' ,. .... M kASI CLtVfcLANU UlSWMn ■r:AJ5; 0,01 WOLID AVfcHUB fcAf T qleveland, a* S; MAU ADDRESSES -/t . Business: 814 E. 152nd St. CALL NEWS ir? Phone Glenville 1-4383 East Cleveland Leader to News: 14600 Euclid Ave. PO. 1-3378 Apt 302 Published In Conjunction with The SCOOP In Northeast Cleveland and The News-Journal In Euclid Volume No. XI—No. 51 Thursday, December 18, 1952 East Cleveland, Ohio 13,750 Circulation Guaranteed r^? Story Hour Children Trim Mitten Tree Churches Herald Sing Tonight At Shaw High School Christ's Coming Christmas Sunday Lift up your heads, ye mighty gate! Behold the King of Glory waits! The King of kingt it drawing near, The Saviour of the world it here. A Next Sunday, December 21st is the Sunday before Christmas. Churches of the city will observe the day as an ushering in of Christmas, following the advent season of pre­ paring for the coming of the Christ Child. Announcements of Christmas Baptist Feature Eve Services should be received Sunday Vespers s by Saturday, December 20th for A vesper service at 4:30 o’clock ’-3! next Tuesday morning’s Leader. will highlight Christmas Sunday at t * Deadline for the following week, East Cleveland Baptist Church, all I carrying New Year service an­ being welcome. I nouncements, is Saturday, De­ Mrs. Charles Carrol, organist cember 27 th. * ♦ * director, announces the following order of services: to be inter­ East Cleveland spread with carol singing by the Congregational congregation. In the East Cleveland Congre­ Processional—-“O Como All Ye gational Church, Euclid at Page Faithful”. ave. the pastor Rev. Earl C. Hoch­ wald will bring the Christmas Songs by the Youth Choir— message under the topic “Angel “Seven Joys of Mary” (Tradi­ tional) and “Deck the Halls” an During the Christmas season the and Shepherds”. The singers here pictured to­ and hung them on the tree. And The service opens with the pre­ old Welsh yule song. what did her mother say? She just gether with other singers of the boys and girls—and their parents, lude “Christmas Fantasy” Adult Choir selections will in­ 90-voice Shaw Chorus are joining too, we hope—will be helping to smiled and said, “It’s all right with (Rogers), The Junior-Senior choirs clude: “Ring Out Ring Out” Pastors Give me, if she wants to do it.” A busy the Shaw orchestra tonight in Wage Increases Not decorate the Mitten Trees in the will sing “The Birthday of A King” written by Robert Rimer, director their annual Christmas Concert. father brought his little girl, a (Neidinger) and “As Lately We of instrumental music at Collin­ East Cleveland Main Library and first grader at Prospect School, and Everyone is invited to come to its branches. Mittens of all sizes, Watched” (Mathews). Miss Evelyn wood High School: Shaw Auditorium at 8:15 o’clock Yule Message she proudly hung a new pair with Morgan will sing “Come Unto Me” all colors and all materials are the others. The father said, “Listen, Lordlings Unto Me” and enjoy the splendid program Added To City's wanted, and when the holidays are from Handel’s “The Messiah”. (16th Century Carol); “O Holy arranged by Miss Marjory Shields “That’s all we’ve heard today, was ♦ * * and S. Robert Fraser, directors over, the mittens will be shipped the Mitten Tree, so we just had Night” (Adams) by soloist and Over WSRS Calvary Lutheran respectively of the choir and the off to the American Friends Serv­ to come.” choir; “Thou Wilt Light My ice Committee, to be sent overseas. The Mitten Trees will remain in Children's Program Candle”, Youse solo by Nadine orchestra. $939,000 Estimate Once again members of the East New mittens are preferred, but The primary departments of Eggleston; “The Shepherd’s Christ­ Shaw singers have added joy to Cleveland Ministerial Association the libraries until after Christmas many Christmas programs, includ­ any clean, whole pair will be ac­ and everyone is invited to share in Calvary Lutheran Church, Euclid mas Song”, Dickinson with flute are bringing three messages on cepted. One little girl who came to at Lockwood aves. will hold their obligato by Linda Moore. ing the City of Cleveland’s public The City Manager’s Estimate increase in salary ntfS a cut in each week day over Station WSRS. this worthy cause. square music hours caroling from the Main Library to watch the It’s just too bad that the accom­ Christmas program at 4:00 p. m. “Behold That Star”, Spiritual— of the East Cleveland General week working hours. Police also Each miniature talk is emphasiz­ trimming of the Mitten Tree pulled Mrs. Robert Weise is in charge Cunkle. the balcony at Halle Bros, and Fund for 1953 is $910,980, plus a seek salaiy boosts. ing the true meaning of Christmas panying picture doesn’t show the cheer to patients at Huron Road off the mittens she was wearing many colors of the gifts. of the service which will include a o o $28,060 contingency fund fee a The $910,980 figure includes and the need for Christmas in to­ carols, dialogues and readings. PoinsettiaS Fill Hospital. grand total of $939,000. day’s world. $14,065 which will be needed next At the morning service at 10:45 The Sanctuary -This figure does not provide for year to meet the cost of three Tune in on WSRS at 5:54 a.m., o’clock the pastor, Rev. John W. 6:54 p.m. and 10:54 p.m. on the Tradition for the Sunday morn­ any salary increases, recommenda­ additional policemen. It is also ex­ Grohne will bring the final mes­ ing worship service at First Pres­ tions for which are to be made pected to add to personnel in the following days and share in this ob­ "See Cleveland" Is Part sage of the Advent season, “Pre­ servance of the gladsome season. byterian Church is the poinsettia GasRhtes to the City Commission before fire department if an hour cut is paring for Christmas.” theme. The gay red Christmas the first of the year. What ever granted these men. > J Pastors on the program are: * » ♦ December 18th— Rev. Henry C. OLYM Holiday Program- flowers adorn the altar and are the amount of these increases will General Fund ±ptif!ft‘c4‘gFf'0T Giunta, Church of the Holy City; Windermere *resbtyierian "used elsewhere in Hie sanctuary, be must be added to the estimate $896,860, $32,000 less than the ~ December 19—Revr Franklyn J. School Service - - edch flant being provided by a Adjusted figures in each department and be 1953 estimate figure*; with Ito £ME**O*,5'**‘ member of the congregation who McHendry, Windermere Presbyter­ These festive hours dot the er* included in the appropriation ordi­ -salary additions included- ' Mothers of boys who are mem­ cept tennis doubles which Is will later use it at home or as a nance which will be ready for a ian Church; December 22nd—Rev. bers of the YMCA won’t have to Christmas Sunday calendar at An adjustment of gas rates for The city hopes to meet the In- John W. Grohne, Calvary Lutheran made up of“2 singles players in Windermere Presbyterian Church, Christmas remembrance for some­ public hearing on January 2nd, wonder what their sons are going one else. East Cleevland and other area con­ creased operating costa from in­ Church; December 23rd — Rev. each Chapter. Euclid at Windermere st. 1953. creased revenues combined with to do during the holidays. They December 29—Monday “The light shines in darkness sumers who have been paying the James E. Hunton, Phillips ave. know that they will be having fel­ On Christmas, Sunday morning new higher gas rate for three Salary increases are being estimated unencumbered balances Presbyterian Church; December 9:00 a. m.—Leave “Y” House for the chorus choir under the direc­ and the darkness has not over­ studied for all employees. The January 1st, 1953. This balance lowship with boys of their age in Leaders Club Clinic at West Side come it”. This will be the topic months, will appear on their Febru­ 2'.th— 0. G. Grotefend, Hope Lu­ a program of entertainment, infor­ tion of Mrs. C. A. Ebenhack will ary, March and April statements. firemen have already asked for an will be about $40,000. Anticipated theran Church; December 25th—, YMCA. present two seasonal selections— of Christmas Sunday sermon by mation and good fun set up by East Cleveland has been advised General Fund revenues for 1953 are Rev. Earle C. Hochwald, East 9:00 a. m.—“Y” House game rooms “Listen Lordlings” which is an Dr. Howard M. Wells. $906,203. the Y. open until 5:30 p. m. by the East Ohio Gas Co. that the Cleveland Congregational Church; James North, physical director arrangement of a 16th Century The Christmas message will In a foreward to the Estimate December 26th—Rev. William War- 7:00 p. m.—Jr. Hi-Y Game Tourna­ French Carol and “Bethlehem”, by again be told in song and story at bills for a three month period, be­ East Clevelander at the Y has been busy for weeks, ment at “Y” House. ginning with gas used on and after submitted to the City Commission man, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; lining up activities of particular Williams. The Pastor will continue the annual 4:30 o’clock vesper Mr. Car ran states: December 29th—Dr. F. W’ayne Mc- December 30—Tuesday the first reading date following interest to boys, interest that will the series of Christmas messages service when the Junior and Senior November 30, 1952, and ending Red Cross Aid “In only three funds, Sewage Queen, Windermere Methodist acquaint them with their big city, 9:30 a.
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