48 LEITRIM OBSERVER www.leitrimobserver.ie Wedne sday,J uly 29 ,2020 PUBLIC NOTICES Leitrim County Council Significant Further Information and revised plans. I Eamon Fallon hereby give notice to the gener- PLANNING NOTICES al public that we have lodged Significant Fur- Leitrim County Leitrim County Leitrim County Leitrim County ther Information/ Council Council Council Council Revised Plans to Leitrim Significant Further We Shane Connaughton We Joann Holahan and county council in rela- Information and Revised Full Planning Permis- & Maeve Duffy intend Declan Mc Daid wish tion to planning refer- Plans sion Is Being Sought to Apply to Leitrim to apply for full plan- ence 20/13. The devel- From Leitrim County County Council for ning permission for the opment is located at Michael Howard. Appli- Council For The Pro- Planning Permission to following: Sheena, Drumkeeran, cation for Permission posed Replacement Of Demolish an Existing 1. To demolish the Co. Leitrim. for retention to retain Existing Two Storey Dwelling House to erect existing derelict dwell- The further information the following alterations Two Dwelling House, a New Dwelling House ing and out buildings. is available for inspec- to existing dwelling Septic Tank & Soak Pit and Domestic Garage, 2. The replacement of tion or purchase at a fee house. With A Proposed Two provide a sewerage sys- the existing derelict not exceeding the rea- A) Minor revisions to Storey Type Dwelling tem and a treatment dwelling with a new sonable cost of making previously permitted House, Detached plant, to provide sec- bungalow type domestic a copy at the offices of extensions to both sides Garage, Wastewater ondary and tertiary dwelling with living the planning authority, of the dwelling includ- Treatment System With treatment and all associ- accommodation in the Leitrim County Council, ing a reduction in size Suitable Polishing Filter ated works, roof space. Aras An Chontae, Car- of permitted garage on Together With Upgrad- At Cloonlaughil Td 2. To construct a rick On Shannon, Co. one side and an increase ing Existing Entrance/ (Mohill By)Beihy E. D. domestic garage. Leitrim during office in size of the extension Access Road To Service Co. Leitrim 3. To construct a new hours. A submission or on the other side togeth- The Proposed Replace- The Planning Applica- site access entrance. observation in relation er with associated revi- ment Dwelling & All tion May Be Inspected 4. To construct a Waste to the Further Informa- sions to external win- Ancillary Site Works At Or Purchased At A Fee Water Treatment System tion or Revised Plans dows and doors includ- Drumbreanlis, Carrigal- Not Exceeding The Rea- to current EPA Code Of may be made in writing ing closing up door on len, Co. Leitrim For sonable Cost Of Making Practice and all ancil- to the Planning Authori- front elevation. Mr. Barry Reilly. A Copy, At The Offices lary works. ty within the statutory B) The construction of a This planning applica- Of The Planning The works are located time limit. Submissions new pitched A roof on tion may be inspected Authority During Its at Drumcoura, Ball- or observations in rela- the dwelling to incorpo- or purchased at a fee Public Opening Hours. inamore, Co Leitrim tion to the significant rate permitted flat roof not exceeding the rea- A Submission Or Obser- The planning applica- further information/ extensions sonable cost of making vation In Relation To tion may be inspected, revised plans may be C) The conversion of a copy, at the offices of The Application May Be or purchased at a fee made in writing within 2 the attic space and pro- the Planning Authority Made In Writing To The not exceeding the rea- weeks of the planning vision of two gable win- during it’s Public Open- Planning Authority On sonable cost of making authority receiving the dows ing Hours and a sub- Payment Of The Pre- a copy, at the offices of revised newspaper D) The Construction of mission or observation scribed Fee Of €20.00. the planning authority notice and site notice in detached garage in the in relation to the appli- ,Within A Period Of 5 during its public open- accordance with article rear garden. cation may be made to Weeks Beginning On ing hours. 35 (1) (a) of the plan- E) Revisions to rear and the authority in writing The Date Of Receipt By A submission or obser- ning and development side site boundary on payment of the pre- The Authority Of The vation in relation to the regulations 2001 -2018. including retaining front scribed fee, within the Application, And Such application may be boundary wall and addi- period of 5 weeks begin- Submissions Or Obser- made in writing to the tional vehicular access. ning on the date of vations Will Be Consid- planning authority on At Cloonturk Td, Dro- receipt by the authority ered By The Planning payment of the pre- mod, Co. Leitrim. of the application. Authority In Making A scribed fee, €20, within Planning application ref Signed: Decision On The Appli- the period of 5 weeks P. 20/56. Cunningham Design & cation. The Planning beginning on the date of Significant Further Planning Limited Authority Subject To or receipt by the authority Information and Revised Block C, Without Conditions, or of the application, and Plans in relation to the N4 Axis Centre, May Refuse To Grant such submissions or application have been Longford, Permission observations will be furnished to the Plan- Co. Longford Signed Shane Con- considered by the plan- ning Authority and are naughton & Maeve ning authority in mak- available for inspection Leitrim County Duffy ing a decision on the or purchase at a fee not Council application. The plan- exceeding the reasona- Planning Permission is ning authority may ble cost of making a sought for replacement grant permission subject copy at the offices of the dwelling comprising to or without condi- Planning Authority, two-storey dwelling, tions, or may refuse to Leitrim County Council, detached garage, new grant permission. Aras an Contae, Car- entrance, effluent treat- rick-on-Shannon, Co. ment system & percola- Signed Davitt plan and Leitrim during its public tion, landscaping and design Engineering, opening hours. A sub- site development works Building Surveying mission or observation at Lahard, Ballinamore, and Architectural ser- in relation to the Fur- for Damien & Mary vices, ther Information and Maxwell. Main St, Revised Plans may be Planning Application Drumkeerin, made in writing to the may be inspected or Co Leitrim. planning authority on purchased at a fee not payment of the pre- exceeding the reasona- scribed fee, 20 euro. ble cost of making a Submissions or observa- copy at the Offices of tions to be sent to the the Planning Authority Planning Authority during its public open- within 2 weeks of receipt ing hours. A submis- by the Planning Author- sion or observation in ity of the newspaper and relation to the Planning BREAKING site notice or in the case Application may be of a planning applica- made in writing on pay- tion accompanied by an ment of the prescribed NEWS Environmental Impact fee within a period of 5 Statement (E.I.S), with- weeks beginning on the in 5 weeks of receipt of date of receipt by the Contact such notices by the Planning Authority of 071 96 20025 Planning Authority. the Application. Signed Signed:- Smith Associ- C. Gray & Associates ates, Architects, Sur- Ltd veyors. Shannon Cove Dromod Carrick-on-Shannon Co Leitrim 0872534145/Belturbet www.leitrimobserver.ie 087 7021857 (049) 952 2444, .
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