Issued ■Rjesduw Thurs my Saturday The Courier-Gazette Entered u Second CUM Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846 By The Courier-Gaaette. MS Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, December 23, 1939 Volume 94............... Number 153. The Courier-Gazette i Fights For Finland [EDITORIAL] “THE BLACK CAT" THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK BAN ON SUNDAY TRUCK DRIVING FINNISH RELIEF FUND Editor Eric Ericson Is Doing It In (Kennebec Journal) WM O FULLER Ascoctate Editor This Country By Raising A recent poll has shown majority public sentiment in favor of banning trucks from the highways altogether on Sundays. Clifford Smith Heads List Of Voluntary Con­ FRANK A. WINSLOW Funds The advantage of this Is obvious and if done It may result In Subacrlptlons S3 OC per year payable further restrictions that will make the trucks less of a nuis­ n advance: single copies three cent* William Erickson of St. George ance than they are. Unless the trucks are restrained, and tributors With $25 Advertising rates baaed upon clrcula- , •Ion and very reasonable , *s Jl**tly proud Of the work being that rather drastically, they promise to dominate the roads completely before long. newspaper history done in behalf of his countrymen While truck drivers, by and large, undoubtedly are the With a check for (25 as an enclo­ eral directions in this locality, and The Rockland Gazette was estab- IL.hed in 1848. In 1874 the Courier was by his brother, Eric Erickson of first class drivers their sponsors claim, there are so many ele­ sure The Courier-Oazette this which have been freely publicized •stabltshed and consolidated with the ments In their favor they can hardly help being a nuisance. morning received the following let­ in these columns. The newspaper Gazette In 1882 The Free Press was Kent, Ohio. The Kent Courier- It’s not the driver’s fault If his truck is big enough to take established In 185S and In 1881 changed ter: appeal has been deferred only Its name to the Tribune These papers Tribune of Dec 15 said: more than its share of the road and no matter how skillfully consolidated March 17, 1897 handled this nuisance cannot be avoided. Neither can a truck Glen Cove, Dec. 22 through fear that It would be a discard the advantage of its weight and power over smaller Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— duplication of effort and might in­ — — * Eric Erickson of Finnish ancestry. cars. Trucks can take the road when necessary and have to I have looked in vain through terfere with the organized campaign Hark! The herald angels sing ■» today appealed to citizens of this for their own self preservation. A sufficient number of them therefore can make themselves Intolerable on busy highways, several issues of your paper for an which has as its treasurer Emil Olory to the new-born King. * community to contribute financial appeal by you for contributions to Rivers. The appeal in behalf of -Charles Wesley no matter how w’ell handled. J aid to Uie little country in Europe's There are many things that can be done to overcome the the Finnish Relief Fund. Finland should not require empha­ advantage trucks enjoy and some of them must be if they are As Finland's heroic struggle sis; the whole world knows of its nonhland which is now being In- not to dominate entirely. They may pav a fair share for against Communism marks the bat­ admirable government and its ad vaded by Russia. their practical use of the roads but certainly not enough for mirable citizenry, Knox County Fellows Is Named ■ Erickson, who lives at 811 S Wa- the special privileges they enjoy They cant be reckoned as tlefield of all the Democracies ordinary cars but must be handled as trucks and nothing else. against this menace I believe you owes much to the Finnish people Raymond P e ^ <Ri. Bangor *" K*nt- “ « * son of a (By The Roving Reporter) When this is done far more regulation of them will be justi­ should make an appeal for this fund, anu will gladly respond it the time lawyer and Maines attorney gen- ‘"""Wrant. While he was fied. Keeping them ofT the roads on Sunday Is one of the so that all who care to contribute of that nation's great stress—Ed.] era! from 1925 to 1929 was appointed * rn n country and i. a loyal mildest of the rules that may well be made. to It may do so. I am making my Mr. Smith's generous donation is An air raid over Helsinki, Fin- ■ Five children's radio programs of American citizen, he likes to recall In this State trucks are usually scarce on Sundays until to the Superior court bench by Re­ well Into the night and most ci the complaints are caused by check for (25 for this fund. here noted, as a timely example land, the other day had results sug- the "blood and thunder" variety with ride the glorious history of the pub! can Oov. Barrcws. Friday the small independents. Those that ttre out Sundays, however, Clifford Smith which other public spirited citizens gestive of comic opera instead of have been withdrawn from national i little country which is now again cause enough trouble to condemn them all Banning them all [In reply to Mr. Smith's letter It may follow. The Courier-Gazette tragedy. The police report said: radio networks and the remainder fighting for Its life. would be no great hardship for anyone but a big advantage to may be said that The Courier-Oa^ will gladly act as a receiving agen­ 'Two crows dfr.d and one wounded are doomed to disappear soon Formerly a grand duchy of Swe­ all. Unles the trucks submit to this gracefully something much Taking Out Papers zette considered the matter of a cy, or will make note of contribu­ crow which was taken to a first through the efforts of a new worn- den, Finland was ceded to Russia more drastic can be done. newspaper appeal, and hesitated tions intended for Treasurer Rivers. aid station and revived. The car- en's organization known as the ra- Blin Page la Third Entry In after th* war °f 1809 » u>w only because of the systematic can­ Finnish Relief Fund casses should be saved for the Rus- i dlo Council of Children's Programs, i n ■ r> »_ tlme’ the Finns paid annually to the Republican Guberna- RuAsla a sum of somc l230000 to THE C.ASUAL GREETING vass which is being made in sev­ Clifford Smith. (25 sians. They seem to be eating Although the identities of the five crow—plenty. I were not disclosed, It was learned torial Contest keep all Finns out of the Russian During the next 48 hours most of us will be extending —o— j that the Dick Tracy program, one ------- army After the World War and Deluged with Christmas greetings of most popular of the juvenile Oov. Lew s O Barrows, aspirant during the Russian revolution, the i Christmas greetings—a custom which has come down through The Black Cat would like to ac- hair-raisers, left the air some for the United 8tates Senate nom- j^ n , agaln won thelr ^depend- j the years, and too often a mere formality. We congratulate ALWAYS ON THE JOB knowledge them individually If time months ago. Many others, It was lnation in 1940. and several other ence ourselves that we have met the season's obligations pleasantly, and space permitted. The remot- , learned will be withdrawn when candidates for major offices Thurs- [ clos< to 8weden and very and we honestly «nean it as such, but is there anybody who can look about carefully without seeing some opportunity— Adjutant Seaver Of Salvation Army Superin* est point from which a Christmas , their contracts expire, day took out nom:natlon papers for friendly to that Scandinavian coun- , card came was Empire. Oregon, and 1 0 circulation after Jan. 1. 1 try, the Finns are of a different 1 simple and inexpensive, too—where we could have carried tends Distribution Of 50 Christmas Baskets the sender was Capt. Frank L. J "Stickers" are common enough in Former Oovernor Ralph O race, Erickson said There are a into practice those ''Merry' Christmas" greetings which we have so carelessly uttered? Have we thoughtlessly missed the Brown of tlie U.S.S. Michie and i elections but It seems now that they Brewster 1R1 of Dexter. United lot of Finns in Sweden and many shows a picture off K T Mt., Co- jyg to be used in the choice of chance to make somebody materially happier? Adjutant Thomas Seaver, execu­ torchbearers will present a Christ­ States Representative from the Swedes in Finland, but they are not lumbla River on the Washington Thanksgiving Day, 1940. Calendars Third Maine District, also seeks the of the same people tive officer of the Salvation Army,, mas sketch. Sunday evening at 8 side. Capt. Brown Is a former sent out by a Boston firm carry two Senate nomination extended greetings to the recipients p. m. entitled "Christmas Gifts.' Bom in Maine. Erickson moved to Rockland boy who renewed acquain­ red letter dates, Nov. 21 and Nov. 28. of 50 Christmas baskets at the There will be carol singing and Ad­ Robert Hale <Ri of Portland, for­ Kent about 14 years ago He Is THE LOGGING MEN’S APPETITE tances during a summer visit here Salvation Army hall, 477 Main jutant Seaver will have a short but with the calendars are envel­ mer Speaker of the Maine House now employed at the Twin Coach two years ago.
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