. Branson Joseph 2006-09 166 3. Kevin Mailloux 2007-09 .379 3. Anthony Massicci 2013-16 165 4. Jason Rausch 1990-93 .374 4. Connor Panas 2012-15 162 5. Kevin Reimer 2007-08 .363 5. Jake Lumley 2014-17 155 Jason Kline 1996-97 .363 6. Ryan Stekl 2015-18 150 7. Sean Jamieson 2010-11 .361 7. Jose Torralba 2011-14 148 8. Matt Mazurek 2005-06 .355 Perry Silverman 2007-10 148 9. Ian Choy 2007-10 .348 9. Brian Burton 2008-11 141 10. Steve McQuail 2008-10 .347 Ian Choy 2007-10 141 John Miosi 1980-83 .347 12. Rick Foit 1993-94 .342 Connor Panas 2012-15 .342 Hits 14. Brian Rinolo 1994-95 .340 Name Seasons Hits Anthony Massicci 2013-16 .340 1. Jake Lumley 2014-17 259 16. Shayne Willson 2009-10 .339 2. Ryan Stekl 2015-18 258 17. Jimmy Luppens 2011-14 .337 3. Ian Choy 2007-10 256 Jake Lumley 2014-17 .337 4. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 254 Liam Wilson 2016-18 .337 5. Connor Panas 2012-15 247 20. Brian Hennessy 1994-97 .335 6. Anthony Massicci 2013-16 230 7. Branson Joseph 2006-09 227 8. Brian Burton 2008-11 220 On-Base Percentage (Min. 200 AB) 9. Liam Wilson 2016-18 219 Name Seasons OBP 10. Jose Torralba 2011-14 203 1. John Miosi 1980-83 .486 2. Jason Rausch 1990-93 .478 3. Sean Jamieson 2010-11 .475 Doubles 4. Kevin Reimer 2007-08 .474 Name Seasons Doubles 5. Matt Mazurek 2005-06 .469 1. Liam Wilson 2016-18 59 6. Greg Dowden 1983-85 .467 2. Ryan Stekl 2015-18 54 7. Ian Choy 2007-10 .456 3. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 52 8. Anthony Massicci 2013-16 .453 4. Connor Panas 2012-15 50 9. Kevin Vogel 1985-87 .452 5. Ian Choy 2007-10 45 Christ Conley 2014-18 .452 6. Branson Joseph 2006-09 42 Brett Siddall 2013-15 42 8. Jimmy Luppens 2011-14 40 Slugging Percentage (Min. 200 AB) Anthony Massicci 2013-16 40 Name Seasons Slugging 10. Connor Burke 2006-09 39 1. Greg Dowden 1983-85 .779 2. Jason Rausch 1990-93 .675 3. Kevin Mailloux 2008-09 .653 Triples 4. Todd Schell 1994-95 .650 Name Seasons Triples 5. Steve McQuail 2008-10 .631 1. Connor Panas 2012-15 13 6. Kevin Vogel 1985-87 .618 2. Jesse Kelso 2012-14 12 7. Sean Jamieson 2010-11 .592 Anthony Massicci 2013-16 12 8. Jason Kline 1996-97 .590 4. Gabe Baida 2003-06 10 9. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 .586 Jake Lumley 2014-17 10 10. Adam Donato 2007-08 .565 6. Ryan Coppinger 2011-14 9 Branson Joseph 2006-09 9 8. Chris Gruarin 2011-13 8 Games Played Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 8 Name Seasons Games Kevin Smith 2003-06 8 1. Ryan Stekl 2015-18 230 Greg Dowden 1983-85 8 2. Connor Panas 2012-15 217 Ray Jablonski 1977-79 8 3. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 216 4. Ian Choy 2007-10 213 Branson Joseph 2006-09 213 6. Jose Torralba 2011-14 208 7. Jake Lumley 2014-17 207 8. Anthony Massicci 2013-16 206 9. Brian Burton 2008-11 205 10. Christ Conley 2014-18 200 2 RECORD BOOK • BASEBALL Individual Career Records — Hitting Matt Mazurek Ryan Stekl Kevin Mahoney Home Runs Hit By Pitch Name Seasons HRs Name Seasons HBP 1. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 47 1. Jimmy Luppens 2011-14 53 2. Steve McQuail 2008-10 30 2. Christ Conley 2014-18 50 Brian Burton 2008-11 30 3. Ian Choy 2007-10 49 4. Kevin Mailloux 2008-09 28 4. Connor Panas 2012-15 41 5. Jason Rausch 1990-93 27 Liam Wilson 2016-18 41 6. Branson Joseph 2006-09 25 6. Ronnie Bernick 2011-14 40 7. Todd Schell 1994-95 22 7. Alec Cabello 2006-09 32 8. Sean Jamieson 2010-11 20 Branson Joseph 2006-09 32 9. Shayne Willson 2009-10 19 Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 32 Ian Choy 2007-10 19 10. Chris Gruarin 2011-13 29 Runs Batted In Name Seasons RBI Stolen Bases 1. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 187 Name Seasons SBs 2. Ryan Stekl 2015-18 186 1. Kyle Domogala 1999-01 57 3. Brian Burton 2008-11 174 2. Mike Krische 2012-15 55 4. Branson Joseph 2006-09 156 3. Branson Joseph 2006-09 54 5. Connor Panas 2012-15 155 4. Jose Torralba 2011-14 50 6. Ian Choy 2007-10 142 5. Jeremy Ross 1995-98 45 7. Brett Siddall 2013-15 135 6. Anthony Massicci 2013-16 43 8. Steve McQuail 2008-10 129 7. Connor Panas 2012-15 42 9. Jimmy Luppens 2011-14 128 8. Brian Hennessy 1994-97 40 10. Liam Wilson 2016-18 121 Jake Lumley 2014-17 40 10. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 39 Walks Ishmael Cox 2000-03 39 Name Seasons Walks 1. Anthony Massicci 2013-16 141 2. Christ Conley 2014-18 124 3. Kevin Mahoney 2006-09 116 Shane Zimmer 2011-14 116 5. Ryan Stekl 2015-18 109 6. Connor Panas 2012-15 106 7. Branson Joseph 2006-09 105 8. Jake Lumley 2014-17 104 9. Ian Choy 2007-10 103 10. Matt Novo 1989-92 102 3 BASEBALL • RECORD BOOK Individual Career Records — Pitching/Fielding Earned Run Average (Min. 60 IP) Wins Name Seasons ERA Name Seasons Wins 1. Jon Fitzsimmons (67.0 IP) 2011-13 1.88 1. Shane Davis 2008-11 35 2. Tyler Smith (147.1 IP) 2015-18 2.50 2. J.P. Stevenson 2015-18 27 3. Tim Krawczyk (130.1 IP) 1983-86 2.83 3. Devon Stewart 2012-15 24 4. Jared Kennedy (68.0 IP) 2016-Pres. 3.04 4. Alex Godzak 2013-16 23 5. Michael Ginther (63.2 IP) 2014-18 3.11 5. Mike Goemans 2007-10 22 6. Steve Biancofiore (114.2 IP) 1983, 85-87 3.38 6. Garrett Cortright 2011-13 21 7. Will Frank (66.2 IP) 2017-Pres. 3.38 7. Tim Krawczyk 1983-86 16 8. Garrett Cortright (275.2 IP) 2011-13 3.40 Rohn Pierce 2012-14 16 9. Mike Catanzaro (86 IP) 1977-80 3.56 9. Alex MacKenzie 2006-09 15 10. Tom Chester (60.1 IP) 1961-62 3.58 Adam Wertman 1993-97 15 11. Alex Godzak (257.2 IP) 2013-16 3.60 12. Rohn Pierce (239.2 IP) 2012-14 3.64 13. Norm Andrzejewski (87.2 IP) 1960-62 3.80 Saves 14. Joe DeMartino (132.2 IP) 1988-90 3.87 Name Seasons Saves 15. J.P. Stevenson (302.1IP) 2015-18 3.90 1. Iannick Remillard 2013-16 29 2. Jon Fitzsimmons 2011-13 22 Tyler Smith 2015-18 22 Lowest Opponent Batting Average (Min. 60 IP) 4. Shayne Willson 2009-10 11 Name Seasons Opp. BA Ryan McGorman 2006-09 11 1. Jon Fitzsimmons (67.0 IP) 2011-13 .185 6. Derek Zgoda 1992-95 9 2. Tyler Smith (147.1 IP) 2015-18 .191 7. Alex Winiewicz 2005-06 6 3. Joe Mamott (101.1 IP) 1993-94 .203 Brandon Bielecki 2014-15 6 4. Will Frank (66.2 IP) 2017-Pres. .206 9. Joe Mamott 1993-94 5 5. Jared Kennedy (68.0 IP) 2016-Pres. .221 10. John Davidson 1988-91 4 6. Derek Zgoda (67.2 IP) 1992-95 .227 Andrew Van’tWout 2008-10 4 7. John Axford (70.0 IP) 2006 .230 Tim Seil 2011-12 4 8. Nolan Hunt (112.1 IP) 2016-Pres. .231 Will Frank 2017-Pres. 4 9. Charlie Sobieraski (71.1 IP) 2018 .233 10. Eric Stolzenburg (70.1 IP) 2012-15 .235 11. Iannick Remillard (111.2 IP) 2013-16 .242 Appearances 12. Garrett Cortright (275.2 IP) 2011-13 .243 Name Seasons Appearances 13. Alex Godzak (238.1 IP) 2013-16 .244 1. Tyler Smith 2015-18 89 14. J.P. Stevenson (302.1 IP) 2015-18 .245 2. Eric Stolzenburg 2012-15 81 15. Rohn Pierce (239.2 IP) 2012-14 .246 3. Iannick Remillard 2013-16 74 4. Josh Marshall 2008-11 68 Ryan McGorman 2006-09 68 Fewest Walks Allowed/9 IP (Min. 60 IP) 6. Matt Weber 2006-09 66 Name Seasons BB/9 IP 7. Aaron Boag 2006-09 65 1. Tom Chester (60.1 IP) 1961-62 0.45 8. Marc Muoio 1996-99 62 2. Doug Carlson (90.0 IP) 1980, 82-83 1.90 9. Devon Stewart 2012-15 61 3. Rohn Pierce (239.2 IP) 2012-14 1.95 10. Mike Goemans 2007-10 60 4. Norm Andrzejewski (87.2 IP) 1960-62 2.05 Michael Ginther 2014-18 60 5. J.P. Stevenson (302.1 IP) 2015-18 2.17 J.P. Stevenson 2015-18 60 6. Shane Davis (364.1 IP) 2008-11 2.22 7. Iannick Remillard (111.2 IP) 2013-16 2.50 8. Andrew Kneussle (148.2 IP) 2016-Pres. 2.54 Games Started 9. Aaron Casper (109.2 IP) 2012-16 2.63 Name Seasons Starts 10. Devon Stewart (363.0 IP) 2012-15 2.63 1. Devon Stewart 2012-15 60 2. Shane Davis 2008-11 56 3. Mike Goemans 2007-10 55 Most Strikeouts/9 IP (Min. 60 IP) J.P. Stevenson 2015-18 55 Name Seasons K/9 IP 5.

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