-<5? Workers of the World, Unite! For Socialism - The Alternative THE PUBLISHED WEEKLYMILITANT IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE To Atomic War Vol. XVI - No. 34 267 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1952 PRICE: FIVE CENTS — ------------------- By Myra Tanner Weiss ------------------------ SWP Vice Presidential Candidate Following is the text of a television program featuring Myra Tanner Weiss, SWP Vice Presidential candidate, and Milton Snipper, independent candidate for Congress from the 16th Congressional District, in Los Angeles. This program was broadcast over Los Angeles station KECA-TV. First speaker is Milton Snipper: CIO's Top Officials Endorse The American labor movement since its inception has been supporting either the Democratic or Republican Par­ ties. The result has always been the same. No matter who these candidates are, no matter® how many promises they make and regardless of their- much-ad­ vertised “friendship” for labor, For Vice-Pres. the net result has been that Big Anti-Labor, Racist Democrats Business has an'undisputed stran- gle-hold oh our local, State and federal government. We’ve seen the very parties that labor has supported, use then- political pow­ Dobbs, Weiss Cover Up Foul Record er to organize campaigns against the trade unions. The Taft-Hart- ley law, authored by the Repub­ National Tour licans and used by the Democrats is just one example. Hardly a Of Party to Maintain session of the State or Federal legislature takes place without Starts Sept. 3 a new batch of anti-labor bills Dirty Political Alliance being passed. NEW YORK, Aug. 21 — Coast- to-coast campaign tours of the As a member of organized la­ By Joseph Andrews bor in Los Angeles fo r over 16 Presidential and Vice-Presidential years, I ’ve never seen it fail. candidates of the Socialist Work­ The National CIO Executive Board has endorsed the I know and you know, I ’m sure, ers Party w ill begin on Sept. 3, Stevenson-Sparkman Democratic ticket in the 1952 elec­ George Clarke, SWP campaign that many workers are beginning tions. to ask the question: Why don’t manager announced today. we organize independently on the Farrell Dobbs, candidate for The CIO leaders stated Aug. 14, “Under a Stevenson political as well as on the eco­ President, w ill open his tour in administration. we can look forward to an unfaltering nomic field ? Ohio, covering several industrial continuation of the best traditions and ideals of the New cities in that state and then head­ Only one Party has given the Deal and Fair Deal.” ®~-------------------------------------------- answer to this question. That is MYRA TANNER WEISS ing east fo r speaking engage­ Praising the Democratic plat­ chine politicians and the South­ the Socialist Workers Party. We ments in Pennsylvania, New York, ern Jim Crowers. New England and New Jersey. form, the top CIO officials cited are for an independent labor par­ we must ask and must demand Myra Tanner Weiss, candidate the pledge to repeal the Taft- LOST CONFIDENCE ty based on the unions; and for an answer to in this election year Hartley Law and enact civil rights a workers and farmers govern­ of 1952. We may not get another for Vice-President, will begin her Daniel Tobin, A F L Teamsters ment. That is why Ihn running tour on the West Coast, starting legislation as the two most im­ chance before a third world portant reasons to back the President, and long a member as an independent candidate for slaughter is upon us. the San Francisco-Oakland of the Democratic National Com­ Congress in the 19th District. And area and moving north to Oregon Democrats. You, the American people, don’t The Stevenson-Sparkman ticket mittee, stated in the August issue that’s why I call for full support want war. The capitalist politi­ and Washington State. of The Teamster, “ I have lost con­ to the Presidential slate of the Both candidates are scheduled is described as a pledge to “ con­ cians know this so they A LL SAY tinue” the traditions of the New fidence in the leaders of both Socialist Workers Party. they’re for peace. But they lie. to give major campaign talks at parties, so far as carrying out the election rallies of the Socialist Deal and Fair Deal. If by this is KOREAN WAR meant that they, like Truman pledges to labor contained in PROMISES OF PEACE Workers Party in the large cities their platform.” The Republicans and Democrats will betray their campaign prom­ You voted fo r Wilson in 1916 on their itineraries. In addition, Truman made promises, but who are equally responsible for because he said he would keep plans are being worked out for ises, this is correct. the unauthorized, devastating But while Truman made prom­ Stevenson has announced in ad­ America out of war. The next them to appear wherever possible vance he w ill not support the war in Korea, support the huge year our troops were crossing the on radio and TV, before labor, ises to repeal the T aft - Hartley armament race which is consum­ Law and enact strong civil rights Democratic platform on either Atlantic. In 1940 you voted for Negro, campus and other groups repeal of T aft - Hartley or the ing the productive forces of our Roosevelt who promised that the holding open forums and sym­ legislation in his 1948 campaign, country. They are the parties of only to renege on his promises civil rights issue. American youth would not be sent posiums, at factory gate meet­ Even if Stevenson follows in inflation and tax burdens on the to die on foreign battlefields. The ings, etc. later, Stevenson and Sparkman people. They both agree on a fo r­ have not even made the prom­ Truman’s “tradition” it will be next year our boys died on fo r­ Organizations and individuals no picnic for Labor. It was Tru­ eign policy that w ill sooner or eign battlefields. interested in .arranging for the ises. later fran'sfdfm the cold war into Stevenson has explicitly stated man who used the Taft-H artley And now the Democrats and Socialist Workers candidates to law against the packinghouse a shooting war, a more destruc­ Republicans once more are mak­ he is not for repeal of Taft- appear at meetings are urged to workers, the atomic project work­ tive war than the world has yet ing speeches for peace. But the AVERAGE CITY EAMIIY IS GOING Hartley. The same goes for get into touch with the SWP ers, the maritime workers, the seen. These parties are war par­ facts speak louder than their Sparkman. branches in their vicinity or to typographical workers, the mine ties. words. write directly to the Socialist Stevenson has fla tly stated he The candidates of the Socialist workers and in so many strike We are already in a war, al- Workers Party national campaign INTO H01E AT RATE OF IS A WEEK is for “ States rights” in FEPC Workers Party stand for an en- ( th0Ugh officially “operation kill- legislation. He would leave the situations the list is too long to headquarters, 116 University PL, publish here. tirely different program. 1< arrell | er» jn Korea is just a police ac- New York 3, N. Y. The average city family spent found jobs, the Korean war and * Includes allowance for recent rights of the Negro people to be Dobbs, our candidate for Presi­ tion. We have already suffered Further information on the over $400 more than it earned in the preparations for World War pay raise. handled by the white supremac­ “FAIR DEAL” RECORD dent of the United States, is a 120,000 admitted battle casualties. 1950, the year when the Korean ists of the South. Sparkman is tour schedules, which w ill take I I I have resulted in a decline in It was Truman who broke the veteran of American labor strug­ Who is responsible for this war? war began. To make up this workers’ living standards right Another article in the same the Dixiecrats’ representative in both candidates through the railroad strikes, fined the United gles, and a militant anti-war Most public opinion polls that deficit, which came to about 6% from the beginning. magazine, using government the North-South coalition slate. major industrial centers of the Mine Workers, and in all has fighter. Myra Tanner Weiss, our I ’ve seen show that the Amer- of its earnings for that year, the figures, estimates what has hap­ The CIO attempt to whitewash country, will be printed in this What has happened since 1950 broken more strikes than any Vice-Presidential candidate, who | jncan people don’t want the war. average city family had to go pened to the factory worker, this reactionary ticket as .a vic­ paper, together with the dates and is shown in the following table President. The fact that Truman w ill speak to you tonight is known j jy^ost pe0p]e think our troops into debt or dig into its savings married, with two children, who tory for the so-called liberal wing to many of you. She was the can- j should he brought back home, addresses of public meetings. reduced to 1939 value, comparing was making $3,000 a year early did not use Taft-Hartley against to the tune of $8 a week. average take-home pay, adjusted of the Democratic Party is a didatc of the Socialist Workers a 11(j that’s to be expected. You in 1950, and now is gettihg the steel workers, proved only Those are “ average” figures, fo r higher taxes and living costs, cynical fraud.
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