The Kelowna Courier v o l u m e : 34 Kc4c)vvna, C<)luinl)i;i, 'riiursday, june 9tli, 1938 :r»wcx::a:z.T NUMmCU 45 Aquatic Summer Season N ow In Full Swing A lderm an Charges C ity W . E. Haskins G oes Is Inefficiently Run Wi f. 1^,#' To Privy Council In Heated Debate Session In London Alderman Sutherland Spearhead of Attack— Claims City W ill Assist Wendell Farris, K.C., and English Counsel Has No Program of Construction and Money Wasted with Defence Of Constitutionality of Provincial Mar­ in Oiling— Mayor Retorts Alderman Approved Budget keting Act— Leaves Kelowna Thursday Afternoon Roads Built From Current Revenue Expect Case To Be Heard O n June 27 « V H I S practice of putting oil on the dust is worse than useless; 1 it is inefficient and it must stop,” stated Alderman Sutherland, B. H A S K IN S , B.C. Fruit Board chairman, leaves on Thursday in a debate which at times grew heated, at the city council meeting W • , afternoon’s Canadian Pacific train from Kelowna for London, Monday night, when the charge was made that the city aifairs were England, where he will assist in the defense of the provincial mar­ not conducted on a business-like basis. iX'-- keting legislation, which will come before the Privy Council. An Alderman Sutherland provoked a discussion on streets and appeal from the decision of the B.C. Court of Appeal is being heard methods of road construction which at times grew so heated that by the highest court in the British Empire. tempers flared near the breaking point, when he asked if the streets Some time ago it was rumored that Mr. Haskins would likely department was going to continue the practice of oiling the streets be going to 'the Old Country, but no definite decision was made until of the city which have had no work upon them. He expressed the last week. Because of his extensive study of constitutional law and opinion that it was just nioney thrown away as the oil failed to his knowledge of the operations of boards under the Marketing Act, control the dust and was of no permanent benefit to the roadway. Kelowna s beautiful Aquatic Club building, situated as it is amid such lovely surroundings, can be seen above Mr.t? Haskins• v /-« has been chosen to make the trip, along with Wendell ready for the big opening ceremonies of the 1938 season, which took place Wednesday evening. The major improve- Harris, K.C., well-known Vancouver lawyer. Several other members of the coun- -- ----------------------^ — nient to the dancing pavilion this year is the addition of an orchestral shell which is believed to be a real asset, p r o - ------------------'---- --------------- cil disagreed with him and Mayor Milk Producers’ Aefion Jones pxjinted out that the people living C.H.C. GRANT IS viding more dancing room and better music reception. Other improvements have been made to the ladies! lounge /'ArfcE'T'C DD A fC17r\ dressing room , to the bathing cubicles and to the swimming and boat rafts. A huge crowd attended the opening L/ tJ/JCi IO r K A l d f i L F This case is an appeal from the de­ on those streets were entitled to some dance of the summer season. Photo courtesy Riblen Studios. measure of protection from the dust. CUT TO $5,000 cision of the B.C. Court of Appeal, This was essential from a health point ____ AT INSPECTION which upheld the constitutionality of of view and in addition, the dust ruin- r,/.,, v> j . n*- , ^ . ______ the marketing legislation of this pro- ed many dollars worth of clothes. If Will Lndeavor to Make Up Bal- M .S. Hold-Up Schedule Reports From Coast mi. 1 • , vlnce, in an action brought bv the In- oii was not used, the only other me- ance of Funds from Canvass HUNDREDS OF The annual inspection of the Kel- dependent Milk Producers’ Association thod of control was water and that had ------— owna Sea Cadet Corps took place on of the Fraser Valley, in which they Distributed To Business Indicate Ferry been tried and had been found to be Though the Canadian Horticultural LEGIONNAIRES h S S r t T s " * " ^ ’ ultra v^res. not only ineffective but also far more Council sought a grant of $8,500 this In his address after the Corps had costly. The council prefers permanent year from the Dominion authorities, M en By Courier H o p e s F a d e been reviewed Captain Mitchell, the nrem^ work but haven't money for greatly the estimates as finally adopted pro- TO VISIT HERE inspecting officer, praised the efficiency -^5* uncon- increased construction. vide for only $5,000. “Would yoii care for a copy of Alderman Sutherland said he was This will mean that either more If reports in Tuesday’s coast of “Grenvilles” and laid stress on the c o S S ^ ’ Chf..f r f the M.S. Hold-up schedule for excellent training in leadership the r not adverse to oiling where there was funds are to be secured or the activ- Big Annual Zone Picnic to be papers are correct the people of your office?” enquired a repre­ senior Cadets had received. ” ^^Phillips and Tock top on the roadway but he was ities of the council are tq be, curtailed, Held in Kelowna Celebrating the Interior may expect little A detailed account of this inspection ^^cDonald, reversed the deci- not in favor of putting oil on top of according to A. K, Loyd, of Kelowria,’ sentative of The Courier to prac­ His Majesty’s Birthday tically every business man in Ke­ road; work in this district this will appear next week. sion. the dust roads. He added that “much chairman of the finance committee of •_____________ _ Going on previous experiences in more road work can be done and much the council. lowna early this week. year. The tenor of the reports “What’s that?” was the general SPECIAL TRAIN FROM would Indicate that all hope of a S H IP FIRST FffFRRiFS ' marketing legislation, the fruit indus- more. I urged last fall that the rock A meeting was held recently in Ke- ®HIP f i r s t CHERRIES OF _ try in the Okanagan Valley is not en- crusher be put in shape and relief lowna in which the situation was dis- reply. “Oh! Ha, ha! Sure, very NORTH new ferry is rapidly vanishing and the same situation applies to SEASON FROM OSOYOOS tirely hopeful of the fate of the pro- labor be .used through the winter to cussed by Mr. Loyd with two other handy. You certainly are going Black Tartarian cherries, the first , of vincial marketing legislation, and is crush rock and get it ready for use directors of the council who are Qka- after that ferry service. Hope yon Parade in Morning and Full Af­ work on the Kelowna-Vemon road and that between Summer- the season, were shipped from the^ Os- endeavoring to pave the way for a this summer. nagan residents. Major M. V. McGuire get somewhere,” ternoon of Sports to Feature oyoos Co-op on Tuesday of this week, continuation of grower control by The Courier has printed sever­ land and Penticton, Several of the Aldermen chorqsed in and F. A. Lewis, of Vernon. Also at­ Legion’s Big Day and the first Bings are expected to means of the standard contract, one voice, “We gave you the necessary tending were H. B. D. Lysons, repre­ al hundred of these schedules on The reports stated that the as­ move at the end of the week. Picking Af ffio i. • _ • consent.” ' senting the hothouse growers and T. neat cards, available for office sistance to be received by the “Yes,” said Alderman Sutherland, Wilkinson, representing the vegetable use, and has distributed them At ten o’clock Thursday morning, provincial government .from Ot­ “ blit it took far into 1938 to get a growers, wholesale around the busiiiess the special train carrying several hun­ tawa falls far short of the gov­ couple of hundred dollars to put the It has been decided to write to all district. dred Legionnaires, their , w;ives and ernment’s hopes and, as a result, crusher in shape.” interested parties with a view towards If- you have .not received one children will arrive at the Kelowna the proposed program of con­ Alderman Whillis .entered the'debate, assisting the council in its valuable and desire one, coimunnicate with station to be greeted with the skirl of struction and hard surfacing will “ That may be but the work was not work. 'The Courier- the bagpipes and the shouts of wel­ have to be drastically curtailed. held up. The crusher is working and come from th.e Orchard City returned gathered from a comprehensive study we are using the rock.” men and their families. of the British North America Act, , “Yes, but there is no definite pro­ For 'Thursday, June 9, the King’s vvhich do not line up with some gen­ gram,” said Alderman Sutherland. Birthday,, is also the day for the cele­ eral opinions held. Per Cent O f Okanagan Tree bration of the annual Canadian Legion Five Hundred Dollars Claim “There is nothing definite before the Brother Substitutes city.” zone picnic in Kelowna. From as far “Just a minute,” the Mayor inter­ Fruit Growers Have Signea north as Enderby will they come, be­ It . was at first thought that J. W. rupted, “ there is a budget.” - sides a nurnber of delegates from the For Damages M ade O n City deB.
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