Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Northwest Yearly Meeting Minutes (Quakers) 1971 Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Minutes, 1971 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_minutes Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Minutes, 1971" (1971). Northwest Yearly Meeting Minutes. 73. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_minutes/73 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Northwest Yearly Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,;S ' ^ ^ U^ CS'ix, 1971 ■i'-V •<--.n;-'■'•■'■■ ■ ■ ■•..' /-v-r .'. v.'-;.■ • ■. ..■ - ■• . ■■-•;■■ ■.'■"v .V." '"-■■•■ r V - H ' — . • " • - - i ■ - ■ V ^ - V ^ ; v - v - S . - , '•'.'•>•■',.:;r •■■■■,'■■'.■•.•.■•>.1 ■■ '"■I- •' ■• MINUTES .. ..; • ■■ .vv. I'-f • ■;■■ /■ - ' x ' . > V v , ; • . ■ • w I ^ ' «* : ■■ z . ' V ■ -. ^ 'of F r i e n d s C h u r c h seventy-ninth session held at NEWBERG, OREGON AUGUST 17-22, 1971 N a m e s a n d A d d r e s s e s Yo u O f t e n U s e YEARLY MEETING OFFICE--r,00 East Third St. P.O. Bo.k 190. Ncwhcrg, Oregon 97132 P h o n o ; ( . 5 0 3 ) 5 3 8 - 9 4 1 9 CLERK—Dorwin E. Smith 1004 N.E. Fourth, Camas, Wasiiington 98607 IMPORTANT YEARLY MEETING ACTIONS GENERAI. SUPERINTENDENT—Norvai Hadicy P.O. Bo.\ 190, Newherg. Oregon 97132 Minute Page Ollice phone: (503) 538-9419 Discipline Revisions Home phone; (503) 538-9706 Board of Publication 23 13, 14 ADMINISTRATE E SEC RETARY—Marilyn Richey D i s c o n t i n u a n c e o f M e e t i n g s 5 9 2 1 , 2 8 P.O. Bo.\ 190, Newherg. Oregon 97132 Extension Church Membership 68 ' 27 P h o n e ; ( 5 0 3 ) 5 3 8 - 9 4 1 9 First Reading; Term of Office for Committee TREASURER -Arlene Moore on Training and Recording of Ministers 72 29, 30 P.O. Bo\ 190. Newherg, Oregon 97132 C a m p T i l i k u m 1 0 5 4 3 . 4 5 P h o n e ; ( 5 0 3 ) 5 3 8 - 9 4 1 9 F r i e n d s i n Vo l u n t a r y S e r v i c e P r o g r a m A d d e n d u m 5 5 FRIEND.S YOUTH—Randal Morse, President R e p l a c e m e n t o f R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s 4 6 , 9 5 2 1 , 4 2 S u p e r i n t e n d e n t ' s K e y n o t e A d d r e s s j g 6 - 1 2 P.O. Bo\ 190, Newherg, Oregon 97132 Unified Budget 134 59 P h o n e ; ( 5 0 3 ) 5 3 8 - 9 4 1 9 THE B.'\RCLAY PRESS—Harlow .Ankeny, Manager P.O. Bo.n 232. Newherg, Oregon 97132 Phone; (503) 538-4334 LV.ANt.l ElCAL F RIEND Jaek 1... V\'illcuts, pAlilor-in-Chiel' Harlow Ankeny. NEinaging Eililor P.O. Bo.x 232. Newherg, Oregon 97132 Phone; (503) 538-4334 EVANGELIC AL FRIENDS PENSION PLAN P.C3. Box 190, Newherg, Oregon 97132 FRIENDSVIEW MANOR 1301 Fulton St.. Newherg. Oregon 97132 Phone; ( 5t)3 ) 538-3144 M I N l S l l R S C j R O l J P 1 N S U R A N C F - : P.O. Box 190, Ne\sherg. Oregon 97132 1 RIENDS C IIURCM EXTENSION FOUNDATION I'.O. Box 190. Newherg, Oregon 97132 CJEORGE lOX C Ol EIT.E-D.tvid C. Ec Shana, President Newherg. Oregon 97132 WOMEN'S .MISSIONARY UN ION - -Beatrice Benham, President Star Route. Bt)\ 118, Estacada, Oregon 97023 1972 YEARLY MEETING SESSION EVANGEl.lCAE 1 RIENI.FS ALl.lANd --Russell Myers, ['resident Box 102. Damascus, Ohio, 44(il9 August 15-20, 1972 NAliONAE ASSOCI.VriON OF FiVANCiELlCALS Newherg, Oregon .N. Main .it (lunderson Dr., F'.O. Box 28 W h e i i t o n . I l l i n o i s t i ( ) l S 7 Wilmer N. Brown, Pacilic FCegion F-iekl [director F'.O. Bo.x 19235, Portland. (Jregon 97219 Phone; (503) 24(.-5579 C,)UAKFR B1 N1 VOEl.N'l' SOCIEFV Fktli E. Bagley, .Secretary P.O. Box 248. Newherg, Oregon 97132 Minutes Northwest Yearly Meeting of friends Church 1971 ■ 1. Northwest Yearly Meeting convened in its seventy-ninth session August 17, 1971, in Newberg, Oregon, at 11 a.m. It is our prayer as we come together this year that we may see the initiation of a real "breakthrough" in the accomplishment of God's will for us as individual churches and as a Yearly Meeting. May God give us vision and courage for the great opportunities that are ours. Clerk Dorwin Smith asked that the congregation stand as assistant clerk, Richard Beebe, led in prayer. ■ 2. The list of caretakers was read, and permission was granted to add names as needed. The complete list appears in minute 137, page 53. ■ 3. The Memorial Committee was named as follows: Marjorie Crisman, Lillian Frazier, Alice Coulson. Approved. ■ 4. The meeting requested that the clerk name the Committee on Re turning Minutes. The following were appointed: Clark Smith, William Rourke, Betty Hockett. Approved. ■ 5. The following were named on the Committee to Write Letters to Aged Friends: Marie Haines, Colleene St. George, Kara Cole. Approved. ■ 6. The names of fraternal delegates from California Yearly Meeting were read as follows: T. Eugene and Jean Coffin, Sheldon and Irene Jack son, Paul and Patsy Miller, and Charles and Nancy Mylander. Sheldon Jackson spoke, bringing greetings from California Yearly Meeting. ■ 7. Keith Esch, director of admissions, Earlham School of Religion, was introduced and spoke appreciation for Friends of the Northwest. 3 H ■ 8. A visiting minute was presented for Delbert and Ruth Replogle I N L A N D A R E A : E a s t W e n a t c h e e — L o i s J o h n s o n ; E n t i a t — G i l b e r t from Ridgewood Monthly Meeting, New Jersey, New York Yearly Meet George; Hayden Lake—none; Quincy—William Thomas; Spokane— ing. He brought greetings from the Bolivian Yearly Meeting, which they Marlene Watson visited earlier this year, as well as from his own Yearly Meeting. NEWBERG AREA: Nehalem Bay—Robert Morrill; Netarts—Irwin Alger; ■ 9. New Superintendent. Norval Hgjiley was introduced to the Yearly Newberg—Clayton Brown, Gertrude Cook, Eilcne Mack, Howard Pearson, Vernon Ramsey. Carolyn Staplest, Ronald Worden, Hector Meeting and was welcomed with a hurst of applause. Other newcomers presented were; David and Marcile Leach, new Munn*; North Valley—Louise Sperling; Sherwood—Beverly Mel- horn, Mildred Minthorne; Springbrook—Stephen Dillon; Tigard— pastors of Friends Memorial Church in Seattle; Paul and Darlyne Weaver, new pastors at Rosedale; Paul Meier, associate pastor at Tacoma First Robert Armstrong; West Chehalem—Harold Magee Church; Gordon and Norma Bennett, Melha pastors; and James and Ruth PORTLAND AREA: Clackamas Park—Philip Fendall; Hillsboro—Janice Hoskins, now serving West Chehalem Church. Beals; Korean Mi.ssion—Kwan Kyu Kim; Lynwood—none; Maple- wood—Walter Bolitho; Metolius—Christine Duncan; Piedmont— ■ 10. Loren and Dorothy Bennett, new appointees to our South American mission field, were also introduced to the meeting. Marilyn McManus; Reedwood—Kara Cole, Virginia Helmt, Dorothy We welcome these to Northwest Yearly Meeting. Morse, Lloyd Pruittt, Louise Yates, Walter Cook*, Winifred San- doz*; Second Friends—Irene Lewis; Svensen—Tom Ray; Timber— ■ 11. The following correspondence was received from Ohio Yearly Edwin Clarkson Meeting: PUGET SOUND AREA: Agnew—Barbara Hendrickson; Friends Memo "Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends met in sessions August 24-30, 1970, rial—Edgar Pearson, Dick Wood; Holly Park—Muriel Ostrin; Olym at Malone College, Canton, Ohio. "We were pleased that Jack Willcuts accepted our invitation to minis pic View—Esther Macy; Tacoma—Gertrude Perry ter to us for our annual sessions. The warmth of his Christian fellowship S A L E M A R E A : A s h l a n d — n o n e ; E u g e n e — N o r m a B e e b e ; H i g h l a n d — was appreciated. Lillian Frazier; Klamath Falls—Ross Mclntyre; Marion—Jean Trud- "Many of us share his concerns for acceptance of 'Open Doors' geont; Medford—Courd Samplest, Joyce Lewis, Marjorie Crisman, Calvin Hull, Wayne Roberts*; Pringlc—Anna Baker; Rosedale—Ed through which the Friends Church can minister for Jesus Christ. We sense a deeper commitment to these responsibilities, particularly for current win Cammackt, Paul Weaver*; Scotts Mills—Alice Coulsont; Silver- social and racial issues. ton—Minnie Engemanf, Georgia Fleming*; South Salem—Imogene "May the presence of the Holy Spirit empower us to fulfill these op Arndt; Spragtie River—none; Talent—Roy Dtinagan portunities for Christian outreach." SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON AREA: Camas—David Vreugdenhil; ■ 12. The following letter was received from North Carolina Yearly Cherry Grove—none; Forest Home—Robert Morse; Rosem£i£—Ed ward Baker; Rose Valley—Elenita Balest, Helen Smith, Margaret Meeting: "Jack Willcuts, superintendent of Northwest Yearly Meeting of Lemmons*; Vancouver First—Mary Geil, Edith Personf Friends, was the speaker for the Mid-Year Conference on Ministry and Absent Alternate seated * Counsel for North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, Saturday, Feb ruary 6, 1971, and was also the speaker for our annual Pastors' Confer ■ 14.
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