Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 232.5 (8) A locomotive used in hauling a ible in daylight and darkness from the train referred to in paragraph (c)(7) of engineer’s normal operating position. this subsection when the locomotive The indicator face displays: and cars of the train are used only to (1) Markings from 10 cubic feet per transport logs. minute (CFM) to 80 CFM, in incre- (d) The provisions formerly contained ments of 10 CFM or less; and in Interstate Commerce Commission (2) Numerals indicating 20, 40, 60, and Order 13528, of May 30, 1945, as amend- 80 CFM for continuous monitoring of ed, now revoked, are codified in this air flow. paragraph. This part is not applicable Bind means restrict the intended to the following equipment: movement of one or more brake system (1) Scale test weight cars. components by reduced clearance, by (2) Locomotive cranes, steam shovels, obstruction, or by increased friction. pile drivers, and machines of similar Brake, dynamic means a train braking construction, and maintenance ma- system whereby the kinetic energy of a chines built prior to September 21, 1945. moving train is used to generate elec- (3) Export, industrial, and other cars tric current at the locomotive traction not owned by a railroad which are not motors, which is then dissipated to be used in service, except for move- through resistor grids or into the cat- ment as shipments on their own wheels enary or third rail system. to given destinations. Such cars shall Brake, effective means a brake that is be properly identified by a card at- capable of producing its nominally de- tached to each side of the car, signed signed retarding force on the train. A by the shipper, stating that such move- car’s air brake is not considered effec- ment is being made under the author- tive if it is not capable of producing its ity of this paragraph. nominally designed retarding force or (4) Industrial and other than rail- if its piston travel exceeds: road-owned cars which are not to be (1) 101⁄2 inches for cars equipped with used in service except for movement nominal 12-inch stroke brake cylinders; within the limits of a single switching or district (i.e., within the limits of an in- (2) The piston travel limit indicated dustrial facility). on the stencil, sticker, or badge plate (5) Narrow-gage cars. for that brake cylinder. (6) Cars used exclusively in switching Brake, hand means a brake that can operations and not used in train move- be applied and released by hand to pre- ments within the meaning of the Fed- vent or retard the movement of a loco- eral safety appliance laws (49 U.S.C. motive. 20301–20306). Brake indicator means a device which indicates the brake application range § 232.5 Definitions. and indicates whether brakes are ap- The definitions in this section are in- plied and released. tended to clarify the meaning of terms Brake, inoperative means a primary used in this part as it becomes applica- brake that, for any reason, no longer ble pursuant to § 232.1(b) and (c). applies or releases as intended. AAR means the Association of Amer- Brake, inoperative dynamic means a ican Railroads. dynamic brake that, for any reason, no Air brake means a combination of de- longer provides its designed retarding vices operated by compressed air, ar- force on the train. ranged in a system, and controlled Brake, parking means a brake that manually, electrically, electronically, can be applied by means other than by or pneumatically, by means of which hand, such as spring, hydraulic, or air the motion of a railroad car or loco- pressure when the brake pipe air is de- motive is retarded or arrested. pleted, or by an electrical motor. Air Flow Indicator, AFM means a spe- Brake pipe means the system of pip- cific air flow indicator required by the ing (including branch pipes, angle air flow method of qualifying train air cocks, cutout cocks, dirt collectors, brakes (AFM). The AFM Air Flow Indi- hoses, and hose couplings) used for con- cator is a calibrated air flow measuring necting locomotives and all railroad device which is clearly visible and leg- cars for the passage of compressed air. 703 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 244228 PO 00000 Frm 00713 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 232.5 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–18 Edition) Brake, primary means those compo- valve while in a conventionally braked nents of the train brake system nec- train. essary to stop the train within the sig- End-of-train device, one-way means nal spacing distance without thermal two pieces of equipment linked by damage to friction braking surfaces. radio that meet the requirements of Brake, secondary means those compo- § 232.403. nents of the train brake system which End-of-train device, two-way means develop supplemental brake retarding two pieces of equipment linked by force that is not needed to stop the radio that meet the requirements of train within signal spacing distances or §§ 232.403 and 232.405. to prevent thermal damage to wheels. Foul means any condition which re- Car control device (CCD) means an stricts the intended movement of one electronic control device that replaces or more brake system components be- the function of the conventional pneu- cause the component is snagged, entan- matic service and emergency portions gled, or twisted. of a car’s air brake control valve dur- Freight car means a vehicle designed ing electronic braking and provides for to carry freight, or railroad personnel, electronically controlled service and by rail and a vehicle designed for use in emergency brake applications. a work or wreck train or other non- Dual mode ECP brake system means an passenger train. ECP brake system that is equipped Initial terminal means the location with either an emulator CCD or an where a train is originally assembled. overlay ECP brake system on each car Locomotive means a piece of railroad which can be operated in either ECP on-track equipment, other than hi-rail, brake mode or conventional pneumatic specialized maintenance, or other simi- brake mode. lar equipment, which may consist of ECP means ‘‘electronically con- one or more units operated from a sin- trolled pneumatic’’ when applied to a gle control stand— brake or brakes. (1) With one or more propelling mo- ECP brake mode means operating a tors designed for moving other railroad car or an entire train using an ECP equipment; brake system. (2) With one or more propelling mo- ECP brake system means a train power tors designed to transport freight or braking system actuated by com- passenger traffic or both; or pressed air and controlled by electronic signals from the locomotive or an ECP– (3) Without propelling motors but EOT to the cars in the consist for serv- with one or more control stands. ice and emergency applications in Locomotive cab means that portion of which the brake pipe is used to provide the superstructure designed to be occu- a constant supply of compressed air to pied by the crew operating the loco- the reservoirs on each car but does not motive. convey braking signals to the car. ECP Locomotive, controlling means the lo- brake systems include dual mode and comotive from which the engineer ex- stand-alone ECP brake systems. ercises control over the train. ECP–EOT device means an end-of- Mechanical securement device means a train device for an ECP brake system device, other than the air brake, that that is physically the last network provides at least the equivalent secure- node in the train, pneumatically and ment that a sufficient number of hand electrically connected at the end of the brakes would provide in the same situ- train to the train line cable operating ation. Current examples include with an ECP brake system. skates, retarders, and inert retarders. Emergency application means an irre- Off air means not connected to a con- trievable brake application resulting in tinuous source of compressed air of at the maximum retarding force available least 60 pounds per square inch (psi). from the train brake system. Ordered date or date ordered means the Emulator CCD means a CCD that is date on which notice to proceed is capable of optionally emulating the given by a procuring railroad to a con- function of the pneumatic control tractor or supplier for new equipment. 704 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 244228 PO 00000 Frm 00714 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 232.5 Overlay ECP brake system means a qualified mechanical inspector shall be brake system that has both conven- a person whose primary responsibility tional pneumatic brake valves and ECP includes work generally consistent brake components, making it capable with the functions listed in this defini- of operating as either a conventional tion. pneumatic brake system or an ECP Qualified person means a person who brake system. This brake system can has received, as a part of the training, operate in either a conventionally qualification, and designation program braked train using the conventional required under § 232.203, instruction and pneumatic control valve or in an ECP training necessary to perform one or braked train using the ECP brake sys- more functions required under this tem’s CCD. part. The railroad is responsible for de- Piston travel means the amount of lin- termining that the person has the ear movement of the air brake hollow knowledge and skills necessary to per- rod (or equivalent) or piston rod when form the required function for which forced outward by movement of the the person is assigned responsibility.
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