February, 1931 Vol. XLIII No. 7 J A De Laval Cream Separator saves and makes money twice a day, 365 days a year. It is the best paying machine any farmer can own, and the new De Laval is the world’s best cream sepa¬ rator. It is a pleasure and source of satisfaction to own, and will soon pay for itself. De Level 3,ooo, ooo A A SERIES . a —Combines the easiest running with cleanest skimming. —Equipped with ball bearings throughout, protected against rust and corrosion. —Has the famous De Laval “floating” bowl with trailing discharge. —Improved oiling system with sight oil window. —Two-length crank, on larger siz¬ es, makes for easier operation. —Beautiful and durable gold and black finish. Sold on easy payments or monthly installments. Trade-in allowance See your De Laval dealer about made on old separator. Also three trying a new De Laval, or write other series of De Laval Separators nearest office below. for every need and purse. The cream separator has been the greatest factor in developing the dairy industry to the largest and most profitable branch of agriculture, and throughout the world wherever cows are milked the De Laval is the standard by which all other separators are judged. The De Laval Company, Ltd. Peterborough Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver THE 0. A. C, REVIEW 273 HOUSE INSULATION A NEW IDEA A house lined with Cork is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Fuel bills are reduced fully 30 per cent. Arnisiroeg’s Corkpoard has kept the heat out of cold storage rooms for the past thirty years. It will prevent the heat escaping from your home in just the same manner. TA hy burn fuel and allow the heat to tiow readily through your walls and roof? Write for a corkboard sample and our 40 page catalogue on House Insulation. ARMSTRONG CORK & INSULATION CO., LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG Canadian History by the Pocketful Not to suggest “cramming”, but the nearest thing we know to a “royal road” to Canadian history comes in our pocket-sized Canadian History Readers. These are convenient little brochures—one hundred titles in all—cover¬ ing pathfinders, heroes, heroines, comrades of the Cross, eminent Canadians and fathers of the Dominion, all by recognized authorities and covering various phases of Canadian history from the days of early discovery to the present. While the readers center largely in outstanding characters, the life and work of these folk are thrown on a background which brings the period they lived in intimately and interestingly before one. These booklets, readable in half-an-hour, may be used at odd moments and will contribute a wonderful amount of Canadian history. A few sug¬ gested titles follow: “Lord Strathcona” by H. A. Kennedy. “The Building of the C. P. R.” by H. A. Kennedy “Tecumseh” by Lloyd Roberts “The Hudson’s Bay Company” by Robert Watson. “The Story of Hydro” by Blodwen Davies. Price 10c per copy plus 2c postage. We shall be very glad to send you the whole list THE RYERSON PRESS Canada’s Pioneer Publishers — TORONTO Please mention the O.A.C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements 274 THE 0. A. C. REVIEW Agricultural Students Discover Profits in Practical Dairy Sanitation USING GENERAL PURPOSE MATERIALS AND JUST “GETTING BY” LOSES MONEY FOR FUTURE DAIRYMEN. Students in leading agricultural colleges in United States and Canada have found that there is definite profit to be gotten from doing dairy cleaning operations in a scientific way. Sanitation plays so vital a part in the marketing of dairy products that only the most effective and highly specialized cleansing materials can be profit¬ ably used for these particular operations. Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser has prvoed by daily use for over thirty years in dairies and creameries so highly efficient for securing dairy sanitation at reason¬ able cost, that to supply the demand a large part of the enormous plant of The J. B. Ford Company at Wyandotte, Michigan, is solely devoted to producing this one cleanser. These plants occupy over two miles of Detroit river frontage. Company owned steamships, coal mines, railroads, laboratories and factories all enter into the pro¬ duction of the many specialized Wyandotte Products—each of which is specifically designed for doing one particular kind of cleansing economically and well. Leading dairy supply jobbers in both United States and Canada will sell you Wyandotte. The Kind of Printing You Want—The Way You Want It—When You Want It THE GUMMER PRESS Printers, Bookbinders and Publishers THE SIZE OF THE JOB MAKES NO DIFFERENCE GOOD SERVICE AND GOOD PRINTING CHARACTERIZE OUR WORK Glimmer Building Phone 872 Guelph Please mention the O.A.C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements I THE 0. A. C. REVIEW 275 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllliillilililililiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllliHr .<it iimn iiiMiiiii mii’i Nema Worm Capsules mi i in j i m ti i n (Chemically-tested tetrachlore- i m i m thylene) in n i m i A safe, effective, economical mi mu i anthelmintic. mn i it 1111 For removal of roundworms in m m poultry, also stomach worms, hook* 111 n 11 worms and roundworms in dogs, cats, ii i n 11 foxes, sheep, goats and swine. in hi i ii 11 Nema Worm Capsules are available in packages of 12 and 50 as follows: — hum 11 m in n 11 No. 190—5 cc. (80 minims) For cattle, sheep, swine, large dogs, etc. in in No. 189— cc. (4C minims) For medium size dogs, small hogs, lambs, kids, etc. 2yz mi No. 187—1 cc. (16 minims) For adult foxes, small dogs, poultry, etc. it i ii i No. 191—0.5 cc. ( 8 minims) For young turkeys, chickens, foxes, etc. mu No. 188—0.2 cc. ( 3 minims) For puppies, fox cubs, small chickens, etc. n i ii (Send for free bulletin) mu i imm Parke, Davis & Company 1111 . Montreal, Que. Walkerville, Ontario Winnipeg, Man. iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii Prompt Delivery Bond’s have Two Deliveries Daily to the O.A.C., at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Guaranteed Merchandise EVERY ARTICLE LEAVING OUR STORE CARRIES OUR GUARANTEE 1847 Rogers, Wm. Rogers, Community Plate and International Silver Ware Granite Kitchen Utensils made in very Attractive Colours Spalding Sporting Goods always give Satisfaction C.C.M. Hockey Shoes and Skates at a moderate price SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN CLUBS ON ALL SPORTING GOODS WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT PHONE 1012 PHONE 1012 THE BOND HARDWARE CO. Ltd. Please mention the O. A. (J. I?KVIEW when answering Advertisements 276 THE 0. A. C. REVIEW Can I afford it?" —that new barn . new team • • • new tractor ? A savings account built up year by year by banking part of every milk cheque, grain ticket or sale of livestock will give you the answer. The farmer with money in the Bank knows he can buy what he needs when he needs it. YOU WILL LIKE BANKING AT THE ROYAL The Royal Bank -• of Canada Guelph Branch - - R. H. Harvey, Manager Please mention the O A C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE 0. A. C. REVIEW 277 Music and Radio Store 33 WYNDHAM ST. Feature- The Latest Popular Songs Orchestra and Band Instruments / New Victor Records Radio and Radio Service The Bell Art Piano “QUALITY PICTURES” The kind WE make, with all that the word quality implies The Kennedy Studio Lower Wyndham Phone 498 Makers of “Quality Portraits” Please mention the O.A.C. REVIEW when answering- Advertisements 278 THE 0. A. C. REVIEW Vi V-Hi ~ . A: ; @3 I" •■’ i 3 \*< ' v m ;Y3#-■ ' Ivi! r <lA N[ew <JMassey-Harris Tractor for Row Crop Work^ And Difficult Traction Conditions MASSEY ‘HARRIS FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE GENERAL PURPOSE TRACTOR This new Massey-Harris Tractor has a flexible Four-Wheel Drive that enables it to work satisfactorily under conditions too difficult for ordinary tractors. The balanced traction over four driving wheels gives won¬ derful results on hillsides, loose, wet, and rough soils. Exceptional clearance (30 in.) and short turning make it the ideal tractor for row crop work. Narrow 8 in. wheels and correct treads adapt it to the rows. The Massey-Harris Four-Wheel Drive Tractor is made in four widths of tread—48 in. for orchard work, 60 in., 66 in. and 76 in. Power is delivered from three points:— Drawbar, Belt, and Power Take-off. Write Your Nearest Branch for Folder Describing The ^Massey-Harris General Purpose Four-Wheel Drive Tractor MASSEY-HARRIS CO. LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1047 TORONTO ■ MONTREAL MONCTON • WINNIPEG-BRANDON • REGINA SASKATOON SWIFT CURRENT -YDRKTON-CALGARY -EDMONTON - VANCOUVER - AqenOes Crctyhcr* Please mentiop the O. A. O. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE 0. A. €. REVIEW 279 CONTENTS VOL. XL1II. Guelph, February, 1931. No. 7. Frontispiece—The Historic Portal. 280 Editorial . 281 What Others Say . 283 Opportunities for Graduates in Animal Husbandry .. 285 Prof. J. C. Steckley Fitting Dairy Cattle for the Show Ring. 287 E. A. Innes, ’31 Showing the Drafter . 290 J. Cullen, ’32 Preparing Sheep for Exhibition's-. 292 0. T. McTaggart, ’32 Fitting and Showing Beef OaJttle. 205 E. H. Stoltz ’32 The Preparation of Swine for the Show Ring. 296 J. W. Pawley ’33 Fitting a Bird for the Show Room. 298 P. J. Serfontein ’31 Preparations of Field Crops for 'Exhibitions. 300 J. H. Boyce, ’32 Preparation of Vegetables for Plate Exhibits. 302 T. H. Jones, B.S.A., Dept, of Horticulture The Art Exhibit at the College Royal. 304 Prof. D. H. Jones The C. L. Burton Scholarship in Agriculture. 306 The Mouse—A Short Story (Concluded). 307 F. W. T. Lucas ’32 College Life . 312 Wings Over Europe .
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