HAWAII HAWAII WORLD HAWAII Late bishop remembered Our unique Island faith Witness of Colombian Sister Meristella Umdor, for his pastoral care, community: Aloha spirit people a sign of hope for all Missionary Sisters of Mary administrative skill makes worship special Christians, pope says Help of Christians Page 3 Page 5 Page 14 Page 18 HVOLUME 80,awaii NUMBER 19 CatholicFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 Herald$1 Maryknoll Sisters celebrate 90 years of ministry in Hawaii By Patrick Downes at the invitation of Bishop Stephen Oahu’s windward side. Hawaii Catholic Herald Alencastre to teach in the Islands’ paro- Almost immediately, requests for chial schools. Maryknoll Sisters multiplied. By 1930, The Maryknoll Sisters this month The Hawaii mission already had they were working at St. Anthony mark their 90th anniversary in Hawaii. “private” Catholic schools run by the School in Kalihi, St. Anthony School In their near century of labor in the Is- Sacred Hearts Sisters and the Marianist and children’s home on Maui, and as- lands, their pioneering contributions in Brothers, but the bishop wanted parish sisting at the hospital stations for lep- the areas of education, social work and schools. rosy patients in Pearl City and Kalihi. peace and justice have been incalcula- Six of the new arrivals opened Before long they were running sev- ble. The sisters will celebrate their mile- Maryknoll School, the parish school for en elementary schools — Maryknoll stone at a thanksgiving Eucharist litur- Sacred Heart Church, Punahou, which School; St. Ann, Kaneohe; St. Anthony, gy, 10:30 a.m., Oct. 7, in the Maryknoll earlier that year had been given to the Kalihi; St. Anthony, Maui; St. Michael, School Community Hall in Honolulu. Maryknoll Fathers to run. The remain- Waialua; St. Augustine, Waikiki; and St. The first Maryknoll Sisters, a group ing four went to St. Ann Parish School John the Baptist in Kalihi — and three of 10, came to Hawaii on Sept. 5, 1927, in Heeia, then a lay run grade school on Continued on page 10 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Published every other Friday Bishop’s page PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317 [email protected] Bishop REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz Larry Silva (808) 585-3320 WITNESS TO JESUS [email protected] ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 Nurturing forgiveness, rather than anger [email protected] CIRCULATION Donna Aquino This is the prepared text of Bishop Larry sue. It takes a lot of energy to cultivate a gift of freedom from the burdens of a (808) 585-3321 Silva’s homily for the 24th Sunday in forgiveness rather than to hold tight to grudge. [email protected] Ordinary Time, delivered Sept. 16 and 17 indignation, but in the end both parties And, of course, another obstacle is HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD at Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Honolulu. will benefit. In a family, someone may pride, which puts more value in my being (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage have said or done something very hurt- right than on my being in right relation- paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the was angry, and I was right! That was ful, and people do not talk to that person ship. Notice in the parable that the unfor- Roman Catholic Church in the State of the reality in my relationship with a for years. The anger is nurtured, even to giving steward is the one who is himself Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI particular person. Because of this, I the next generation, so that one may not cast into prison, bringing about the exact 96813. found fault with almost everything he even know why we don’t talk to Uncle or opposite effect he had hoped for. How ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Idid. I took whatever opportunity I could Auntie So-and-so, but only that we don’t. many of our public protests today start Hawaii: $24 Mainland: $26 to let others know that I was angry and It is not easy to nurture forgiveness, but with a legitimate anger against some Mainland 1st class: $40 I was right. I even decided to confront in the end, it makes every- injustice, yet end up in Foreign: $30 the person who had committed this of- one free. violence and hating those POSTMASTER fense against me, and when I did, he said, We need to reflect upon The wrong that we deem to be so hateful? Send address changes to: “Whether you are right or wrong, your what forgiveness means, When anger and wrath are Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop anger is a cultivated anger.” And he was and what it does not mean. was done does nurtured and embraced, Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. right about that. I had nurtured my anger OFFICE We sometimes fail to for- not become right this is what happens. But Hawaii Catholic Herald against him, cultivated it, embraced it. give because we feel it indi- when we take up the dif- 1184 Bishop St. Once he had the courage to say that cates that what the person just because it ficult cross of forgiveness Honolulu, HI 96813 to me, it turned me around. I saw how did was not wrong. No, the and do the hard work of PHONE foolish I had been because I was caus- wrong that was done does is forgiven. It is nurturing it, we set every- (808) 585-3300 ing nothing but grief in his life and in my not become right just be- forever and always one free. FAX own, and I was bringing darkness, not cause it is forgiven. It is for- I believe one of the (808) 585-3381 light, to the lives of others. I decided to ever and always wrong. But beautiful things about a WEBSITE wrong. www.hawaiicatholicherald.com apologize to him. While his behavior that we choose not to nurture Catholic parish is that we E-MAIL originally made me angry did not change, it, not to let it infect us and come together with people [email protected] my whole outlook changed. I felt free of others. I think of St. John Paul II, who of all ages and backgrounds who live in NEWS DEADLINES the dirt and drudge that I had been heap- went into the prison to see the man who our neighborhood. We may agree with Nine days before publication date. ing up. Today I have a much deeper re- had attempted to kill him and forgave them, and we may not, but we do not ADVERTISING DEADLINES spect for this person. him. After the pope forgave him, I am walk away and start our own church if Nine days before publication date. What I was doing was obviously not sure a burden was lifted from the pope’s we disagree. Instead we stay together to ADVERTISING INFORMATION unique to me, since as far back as the shoulders and from the shoulders of the work things out, to forgive as we our- For a rate card or other information, call Book of Sirach spoke of the foolishness offender, and from all our shoulders. But selves want to be forgiven, and to nur- Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- of the person who hugs wrath and an- the man remained in prison, because ture not anger but mercy. It is here that ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” ger tight, who embraces them as if they what he had done was still wrong. we learn these challenging lessons of the “PASS IT ON” POLICY were some great prize. But in reality to Another obstacle to forgiveness is the Gospel. We may not agree with someone, To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic do so is like picking a sore so much that it notion that the offender does not deserve but we treat them with respect. Another Herald with a friend, write or call us and gets infected, and healing becomes much such a gift and that we think we would person may be dead wrong about some- we will send him or her a free copy. Or give them yours and we will send you more difficult. Jesus, of course, teaches be too magnanimous to grant forgive- thing, and we might be justifiably an- another one while supplies last. us in today’s Gospel and in so many other ness. Peter, of course, thought he was gered, but we do not nurture the anger LETTERS TO THE HERALD ways that mercy is healing for both the being magnanimous in suggesting that as if it were some great prize to be clung Letters are welcome. Letters should offender and the one offended. It is cul- we should forgive seven times, but Jesus to and shown off. pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- tivating forgiveness that is his great chal- makes it look measly by saying we must We learn from Jesus himself and the waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and not exceed 250 words. Letters must lenge to us. be ready to forgive 77 times. But this par- great example of his life, death and resur- be signed and include an address and In a marriage, it is easy to be annoyed able today teaches us that we forgive, not rection, that being right or wrong is not phone number for verification. Letters by a particular fault of the spouse, and because the offender deserves it or we the final consideration.
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