Sungkyunkwan University IoTivity Presenter: Dzung Tien Nguyen Networking Laboratory, 83345 [email protected] Copyright 2000-2015Networking Networking Laboratory Laboratory 1/00 Current issues Incompatibility of platforms: Manufacturers are providing a large number of IoT devices. Those devices could be based on Linux, Android, Adruino, iOS, etc. To let them work together requires a hub/controller to interpret (or ‘translate’) the data, commands. Difficulty in cooperation between industries (smart home, automotive, industrial automation, healthcare etc.) IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 2/37 IoTivity target To provide a common open source framework for Discovery and Connectivity. In addition to that, Device management and Data management are mentioned as services To ensure interoperability among products and services, regardless of maker and across multiple industries, e.g. Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, etc. The interaction might be made between WIFI, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-wave devices and so forth To provide the common code bases/APIs to accelerate innovation, besides the open standard and specifications Supporting Linux (compiled), Android (Compiled), Tizen, Adruino, Yocto, iOS, Windows (unsuccessful) IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 3/37 The framework IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 4/37 The stack architecture IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 5/37 Protocol: CoAP Is Constrained Application Protocol for constrained resource environment Is a simple and compact binary mapping of REST Provides asynchronous notifications, publish-subscribe, resource discovery Work in CLIENT/SERVER context Each entity can be both CLIENT/SERVER at the same time IoTivity is using CoAP http://iot-datamodels.blogspot.kr/ IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 6/37 More about CoAP Most IoT systems use UDP. However, since UDP is neither stable nor reliable, it needs to combine with another application protocol to improve the stability CoAP stands for Constrained Application Protocol, is a client-server application layer protocol designed for resource-constrained devices (i.e. low power, small, need to control remotely) CoAP is like HTTP (document transfer protocol), but with multicast, low overhead and simplicity. CoAP can easily be translated to HTTP. CoAP is built on top of UDP (not TCP) and supports the scalable web services IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 7/37 Resource Discovery IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 8/37 CoAP: observation CoAP extends the HTTP request model with the ability to observe a resource. ► When the observe flag is set on a CoAP GET request, the server may continue to reply after the initial document has been transferred. ► This allows servers to stream state changes to clients as they occur. Either end may cancel the observation. Example of a resource: a light controller, a garage door opener ► Resources might be organized in a hierarchical manner (tree form) E.g. /fridge/ Light1 Light2 Fan Sensor1 Sensor2 IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 9/37 More on IoTivity Current release: 0.9.2, open source Getting started: https://www.iotivity.org/documentation/linux/getting- started Number of joined companies: 50+, including Intel, Samsung, … Still in development phase, not a production-ready product Discussion forum: ► https://jira.iotivity.org/browse/IOT-124 ► View is available ► Registering seems not open IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 10/37 The virtual machine Ubuntu 14.04 Username/passwd: mc2015/123 Gcc4.9 Eclipse with Android SDK v.19 / 20 / 21 (required); Android NDK, Gradle Dependencies: ► python2.7, scons ► Jre ► Boost, … IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 11/37 Build the framework Source code inside the VM is prebuilt with the following options: ► scons TARGET_OS=linux TARGET_ARCH=x86 TARGET_TRANSPORT=IP ► scons TARGET_OS=android TARGET_ARCH=armeabi TARGET_TRANSPORT=IP To add more source file (e.g. to folder resource/examples) and recompile: ► Inside the folder, modify Sconscript ► From root directory execute: scons resource/examples IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 12/37 Before getting started Generating the doxygen ► doxygen –g iotdoc ► vim iotdoc RECURSIVE=YES CREATE_SUBDIRS=YES GENERATE_LATEX=NO ► doxygen iotdoc IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 13/37 Client/Server basis Server ► Init the configuration ► Register resource Entity handlers for handling request (GET/PUT/POST/OBSERVE) Client ► Client configuration ► Functions for PUT/GET/POST/OBSERVE and its callbacks IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 14/37 InitOICStack config Initialize the configuration mode of the ‘thing’ ► ServiceType: InProc, OutOfProc ► ModeType: Server/Client/Both ► IPAddress: means broadcast ► ClientConnectivityType: port number ► QualityOfService: LowQoS, MidQos, HighQos, NaQos (in OCApi.h) IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 15/37 [SERVER] Define a resource Member variables Constructor IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 16/37 [SERVER] Register the resource C++ API ► OCStackResult OC::OCPlatform::registerResource(…); ► OCEntityHandlerResult entityHandler(std::shared_ptr<OCResourceRequest> request) IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 17/37 Application calls the library function On finishing the task, the library function trigger the associated callback at the same tier with the call IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 18/37 Find Resource On the findResource(), the get() request is sent out (multicast) to all the vicinity IoT devices Each device processes the query and responds if it satisfies the request filter Parameters: "oic/res?rt=core.light" including URI path (“/oc/core”) and URI query (“rt=core.light”) ► “/oic/res” is the OIC Virtual resources supported by every OIC device (octypes.h) IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 19/37 Scheme 1: Simple discovery myClient myServer Register resource findResource() OCResource foundResource() get() GET OCRepresentation onGetCallback() IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 20/37 [CLIENT] Find Resource FindResource syntax std::ostringstream requestURI; requestURI << OC_RSRVD_WELL_KNOWN_URI << "?rt=core.light"; OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::findResource("", requestURI, CT_DEFAULT, FindCallback); FindResource ‘s Callback void foundDevice(std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource){ if(resource){ std::cout << "Got one" << resource->host() << resource->uri() << std::endl; } } //host() return string coap://<m_devAddr.addr>:<m_devAddr.port> //source: OCResource.cpp IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 21/37 [Client] Get Trigger GET request OCStackResult result = resource->get(getMap, g); if(OC_STACK_OK != result) { std::cout << "Get resource error!" << std::endl; } Process onGetCallback void onGetCallback(const HeaderOptions& hO, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode){ if (eCode == OC_STACK_OK){ std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl; std::cout << "\tPower value: " << rep.getValueToString("power") << std::endl; }else{ std::cout << "Error in GET callback" << std::endl; } } IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 22/37 [SERVER] OnGetRequest On receiving GET request, the resource server get() its representation and sendResponse back to the requester using OCPlatform API if (requestType == "GET") { std::cout << "\tReceived GET request\n"; pResponse->setResourceRepresentation(lightResource::get()); if(OC_STACK_OK == OC::OCPlatform::sendResponse(pResponse)) { ehResult = OC_EH_OK; } } IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 23/37 Scheme 2: PUT request myput myServer put() entityHandler (requestType == “PUT”) OCResource onPUTCallback() get() GET OCRepresentation onGetCallback() IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 24/37 [CLIENT] PUT PUT is to send the next state to the resource Send the new desired state of type OCRepresentation to the resource //do the PUT OCRepresentation repToPut; repToPut.setUri("/a/light"); for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++){ if (i%2 == 0) repToPut.setValue("power", std::string("off")); else repToPut.setValue("power", std::string("on")); put(myClient::lightResources, repToPut); sleep(3); } IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 25/37 Scheme 3: OBSERVE request myput myObserverServer myObserverClient findResource() put() and Observe() - entityHandler(requestType == “PUT”) - notifyObserver() Get server’s state changes IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 26/37 Usecase: send other In IoTivity, devices are in CLIENT/SERVER modes, and the connections are of type Client-Server ► The available messages are GET/PUT/POST/OBSERVE Look at the signature of those functions: OCStackResult OCResource::get(const QueryParamsMap &, GetCallback attributeHandler) OCStackResult OCResource::put(const OCRepresentation & representation, const QueryParamsMap & queryParametersMap, PutCallback attributeHandler) OCStackResult OCResource::post(const OCRepresentation & representation, const QueryParamsMap & queryParametersMap, PostCallback attributeHandler) OCStackResult OCResource::observe(ObserveType observeType, const QueryParamsMap & queryParametersMap, ObserveCallback observeHandler) In OCApi.h: typedef map::<string, string> QueryParamsMap; IoTivity demo Networking Laboratory 27/37 Back to OnGetCallback With OCRepresentation which will be sent back to the client, we can carry any data with user-defined field name ► In the example, “power” is the field name void onGetCallback(const HeaderOptions& hO, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode){ if (eCode == OC_STACK_OK){ std::cout << "\tPower value: " << rep.getValueToString("power") << std::endl; } else{ std::cout << "Error in GET callback" << std::endl; } } IoTivity
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