THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1912. PAGE THREE. 0m Our GREAT WHITE SALE m EVER IH THE HISTORY OF PHOEMSX SALE EVENTS Have you been offered such an array of values in White Merchandise We are a little later than usual this year in presenting this Sale but in order to be able to offer such unequalled values, we simply searched every market for both foreign and dr mestic manufacture The result of our buyer's efforts will be clearly shown when you visit this sale. All garments, fabrics and articles offered m this event are made under the most healthful and sanitary conditions and are strictly new many lines being special purchases that have just arrived. Also we want you to note the excellence of the workmanship the quality of material and trimming used both far superior to that usually sold in white sales. Next to quality price is the most important consideration, and on every item the price is one that cannot be duplicated. UNDERWEAR SPECIALED FOR RAPID SELLING DURING THIS SALE A LOT E Values to 7So LOT B Values to $1,00 LOT G Values to $1,50 LOT D Values to $2,00 Valuesio$2.50 Consisting of Gowns, Gowns, Chemises, Ion 3 (J".ui. Chi mises. Skirts. 0r--- 1 fjiiuns, Corsc-- t Covers, 1ovr.s, Chemises,- - Combi- - Skirts. Chemises, Combi- nation Suits long anil short -- and .short Skirts, Corset t Cvr- Combinations ani Skirts, Chemises, Coi nation Suits in .1 great skirts. This lot emit tins set Covers and Draw- Covers and Drawers. iJr..frs. IV mtifiilh ti i'limed .inc; ..f new stvlcs :ind handsome garments anil el- triiinned iu prettiest of undoubtedly best ever Kxtra well made and sri'l in. nil- iif si!i tnliil nuitir-i- K the ers goods sold at ail I.m e aiil nibroidf r . 'ti- Val- offered at the price other times up to 75c. aborately trimmed. Values up to $1 "o. nt s to S2 i'i. values to $2."'. ues up to 81.00. IXTRA EXTRA 500 Corset Covers, 35c to 40c Values THREE LOTS OF UNDERMUSLIN FOR CHILDREN WOMEN'S DRAWERS, Worth 40c 500 Corset Covers nice- LOT 1 Values to 25c LOT 2 Values to 30c LOT 3 Values to 40c .1 000 pai r Women 's hem- ly trimmed, made, well Drawers. Waists and Drawers. Waists and Drawers, (towns and stitched and dainty lace the kind you 35c y pay well made Skirts, nii-cl- trimmed Skirts, a dandy line of trimmed muslin draw- or 40c all time. Skirts, extra for the choice and well made. Values children's underwear, ers, nev- Those long and a splendid well made and won't last of styles. Values up to up to 3U sizes 1 t.o 12 nicely trimmed in tucks, and we limit 3 to a er sold for less than 40c, 1 ru Hies 25c. sizes from to 12 vears. or embroidery. ft limit 3 to customer. rears. Sizes up to 40. OF EVERY READ LACES AND EMBROIDERIES THESE PRICES KIND Every housewife should avail of this opportunity to lay in a Such an array of Pretty laces and embroideries, as never before seen in supply of linens. These prices are perhaps as low as ever quoted in this town You'll miss something worth while, if you miss these special this city. items. Pa-ma- . TORCHON Kdgings LINEN TORCHON in EMBROIDERIES and Insertions FABLE LINEN bleached sk LINEN HUCK TOWELS in a HANDSOME IRISH LINEN LACES LACES, a de- good Hamburg up to " pittcrn; incites wide. Rood variety of large size anil NAPKINS Keal Irish imp-u-t.-- l and insertions of different wonderful variety of new extra , many 15c inches worth - "i "I a qualftv usually sold else well worth our former price ol goods, in a variety of pattern-- dths anil designs; signs Values up to wide reii- ml yard Special 17Xr larly 20e. Special J.JLC where at 5ic a yard lto. Special price extra wearing quality and .ill matched sets; new arrivals, well i "2 each 14c nuns linen; size:x2r. and wortli 1V. Salu Sal- Price 29c price 4c MERCERIZED TA- worth $t'..00 dozen. CLUNY BANDS Pretty, new CORSET COVER EMBROIDER- IMPORTED DRESSER SCARFS made of Special BLE LINEN in a number f .$4.49 goods and not a yard worth less IES, up to IS inches w'.de Gal- bleached linene with hemst idl- TORCHON LACES beautifr.il as loons, ISand.i and Insertions pretty patterns. This is an ex- border. These are than 20c to 25c All iu one lot ed scarfs CHECKED GLASS TOWELING sortment of .patterns, many --t m Both Hamburg and Swiss 25c quality, mercerized, and will - mv for i tra well worth 50c. Our The kind you pay l'V- and wear wash well matched sets, worth y Special values. and ...29c l-- 2e f siiecial price yard ordinarilv. l-- 2c Special AHo 12 a for 12 yard, sale lZC Special. 14c Worth 05e to 75c .Tt j blue or red checks in JIL BLEACHED LINEN CRASH Either GERMAN LIN- various sizes. EDGINGS UNBLEACHED Bleached pure white, all linen, Qr TORCHON LACES These WASH TORCHON SWISS EMBROIDERIES EN The regular 7."c and X5c Special OL come yard bolts also IS inches wide, and will wejr -- in many widths and some These in six Gallons jualities, full two yards wide, ome Splendid everlasting edgings, and bands a beautiful splendidly. Always matched sets Nowhere else can lot worth 35c a yard and a wonderful bargain at the 45x21 BATH TOWELS extra worth 20c Special 1 A 1Q sells for IT.c a yard. ..lLiXj heavy and good quality very von buv these for less than 15c Special YjVj special price Qp a yard. Special Price, Bolt 1UL er yard J HALF BLEACHED DICED close weave and worth IQn EMBROIDERY FLOUNGINGS 50c pair. Special each..AyL BEAUTIFUL Price H FLOUNCINGS, in both TURKEY RED DAMASK A NAPKINS Those come one a ..Jkc embroi- EMBROIDERIES and Insertions Hamburg and Swiss. Perfectly in dozen to a - package; hemmed NOVELTY FLOUNCES Gorgeously hand genuine Turkey Red standard 34x18 BATH TOWELS This ALL OVER LACES 50 pieces in a nig assortment ot I'attcrns. beautiful goods and actually M medium size. You havo dered in open Knglish eyelet ami relief effects, quality; comes full inches and finality is well worth 25c a pair new 1912 AH :i to 4 inches wide; worth 40c a yard. paid C5c for these closeh resembling embroidery; 45 inches wide; wide Over Laces, worth wide and sells regularly for always OJTp at our special price is an up C5c yard, cream, extra special, yard 3c Special price specialed for and scallops, cm be easily fashioned into stunning to in white, ...23c 15c a yard' 'X&.O Now exceptional value O icru and Pansy.' -- sscs OQ Special S1.90 AND $2.00 NAPKINS, in Special, each O ov dr lVL 27 TO 45 INCH FLO UN SING Just the thing for Special price HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES CORSET COVER EMBROID- DAMASK or floral pat- iJj BLEACHED IRISH either the dice fi HONEY COMBED BED graduation dresses; hundreds of styles to choose and Insertions, up to inches ERY in very fire eyelet work, Genuine $1.50 finality, in many terns, made of genuine German up 19 right SPREADS in white only Kull I'roin, the hcay, deep em jroidered kind and sheer, TORCHON LACES Thousands wide. Take a look at these and to inches wide You can't new handsome patterns, full two linen, half bleached. Just ' of pure compare duplicate boarding double bed size and regular laint'v ones, for missc-- dresses; yards of new. linen Tor with other store's 12Vic these elsewhere for yards wide and Will wash and for restaurants and GO AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. chons; values up to goods. less than 50c to C5ca 51.35 quality. White QQp ALL wear leautifuHy. Buy houses, per 12 2c Sale, price yard. Sale...... 5c Special yard. Special 39c it now at per yard .... ;i.io dozen $1.49 JJj 7C PRINTED LAWHS UNBLEACHED MUSLIN BLEACHED DOMESTIC WOMEN'S VESTS WOMEN'S VESTS TOWELING 5000 yards or printed UNBLEACHED MUSLIN Full one yard wide Ribbed, sleeveless vests, Sleeveless vests Twilled crash toweling full ard wide, the kind you Jiibbed Lawns a great vnrielv Bleached Domestic of taped neck and arm of regular 10c pay Sc a yard for regularly the if patterns, rcgul ir standard 10c quality holes aud regular 1214c quality as an extra serviceable quality During this sale you can bn l HHin, 10-a- nunc this quality at a rd Mothers, note this spe- quality. "Buy now at this T special during White In T1, ards to customer. cial price. Price. Sale and worth a yard. If Values Are Only Possible at The Boston Store's Great Sale Take Heed These H H 9x4 SHEETING, piece, regular FIGURED MADRAS, 34 inches wide, the ZEPHYR GINGHAM, In fancy BLEACHED full width, FOULARDS, in pretty bordered LONG CLOTH, a good sort finish, Eng- LONG CLOTH, 10 yards in colors; to h checks and solid a nice lot and an extra good quality; regular .10c new designs and worth a $115 qualitv at this store, whU-- means best wash goods value in town, worth effects: 17c lish make, positively the best lng Cloth choose from; will wash and wear well. yard goods. Sale yard: Special Sale at hast $125 elsewhere. RRc from ISc to 20c. S lie lust what yon pay LSc to 20c for else in town.
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