RecordA MERRY CHRISTMAS MirrorTO ALL OUR READERS Largest selling colour pop veekly newspaper No. 197 Week ending December 19, 1964 Every Thursday 6d.Registered at the G.P.O. as a newspaper THE ROLLING STONES - almost every pop honour has been heaped established themselves as deeply as possible into the pop world. Now, they upon the shoulders of the fivesome during the past year, and the boys have are on holiday over Christmas, all going their separate ways. matt PARLOPHONE meritE.M.I. RECORDS LTD., E M I. HOUSE, 20 MANCHESTER SQUARE, LONDON W I 2 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending December 19, 1964 ... t tl e dt s tl m ?tn s ct Ri aboutthe ? LETTERS Y UR PAGETI,111M=,IMMINEWIT.- Record `IT'S BEEN A BAD Mirror EVERY THURSDAY 116 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W.I. YEAR FOR -AMERICA' Telephones GERrard 7942/3/4 says an AM reader AS '64 draws to a close, it mustoneofthe worstyearsforAmerican EDITORIAL originals,Surelythedisc - buying public must be fed up with the old rope dished out by the majority of Bri- Let's have a tishartistes.Inthecharts now: terrible covered or re- vivedversions ofg r e a t songs by Sam Cooke, Major MERRY Christmas ! Lance, Shirelles G -Clefs, JackiedeShan'non,Four FORGET,foramoment,thedisputes,the Tops.AndpooroldLou squabbles,theconstantpanicabout chart Johnson. After the first or- THE G-CLEFS-Their original "I Understand" hit our JACKIE DE SHANNON- deal by Sandie Shaw, Adam positions and polls and percentages-let's just wish top twenty on New Year's day, 1962. No hits yet here. Faith comes up with a hash - everybody in the pop music industry one great up of "A Message To Mar- big, roaring Merry Christmas...and a swinging THEIR TOPS GOOD SHOW BAD MANNERS tha." Please, dee-jays, follow New Year! MIGHT be opportune to analyse PEOPLE are complaining about IDON'T mind constructivecriti- the example of Tony Hall the Beaties' chartperfor- cism of my favouritepopar- and givethe Americansa There are, of course, worried frowns in Tin Pop shows not having enough tistesbutreaderBillMillar chance.-Barry Worsley, 275 mances. After "Love Me people inthe audience.I saw farbysuggestingthat Do,"alltheirnewsingleshave Jerry Lee Lewis at Golders Green wenttoo Warwick Road, Banbury, Pan Alley. Nobody knows exactly which way the Hippodrome, a comparatively people shouldbeallowedtobar- made number one and they have rackartistesonpopshowsby Oxon. businesswillgoduring1965.Anyone who hadsevenin arow.Thelast small place.It was a sell-out. But booing,etc.I'm sure he wouldn threecames t r a i g h t in at the theatrepeople were not pre- beverypleasedifhisfavourite genuinely IS blessed with foresight and perception Number One. They have spenta pared,unlikesomeotherplaces. intheaisles artistesweresubjectedtostupid could make a fortune. But in the last instance, at totalof29 weeks atthetop,out totoleratedancing booingduringtheirperformances. of . and they stopped theshow. OUR CHARTS 93 since "Please, Please Me," Ifhe reallythinksthis should be the final reckoning, any new trend or craze will be almost a third of the time. They've Ifthe theatreis prepared to take allowed, thenI suggest he changes had several top -selling EP's, three the cutof money from asell-out, his name to "Billie" and joins the created by the most important people inthe top -selling albums ina row . they should be prepared to accept screamingset of Beatle-crazed 'VE come to the conclusion that with one more out now. Countless dancing in the aislesas a hazard idiots who persist in spoiling I you will never put the Beatles business-the fans. recordsintheAmericancharts, of rock'n'roll shows-instead of straight in at Number One, even callinginthe Groves, otherpeople's enjoyment atthese andchart -toppers alloverthe police.-V. shows. Orperhaps he already when othercharts have themin But for the British side of the Atlantic, this world. Andthey've staved off 10 Coniston House, Harrington has. - J.R.Wilson,15 Leader that position.Isitthat you go to attackson theirsupremacyby Street, London, N.W.1. Road, Sheffield 6. press earlier-I know thelinethat should be the happiest Christmas in years. British such as the Dave Clark Five. Im- Says JamesCraig: Says James Craig: your chartsarebased on actual artistes have stormed the States, have forced a pressivereading? - J.M,Reeve, "Hazard,"though,isthe sales and NOT advance orders. But 18Marden Road,West Croydon, Several other readerscon- Surrey rightword.Theatres ARE cur, as they say. But surely other chartsare based on wide gap in the Stateside charts. The one-way governed by local by-laws, PeterJonessays booing this also.Ihope you will have the James Craig:See Peter firerestrictions,etc.Pen- and applauding go handin manners to reply to this. - Philip traffic FROM the States has been halted, though Jones' story, thisissue, on alty for breach of the laws handatChelsea footbal. Watson,4 BlackhouseRoad,Gee possiblytemporarily. the Beatles. isto lose the licence. matches. Cross, Hyde, Cheshire. Britishsongwriters,too, James Craig says:have had a year of triumph and can sip their Philip'sletterhas been shortened to savespace festive champagne knowing that royalty cheques Ourviewissimplythat theRecord Retailer chart, will continue to arrive during the year to come. used by the Record Mirror, isthe oneaccepted by And the successes of the British groups has, everyretailerinthedisc directly, led to increased enthusiasm for lesser - business. When adiscis soldonaFridayforthe known and appreciated American artistes. The firsttime,ithastosell To WISH fantasticallyfasttooutsell Beatles, the Stones-they've aired their interest in two dayswhat the second -rateddiscsellsin in the Tamla-Motown artistes, Chuck Berry, Didd- all six In the week. It's an involved point and we shall ley and the more obscure blues performers. The be explaining the mechanics fans have followed suit. inRecordMirrorinthe NewYear. Ourmanners It's been a period of two-way benefits as the pop ALL OURFRIENDS O.K. ? scene has widened its scope. The Record Mirror, if you'll forgive a modest aside, has also widened PAUPER? its scope and stretched its reputation. IS Mtck Jagger too poor to buy There are, inevitably, moaners and groaners anail -file --thatisindicated by inside the pop industry. Those who are colour-blind BOTHNEAR hisindigent mode of dress?of is itthathecannotaffordto to rainbows and pots of gold...and can see only waste his valuable time by clean- ing out hisfinger -nails? I refer to black clouds of doom. thatfront-pagecolourpictureof himintheRecord Mirror.-Miss But we say pop music is thriving. We say con- L. M. Rees, 6 ShaldonDrive, and FAR South Ruislip, Middlesex. fidently that 1965 is a year to look forward to. JamesCraigbuttsin: Otherreaders,again,have And we say again: "Have yourself a VERY commented onthis.Would Merry Christmas. And let's all, everyone in the be worth hearing(evenif yOU couldn't possibly print) pop field, pull together for an even more success- Mick's own viewsonthis A subject. ful New Year." HAPPY potk.0§0§0§44§~tw§~.kiip.ittp.i.(14,t,= FREDDIE, PETE, DEREK, CHRISTMAS and BERNIE & ROY The Best For would like to wish all their Friends '65 and Associates throughout the world KENNY andthe BOYS A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS ilwvi4ovev§40440.14tow,440440.101focot RECORD MIRROR. Week ending December 19, 1964 3 WHY THEY STILL TRIUMPH VEY wereeasily the Top Stars of 1963. and PETER JONES' GROUP they're still way out in front for 1964. They've staved off someofthemostdeter- OF THE YEAR mined Beatle - squashing from other agents and or- ganizations.And the in- menon, anyway, can attract every one of them COULD credible thing is that there's more than maximum busi- branch out on a solo career no sign of a slump setting ness. andtuginatremendous in, despite topsy-turvey TheBeatleshavebarn- amount ofbox-officegold. turmoil in some aspects of stormed America, dominated the beat business. Australia and New Zealand, TALENT The BEATLES. Their hairy jam-packed every hall, every thatches have grown during venue.Theirsingleshave Then there is the individ- THE BEATLES: Theyare still the tops as far asPeter Jones is concerned. the past twelve months, but screamed to the top ofall ual talent combined in the charts.Theiralbumsand quartet. John and Paul into top spot in the charts. arisemainly because there which they appear. They are so has their reputation. And EP'shavealsoscreamed. write songs that will bridge You don't even try to argue are no similar comparisons true personalities. They are their musicianship. And They wandered, bemused the years. Kindly don't hand with this sort of commercial their personalities. Bank - to make. They are'unique in so different that they're in balances, too. into the movie business - me any argumentative rub- impact. You simply go along the history of groups. Elvis no danger of being regarded andchalkedupaworld - bish which suggestsother- with it. And marvel. had it all to himself as a solo as being "stale." blanketing success with "A wise. Their music has been It'sfashionableto knock star; the Beatles have been Yep - that's another 500 DIFFICULT Hard Day s Night." treated considerately by aphenomenon,ofcourse. inevitablysplitintofour words to add to the million. A million words have been ReasonsfortheBeatles modern jazz musicians, A word of adverse publicity different sections. Sonothing new has been written about them. Finding continued triumph? . massed choirs, huge orches- and the star -killers move in. said? O.K. 500 more isa difficult task while others fall fast by the tras. And italways stands Among actual questions, the DOMINANT Butitdoesn'talterthe . they've been scrutinised, wayside! up pugnaciously to this fashionableone is: "The No, there's no doubt about factthatthey'restillthe analysed, probed, almost fil- musical sort of approach. Beatles have been big. it.The Beatlesstilldomin- tops! leted. Thefact,simply,is: PERSONALITIES But most important in the but how LONG can it last?" ateeverysingleareain PETER JONES TheBeatlesarewayout group individuality and Boost 'em to the top; then infront in the world pop Firstand foremost,they enterprise.
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