12324 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4 OCTOBER, 1919. Lt. Gordon Hutchinson Osmaston, R.E., touch with another division, but found that attd. 42nd (E. La-nc.) Sig. Coy., R.E., T.F., there were still eiiemy on that flank. He attd. H.Q., 211th (E. Lane.) Bde., R.F.A., advanced against them, sniping with his T.F. revolver, which caused them, to retire. He At Briastre on 20th October, 1918. was then able to get in touch with the divi- While acting as signal officer to 42nd Divi- sion on that flank. sional Artillery, he laid and maintained wires under very heavy shell and machine- Lt. (A./Capt.) Frederick Cyril Papworth, gun fire with a complete disregard, for his 2nd Bn., North'n R. personal safety. He successfully maintained He handled his company with the greatest communication with artillery headquarters, skill during an. attack on Auby on 13th which greatly contributed to the complete October, 1918. One of his platoons having success of the operations. become isolated, he immediately went for- ward, under heavy machine-gun fire, and Lt. Gerald Patrick O'Sullivan, R. Dub. readjusted the situation. His personal ., Spec. Res., attd. 2nd Bn. gallantry was conspicuous throughout. As signalling officer on the 17th and 18th October, 1918, north-east of St. Benin, he Lt. Percy Horace Parker, E. Hid. of York showed cool courage and. skill-in maintain- Yeo. and M.G. Corps (Cavalry). ing communication by telephone from batta- (EGYPT) lion headquarters to the companies in the For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to firing line. All the lines passed through duty on the 27th September, 1918, at El the village of. St. Benin, which was kept Remte, when, having had one gun team put: under very heavy fire during the whole o-f completely out of action by heavy rifle and the operations. They were constantly cut, machine-gun fire, he supplied the gun with and on two occasions he mended the wire ammunition and thereafter kept it in action, himself. firing it himself with good effect. Lt. Harold Robert Oswald, 4th Bn., Welsh R., T.S., attd. 13th Bn. T./iCapt. Edward Marshall Parkinson, For great gallantry and initiative before North'd Fus., attd. 9th Bn. and during the attack north of Le -Gateau on When in command of his company during the 19th, 20th, and 21st October, 1918. the operations from 24th October to 1st He was indefatigable on the night of November, 1918, at Bermerain and Mares- 19th/20th October in carrying out recon- ches, he showed great leadership and cour- naissances across the [River Selle in face of age, especially on the 1st November, when the enemy, who was holding positions on the his role was to bridge the River Rhonelle east bank in great strength. During the and mop up the southern part of Maresches. attack he rushed an enemy machine gun with He carried this out admirably in the face of a few men whom he collected, killing the strong opposition, and later took his com- crew and capturing the gun. pany forward to a threatened flank, and held the east part of the village until reinforced. T./Lt. Launcelot Owen, 183rd Tunnelling Coy., R.E. T./2ndLt. John James Parry, E. Lan. R., On the 7th October, 1918, in preparation attd. l/5th Bn., T.F. for a night attack near MaHncourt, he was Near Miraumont, on 24th August, 19IS, attached to brigade headquarters for the during the assault that captured the village, purpose of searching for mines and booby he was in command of one of the leading traps. He crept forward, under heavy fire, platoons. He led his men with great dash to some dug-outs which were between our in face of heavy fire, and largely contributed lines and the enemy's, and examined to obtain the speedy surrender of several and reported on them, with the consequence hundred prisoners. He was severely that they were occupied and our line ad- wounded near Riencourt on 30th August vanced. Throughout the operations from after doing most gallant work. thei 8th to 22nd October, he showed great gallantry and energy. 2nd .Lt. John Clifford Spenser Parsons, R.F.A. (iS.R.), attd. C/12-2nd Bde. Near Le Cateau, 011 10th October, 1918, Lt. Will George Frederick Owen-Morris, 1 he advanced his section into action over the M.B., R.A.M.IC ., Spec. Res., attd. 2nd Bn., crest and in full view. The lead horses Leans. R. were shot, but he cleared the teams and For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to engaged hostile transport and retiring duty on the 14th October, 1918, near parties of the enemy at close range. Ledeghem. Seeing a man fall wounded, he Later the officer controlling the fire turned back, and for over half an hour re- of the battery was killed; and, having' mained working in a shell and bullet swept established direct observation, he did excel- zone without any cover, attending to this lent work in engaging all movement. He man and others before himself moving to a displayed throughout great courage and pill-box a short distance away. initiative. T./2nd Lt. Arthur Stuarfc Page, 8th iCorps Lt. Herbert John Partridge, l/4th Bn., Cyc. Bn., A. Cyc. Corps. Leic. R., T.F. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative. In the attack 011 29th September, 1918, On 23rd October, 1918, he was in charge of near Bellenglise, he showed great coolness the cyclists advancing along the Cobray- and initiative in leading his platoon when the Odomez road in front of the 8th Division. company was held up by heavy enemy fire, He went forward to try and re-establish thus enabling his company to move forward.
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