Cork Harbour Cork German Submarine U-58 - her crew GermanSubmarineU-58-hercrew surrendering in November 1917. surrenderinginNovember 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 restrictionsonaccessingsites. ofany note takes and oflandowners thistrailrespectstheprivacy person following CountyCouncilasksthatany thepublic.Cork accessibleto not orareotherwise ownership ofthesearecurrentlyinprivate many later, years 1).100 War duringWW1(World played they the role areincludedbecauseof inthisbrochure The locationslisted Important Notice 1 Blue circles for locations denotes locationsdenotes for Blue circles 10 restricted sites -1, sites 20,22,23and24. 3,4,5,7,14, restricted 10 Armistice Day - now Veterans Day Veterans -now ArmisticeDay Facts on WW1 (1914 - 1918) -1918) onWW1(1914 Facts April 06 Britain and Germany. (lasted 36hours) (lasted Britain andGermany. atseabetween fought The onlymajorbattleofthewar -BattleofJutland 31 May killedorwounded. menwere 1,000,000 Anestimated One ofthebloodiestbattleswar. 18 Nov -TheBattleoftheSomme to July 01 andGermanlives. with thecostof800,000French lasting300days One ofthelongestbattlesWar, Dec18 -BattleofVerdun to 21 Feb to develop militarily. militarily. develop to lossesandstrictlimitsonitsrights punished withterritorial June 28 07 May April 22 July 28 June 28 and fourteen days. days. and fourteen 11 Nov 08 Aug Locationsontheroute Sinking of the RMS Lusitania. SinkingoftheRMSLusitania. WW1 began on 28th July, 1914. WW1beganon28thJuly, First use of poison gas by Germany. First useofpoisongasby Treaty of Versailles signed. Germany was severely severely was signed.Germany ofVersailles Treaty assassinated. was ofAustria Ferdinard Franz One hundred days Allied offensive beginsonGermany. Alliedoffensive Onehundreddays United States declareswar. States United WW1 ends-c Did you know? Did you onflict lasted four years, three months four onflict lasted from Cobh for active duty. active Cobh for from embarkation receipt oftraining priorto in soldiers basedinthe areawhowere aplaceofentertainment for provide to constructed The CYMShallwas Armistic Day, 1918 Armistic Day, The war officiallyended The war November 11, @11am November 1918 United States Naval AirService -Aghada Naval States United restricted sites restricted Established inFebruary 1918. of the11th month of the year 1918. of theyear on the11th hour on the route. the on . Produced by Cork County Council - July 2018 July - Council County Cork by Produced Templebreedy The Great War 1914 - 1918 - 1914 War Great The Fort Fort during WW1 during https://purecork.ie/things-to-do/categories/tours/ww1-cork-harbour-trail Defences https://www.corkcoco.ie/visiting-cork/ww1-cork-harbour-trail WW1 Cork Harbour Trail Attractions visit visit Attractions Trail Harbour Cork WW1 Cork Harbour Harbour Cork Camden Fort Fort Carlisle Comhairle Contae Chorcaí Contae Comhairle Fort Fort County Council Council County Westmoreland Cork Fort Fort Spike Island Spike Haulbowline Cove Fort Cove Queenstown (Cobh) Queenstown Dennis Horgan, Photographer, Horgan, Dennis l www.corkshipwrecks.net, l ultimate allied victory in the Great War, 1914 – 1918. – 1914 War, Great the in victory allied ultimate by John E. Nolan & Liam Nolan. Liam & Nolan E. John by combined to make Cork Harbour an important asset in the the in asset important an Harbour Cork make to combined promoted the idea of this trail. this of idea the promoted War at Sea, 1914 - 1918, - 1914 Sea, at War existed within and around the harbour and all of these these of all and harbour the around and within existed Cork and proposed first she Secret Victory: Ireland and the the and Ireland Victory: Secret l Harbour facilities other addition, In harbour. inner the in Island of the whole of Cork Harbour and and Harbour Cork of whole the of Taussig, Joseph K. 1877 - 1947. - 1877 K. Joseph Taussig, eastern side and Fort Westmoreland located on Spike Spike on located Westmoreland Fort and side eastern national and international basis international and national Knefler Taussig, U.S Navy by by Navy U.S Taussig, Knefler and Fort Camden on the western side; Fort Carlisle on the the on Carlisle Fort side; western the on Camden Fort and the heritage potential on a a on potential heritage the The diary of Commander Joseph Joseph Commander of diary The She was a great advocate for for advocate great a was She defence forts protecting the harbour: Fort Templebreedy Templebreedy Fort harbour: the protecting forts defence The Queenstown Patrol, 1917: 1917: Patrol, Queenstown The l of the late Cllr Claire Cullinane. Cullinane. Claire Cllr late the of Prior to 1941 there were four British military coastal coastal military British four were there 1941 to Prior National Library of Ireland, Ireland, of Library National l is due to the wonderful vision vision wonderful the to due is Imperial War Museum, London, London, Museum, War Imperial Cork Harbour Heritage Trail Heritage Harbour Cork l searchlights located at all of the forts. forts. the of all at located searchlights Photographs and text courtesy of: courtesy text and Photographs The development of the WW1 WW1 the of development The lower harbour area could be illuminated at night using using night at illuminated be could area harbour lower Dedication Acknowledgements merchant ships known as ‘Q’ (for Queenstown) ships. The The ships. Queenstown) (for ‘Q’ as known ships merchant which were later added minesweepers and disguised armed armed disguised and minesweepers added later were which submarines, to submarines, Lorem ipsum Lorem launches and and launches Crosshaven Point Roches Roches destroyers, motor motor destroyers, Carrigaline Carrigaline Whitegate trawlers, drifters, drifters, trawlers, TRAIL Ringaskiddy sloops with with sloops Island Aghada Aghada Spike HARBOUR ed of 1200-ton 1200-ton of ed C RK Crossing in Cobh consist- Cobh in Ferry Cobh Cobh Passage West Passage The force based based force The Great Island Island Great Douglas 1917-1918. 1917-1918. Cork Tunnel Jack Lynch Lynch Jack County County campaign in in campaign Harbour Cork Cork during Germany’s unrestricted underwater warfare warfare underwater unrestricted Germany’s during Cork City City Cork Rosslare Rosslare Midleton To Dublin Dublin To To To To Waterford To Harbour to protect this area. This effort became crucial crucial became effort This area. this protect to Harbour Harbour Area Harbour States Navy set up anti-submarine patrols from Cork Cork from patrols anti-submarine up set Navy States Galway Dublin Cork Ushant in France. The Royal Navy and later the United United the later and Navy Royal The France. in Ushant IRELAND critical sea area from the Sound of Mull in Scotland to to Scotland in Mull of Sound the from area sea critical (the name given to Cobh from 1849 to 1923) covered the the covered 1923) to 1849 from Cobh to given name (the Belfast During WW1, the British Naval headquarters at Queenstown Queenstown at headquarters Naval British the WW1, During World War 1 (WW1) in Cork Harbour Cork in (WW1) 1 War World Getting to Cork Harbour Harbour Cork to Getting 1 Fort Templebreedy 6 Passage West 11 Cobh 13 Cobh 15 Cobh Holy Ground, 17 Cobh 19 Spike Island 21 Aghada (Upper) Crosshaven CYMS Hall Commodore Hotel Cunard Building and Pier Cove Fort /Titanic Gardens Cobh Hospital Fort Mitchel WW1 VC Grave To Dublin To Waterford Glanmire Rosslare Glounthaune N25 Midleton R639 M8 To Cork City L3004 N25 N25 N8 N25 Carrigtwohill Ballynacorra R623 Little Island Jack Lynch Tunnel Fota Island R624 N40 R630 7 N40 Eastbound 22 2 Crosshaven Cobh Westbound Corkbeg R624 Camden/Fort Meagher Whitepoint House Douglas Whitegate R610 L7009 L3629 Rochestown KEY 5 6 Great Island 18 East Ferry M8 National Roads Passage West Cobh Saleen Glenbrook N40 16 Regional Roads Car Ferry 17 15 Glenbrook/Cobh 11 13 R630 R613 Local Roads 14 Aghada (Lower) Monkstown 9 10 12 7 20 N28 8 Rostellan Trail Route Rafeen R610 4 Haulbowline/ L3651 L3658 R610 Rocky Island 2 Trail Location Shannon Park 3 3 Rocky Island 8 Cobh N28 N28 21 (Upper) 23 Whitegate Accessible Roundabout L2545 22 Corkbeg Aghada Island Crematorium American Pier Shanbally 19 Fort Davis Ringaskiddy Spike Whitegate 1 Trail Location R611 R613 Island Inaccessible R613 Currabinny or Private Property 23 Fort 2 Davis Car Ferry Carrigaline R612 Glenbrook/Cobh Camden R612 Fort Meagher Irish Rail Crosshaven 1 Roches Point Fort 24 WW1 Cork Harbour’s trail locations as seen today. (1 - 24) Templebreedy Roches Point R612 Light House These same locations can be viewed historically overleaf. 4 9 24 Roche’s Point Haulbowline Cobh - Railway Station/ https://www.corkcoco.ie/visiting-cork/ww1-cork-harbour-trail Queenstown Heritage Centre Myrtleville U-Boat Site C RK HARBOUR TRAIL 5 Passage West 10 Cobh - Sirius Arts 12 Cobh Camber 14 Cobh 16 Cobh 18 Cobh 20 Aghada (Lower) Dockyard Centre/Royal Cork Yacht Club Kennedy Pier Bath’s Quay Admiralty House Old Church Graveyard Sea Plane Base German Submarine U-58 - her crew German Submarine U-58 - her crew surrendering in November 1917. surrendering in November 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 restrictions on accessing sites. of any note takes and of landowners this trail respects the privacy person following County Council asks that any the public. Cork accessible to not or are otherwise ownership of these are currently in private many later, years 1). 100 War during WW1 (World played they the role are included because of in this brochure The locations listed Important Notice 1 Blue circles for locations denotes locations denotes for Blue circles 10 restricted sites - 1, sites 20, 22, 23 and 24. 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, restricted 10 Armistice Day - now Veterans Day Veterans - now Armistice Day Facts on WW1 (1914 - 1918) - 1918) on WW1 (1914 Facts April 06 Britain and Germany. (lasted 36 hours) (lasted Britain and Germany. at sea between fought The only major battle of the war - Battle of Jutland 31 May killed or wounded. men were 1,000,000 An estimated One of the bloodiest battles war. 18 Nov - The Battle of the Somme to July 01 and German lives. with the cost of 800,000 French lasting 300 days One of the longest battles War, Dec 18 - Battle of Verdun to 21 Feb to develop militarily.
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