DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 33. PORTLAND MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1896. 1 SJassmaix. MATTiS! 5 PRICE THREE CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. L. _MISCELLANEOUS. Douglas?, the Brockton shoe man, and should vote for tho passage of tho bill, ever legislative bodies assemble, who is was notwithstanding the President’s objec- travelling salesman for a Framing" A LAW. corny OFFICERS the one mail who has brought the tions. lio did not think such an appro- ham, Mass., chair concern, Mrs. Dwel- National House of from “THE HEATHEN CHINEE. priation bill ought ovor to be votoou na- Representatives niotlior hus- ley’s married for her second dir any circumstances. It was not a a condition of innocuous disuotude, to an For ways that are dark, band, tho father of Frank Munsey, Die mandatory provision, merely a passive activo working branch of the government Now York publisher, so It is said. one. If the Secretary of the Treasury And tricks that are and who, if ho had dor.o nothing more, for vain. Douglass says that ho first saw the Rivers an] Slid there was no money in the treasury Death of Livermore Harbor Bill Passed by would he Mysterious woman at the and not otherwise he not Nominated in Hall entitled to the unstinted praise The heathen Chinee is peculiar." Frye boarding house, appropriated, was City Yesterday in tho afternoon mot her in Auburn on hound to expend it. So that tho Presi- and everlasting thanks of his country- the street. She told him she was In the Senate. dent had oontrol of tho whole But he does know how to make a de- Falls Woman. complete Forenoon. men, whose name if nominated will be a trouble and asked him to meet her at the matter. Ho could not oonceive a oase or a floor tower of and a of coration, covering, as unique City hotel. where such a bill should be vetoed. Ve- strength, presage as himself. Some of the handsomest He went up to her room and sbo com- toes, he said, come to ono House or the to him of other now and coolest floor coverings for Summer plained feeling faint, he says. | PRESIDENT'S OBJECTIONS TO CON- almost every day. Congress HUSBAND A KESPECTED CITIZEN Ho loft for some reason and returned ought to curb, or check if possible the A LONG SESSION AND CLOSE villas, or cottages, as well as for to find her dead. exercise city TRARY NOTWITHSTANDING. of the veto power. houses, are shown by the Atkinson OF THAT TOWN. Mr. Smith, Democrat of New Jersey, CONTESTS. said that similar bills had been vetoed Furnishing in their fine selec- SENATOR BLACKBURN’S TRIUMPH- Company by Presidents Jackson, Tyler, Polk and tion of Chinese and Japanese mattings, Pierce. His Frieuds largely In the at have come Majority Mr. Vilas, Democrat of Wisconsin, said which from the industrious A Number of Sanators Make Speeches F. M. a Cliair Arrested Kentucky Convention, bo could not ibis measure. Sheriff Plummer, Treasurer Clieneiy, hands of the “Chinee.’’ Douglass, Feddler, support Favoring Measure—Senators Vilas and Mr. Berry, Domocrat of Arkansas, For Complicity i n the Affair—Tells Judge Peabody, George Bibby, Joseph argued in favor of the passage ot tho bill. Lexington, June 3.—This was a Hill Sustain President—Only Five Nay gome Remarkable and Contradictory Ky., Mr. Pettigrew, Republican of South Da- B. Reed, J. H, Drummond, Jr., Ed- day of triumph for Senator Blackburn Votes— kota. favored the veto. He Stories—Woman Told Him She Was in overriding ward C. Reynolds, Nathan Morrill, and tho free silver element of the Blue characterized the veto power as a relio Walker Trouble and Asked Him to Meet Herat Washington, June 3.—in the House to- □f the which had no in a free Cyrus tY it hum and Gardner Grass Domooraoy. The white metal ‘ad- past place Hotel. day a resolution was agreed to ordering government.He denounned the President "Were the Victorious Candidates. ATKINSON City vocatos outnumbered their in opponents in severe him with tho piinting of 10,000 copies of the Presi- terms, charging utter June 3.—A tho state convention 3 to 1. disregard of his saored oath of as The convention was Lewiston, woman, aged dent’s river and har- office, Republican county jne.sage vetoing tho well as of the about 35, died at the City hotel this even- State Chairman Chas. R. Long called constitution, overriding held yesterday forenoon in the City bor appropriation bill and the same num- the law, influencing Congressmen the convention to by was a FURNISHING ing unde? mysterious circumstances. order. In closing his tho use building. It long and interesting ber of the report of tho committee recom- of patronage, enriching Ills favor- CO., address he said that ites An is in and a Cleveland stands to- at the public In session and developed some 21 Monument Square. investigation progress the of thebill over the expense and, foot, surprises. day as the equal in devotion to tho beBt mending passage no restraint uconhis h. man, giving the name of F. M. Doug- permitting imperial From 10 a. m. till 2.16 p. m. the time (’ARLETOM, Manager. interest of our government and faitful veto. will. lass, a chair peddler, is being held at the service was fully oocupleii. The contest for of any President that preceded Mr. Dingley gave notice that he would | Mr. Bate, Democrat of Tennessee, NEW polioe station, pending the result of the him, and the country is indebted to the spoke of the veto. He asserted that the county attorney between George Libby ADVERTISEMENTS. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. to oompelled to object to any further Demooratio party for his election. I Issuance of bonds was behind the bill or and Richard Webb was not so olose as post mortem inquest. leave of to for doubt not the convention will him absence members, except slse a tariff bill would the Mc- in the afternoon the woman give overtop had been expeoted, Mr. Libby winning Early tlioir votes. illness. Kinley bill. called at the office of the hotel and by a good size majority. City This was the signal of a scene. The Tho House agreed, without further dis- Mr. Hawley opposed the veto and ex- George IJbby, Esq. asked for At her Clerk silver and shouted. that the President had seen Mr. Neal lodging. request, delegates yelled on the pressed regret developed unexpected ami whose more When the cussion to tho conference report victory; nomination, chairman said “J. G. Carlisle dt to speak of the unhappy decadenoe of as Mr. Reed’s for Charles Perry registered her name as for fortifica- strength opponent than that of any man in the stands bofore the Amerioun people as one bill, making appropriations ;he poople’s respeot for tho government. country, Mrs. Me. She was as- Abbott, Bath, Ui iue purest anu a must statesmen,” tions and coast defences under considera- He was sorry to find that the President will restore at home and abroad, and in- to room 13. Later a man tboy drowned ills voioo with wns dominated such a signed giving hoots and tion when the House adjourned yester- by spirit of pes- spire belief that the nation’s honor will yells. simism. There was no decadenoo of the the name of F. M. Douglass, called and be strictly maintained. Shall I name U. J. Brinston, silver candidate for day. respect of the for the law and inquired for Mrs. Dwelley. He was people him? You know have him temporary chairman, won by a largo ma- Mr. Cannon, Republican of Illinois, government. him, you kept Informed that no woman of that name jority. Brinston nddressod the conven- nresentad tho first conference recort of Mr. Hill upheld the veto power against in Congress for eighteen years, who has was in the but that a woman an- tion. Senator Blaokburn on ;he critioisms and reminded the hotel, appeared the general deficiency bill. upon it, honored you more than you have honored the platform and the delegates rose as one Democratic side of the chamber that swering the description had registered " who considers his office a mao, waved hats and handkerchiefs and The House agreed on the first confer- President Jackson the veto- him; publio under the name of Mrs. Abbott of Bath. inaugurated cheered for several minutes. Ho told of ence report on the general deficiency hill. ing of the river and harbor bills, The trust; who has not stultitled himself nor Ur. Democrat of moved Douglass went to her room and stopped his years of service to the party and said Sayers, Texas, last veto of a river and harbor bill, Mr. prostituted his high office to raise himself that while he suffered much at the that the House vote to strike out the ap- Hill was President awhile. Later he oame in and went to said, by Arthur iu to the Presidency; shall I name him? hands of the Democrats who opposed propriation making payment to and on 188d. The veto now under consideration the room again, returning shortly greatly account of the of the Ford’s His name to and the the policy which he had adopted, he had victims was based on tho grounds of expediency, springs every lip; axoited, the woman was dead. no theatre disaster the names of oertain no mistake saying animosity against thorn. After the inj jujj oviuon uu lhq cuuiuiuuo auiUUUlo Republican party will make of the total amount Involved be- He said her name was Mrs. A.
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