Mariachis Weather Marlitchis San Jose, Mexi- Today will bc much the same can national strolling musi- y este' day The high this cians, will play today be- afternoon will he 70 and the tween the College Union and low tonight, 51. The light the old cafeteria from noon breetes you feel are coming to 1 p.m. The roving Mexican TARTAN DAILY froni the northwest but are croup's appearance is spon- not strong enough to remove. sored by SHARE. 11 mii SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE the Moderate layer of smog. Vol. 58 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, FRIDAY OCTOBER 16, 1970 No. 18 Amateur Draft Aides Suits Possible Questioned By REINER KRATZ Daily Staff Writer In Rent Strike "Draft laws have become like income $10,000 has gone toward By SUE RAPP ther tax laws," explained attorney Howard the property." Daily Staff Writer refinancing Annawalt at a draft counseling seminar The question of ownership clouds the Wednesday night before some 200 stu- "If they do strike, ind if my clients case. Shoenlank says that the tenants dents in JC 141. are still the owners, I suppose we'll have not come to the owners with their Annawalt, attorney for the Santa probably have to go to court," said Rod complaintsbut the tenants say they do Clara County American Civil Liberties Schoenlank, president of California not know who the owners of the building Union, urged draft-age students not to Properties. are, and have not been able to find out. become amateur draft lawyers. His company is the Redwood City ' Not even the manager, Mrs. Helen Management Agency with jurisdiction Miles, knows who the owner is. She "The draft laws have become very over the "strike plagued" apartment works for California Properties, not complicated. There are many complex on S. Eighth Street. directly for the owners. exemptions like the exemptions in tax According to Schoenlank, the student According to Shoenlank, the property laws. tenants at 670, 680 and 686 S. Eighth St. is owned by Eighth Street Investment have not come to the owners of the Co. In a statement of partnership filed "You have the right to state your building with their problems. "Well, if with the County of Santa Clara, Eighth exemptions," Annawalt said. "If you the students have so many complaints, Street Investment Co. was formed by reject this war for religious, humanistic why haven't we heard about them? Edward P. Pasquet of Redwood City or political reasons you can state this. "We've spent over $20,000 in the past and H. James Hansen of Palo Alto. You've the right to present your belief. nine months improving and refinancing However, the property is now in We want you to become aware of your that property," he said. crow Si huenlank would not say who personal right." According to Schoenlank, the the potential owners are. Annawalt urged students to seek exteriors of the three buildings have Schoenlank says Eighth Street professional guidance from qualified been painted, the parking lot has been Investment Co. is selling the property draft lawyers or draft counselers. repaired, the plumbing has been refur- because of "the high risks involved in bished and the pool has been worked on. renting to students." He says that one "The closer you get to the induction, "We've spent 811,000 on improve- of the strike leaders has already it's better to get legal advice. When it ments alone." said Shoenlank. "Ano- written two bad checks. gets 'warm' or you receive an induction notice then it's really time to see an attorney," Annawalt noted. Feminist Topic LES AFRICAIN BALLETSA scene from the "Les Africain Jose Civic Auditorium, 145 W. San Carlos. Tickets may be "Be firm about your rights. Go to Ballets ensemble artisique et culturel de la Republique de purchased through the Black Studies Department for $4. See your draft board, establish a relation- Guinee" to be presented Tuesday night only at 8:30 in the San story on page 3. ship with the clerk and take a look at Gloria your Steinem at file," Annawalt SJS urged. Today "Check if all your records are correct and By ANNA BLACK updated. The people Miss Steinem is an alumna of Smith at the board do Daily Staff Writer their job but they Judiciary Emergency College, where she was graduated make mistakes. Scheduled It's Session Gloria Steinem, journalist and author human. But don't hassle magna cum laude in 1956. As a Chester with the clerk. whose writings reflect an interest in Take your Bowles Asian Fellow, she did graduate problems to a qualified contemporary problems, will speak on counseler. work in India for a year. She is the women's liberation today at 11:30 a.m. author of two books, "The Thousand "You have to decide which choice you To Consider Presidential Veto Power in Morris Dailey, Indias" and "The Beach Book." From want to use to defend your right to Miss Steinem's articles have 1964-65 she was a contributing editor to By TERRY FARRELL Bill Langan, A.S. president, Langan's interpretation of the A.S. either serve in the Army or to stay out. appeared in national magazines such 'is New York Magazine. Daily Staff Writer requested an interpretation of his veto constitution is that the president has the Once choice is conscientious objec- Esquire, Life, Harper's, Vogue and She was active in the Student Non- Constitutional questions regarding power during the Judiciary's hearing power to veto any legislative action. Time. Two of her articles on women's tion," Annawalt stated. veto power, violent Coordinating Committee A.S. vice presidential on the vice chairmanship question last Langan's opponents on the inter- liberation were published recently. sucession iSNCCI and in the political campaigns and the legality of holding month. Langan's decision to veto the pretation, led by John Merz, unsuccess- In one of these she described the two positions in of Adlai Stevenson, John and Robert "You got to decide which choice you the A.S. government at election of Jim Peterson to the A.S. ful presidential candidate last spring, problems of marriage. "When society the same time will Council want to use to defend your right to go before an emer- vice chairmanship triggered divide A.S. Council actions into two stops encouraging men to be exploiters gency session of the opposition either serve in the Army or to stay out. A.S. Judiciary from some council members categories: legislative actions and and women to be parasites, they may Thursday at and One choice is conscientious objection," 3 p.m. in the Council raised the question of the extent of procedural matters. They concede turn out to be more complementary in Annawalt stated. Chambers of the College Union. the president's veto authority. Langan the veto power on legislative emotion as well," she wrote. acts, but believe he has no power in Miss Steinem and Mrs. Dorothy procedural matters such as the Peter- Pitman, organizer and director of New son vote. York City's community-controlled day- Problem two on the Judicial agenda care center, were both invited to SJS. Hecklers Antagonize Hayakawa is an interpretation of the order of However, Mrs. Pitman was forced to succession to the A.S. vice presidential cancel because of illness. office. Terry Speizer is the elected A.S. Miss Steinem's speech "A Discussion By CLIFF MATOI his hour-long presentation. should respect and understand the Council vice chairman. The interpre- of Women's Liberation" is being spon- Daily Political Writer Experienced in making presentations environment; learn to live with and be tation on Thursday is expected to sored jointly by Experimental College "We're living in a time in which before hostile audiences, Hayakawa tolerant of fellow human beings; find determine if Speizer will take over the and the Associated Students, rationality has gone out of fashion," acknowledged, admonished, ridiculed an area of usefulness in earning a A.S. vice presidency. Jim Self's Miss Steinem also will speak to Dr. bellowed Dr. S.I. Hayakawa above the and ignored his critics with varying living; cultivate aesthetic experiences resignation vacated the vice presi- Larry Engelman's history class in CH chants and calls from the audience, degrees of temperment and effective- in the development of emotional re- dential post. 163 at 10:15 a.m, today on "Women's "there's a mindless fanaticism spear- ness. sources; and develop an intellectual Third on the agenda is the question of Liberation in the '60s". The class will be heading a drive toward anti-intellec- Meanwhile, the near capacity and critical method in dealing with the whether a student may hold two student open to all students. tualism." audience, which outnumbered the dissi- world. government offices at the same time. After her speech at 11:30 a.m. in Dr. Hayakawa, controversial presi- dents approximately thirty-to-one, sup- Dr. Hayakawa, who was a noted Steve Brennan is both an executive to Morris Dailey and lunch with repre- dent of San Francisco State College, plied applause in support of Dr. semanticist for 14 years at S.F. State the vice president and an upper division sentatives of the faculty, associated speaking at the San Jose City College Hayakawa, but for the most part sat before accepting the presidency in 1969, representative on A.S. Council. students, and the local women's libera- men's gym Wednesday night, was not uneasily in their seats, hesitant to act in devoted the bulk of his presentation to Brennan's dual role was questioned in a tion group in the College Union, she will amused by the disturbing elements in his defense.
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