Ni HOLLYWOOD Put SEX Into RADIO? SEPTEMBER °FADDEN _ICATION ACIE ALLEN by Tchetchet he secret behind JOE PENNER'S comeback he . comic tragedy of9if real brother PHYSICAL CULTURE RESORT Where Building Health is a Happy Game I F you or some member of your family has a knotty I health problem, by all means investigate the Physical Culture Health Resort where hundreds of amazing recoveries have taken place. Controlled by the Bernarr Macfadden Foundation this is the largest health center in the world where every health regimen is administered in full accordance with natu- ral law and consequently receives the complete co- operation of Nature in whose power it is to remedy most of the weaknesses that inflict themselves upon humanity. Located in the heart of the gorgeously beautiful Genesee country of western New York, its WHAT ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNS THINKS surroundings are ideal. Fellowship and friendliness OF PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL abound. None of the depressing air of pain and My deor Mr. Macfodden: -I con never thonk you enough for my wonderful misery so common at many health resorts. Here two weeks ot Physical Culture Hotel. You hove something there which doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. It is altogether remorkoble. building health is a happy game. A delightful place I enjoyed it and benefited greotly by it. to spend a few days or weeks in rest, recreation or To show you how much I think of Donsville I om bringing my mother an health training. To sufferers from foot ailments Mr. from Colifornio for a three months' stay. I om so onxious that she should hove the odvontoges of your institution, os she hos been everywhere and Macfadden announces the opening of a foot clinic continues to be more or less of on involid with orthritis. I know she con be at Physical Culture Hotel where excellent results cured ot Dansville. With grotitude for my wonderful experience there. Sincerely, are being obtained. Write for full information, ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNS. moderate rate schedule and details regarding SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS some of the almost miraculous recoveries that have taken place here. Among the many facilities for personal enjoyment available at Physical Culture Hotel are a splendid swimming pool, ten- nis, golf, volley ball, dancing, mass singing and horseback DANIEL FROHMAN, FAMOUS THEATRICAL PRODUCER, riding. Everything possible is done to make your visit not only ENTHUSIASTIC OVER PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL a wonderful adventure in healtfi Ljild;ng but one of the hap- piest vacations you ever spent. "I have never seen o more delightful ploce. And if ,hos been so highly commended by its guests who were taking the treatment there. It is the most picturesque and delightful heolth resort I hdve ever seen onywhere in this country or abrood, and I hope it will always prove a success, and MAIL COUPON TODAY make you feel happy aver the splendid results you are ochieving for the of those wha need its benefit service." DANIEL FROHMAN. Physical Culture Hotel, Inc., Dept. WG -9 Donsville, New York. PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL Pleose send me full information including moderote rote schedule. INCORPORATED DANSVILLE NEW YORK Name Note: The New Deauville Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, opened as a pleasure resort last winter, will be ready in the early Fall to give the same health Street building regimens that have been so phenomenally successful in Dansville. For further information write New York Information Bureau, Room 1517, Chorin Building, New York, N. Y. Town Stote ii HOWII$ COP A SOCIALITE '054P/610- .) AND A DENTIST CLASH SAYS SAYS '1\POLITE SOCIETY OVER A LAMB CHOP MODERN DENTIST i (But the civilized way to build firm gums is IPANA and MASSAGE) OU'R RIGHT -quite right. This is a Today's soft foods rob our gums of the of Ipana Tooth Paste and massage. I social crime! The girl is a barbarian vigorous chewing they need for sturdy It is very simple to rub a little extra -a social outlaw! But before you dismiss health. Denied this natural work and Ipana into your gums every time you her -before you turn the page -listen to exercise, they grow flabby, tender, sensi- brush your teeth. You'll soon feel a tin- the frank opinion of a modern dentist. tive! And when they signal that sensi- gle of new circulation -new life. Gums "A crime? Nonsense! I hope millions tiveness, when they flash that warning look better, feel firmer. They show a of people see this picture! It may be "tinge of pink" -see your dentist. grateful response to this new stimulation. shocking to some people but, from my "Pink tooth brush" doesn't always For Ipana is especially made to benefit professional viewpoint, it's a perfect les- mean that you are in for serious trouble your gums as well as clean your teeth. son in the proper care of the teeth and -but your dentist should be the judge. Young or old-play safe. Even before gums. If more people chewed as vigor- Usually it only means gums under - you have a first warning of danger,adopt ously, there would be a lot less evidence worked and over- sensitive -gums that this modern dental health routine. You'll of tender, ailing gums -of that serious need exercise -gums that will quickly certainly be far safer from the really seri- dental warning-`pink tooth brush'." respond to the healthful stimulation ous gum trouble.. massage IPANA plus ablest is the dentist's core in the home assistant gums. teeth and of your 1 FRED R. SAMMIS, EDITOR BELLE LANDESMAN, ASS'T EDITOR SEPTEMBER -1936 VOL 6 -N.O 3 WALLACE H. CAMPBELL, ART EDITOR SPE CIAL FEATURES COMING IN THE OCTOBER ISSUE Strange Ways the Stars Spend Their Fortunes Jean Pelletier 19 Hearses, milk farms, night clubs and flat irons are just a few! On Sale August 26 Will Hollywood Put Sex Into Radio? John Edwards 20 The Comic Tragedy of Gracie Allen's Real Brother .. Pauline Swanson 22 Her most famous gag nearly ruined his whole life The Secret Behind Joe Penner's Radio Comeback Dan Wheeler 26 As revealing and significant a story about him as you'll ever read Begin the Life Story of Bob Burns, Arkansas Traveler Dorothy Ann Blank 28 Radio's newest star has lived a dramatic rags -to- riches life Are You Keeping Young? Dorothy Brooks 32 A famous woman author challenges you with daring questions The Love That Saved Fibber McGee . Ed Lewis 34 Fibber was doomed to mediocrity until his wife The Fascinating Behind -the -Scenes Story of Boake Carter Claude Haring 36 His own announcer tells you things you never knew before Broadcasting Those Marriage Blues' Lester Gottlieb 41 Will Husbands and Wives be radio's newest novelty craze? Ken Murray Wasn't Funny to His Father Norton Russell 42 The poignant story of a father who thought his son would fail him You hear them on the air and you love Backstage on the White Rabbit Line Aletha Shoemaker 44 their mad humor, but what would it be All about Milton Cross' Children's Hour like to be married to such a zanie as Learn Homemaking from the Stars Ruth Geri 46 Stoopnagle or Budd? Next month, the Hal Kemp has a message for housewives with modern ideas Colonel's bride tells you in as heart They Talk Themselves Into Trouble Bill Stuart 48 warming a story as you'll ever read... Hilarious moments when announcers regretted their gift of gab And watch for the cover of Lanny Ross. UNUSUAL DEPARTMENTS Reflections in the Radio Mirror 4 A word or two from the Editor ADDED ATTRACTIONS The Critic on the Hearth Weldon Melick 5 A new list of program reviews Behind Closed Doors II What's New on Radio Row Jay Peters 6 Gallery of Stars The studios are full of elaborate plans for fall Fred Astaire 16 Coast-to -Coast Highlights John Skinner 8 Joan Marsh Meet your local favorites in this up -to -date department 30 Frances Stevens 31 What Do You Want to Say? IO Brickbats or bouquets -your letters can win cash prizes Presenting: Your Pictures -of-the -Month 24 Facing the Music Ken Alden 12 Benny Take a Bow 50 Keep Cool with Gelatin Dishes Mrs. Margaret Simpson 15 On the spot pictures of radio's new master of ceremonies For Your Radio Scrapbook 38 The Pageant of the Airwaves in sparkling new form Radio Mirror Rapid Program Directory 52 COYEti, First Aids to Beauty Joyce Anderson 54 -PORTRAIT OF GRACIE ALLEN What Do You Want to Know? The Oracle 90 BY TCHETCHET RADIO MIRROR (Copyright 1936) is fully protected by copyright and the contents of this magazine may not be reprinted, either wholly or in part without permission. Published monthly by Macfadden Publications, Inc., Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. General offices, 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Editorial and advertising offices, Chanin Building, 122. East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Bernarr Macfadden, President; Wesley F. Pape, Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Entered as second class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price in United States and Canada $1.00 a year;,l0c a copy. In U. S. Possessions, Newfoundland, Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and possessions, and Central and South American countries excepting British Honduras. British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year; all other countries $2.50 a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, every effort will he made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by 1st class postage.
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