Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-26-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1965). Winona Daily News. 582. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/582 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Legislators Pick Up Old Viet Girl, 17, Dies DSt Cudgels ST. PAUL (AP) - Forces that traditionally take sides on the daylight savings time issue in Minnesota again are being mar- shalled into line. Rep. L.J. Lee of Bagley intro- In Suicide Fire duced a bill Monday to repeal the present daylight savings time law and require all govern- Second Saved mental units to operate under central standard time. Several Twin City area legis- In Protest lators have already come out in support of a bill that would ex- tend the present three-month DST period in the state to match Before 4.000 Wisconsin's time period. SAIGON, South Viet Nam Minnesota currently has the (AP) — A 17-year-old Vietnam- ' nation s shortest DST period — ese girl drenched herself with from the last Sunday in May PRE-DAWN REHEARSAL ... A flag- day. The Royal Navy gun carriage is the one through Labor Day. gasoline and burned herself to draped casket is placed on gun carriage that will carry Churchill's casket. Another In the Senate Monday, the Ag- death today as a political pro- outside of St. Paul's Cathedral in London rehearsal for the state funeral will be held riculture Committee had its first test against the government ol before dawn this morning in a rehearsal for on Friday morning. (AP Photofax) hearing on the so-called anti- Premier Tran Van Huong. Sir Winston Churchill's funeral this Satur- rustling bill, but action was de- ferred. It was the first such protest Sponsors of the bill — Sen. suicide since 1963, when immo- Clifford Lofvegren of Alexandria lations by Buddhists helped and Rep. Leonard Dickson of bring down the late President Bemidji — said the law was Ngo Drnh Diem. Muff led Drums Sound needed most of all in the north- The suicide today took place ern portion of the state. Farm- at Nha Trang, a coastal city 200 ers there have given up crop miles north of Saigon where an growing and their lands have antigoverument demonstration At London Rehearsal become common pasture for cat- was under way. LONDON (AP) - The roll of er early workers were the only 3or security operation to protect tle. muffled drums sounded through spectators. the scores of foreign statesmen The anti-rustling bill would A second schoolgirl la Nha London streets before dawn to- who will pay homage to Brit- make cattle theft punishable by Trang also doused herself with day in somber rehearsal for Sir A Royal Air Force escort led ain's great wartime leader. imprisonment and also would gasoline, but the mob grabbed Winston Churchill's last jour- the way. A naval officer, naked President Charles de Gaulle's set up a statewide system of her and prevented her burning ney. sword reversed, followed in the office announced today that he branding. The system would be herself. All traffic stopped in the heart funeral march. would attend the funeral. Presi- in charge of the State Livestock Witnesses reported from Nha of the mourning capital as the Soldiers and airmen paced dent Johnson's doctors were try- Sanitary Board. Under present Trang that about 4,000 persons gun carriage which will carry beside the naval bluejackets ing to build up his strength aft- law, brands are registered in had assembled before tho his body in Saturday's funeral hauling the gun carriage. A line er a cold so he could go to Lon- counties with the registrars of waterfront home of the local rolled through the darkened of empty limousines trailed be- don. deeds. provincial chief. The girl, a stu- hind. dent named Hoang Thi Yea streets to St. Paul's Cathedral. The Yard 's Special Branch The House Monday gave pre- The procession marched from Another rehearsal was sched- Phu, moved apart from the began a check of all buildings liminary approval to the first crowd and, unnoticed by the Westminster Hall to St. Paul's. uled Friday morning. overlooking the route. Others bill to reach the floor. It appro- Women office cleaners and oth- Scotland Yard launched a ma- other demonstrators, poured will be assigned to protect visit- priates $25,000 to print reports of NEGRO WOMAN. BEATEN . Dallas held on the ground. The Negro was in line gasoline over herself. ¦ ing leaders around the clock. the Minnesota Outdoor Recrea- County (Alabama) Sheriff Jim Clark uses his at Selma attempting to register to vote. The • • • tion Resources Commission. Then she Churchill's body will be taken billy club on a Negro woman three officers police said she attacked them. (AP Photofax) set herself afire and • • New bills introduced included was dead before anyone could LBJ WANTS TO GO tonight from his family home one by Rep. CA. Johnson of extinguish the flames. south of Hyde Park, where he Mankato which rewrites present Buddhist monks reportedly died Sunday at the age of 90. At laws dealing with obscene lit- picked up the body and carried Lady Churchill's request, the erature. The bill is modeled aft- Archbishop of Canterbury will Negroes Vow to Fill Jails it at the head of a huge proces- er one adopted in many other sion to the local Buddhist pago- Doctors Hope conduct the coffin to a cata- states. *> da. falque in Westminster Hall , Among new bills in the Senate In 3953, six Buddhist monks where the body will lie in state was one by Sen. Donald Wright for three days. In Selma Registration Battle and one nun burned themselves of Minneapolis that would pro- to death in protest against th* The Archbishop, Dr. Michael codeine or hibit the sale of prep- SELMA, Ala. (AP) — A large plans to carry the voter regis- court injunction prohibiting fur- Diem government. There have To Permit Trip Ramsey, is spiritual head of the arations containing codeine with- force of state troopers under tration campaign into still other ther interference by Sheriff been no burnings of monks or WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- Church of England. With only out a prescription. nuns since, but about 50 Viet- in excellent spirits, with tem- command of Col. AI Lingo rolled counties. James G. Clark and his deputies perature family mourners around him, namese have committed suicide dent Johnson roamed around his normal and chest he will say prayers. The family who had arrested more than 200 clear. into Selma today at the request King told a throng of hymn- applicants last week. by burning since then for non- hospital suite for the first time will take its leave and a mili- of city authorities in the face of singing followers Monday night political reasons. tary guard of honor will begin this morning and was expected Reedy said the President had increased racial tension. that his people "must get politi- Sheriff's officers made no at- to return to the White House been moving around his 17th its vigil. Air Academy cal power" to achieve their tempt to break up the long line Buddhist demonstrations Negroes, "vowing to fill up the against the government broke later today or Wednesday. floor suite at the Bethesda, Md., At 11 a.m. Wednesday the hall dreams of racial equality. of waiting Negroes, but one Naval Medical Center and, said jails if need be, continued their Ultimately, King said, voter woman, 226-pound Annie Lee out today in suburbs of Saigon, Press secretary George Ree- will open to the public. It will but calm was reported in the Johnson, in pajamas and robe, close only for members of the voter registration campaign registration campaigns like the Cooper, 54, was hustled off to dy, reporting on the President's sat up in a lounge for a time. Probe Ending with another march on the one under way here will be in- jail in handcuffs after she northern city of Hue, where Churchill family and official rioting, arson and pillaging oc- recuperation from a cold and Reedy said no decision has AIR FORCE ACADEMY, augurated in "every hamlet and stepped out of the line and hit sore throat said, "Things are guests to pay private homage. courthouse. Clark in the eye with her fist. curred Monday. been made yet as to whether Barriers have gone up in 1\ ' Colo. (AP) — The superin- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., village in Alabama where Ne- looking very good." He de- \ tendent of the U.S. Air Force groes are denied the right to Only a few Ngeroes managed Government paratroopers ar- Johnson will fly to England for miles of surrounding streets to who has led the civil rights rested about 70 monks and near- scribed Johnson as quite rested, Sir Winston Churchill's funeral. Academy promised to add new movement, left Selma this vote." to get in the registration office control the mammoth crowds during the day to take the vot- ly 100 of their followers in Gia A major mission of Johnson's expected to pass by the closed light today to the cheating scan- morning to return to Atlanta, In the immediate future , he dal which has been shrouded in ing test, and there was no word Dinh after the Buddhists dem- doctors was tc hedp him build coffin.
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