NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE D.AILY CIRCUI/ATION OP THE EVENING HERALD for the month of August, 1027 5 , 0 4 4 \ MANCHESTER, CONN., MONOAv ClaMlfled AdTerthring on page 8 VOL. XLi., NO. 293. ________________________ ' . Conn, - - CLARA PHILLIPS. LEVIATHAN SAILS AGAIN FOB “OVER TH®E PRESIDENIE ROGERS TELLS ’ ATTEldPTS SUICIDE A SK S FOR San Quentin, Calif., Sept. 12. — Clara Phillips, “ hammer BACK AT 1 ^ murderess,” sentenced to from PROBE B Y GONCHtESS WHY OFFICIALS ten years to life for killing Mrs. Albert Meadows with a ham­ CAPITAL DESK mer at Los Angeles In 19«2, # - OPIWENSEN attempted suicide by slashing OF “ D R Y’ OFHCALS her wrists with glass, prison authorities said last night. The suicide attempt occurred To See Republican Leaders some days ago. Prison officials Rep. John J. Boylan, of New Accuses Assessor Candidate said she would recover. She was Today or tomorrow to received here June 2, 1923, and WORLDORDLERS Of Trying to Build Politi­ has been morose and despon­ Discuss the Presidential York Says Dry Machnu dent recently. AREHEUMIPBY cal Fences In Town Of­ Situation. Is Tom With Graft, Ao fice. THODGHTWAVES FOGS IN JAPAN cording to Sec. Lowmaiii Washington, Sept. 12.— The presidential hat was safely hung up Dry Chief— Pnblic Is En­ Because John Jensen failed to TOLD WIFE HE under a brand-new White House To Start on Big Hop Over accept his challenge to debate the roof today after ninety days of titled to Know Facts, Boy< question of Mr. Jensen’s competen­ vacation In the Black Sills, and Ocean Tomorrow— Le­ cy for the office of assessor, Wil­ Mr. Coolldge was at his newly pol­ lard B. Rogers today addressed a WAS NOT DEAD Ian Declares. ished desk prepared ^ do business letter to The Herald explaininig vine Gives Up Trip; Other -1^ both administrative and political. why the Republican town commit­ While there was administrative Washington, Sept. 12.— A sweeping tee, the Board of Selectmen and Mrs. Fawcett In France, Flight's. business aplenty to occupy his at­ Congressional ihquiiry Into federal several other town officials oppose prohibition enforcement Was de* tention, It was apparent the first the present incumbent for renom­ Says She Communicated manded today by Rep. John J. Boy' ination. Mr. Rogers’ letter fol­ part of the week also will Include Tokyo, Sept. 12.— Delayed at Ian (D) of New York. lows: no small amount of politics. Omura Plying Fields about 600 Basing his demand on charges ol u With Explorer and Her Some Politics Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Editor, The Herald: miles from here, by fog, the Pride Seymour Lowman, that the dry ma« , ■i-ja A friend said to me today, Wil According to tentative audience of Detroit, will resume Its round- lard, how Is it that the Republican chine is torn with graft, Boylaa Son lo s t ’ In Brazil. bookings, such Republican leaders the-world flight early Tuesday, ac­ proposed to throw the Congressional town commitee, the board of se­ as Charles Evans Hughes, former cording to advices received here to­ searchlight on every phase of em lectmen and many other town offi­ secretary of state; C. Bascom forcement from 1919 to the present cials are taking such an active in­ Slemp, former secretary to the day. TJie Navy will send a plane terest in the assessorship fight this Beaulieu Sur Mere, France, Sept. to Omura to escort the American time. President and a power among the “ If, after seven years of enforce^ year?” 12.__Mrs. P. H. Fawcett, wife of Republican delegates in the south plane here. ment by two administrations re< I had hoped that John Jensen or the noted British explorer, Col. P. and Senator Charles Curtis, of Japanese authorities have Inves­ garded as favorable to the dry laws, one of his supporters, would ac­ tigated the charges that William H. Fawcett, who has been missing Kansas, fioor leader of the Upper the prohibition machine reeks with cept my invitation to discuss the House, are scheduled to see the Brock and Edward F. Schlee, pilots bribery and corruption, as Lowman assessorship in public that the in Brazil since 1925, expressed no President either today or tomor­ of the Pride of Detroit, flew over a charges, I think the people are en­ voters, especially the smaller tax­ surprise when informed today of re­ row. fortified zone during their flight titled to know the facts,” Boylan payers, might hear first-hand all ports that her husband had been Hughes— Republican nominee for from Shanghai. Following the In­ said. the facts. Mr. Jensen knows, as vestigation, the chief of aviation bu­ 'm seen ali e on a “ Paradise Farm” the presidency In 1916— has Just Public Should Know. do his supporters, that there would returned from Europe to find him­ reau declared the aviators had not Congress and the public have 8 have been no attempt at brow­ near Diamatina, Brazil, by a Brazi­ self being prominently mentioned violated military regulations- right to know how the executive _ beating,” the excuse they use to lian engineer. -o-o»n n. thft S S Leviathan steamed proudly out as the next year’s choice, largely arm of the government is carrying keep their side of the controversy on the ground he has a chance to OTHER FLIGHTS out all the laws.” away from the public. Mrs. Fawcett, who lives at her villa “ Spirita,” near here, said that beat out governor A1 Smith, of New Tlse round the world plane Pride With both Wets and Drys thoP( Furthermore, it w'ould unques­ York, who Is being groomed for the of Detroit was compelled by high oughly aroused by Lowman’s sensa^ tionably be much more satisfac­ during the past year she had re­ ceived frequent mental telepathic Democratic nomination. He has said winds and fpg to return to the Omu­ tional Indictment of prohibition en­ tory to have all of the officials In­ on her funnel tops. ______________________ _______________ __________ _— --------------------- once he is too old, hut he was not ra, Japan, airdrome after an unsuc­ forcement, It appeared that Boylaq volved appear before the voters in messages from her husband, advis­ ing her that he was well, and that 80 positive on the return from cessful effort to fly to Toklo. would have strong support for hlg person and explain their positions. Investigation. Months ago, I complained to the she would hear furtli from him. abroad last week. Charles A. Levine, owner of the THREE REPUBLICAN Slemp Returns to Fold trans-Atlantic plane Columbia, de­ A distinguished group of officials board of selectmen and to Town “ I am certain there Is truth in the Steals Airplane Ride and ex-prohlbltlon executives would Manager George H. Waddell as to report that my husband has been Slemp generally has been credit­ finitely abandoned his plan to at ed with lining up the greater num­ tempt a non-stop westward flight be summoned under Boylan’s plan. the unfair (unfair to the small seen alive near Diamatina,” Mrs. They would Include: taxpayer who is working hard to Fawcett said. “ He has probably PRIMARY CONTESTS ber of southern delegates for Cool- from, Croydon, Eng., to New York. idge In 1924. He broke with .the' He may fly to India, however. Secretary Mellon and Under-Seen pay for his home) method in been living with some tribe who use retary Ogden L. Mills, to describe which the Linder system was being mental telepathy, as both my hus­ Clinging To Its Tail President Immediately, following Rene Ponck, French ace, has vir­ the last convention, but since then how prohibition policies are - applied. band and my son Jack are intensely tually abandoned his plan to fly has shown some Indications of re­ framed; Lowman and his' co.usin Valuations, yes, high valuations, Interested in the subject of thought across the Atlantic from New York and predecessor General Lincoln C. were being placed upon homes and transmission. "How did you get here so Registered Voters to Pick turning to the fold. to Paris and has entered the Ameri­ Hadley Airport, New Brunswick, Senator Curtis Is expected to take Andrews; Roy C. Haynes, ex-prohi­ building lots. Complaints came Mental Messages. quick?” demanded De Arce. can trans-continental Air Derby bition commissioner, who was let to me from all over town. Yet, N. J., Sept. 12.— Vincent Taylor, “ I came on the tall of your up the question of an early assem- from New York to Spokane, begin­ “ During the past year my hus­ j^oed Par^ ,bly ot-'^He-^MAtei lor -the purposp out by the administration; Major when I investigated the manner In band has communicated with tele- aged 17, of Hackensack, N. J., was plane,” -eplled Taylor. ning wpt. 19'. ■ Walton Greene, former chief inves­ dlspos(lhg of the' Smlth-Vare elec­ which Mr. Jensen was arriving at jpath exjjertH In Saa Francisco, New “ safe and sound” today after one De Arce said he noticed, the plane Bad Weather. tigator; A. Bruce Blelaski, a New tion contestp In .time to assure no valuations upon the stock of some Zealand and London, all of whom of the most sensational journeys seenied to be heavier in the rear Here Tomorrow. - ^ None of 4he French fliers who are York Investigator Intimately con­ of the leading merchants I pro­ than in front, but he paid no at Impediment to the'serious problem awaiting trans-ocean flying weather nected with under cover operation* delivered his messagep to me. Last ever attempted. Young Taylor was tested to the board of selectm^. July I received four separate mes­ tentlon to it.
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