
J\ttorlJtC of ,ort ~t. ~torgt DESPATCHES FROM ENGLAND 1750-51 Volume LIV • • MADRAS PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS 1932 'f1, L " <&-n 'J..( , L... F7.54 6, 2207 PREFATORY NOTE This volume contains all letters and papers received from England in 1750-175L 'The documents are printed in the order in which they are found in volume No. M -of the series known as " Public Despatches from England." The years adopted in dating the letters are what are called" Old Civil Years," and to convert a date of the old style into the corresponding historical date, the following rules should be observed:- (t) When any date from 1st January to 24th March (inclusive) is followed by figures denoting a single year, add one to them. Example-25th February 1690 = 25th February 1691. (2) When any day from 25th March to 31st December (inclusive) is followed by figures denoting a single year, make no alteration. Example-25th June 1690 = 25th June 1690. (3) When any day in the year is followed by figures denoting two years, adopt the second of these two. Example-25th February 1690-91 = 25th February 1691. 25th June 1690-91=25th June 1691. The original manuscript volume has been mended in this office and is in a fair state of preservation. MADRAS RECORD O.B'FIOB, EGMORE, P. MACQUEEN, 11th Augu8t 1932. Curator. LIST OF PAPERS IN· THIS BOOK.· 1. List of the Companys Packet 'fj} Dragon 2. Fort St. George 3. Essex 4. Cresar 5. Triton 6. Scarborough 7. Hardwicke 8. Warwicke 9. DtUte of 1)orset 10. Wager l r 11. Gen • Letter dated 28U1. Nov • 1750 12. 13. To Benj: Robins Esq. H. Copy Additional Genl, Letter 6th. Febry. 1750 15. Companys Do, 13 Mar. 16. to Mr. Ro bins th r 17. List of Investment 28 . Nov • 18. Copy Gent. Letter to F'. Marlbro' 19. Manifest of Goods & Merchdze 'fj} Dragon 20. Fort St. George 21. Essex 22. Cresar 23. Triton 24. Scarbro' 25. Hardwicke 26. Warwicke 27. Duke of Dorset 28. Wager 29. Manifest of private Sil.ver'fj} Dragon 3~ E~~ 31. Scarbro' 32. Hardwicke 33. DtUte of Dorset 34. Manifest of private Silver'liJ' Wager 35. Warwick for BengalI. 36. Acct. of Goods over & want!, by the ships arriv'd from Fort St. David. in 1750 1750-51-B ii '137. Assay of Rup", & Pag", recd from Ft. St, David ~ RI. Geo in 1750 tl 38, Copy remarks on the Acc • of Mr, Wm. Belches :i39. Victualling Bill for a Ship of 499 Tons 40. Companys Indulgence 41. List of 41 Soldiers ~ Essex 42. 57 -- Triton 43. 65 - - Warwick 44. 2f) J.Jascars ~ Cresar ,45. 35 -",' - Triton 46. 27 - - Essex 4 7. List of Arrival & Departure of shipping th .:48. Letter from Madeira dated 5 • Febry. 1751. INDEX PAGB PAGll" A •. B-conf. Abdallah 67 Bombay 2, 3, 8, 10, 15, 20,. Abraham, Mr. • • 36, 38, 39, 41, 49, 52 81,67 Acton, Capt. John 14 Bombay, Thomas 66· Adams, George 9,32 Bonham, Pinson • • 42 AdmiraZ Vernon 67 Bookey, William 67' Adriatick Se~ 14 Boon, Henry 83· Allen, Henry 43,46 Boon, Hezekiah • • 65 Ancelvis 66 Boscawen, Admita! •• . 13, 19, 33, 57 Angria 31 Boulton, Henry Crabb •• 1;.....7. 35, 36, 38, 40, Angus 64 41, 44, 46, 47, 5t1, .An8on 4-8, 31, 32, 67 53, 60, 64, 66, 67 Antonia de Medeiros, Bonrchier, Cl1arles •• 44,45,58· Mr.. 22 Bonrchier, James 6,20 Antonio, John 66 Bowden, Stephen . 64 Aaauzsr 67 Bower 66 Ayof, Bay of •• 14.24,32 Bradley, Johu 64 Brama, William 65 B Braund, Will 12, 26, 27. 30, 34 Bravalaw 66 Baddison, Thomas 45 . Brickenden, Riohard •• 11,20- Bailey, James 66 Brimble, Daniel 64 Bailey, Stephen 65 Bristol [Bristoll] 63-65 Baintree ·. 63 Britain, James 63 Baker, Soloman 41 Broadley, Henry 67 Baptista, John ••.. 66 Brohier, MI'.•• 27 Barkshire [Berkshire]. ~ 63,64 Bromley, Richard 63 Barnard, Thomas •• 65 Brooke, Henry 20 Baron, Cap:. Ran-· Brooke, Robert . 39 dolph •• 15.51 Brown, William •• 48 Barrett, Lawrence 66 Browne [Brown] •• Barwell, Richard ..' . 52 Thomas 36,49,53 Ba8ili8k .. ~ . 58 Buohannan, John 63 :Batavia 4, 5. 7, 15. 32 Buokey, Robert 64 Batson, Stanlake ..' . 45 Buckinghamahire 65- Beachcroft, Matthews Budue 66 [Matthias] •• . 39,52 Bull, William 65 Bedfordshire ... · 65 Bullin, George 64 Bellamy. John 64 Bullock, William 65 Bellamy. Richard 43 Burk, Michael 65 Bellicon • • •• 66 Burlow, Robert 63 Belaches, [Belohes]. Burnet, Hugh 48· William 4, 6,.21. 22, 57-59 Burrell, John •• 65 Benooolen •• 8,31 Burridge, Nathaniel •• 65 BengallBengall] ·. 1. 2, 4--11, 18, 15. Eull'ow, Christ". •.. 12.24-27 .. 16, 23, 25, 31, Burrow, John 9,32 48--46.49,51,52, Burley, Peter 65 54,55,68 Burton, Augustus 23 BBnJamm •• •• 2, 3, 8, 11. 67 Eurton, James 63 Benson. William Earl. 8,31 Entler, Samuel 45- Benyon. Richard 41,49 Bernard. Father 19 Best, Marmaduke ·.' 11,20,54 c·· Best, Thomas 8,31 GfBliar •• . ~-10; i3, 22, 31, 32~ Bird, John •• ..... 46 38,66 Blackwell, John 64 Calland, John 20,54 Blake. Thomas 66 Cambridge 64 Blandford 24 Cambridgeshire 65,66 Campbell, John Blount, Samuel •• 5. 7~ 9. 31, 32 .. ~. 63 Bockangee CashedoBs. .. ..... 23 Cano, Tomick •• 67 Boddam, Cap~. Charles. 45 Canton .. 9, 15, 16, 31, 32 Boddam, Thos. 45 Cape de Verd .. 14.24,3Z. 1750-51-19 IN DEX PAGE PAGE C-cont. D-cont. 'Carey, John •• 20 Davis, Walter • 0 47 Carmarthanshire ·. 63 Davis, William • " 43,51 Carmichael, James 0 0 63 Dawson, Adam •• 43,51 ·Carrington, Mr. 26,27 Dawson [Dawsonne] "Carstairs, Peter .•• 48 George •• •• 11,20,54 {Jauty, David •• 42 Deal Castle •• 58 -Challoner, George ," 39,52 De Castro, David .. ~8, 39, 44, 46, 50, Chambers, Mr. • • 68 52 -'Champion, Alexander. 48 De Costa, Antonio • 0 66 -Chauney, Richard •• 8, 12, 24-27, 30, 31 De Costa, Simon 66 De Crfluze, John 34 • 0 66 {Jheshire 63 De Cruz, Andrew 67 Che8ter 58' De Cruz, Pedro 67 Che8terfield o. - 17, 29, 30, 55,67 DeZawar 00 67 Ohick, Edward Lord. 0 50 Delmonte, Isaao iJ8 ,(Jhina. • • ._ • • 8, 9, 14, 31, 32, 67 De Mell. John 66 Ohoromandel [Coro- De Mont, Domingo 66 mandel], Coast of •• ..1-3, 5, 11, 18, 26, Dencket, Mr. 12 28,54,68 Depljord 57,58 {Jhrichlowe, Robert •• 64 De Reveh-o, Peter 66 -Churchbride, Robert. 64 De Rosario, Caesar 66 -Clarke, Matthew •• 11,20,54 De Rosario, John •• 66 -Clayton, Mr. • • • 49 . De ROAdrio, Nicholas. 66 Clayton; Capt. pavid. 49 De Rosaro, Antonio • 0 66 -Clements, James 57,59 De Rosea, Domingo •• ti7 'Clerembault, John •• 49 De Rosea, Francisco • 0 67 (Jlerembauit, Nioho ••• 49 De Rosea, Miguel 67 merk, John .. •• 64 De Rosea, Monoel 67 'Cliff, Robert •• 43,45,51 De Rosea, Nicolo 67 Coales, 'rhomas 43,46 De S0088, Emanuel 66 Collet, Pitt •• 51 De Sosier, Lewis 67 -Collumbell, John 64 Despuery, Thomas •• 63 Cook, Robt. •• 65 Deve Cotah, Fort of •• 17-19 (Jork •• • • 64 Devonshire • • •• . 63,64 Vornish, Henry 65 Dias, J aool •• 36 'Oornwall •• 64 Dixon, William 65 Ootsford, Wm. • 0 45 Dodington •• 9,25,67 'Coucheler 66 Domah, Peter •• 66 Couoheler Syrang •• 66 Dorsets~ire •• 66 Court, Capt. Matthew. 8,31,38 Dougle, John •• 65 Downes 67 -Court, Riohd• • 0 43 Court, Samuel 43 Dragon • 0 .1, 2, 4-9, 13, 15, 16, -Cove, John •• 65 23, 31, 32, 34, 53, (lox, James •• • 0 64,66 67 Cox, Thomas 62 Drake, Roger ., 49 -Crawley, Charles 63 Drake, Roger 12, 24, 26,' 27, 30, ·Crawley, James ·. 65 34,49 Crawley, Jeremiah 64 Dublin •• •• 64 Ducane, Peter ' , 00 . Crisp, Nioholas • 0 39 J2, 24, 25, 27, 30, Croke, Mr. •• 18 34 'Cruttenden, Edward, , Duke 0/ Cumberland' •• 14,24,32 Holden 43; 45, 51 Duke 0/ 'Dor8et, Ouddalore •• 15 [Dor~ett] •• o. 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 20, Cuddam N arrain •• 21 , , t " 21,23, 26, 31, 47, Oumberland •• 14 54 Curtis, Richard 63 Duke of N ewcafltle •• 32,67 Cutlow, Matthew •• 62 Du Marohais, Monsieur. 23 Cutts, Cha •• 12, 24-27, 30, 34 Dll Mont, J enkiu 66 • 0 Duncombe ...... 56 Durham 00 64,65 D Durrjngton .. ~ . 67 Da Costa, Joseph •• 66 Dafonoeca, Abraham.. .. 36 E. Dalkeith • • •• - .. 64 East, James 63 Dalton, John.. •• 55 E08tcourt 8,31 • 0 D'Auvergne, ' Cap••• • East India 00 o. 64 Philip 8,31,41 East Indies 61,68 IKI)EX PAGE P.A.GB E-eont. _Edgbaston ·. .. 57,67 Gasooyne, Benjn, .. 43 _~dgcote •• 67 Gaskin, William 65 ·. Gates, Daniel EgliIi, Arthur l ~3 ti5 Elisabeth 19,26 Ge<1rge II 3 Ellice, John ·. 51 Germany •• 14 Embden 14 GibboJlll, Chrisr. 64 . England ·. ·. 6, 15, -20, 26, 31,· 61, Gilling, Henry 65 ·. 68 Gimmo •• 66 Essex 63 Glasoow 63 Esst:Jt: •• ·. • 2-10. 13, 22,31,32, Godfrey, p, •• 12, 24-27, 30, 34 ·. 36; 53, 60, 62, 65, Godfrey, [Godfry] .• 67 Thomas 36, 37, 39, 43, li3 Europe 15,20 Godman [Goodman]' . Eusal •• 66 John •• 57 ·.; .. Evans, lohn .. 64 Godman, Wm. 57,59 Ea;eter ·. 15,57,58,64 Godolphin 33 Eyres, Edwd••• ·. .. 43 Gombroon •• 31 Gonsalo, Lawrenoe E !res, ~ichd. 43 66 Goodwin, John •• 66 F Goodwin, [Goodwyn] Thomas •• •• • • 33,51 Farne Cheshire 64 Gough, Cha, [Charles]. 12;24-27,30,34 _Farrell, William. 65 Gough, H8l'ry ••. 8, 12, 24-27, 30, 1$1, Faul, David •• 66 .. 34 Fead, William '.' 9,32 Grantham •• 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 26, 33 Feake, Samuel • • 8, 12,24, 25, 27, 30, Graves, William 65 " 31, 34 Gray, Doctor •• ·. 46 . Felham •• 64 Green, John •• .. 64 Fenner, Person •• 35 Green, Miohael ·.. 64 F emando, Christopher. 67 Greenslate, Philip .Fernando, Nioholas 67 Francis 11,20 }'ield, Cap"'.
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