Parliamentarian World Call for the 'Tobin Tax' The campaign for a 'Tobin Tax' continues... 864 parliamentarians from 33 coun- However, despite the good intentions agenda. Globalisation creates wealth, tries have signed the Parliamentarian of these declarations of, no new but also a great deal of inequality. A World Call for the 'Tobin Tax'. mechanism of financing was put in 'Tobin Tax' could be the first tax of this place to reverse the decrease in public new type, leading to others of this kind Last year, following the Earth fund budgets going to development such as a tax on maritime activity. Summit in Johannesburg and the aid and to pay for universal access to International Conference on all global public goods. We invite you to continue to spread Financing for Development in the word about this appeal and to col- Monterrey, the international commu- It has never been so urgent to create a lect signatures. nity confirmed that it is imperative to more equal world, a world where find the necessary funding to guaran- poverty is not the only future for tee universal access to all the essen- millions of human beings. Peace and Harlem Désir, Glyn Ford, tial elements of a decent quality of stability in the world are also at stake. Carlos Carnero life, the ability to nourish oneself pro- "Capital Taxes, Fiscal Systems and Globalisation" perly, access to drinking water, to This is why the question of a global Intergroup of the European Parliament education, and to medicines..... solidarity tax remains at the top of the Appel mondial des parlementaires pour la taxe Tobin Le combat pour la taxe Tobin se poursuit… 864 parlementaires de 33 pays, ont signé Mais, malgré les déclarations d’inten- pour lutter contre la spéculation et les l’Appel mondial des parlementaires tions, aucun mécanisme nouveau de paradis fiscaux. La mondialisation crée pour la taxe Tobin. financement n’a été mis en place pour des richesses mais aussi beaucoup d’iné- enrayer la baisse l’aide publique au galités. La taxe Tobin pourrait être une L’année dernière, lors du Sommet de la développement et permettre l’accès de première taxe d’un nouveau genre avant Terre à Johannesburg, comme lors de la tous aux biens publics mondiaux. d’autres taxes comme une taxe sur le Conférence sur le financement du déve- transport maritime ou les emissions de loppement à Monterrey, la communauté Jamais pourtant il n’a été plus urgent de carbone. internationale a affirmé la nécessité de créer un monde plus cohérent, un monde trouver les financements nécessaires où la misère ne soit pas le seul avenir Nous vous invitons à continuer à faire pour permettre l’accès de tous aux élé- pour des millions d’êtres humains. La connaître cet appel et à le faire signer. ments essentiels d’une vie décente, pour paix du monde est aussi à ce prix. pouvoir se nourrir, avoir accès à l’eau Harlem Désir, Glyn Ford, potable, à l’éducation, aux médica- C’est pourquoi, la question d’un impôt Carlos Carnero ments… de solidarité mondiale reste d’actualité. Intergroupe “taxation du capital, fiscalité, Comme celle de créer des instruments mondialisation” du Parlement européen Llamamiento mundial de los parlamentarios a favor de la tasa Tobin La campaña a favor de la tasa Tobin continúa… 864 Parlamentarios de 33 distintitos A pesar de las declaraciones de buenas solidaridad mundial sigue estando de paises han firmado el Llamamiento intenciones, no se estableció ningún actualidad. La globalización crea mundial de los parlamentarios a favor nuevo mecanismo de financiación para riquezas y también muchas desigual- de la implantacion de la tasa Tobin. frenar la reducción de los presupuestos dades. La tasa Tobin podría ser la pri- de ayudas públicas al desarrollo y para mera de una nueva clase de tasas, El año pasado, tanto en la Cumbre de la financiar el acceso de toda la pobla- como por ejemplo una tasa sobre las Tierra en Johannesburg como en la ción a los bienes públicos mundiales. actividades marítimas. Conferencia sobre la Financiación del Desarrollo en Monterrey, la comunidad Nunca antes había sido tan urgente Le invitamos que continue dando a internacional afirmó la necesidad de crear un mundo más coherente, un conocer este llamamiento y a promo- encontrar los recursos financieros nece- mundo donde la miseria no sea el ver su firma. sarios para garantizar el acceso de toda único futuro para millones de seres la población a los elementos esenciales humanos. La paz y la estabilidad mun- Harlem Désir, Glyn Ford, de una vida decente, para poder alimen- dial bien se merecen este esfuerzo. Carlos Carnero tarse, tener acceso a agua potable, a la Intergrupo "impuestos del capital, fiscalidad, educación, a los medicamentos... Esta es la razón por la que una tasa de globalización" del Parlamento Europeo FrankAAEN,Member of Parliament,Denmark Diane ABBOTT ,Member of Parliament, UK William ABITBOL, Member of the European Parliament,France; ThomasABRAHAMS,Member of Parliament,South Africa; Fatima ABURTO,Senator,Spain; Sergio ACOSTA SALA- ZAR, Member of Parliament, Mexico; Ruben AGUIRRE PONCE,Member of Parliament, Mexico Francisco AGUNDIS ARIAS, Member of Parliament,Mexico; Nuala AHERN ,Member of the European Parliament,Ireland; Sylviane AINARDI,Member of the European Parliament,France Hélène ALARIE,Member of Federal Parliament,Canada Francisco José ALVAREZ DE LA CHICA, Senator, Spain Alexandros ALAVANOS,Member of the European Parliament,Greece;Renato ALBERTINI,Senator,Italy;Frank ALBRECHTSEN ,Member of Parliament, Denmark; Lyn ALLISON,Senator,Australia; Angelo ALTEA,Member of Parliament,Italy; Gila ALTMANN,Member of Parliament,Germany; Nekane ALZELAI,Member of a Regional Parliament,Spain;Alberto ANAYA GUTIERREZ,Member of Parliament,Mexico; Niall ANDREW,Member of the European parliament,Ireland; Martha Angelica BERNARDINO ROJAS, Member of Parliament, Mexico Karin ANDERSEN,Member of Parliament,Norway; Jan ANDERSSON,Member of the European Parliament, Sweden; Janina ANDERS- SON,Member of Parliament,Finland Margareta ANDERSSON, Member of Parliament, Sweden Marianne ANDERSSON,Member of Parliament,Sweden; Jim ANDERTON, Member of Parliament,New Zealand; Kia ANDREASSON, Member of Parliament,Sweden; Ange Christophe Felix ANDRIANARISOA,President of the Malagasy National Assembly, Madagascar Léo ANDY, Member of Parliament, France Hortensia ARAGON CASTILLO, Member of Parliament,Mexico;Martin ARANBURU, Member of a Regional Parliament,Spain;Jose Antonio ARÉVALO GONZALEZ,Member of Parliament,Mexico Sture ARNESSON, Member of Parliament, Sweden Siri Hall ARNOY,Member of parliament,Norw ay; Murad ARTIN,Member of Parliament,Sweden; Eva ARVIDSSON,Member of Parliament,Sweden; André ASCHIERI,Member of Parliament, France Alice ASTRÖM, Member of Parliament, Sweden Marie-Hélène AUBERT, Member of Parliament, France Jean-Marie AUBRON,Member of Parliament,France; Danielle AUROI,Member of the European Parliament,France; John AUSTIN,Member of Parliament, UK Carlos AYALA ,Member of Parliament,Argentina; Jean-Paul BACQUET, Member of Parliament, France Norman BAKER,Member of Parliament,UK; Jackie BALLARD,Member of Parliament,UK; Alexandros BALTAS,Member of the European Parliament,Greece; Miguel BARBOSA HUERTA,Member of Parliament,Mexico;Harry BARNES,Member of Parliament,UK;Tim BARNETT,Member of Parliament,New Zealand;Alejandra BARRALES MAGDALENO,Member of Parliament,Mexico; Andrew BART- LETT,Senator,Australia Jacques BASCOU,Member of Parliament,France Marti Bates GUADARRAMA,Member of Parliament,Mexico Jean-Claude BATEUX,Member of Parliament,France Hannes BAUER,Member of Nationalrat,Austria François BAUSCH,Member of Parliament,Luxembourg Bernard BAVAUD,Member of Parliament,Switzerland Jean-Claude BEAUCHAUD,Member of Parliament,France Marie-Claude BEAUDEAU,Senator,France Roy BEGGS,Member of Parliament,UK Germà BEL,Member of Parliament,Spain Francisco BELLA GALAN, S e n a t o r,Spain Yvette BENAYO U N - N A K AC H E,Member of Pa rl i a m e n t , France A n d e rs BENGTSSON,Member of Pa rl i a m e n t , S weden H i l a ry BENN ,Member of Pa rliament,UK To ny BENN,Member of Pa rliament,UK G i o rg i o BENVENUTO,Senator,Italy Axel BERG,Member of Parliament,Germany Stéphane BERGERON,Member of Federal Parliament,Canada Piergiorgio BERGONZI,Senator,Italy Sven BERGSTRÖM,Member of Parliament,Sweden Roger BERRY,Member of Parliament,UK Henri BERTHOLET,Member of Parliament,France Fausto BERTINOTTI,Member of the European Parliament,Italy Friedhelm Julius BEUCHER,Member of Parliament,Germany Jean-Louis BIANCO ,Member of Parliament,France Danielle BIDARD,Senator,France Lothar BINDING,Member of Parliament,Germany Gilbert BIESSY,Member of Parliament,France Roberto BIGLIARDO,Member of the European Parliament,Italy Claude BILLARD,Member of Parliament,France André BILLARDON,Member of Parliament,France Charlotta L BJAL- KEBRING,Member of Parliament,Sweden Bill BLAIKIE,Member of Federal Parliament,Canada Rosa Delia BLANCO TERÁN,Member of Parliament,Spain Petra BLÄSS,Member of Parliament,Germany Jean-Pierre BLAZY,Member of Parliament,France Joan BOADA I MASOLIVER,Member of Parliament,Spain Jean-Marie BOCKEL,Member of Parliament,France Alex BODRY,Member of Parliament,Luxembourg Jens-Peter BONDE,Member of the European Parliament,Denmark;Hans BONTE,Member of Parliament,Belgium Miguel BOR- TOLINI CASTILLO,Member of Parliament,Mexico Marcela BORDENAVE,Member of Parliament,Argentina Herbert BOSCH,Member of the European Parliament,Austria Peter BOTTOMLEY, Member of Parliament, UK Yasmine BOUDJENAH, Member of the European Parliament,France Jean-Claude BOULARD,Member of Parliament,France
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