•• i PUBLIC 425 E-8H0A0 5T* *«"». t DRIVE SAFEJ.Y- THE WESTFIELD LEADER ARRIVE SAFELY THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second Clam Postage Paid Fubllshvil SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAH—No. 10 at West field. N.J WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1967 Everv Thursfl 32 Pages—10 Cents UMCEF Dance United Fund Drive Stop The Clock! Halloween Parade Weiitfield High School young Attention all clock watchers. people will have an opportunity The hour is fast approaching Mayor Urges Yes Vote to do their part in helping UNI- Extended 3 Weeks; when It behooves those who CEF this year. A UNICEF bene- would foe on ilme for c-burch, a Here Sunday Night fit dance will be held Saturday 75% Reported wedding, a cocktail party Sun- at the Presbyterian Church from day, or work on Monday, to set On New Town Charter Blue devils will be replaced by 8:30 to 11:30. All profits will be On report night, Tuesday, Harold Ilicir clocks back one hour before Mayor Robert H. Mulreaoy, at the they retire Saturday night. the conventional red variety as West- Kiwanis Club Hears donated lo UMCEF. The Road S. Jensen, general campaign chair- council meeting Tuesday night, field stages its 20th consecutive an- Runners will play. Dress will lie man of the United Fund, reported Daylight saving time will offi- Job Training With School Work urged Westfield residents to vote in nual Halloween Parade for children Talk By Rutgers Dean school clothes—no slacks nor that $191,559 had been received, put- cially end for Uiis year at Z a.m. favor of the proposed new Town shorts. Sunday night. ting the campaign at a 75% level. Sunday morning. Two major programs of business Tonnesen locates cooperating em- Charter at the General Election, The annual parade is a commun- Dean Madison Weidncr, Associate He said the goal can bo reached Nov. 7. l Dean, University Extension Division, aid industrial training which pro- ployers who can offer suitable posi- i y project sponsored by the Y's and gave as an example the resi- vide actual job experience are now tions. If a student is interested, he Appearing at tho meeting for the Men's Club of Westfield. Rutgers University spoke before the dential division, which needs only Westfield Kiwanis Club yesterday, Red Cross Chapter Play Fire Safe available at Wes!field High School. may contact the prospective em- first time since an illness eight Alfred G. Rogers, parade ehair- $30,000 lo go over the top. "Now is They are the Cooperati'e Industrial ployer for an interview. Mr. Ton- weeks ago, fslie fttayor said he hoped at their weekly luncheon at the the time for that extra effort," he maiij said that marshalling time is Halfway House, Mountainside. Education (C.I.E.) ar.d the Cooper- nesen makes on-the-job visits to that voters would turn out in large 6:30 p.m., at the municipal parking Elects Directors said. On Halloween ative Office Education (C.O.E.) pro- check tile progress of students. Only numbers and that they would not lot on Prospect St. All Westfield His topic was "Organization for "Volunteers arc asked to continue grams. satisfactory progress will earn credit neglect to vote on the public ques- children from pre-school age to 6th Action." He told the membership At the recent annual meeting of covering the cards in their keeping Hallowe'en trick-or-treat fun can Both are extensions of the regul- toward graduation. tion at the top of the ballot. "Too grade are invited to take part. The how they, as a group, could assist the Westfield-Mountainside Chapter and get them completed, as the turn iMo terror-and-tragedy, unless ar school curriculum. In the morn- Miss Delores Stanley, coordinator often we void's fail to pay attention other community groups with var- of the American Red Cross, Hobert job must be finished before Nov. safety rules are sensibly followed. only requirement is that they be in : ing the student studies English, of the C.O.E. program, said: "It to the questions, on the ballott," lie costume. ious community projects. A question S. Everett, Bruce C. Foster, Ernest 18," he said. This Is the timely warning from history, a job related course, and gives them a jump on other girls." said. and answer pcriiod followed the H. Winter and Anthony H. Gleason The National Bank will be open Fire Chief Martin Burke as Oct. 31 Costumes will be judged by age participates in the physical educa- Students have jobs in sales, clerical In a brief review, the mayor noted talk. were elected as directors. Tuesday, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., lo approaches. The chief points out tion program. After lunch he goes work, secretarial and receptionist group and category by a panel of that Uie greatest hazard at Hal- that the charter under which the judges from Die Westfield Hl-Y Mrs. Joseph Valentine, chairman receive collections. After Tuesday, to his job where he works for at work, and bookkeeping. Most of the 1 lowe'en is the clothing fire, accord- ohapte '. The four categories are: of volunteers presented the following envelopes may be left at the police least three hours. students receive a minimum wage awards: 25 yeaf pins to Mrs. Marion station or United Jfhind Office, Mu- ing to National Fire Protection As- "High school should prepare every of $1.40 an hour for at least three most beautiful, most unusual, most Voter Registration sociation reports. Meeting on Giarlcr humorous and ugliest witch. Some •Hanson, Mrs. F. Boor, Mrs. Mary nicipal Building, 425 E. Broad St. student with a background in what- hours. 50 prizes will be given out. Bauer; 20 year pins to Mrs. Mary The total monies required to reacli "Fire and flowing ghost and witch ever field of endeavor the student Miss Stanley assists students in Councilman Samuel Ktnney Jr. Off In County Hamilton, Mrs. Pauline Noonan; the goal of $2G0,764 is 570,000 and costumes just don't mix," Chief wishes," stated Bjarne Tonncsen, choosing employment. After jobs will speak tonight regarding the In addition, a special cash prize 15 year pins to Mrs. Grant Lennox all divisions must reach their goal Burke says. He suggests the follow- •will be awarded to the outstanding coordinator of (he C.I.E. The pro- aj-e chosen, the students have an special ichurlcr for WesUtcld. The Union County Board of Elec- and Mrs. Agnes Caldwell; 10 year if this is to be achieved. ing basic rules for Halloween time. gram is divided into two groups of office practice class overy day. They He will appear at the Wntaink group entry. Indian Guides and Cub tions reported last week that 252,715 pins to Miss Phyllis King, Mrs. Mr. Jensen said some people re- If costumes are purchased at a Scouts have been frequent partici- closely related occupations. One learn to file, compose letters of Room of Ihc Municipal Building county residents are registered to Frank Dunn, Mrs. W, E. Burbank ported that they "had not been call- store, be sure they are marked group is for highly skilled and the application for jobs, handle phone at 8 p.m. at a meeting arranged pants in this category, in which vote in the Nov. 7 general election, and Mrs. Robert Bauer; 5 year pins ed on" and explained that due to "flameproofed." This includes masks originality of theme is an Important other for business occupations. The calls, make dittos, stencils, invoices, by the League of Women Vot- a drop of 7,102 below last year's to Mr. Harold C. Davis, Mrs. Ed- sickness or busines trips some vol- wigs, and beards. If costumes are jobs' include: auto mechanic, appli- and to operate different types of ers. The public Is Invited to at- factor. figure and 23,402 below the record ward Nolan, Mrs. George Wilbur, unteers have been unable to make homemade, the flameproofing pro- The parade will march through ance repair, body and fender re- adding machines. tend. registration for the 1954 presidential Mrs. Lillian Solomon, Mrs. Arthur contact. Any prospect who has not cess be done at home also, using pair; electronics inspector, machin- the center of 'own to tho Kim Street election. Miss Stanley observes and talks McKalg. Miss Josephine Heller, been reached is asked to call the a solution of borax and boric acid. ist, water softner installation repair, with the students and their employ- playground, where winners will be According to R. Schuylcr Bogarl, Mrs. Wa|ter Brandsma and Mrs. United Fund office, 233-2113, and But never rely completely on a Wwn now operates was adopted in announced, and prizes awarded. As X ray processing, floral arranger, ers to determine their progress and chief clerk, registration normally J. I. Alayeto. arrangements will be made for a flameproofing treatment, and be cafeteria aide, office clerk, kitchen discusses any possible improve- 1903 and delegated executive and ad- usual, free candy will be distributed drops off after a presidential elec- At a recent meeting of the Board call. sure that children in costumes keep ministrative responsibilities to the to all Westfield children. worker, stock boy, cashier, and sec- ments. Although neither program is tion as the board drops names of of Directors of the Chapter the fol- "The challenge is here and let a respectful distance from any retary. designed for college preparation, mayor and council. The primary rea- those who have not voted For four lowing officers were appointed: Westfielders answer the call in 'A source of flame, sparks or intense Jobs are usually acquired two some colleges accept these programs son for the proposed change is that 'Sound of Music' years, who have died or who have Adolph M.
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