Elks Week in El Paso Tonight the Minstrel Show Is the Great Attraction Join the Crowds WEATHER PORECAST. METAL MARKETS. HM.Tiin MHII A. WF.ST TF.XAIsi FAIR WF.tVelFM'M SM llllll-1- '. !liilh Wfce muA y air wfhiFinw in phuma- - New York lvtroljrtle caaajar FIAOn Bl Y THI' RHP A 1W MIXM'i I'AMn.Y mTim iiJPa0ooniinaTimr5 nun:n ii'Mmi nil RsliAY hib. 35TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7 ,1915. ENGLISH SECTION 1,2 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS TARTA supplies of of war shall be IIVr.aiTOCK QVARANTIXE iln munitions TO W.V.P auftlrleiM to meet alt requirement. riRClB ON VAlLll BICE THOMPSON CHOSEN RODRIGUEZ DECLARES ATTACK OF VILLA FROM VIOL ATINO FKIRTRAL LAW'S CARRANZA TURNS WESTERN NATIONS lird kitchener has appointed oeonr Mv An ley Booth to take ruara "f his muni- By I A Ttsie tions committee. Mr. Booth Is a partner ra $pee4tl Wire fa M April S The big ship A. Booth ano llhtupiernne. 1. the owning firm of here com pan v. a In the Bootn circus, whlrh srrlvrd and director MAYOR OF CHICAGO FORCES ON MATAMOROS WILL BEGIN AS Denver, dis- DOWN PROJECTED WILLING TO WAIT steamship and other companies According this morning at 7 from to rumor, Mr. Booth la likely to be elected covered that Oovemor McDonald's a director or the Bank or Bartend, to suc- loot and mouth disease quarantine It said. ceed the late Charlea H Ooseaen proclamation meant Just what Mot was the Although Mr. Booth lias not been ap- INCONPLrTnC RETI TINS C.I VE BEPI BI.IC VN SOON AS ARTILLERY ARRIVES ON SCENE nnly the circus rerued or it waa not NEUTRALIZATION WHILE MUSCOVITE pointed to the actual chairmanship of tne CANDBjlATK PLIHALTTV KB TT MATEO privilege exhibiting, but to unload Its animal to committee, It Is presumed he will occupy AT 1M.SS even allowed that position The Time end other news- be fed and watered. paper assume that he Is "the strong busi- The rlrcu Is now making a wild ness man ' who David tne It omen. Who Valed fer First Time. Almost Reported Twelve Miles Away While dash for Anions tn the hope of cross OF MEXICO CITY; ARIES BULK chancellor of the exchequer, foreshadowed Eanelly Divided la Chelee ef Ticket One Detachment b Ing the tale line In lime to avoid In the government scheme to mobilise tne ftselallsta Meke Peer Bhswlsf violating the nlled Mates law, which 1 Industrial resources of the country Main Body Sent From Monterey Wee Last Seen Passing requires that llvealock be unloaded In an Interview granted tbe Dally Man. for reed and water once every 1 ZAPATA AGREES OF FIGHTING Mr. Booth modestly disavowed those as- Reynosa, Sixty Miles From Besieged City. hours. Just what assurance tbe cir- sumptions. Ije expressed tbe view that the was mayor Chicago today by an cus managers have or being allowed I a special body con- elected of committee and was or lao.hOn. to unload in Arltona is unknnwu. cerned with munition alone and Mr. estimated plurality Return from that I, AM out or 1,5 Indicated By JAMKS T. REDDING. an Immediate attack were In evidence dur l.loyd George had In view a srneme. precincts that larger be had the Republican oily Morning Time.) Ing she day, and every available man wis REPORTS STATE Therefore, be thought It wrong to earned entire (ttafr Correspondent TO INDICATIONS THAT FRANCE describe to victory. April A be enraged In digging trenches? placing hint as the "strong tlckvt Brownsville. Texas. "Don't PINCHOT TELLS OF business man." Women voted for the first time at' a you my cannon booming wire or otherwise i "We shall concentrate," Mr. Booth added, surprised if hear barbed entanrlemenis INDICATE THE AND ENGLAND CONTEM- mayoralty election in Chicago, complete Oen. E. strengthening the of the be the output or guns and shells, and I and within a abort time said Jose defense 'm snowed thai the percentages he- not actually suppose committee will be appointed return relative Rodrigues, commanding the villa army leaguered city. 'All soldiers UNWILJJNG-NES- S other of men and women votes received by ready ro FIRST CHIEF'S PLATE HOLDING PRESENT to deal with o inert military necessities. ro re Matamoros, this afternoon "I intend on duly are Held In the cuartels Thompson and Sweltser, the defeated Demo- to atari the firework Juat a soon as tbe an emerajenry call. EXPULSION ORDER tne TO ACCEPT AMERI- POSITIONS WHILE RUS- cratic candidate, were approximately guns reach here, which will be very soon. In Brownsville there wa a notable same. Rodriguez bad received tightening or the restriction on tbe passing or Oenettl Just word About 85 per cent or the that tne advance guard or his reinforce- of Mexicans between Matamoros and CAN PROPOSITION; VILLA SIANS WAYliilraR' Ac- ATTEMPT TO a million voter reglgtered were cast. ment hid passed a point miles west and BrownavlUe. All Mexican belonging lo to election et it AMERICAN RELIEF AOENT SEARCHEII AND cording official, this would close to tbe Rio (J sude tbe military nrcanlxatlons in Matamoros AND OBREGON EXPECTED CRUSH GERMANY; DAR a record. between the Car were ordered by the provost guard to re PIT M no-- - RELfilAN FRONTIER RY Democratic Frequent skirmishes Some ward hitherto strongly or illy the lo Mexico at once. ARMED GERMAN C.I ABD by ranrlsta defenders the anil villa turn TO CLASH IN EITEL FRIEDRICH were carried the Republican candidate, Tiring from United army today selected BATTLE DANELLES ATTACK TO own by outposts and almost continual states officers and Sweltser' ward wa carried the gun of the liittrrles Thompson. the trenches berore Matamoros marked positions for tb three SOUTH so rar as on the Ameri- or tbe Third artillery, sent here from Fort Fsrl Thai His Rlsler Married British OF IRAPUATO. CONTINUE. Swettxer and his managers conceded tne day, but is reported -' Houston to the guard Diplomat Responsible for Buspleloa or to the tbe can tide of the Une, there were no casual- sam reinforce border election Republicans early in the Browns BRITISH SHIPPING HELD IN CHESAPEAKE evening and congratulated Thompson. tics. and to prevent repetition in, '- Militan l.otrrnnr. By the AttoHated Prett By A d COMMERCE Carran-ctat- In A. ihe maria.tr Prett TO GIVE RAIDER CHANCE "My move," Tnonipaon. The arrival of a small body or a ville of the Incidents that occurred Naco Washington, April Intimation bars rOR HASH TO OPEN SEA rirsi orricla! said London. April Although the Ftamch re "will be to have my caleT of police drive reinforcements, aald to give ridden some months since. come lu the Amerlran government that conducting for- rrom a point south or victoria, The) cannon in the event action Is deemed By the AetorHetre Prett Oeneral Carranxa will not consent to the sustained and somewhat tbe pickpockets and ibleve out of Chi- overland The Hague, April 6 -- Roili Henry van midable orreiislvt; between the Meuse and over 900 miles away, wa the signal ror necessary, will be placed east or Maiamo neutralisation or Mexico City, a proposed Battleship Alabama, Cleared for Action, Lies cago." Dyke.- - lite American ambassador lo Tit the Moselle in an effort to dislodge the Ger orr- - Hampton to heavy the cavalrymen roda be- ros, rrom which position tln American snd agreed to by forces. Mlhjel, Roads rrevent it The city council probably went Republi- firing, but INelhrrlandA. and (lirford Plncltnl, altacnep the mans from St. the southernmost leek la Amerlran Waters. outposts gunners will tie able to shoot luto the o as been point of line, the demeanor of can, which would be the first time In five tween two widely separated villa the American legation, have endeavored deriiilte Bswer yet has received their the or the appar- Mexican positions without rirlng over lo sent to allied armies as a whole Indicates a dispo- years. and reached tbe shelter city lo the utmost lo keep Ihe matter or Mr. lo the American note tbe iwo gi- a man. Rron wnsvllle. reports to the sition to await the outcome or Russia's By the A assoleted Prett The Socialist vote apparently was smaller ently without losing I'lnrhnf expulsion rrom Belgium by tne but preliminary sute gantic plan to Carpathian bar- re- detachment, it Is reported, was Oen. Precopln r.llaondo, one or the Oeneral carranxa force the 6. than predicted by party leaders. The The under Germans rrom publicity, leal uch rtoti department indtcile thai . Newport, New, Va., April Shortly be or rier. turns Indicated that the total Socialist vote command or Aurelio Oarxa, or Oen. rabio wounded men the carranta garrison more tne work oi is unwilling to accept the proposal. It Is Germany Is thouirht to be pouring troops fore midnight everything appeared to be In today should ender dirricull would not exceed BO.fJOO. The prohibition Uonialei's division. waa released by Texas authorities In Belgium, Involving the succor or beitpyed here that arrangement may be Into Hungary, even to the extant of weaken- readiness for the German auxiliary cruiser He rrller or ing her In and tonight's party candidate. John Hill, ran rar neitno The carranxa garrlaoa wis busy today and sent bark to Matamoros. bad been g,&oo,ooo titule people or lhal rountry made for uninterrupted passage trains forces Handera, Prlns fcitol to leave tbe Newport or de. Austrian official communication notes the Fiiedrlch the Socialist candidate, aeymour Stcdman. extending the railroad track along the river arrested, charged with the murder atate and Hie northern provinces or France.
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