5PEBZT-JWJOHQBHFGFBUVSFT r1PTUUPCBUUMF1PTUJO"SFB NPSFPG.BCFM.BVMUTCZ TFNJêOBMTFSJFTr8IJUFWJMMF0QUJ 1SFWBUUFTJNBHFTѮJT NJTU /BLJOBBEWBODFUPêOBMSPVOE TFUGFBUVSFTDPMPSQIPUPTPG PG%JTUSJDU"""5PVSOBNFOU 8IJUFWJMMFTCVTJOFTTNFO r%JTUSJDU%:.BKPST5PVSOBNFOU Inside BOEXPNFOJOUIFT Sports TFUUPCFHJO4BUVSEBZBU5BCPS$JUZ 4FFQBHF$ 4FFQBHF# ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Tursday, July 7, 2011 Violence down, thefs up a bit Computer Volume 121, Number 2 in rural crime Whiteville, North Carolina electronics n2010 numbers saw a 50 Cents drop of 20 percent in violent crime. See crime banned from numbers on Page 4-A. Inside Today By BOB HIGH landflls 2-A Staff Writer nCounty convenience sites accept r"EDPYJTUPQUFBDIFS A drop of 50 incidents of discarded computers, printers, televi- BU$IBECPVSO.JEEMF aggravated assaults last year sions and radios for recycling. r-PDBMSBDFJOUFSFTU led to a 20-percent drop in QJDLTVQ violent crime in rural areas of By NICOLE CARTRETTE Columbus County, according to Staff Writer 3-A figures released by the Colum- r.BMQBTTJTUPQ bus County Sheriff ’s Office. Computers and related electronics are no TUVEFOUBU&$)4 The number of assaults that longer welcome in North Carolina landfills. cause serious injuries dropped A state law passed last year went into effect 6-A from 167 in 2009 to 117 last year. this month and calls for electronics recycling. r$PMVNCVT'PSFTU Murder cases rose to three last Electronics may contain hazardous chemi- DSFXTêHIUJOH year from two in 2009, and rob- cals and the large number of computers tossed beries rose to 34 from 27. in landfills each year accounts for more than QFSTJTUFOUTNBMMêSFT Property crime rose just 2 100,000 tons of buried waste. percent, with the number of in- Recycled electronics can be used to make cidents climbing by 55 to 2,435 new products, and precious metals can be DIDYOB? from 2,380 in 2009. The increase salvaged. Did you observe ... came in the number of larce- David Long contracts with Columbus nies – 1,450 last year compared County to collect and recycle electronics from Trystyn Hayes tak- to 1,394 the prior year. Columbus County’s solid waste convenience There were small increases sites. He has been salvaging precious metals ing his frst tube ride in several other categories last from computers, televisions and other elec- across Lake Wacca- year, including simple assault, tronics trashed at the county’s collection sites maw on July 4 while fraud, stolen property cases, for more than a year. weapons cases, fighting and Long estimates that more than 40,000 being accompanied arson. pounds of electronics from the county have by his “Aunt B” & There was a large increase been kept from landfills as a result. That not in the number of drug cases in only saves landfill space but money, Long says. Branton Williamson 2010 over the prior year. The Columbus County spends more than $6 …Cribb’s Trucking numbers show 494 incidents, million per year on solid waste collection and pickup with sign: compared to 361 in 2009. landfill fees. The county contracts with Waste See Crime rate, page 4-A “Pulling America See Recycling, page 2-A Forward, And It’s A Long, Hard Drive?” ... As expected, Mike Spivey admit- Board okays six ting that he recently June was hot sent a memorial gif months of basic to Duke University’s and dry Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Iron Duke Club, but By RAY WYCHE EMT service in writing on the check’s Staff Writer Three-vehicle wreck North Whiteville frefghter Jonathan Rawls, right, and Chief Mike Bart- notation line, “Not Global warming came to Cerro Gordo ley collect paperwork from one of three vehicles in a wreck Wednesday to be used for re- Columbus County last month. nSquad must reach Intermediate level For the third time in the afternoon on N.C. 410 at Old Lumberton Road north of Chadbourn. service by year-end. cruiting?”…. Robert past 10 years, the average June Rescuers treated 10 patients, one with serious injuries. high temperature at the Border Worley being pro- By NICOLE CARTRETTE Belt Tobacco Research Station moted to sergeant Staff Writer exceeded 90 degrees. with the Whiteville June’s average high at the In a 4-2 vote Monday night the Columbus research station seven miles County schools begin Police Department County Board of Commissioners decided to northwest of Whiteville was give Cerro Gordo Fire and Rescue EMTs six and getting married 91.74 degrees, the highest uniforms next month more months to obtain a higher level of train- the same month? ... monthly average in the past ing and certification. Commissioner Charles 10 years. The average high in By FULLER ROYAL cland said last year there was over- School supplies star- McDowell was out of town. June 2010 was 91.47 degrees. Staff Writer whelming support for uniforms from The rescue squad is the only basic EMT ing to make their way Temperatures reached at parents and teachers alike. service that remains in the county. In 2009 least 90 degrees on 25 days Next month when students in The city schools worked out most to the shelves of area the county called for all nine of the non-profit last month, and the 100-degree the Columbus County system’s 20 of its glitches, especially at the high rescue units to obtain at least the Interme- stores? ... mark was reached on two days. schools return, they will join their school where most of the opposition diate level of certification by July 1 of this Rainfall continued to be counterparts in Whiteville by donning surfaced. year. Intermediate certification, among other scant. The station’s gauge uniforms. Former Whiteville High School things, allows the departments to provide a showed 1.20 inches for June, The Whiteville system begins its Principal Debbie Newman and cur- higher level of care, administer IV’s and give County Deaths the lowest June precipitation third year of uniforms this fall. rent Assistant Principal John Bry- life-saving medications to patients. total in the past 10 years and Two years ago, county school lead- ant praised the uniforms at various Many squads were at that level already and Whiteville increasing the station’s deficit ers began talks with parents across school board meetings. Whiteville at paramedic level. Three squads, Margaret H. Boswell of about 10 inches of the yearly the county through the use of school- Both said there had been signifi- Cerro Gordo, Buckhead and Nakina, were at average during the past 58 site discussion groups. cant reductions in discipline prob- Alton Richard Creech the basic level when contracts spelling out Former Superintendent Dan Stri- Aniyah Iyonna Jordan See Weather, page 2-A See Uniforms, page 7-A Tabor City See Cerro Gordo, page 2-A Donna Annetter Sumter Chadbourn Henry Lee Young David Ray Harris Cumberland’s billboard helps local health agency By RAY WYCHE not satisfied with the attendance at the Staff Writer classes, Sconieis said. Index “Attendance is not what it should The Cumberland County Board of be. That’s the reason for the bill- &EJUPSJBMT" Public Health is paying for a billboard boards,” she added. “I would assume 0CJUVBSJFT" urging young males to pay more atten- people on their way to the beach would tion to their reproductive health. see the billboard.” 4QPSUT# The sign is located about seven- $SJNF" A worthy goal, but why is the big sign located beside U. S. 701 By-Pass tenths of a mile north of the U. S. -JWJOH$ in Whiteville? 74-76 overpass on the west side of U. The Cumberland County Health S. 701 so as to be visible to southbound Department was asked why they motorists. would advertise a service rendered Director Kim Smith of the Colum- in Fayetteville near a city about 50 bus County Department of Public miles and two counties removed from Health said while her department Fayetteville. does not offer classes on the subject, The misplaced billboard Martina Sconieis of the Cumber- Columbus County residents are urged land Health Department said the loca- to bring any reproductive health is- sues not being handled by a private tion of the billboard might have been to the Grand Strand beaches around ment has a voluntary educational pro- physician to the attention of health selected in order to get the attention Myrtle Beach, S. C. gram aimed at the reproductive health of Cumberland residents on their way The Cumberland Health Depart- of young males and the department is See Billboard, page 2-A 2-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, July 7, 2011 Recycling TopTEACHERS Continued from page 1-A Management for curbside required before taking them collection and pays for trash to the site. Centers are open Adcox honored at Chadbourn Middle to be hauled and dumped in daily, including Saturdays, a landfill in Sampson County. with the exception of Sundays By FULLER ROYAL She was born in Maryland While Long is thrilled that and Tuesdays when all sites Staff Writer and moved to North Carolina the new state law banning com- are closed. Hours are 8 a.m. to when she was 12. puter electronics has gone into 5:30 p.m. Nancy Benton Adcox is “My father was a career effect, he says that it doesn’t do Chadbourn Middle School’s Air Force man and I was able enough to encourage recycling Columbus County 2011-12 Teacher of the Year. to see a variety of interesting of all electronics. Convenience Sites: “It is an honor to be se- places during my childhood “You can recycle more than lected by my peers,” said the because of his career,” she just computers,” Long said. North Whiteville 17-year teaching veteran who said.
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