HSFFO!GJFMET- CVEEJOH! SFMBUJPOTIJQT/ At first glance, you will notice two things about Clover Park – how close the community is and how green the surroundings are. Designed in a unique horseshoe layout, the mini-neighbourhoods of Clover Park are laid out so that the homes face each other, while also facing a central park, a design that grants peace of mind while encouraging a community spirit. A PHASE OF CLOVER PARK 22’ X 80’ DOUBLE STOREY LINK HOMES !UIF!BMMVSF!PG! !DMPWFS!QBSL UÊ / iÊÕµÕiÊ ÀÃià iÊà >«iÊVÀi>ÌiÃÊ>ÊÃ}iÊiÌÀÞÉiÝÌÊ«ÌÊvÀÊÀiÃ`iÌÃ Ê ÊvÀÊLiÌÌiÀÊÃ>viÌÞ]ÊÜ iÊvÃÌiÀ}Ê>ÊVÃiÀÊVÕÌÞÊëÀÌ° UÊ ÊÀ>Ü>ÌiÀÊ >ÀÛiÃÌ}ÊÃÞÃÌiÊViVÌÃÊvÀÊ>ÌÕÀi]Ê>`Ê}ÛiÃÊL>VÊÌÊ>ÌÕÀiÆ Ê vÀÊ}>À`i}Ê«ÕÀÃÕÌÃ]Ê>`ÊÀi° UÊ -iiVÌi`Ê iÃÊViÊÜÌ Ê«`ÃÊÌÊV«iiÌÊÌ iÊ}ÀiiÊ>`Ê>ÀÞ Ê ÃÕÀÀÕ`}Ã]Ê>`Ê«ÀÌiÊLiÌÌiÀÊvi}Êà հ UÊ iÃÊÜÌ ÊvÀÌVi}ÊÜ`ÜÃÊ>ÜÊ>«iÊ>ÌÕÀ>Ê} ÌÊÌÊvÜÊ`Àð UÊ >V Êi} LÕÀ `Ê >ÃÊ>Ê«ÀÛ>ÌiÊ«>ÀÊvÀÊÀiÃ`iÌÃÊÌÊÌiÀ>VÌÆ Ê vÀÊiÃÕÀiÞÊÃÌÀÃ]ÊÀÊëÞÊÌÊÕÜ`Ê>vÌiÀÊ>Ê}Ê`>Þ° UÊ ViÊvÊÃ}iÊÀÊ`ÕLiÊvÀÌ>}iÊ`iÃ}° ALL HOUSES OPEN UP TO THE PLEASANT SCENERY OF A MINI-PARK IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD TJUF!QMBO JALAN ELEKTRON U16/58 JALAN ELEKTRON U16/58F J8-29 J6-3 J6-2 J6-1 J6-26 J6-25 J6-24 J7-3 J7-2 J7-1 J7-26 J7-25 J7-24 C2a J8-3 J8-2 J8-1 D1a B2a C1a C1b B2b D1b D1a B2a C1b C1a B2b D1b D1a B2a C1a 61 J8-28 B1b 5 3 1 JALAN ELEKTRON U16/58D 51 49 47 5 3 1 51 49 47 5 3 1 J8-27 J6-23 JALAN ELEKTRON U16/58E J7-23 59 J6-4 J7-4 B2b D2b(s) D2b(s) J8-26 D2a 45 D2a 45 J8-4 7 7 57 B2a D2a 7 55 J8-25 J6-5 J6-22 J7-5 J7-22 J8-5 B1b 43 9 43 9 A2a 9 A1b(s) A1a A1b(s) A1a 53 J8-24 C2b J6-6 J6-21 J7-6 J7-21 J8-6 11 41 11 41 A2b A1a(s) A1b A1a(s) A1b 11 51 J6-7 J6-20 J7-7 J7-20 J8-7 13 39 13 39 13 A2a A1b(s) A1a A1b(s) A1a J6-19 J7-19 J8-8 J6-8 15 37 J7-8 15 37 A1a(s) A1a(s) 15 A2b A1b A1b JALAN ELEKTRON U16/57 35 17 J8-9 17 17 35 J6-9 J6-18 J7-9 J7-18 D3a D3a D3b(s) D3b(s) 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 D3a 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 J6-10 J6-11 J6-12 J6-13 J6-14 J6-15 J6-16 J6-17 J7-10 J7-11 J7-12 J7-13 J7-14 J7-15 J7-16 J7-17 J8-10 J8-11 J8-12 J8-13 J8-14 J8-15 J8-16 J8-17 J8-18 J8-19 J8-20 J8-21 J8-22 J8-23 D3b B2b B1a C2a C2b B1b B2a D3a D3b B2b B1a C2a C2b B1b B2a D3a D3b B2b B1a C2a C2b B1bB1a C1b C1a B1b B2b B2b B1a C2a Phase J6 A1a Unit Type The horseshoe shaped design of the phases of Clover Park creates a single entry/exit 43 Phase J7 Address Number point for each phase. This single point of access means a safer environment for O Phase J8 J6-20 Lot Number residents. The design also allows each house a full view of the area. MPDBUJPO!NBQ TO RAWANG/IPOH Residentn s enjoj y ggreaat aca cessibbili iti y bothh in ana d out ofo TO KUALA SELANGOR Denan i Alam via the GCE annd NKKVVE hhighwawayss. TThey’re aalssoo prooviided d wiw th a 4.88 km ‘ddeennaia ’ fofor eeassee of trravvelel TO SG BULOH/KEPONG bbeettwweeeen neiighbh ouo rhrhoooodsd . PAYA JARAS INTERCHANGE EsE sesentntiaal ameennities suuch as a schoh ol – Sekkolah Seri CCaahahayaa, clc innics aannd shhopps arre found nen arrbyb whihilee hyperermam rrkkeetts GiG ant THE CURVE / IKEA KOTA DAMANSARA/ anand TTeesscco are juj st a car ride awwaayy. AnAnd fof r the wew eekene dss, SALES GALLERY MONT’ KIARA enenjjooy a roround oorr twwo of goolf or bbrriinng thhe family bowlingn SERI CAHAYA SCHOOL GUTHRIE aatt theh Mono tteerreez Golff andd Countryy club.b MONTEREZ CORRIDOR GOLF CLUB EXPRESSWAY InIn Dennaii Alamm, you’ll hhaavve all youu couldd askk forr BATU ARANG in a community. SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH AIRPORT JELUTONG TOLL BUKIT JELUTONG TTDI JAYA TO SUBANG/ DAMANSARA/ KUALA LUMPUR SHAH ALAM TO KLANG TOLL TO PETALING JAYA/ NKVE GIANT KUALA LUMPUR SHAH ALAM TESCO SUBANG JAYA BATU TIGA TO KLANG INTERCHANGE FEDERAL HIGHWAY TO PUTRAJAYA/KLIA TYPE A1a TYPE A2a Single Frontage 22’ X 80’ Single Frontage 22’ X 80’ (Intermediate Unit) (Intermediate Unit) Gross built-up area Gross built-up area From : 2,660 sq ft From: 2,660 sq ft Land area Land area From: 1,760 sq ft From: 1,760 sq ft TYPE A2 TYPE TYPE A1 TYPE 6706 6706 6706 6706 DRY YARD DRY YARD BATH 2 BATH 1 A/C BATH 2 BATH 1 A/C A/C BATH 3 A/C BATH 3 KITCHEN KITCHEN BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 3 STORE STORE DINING 17400 17400 VOID VOID FAMILY FAMILY DINING 24384 24384 LIVING LIVING MASTER MASTER BEDROOM MASTER MASTER BEDROOM BATH BATH ENTRANCE ENTRANCE POND A/C VOID TERRACE POND A/C VOID TERRACE CAR PORCH CAR PORCH GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR TYPE B1a TYPE B2a Double Frontage 22’ X 80’ Double Frontage 22’ X 80’ (Intermediate Unit) (Intermediate Unit) Gross built-up area Gross built-up area From: 2,780 sq ft From: 2,780 sq ft Land area Land area From: 1,760 sq ft From: 1,760 sq ft TYPE B2 TYPE TYPE B1 TYPE 6706 6706 6706 6706 POWDER ROOM POWDER ROOM TERRACE MASTER BATH TERRACE BALCONY MASTER BATH MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BEDROOM LIVING LIVING FAMILY VOID VOID FAMILY STORE STORE 17400 17400 17400 DINING DINING STUDY STUDY 24384 24384 DRY KITCHEN DRY KITCHEN BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 1 MAID'S MAID'S ENTRANCE ENTRANCE BATH BATH 1 BATH BATH 1 TERRACE TERRACE BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 2 MAID'S WET A/C MAID'S WET A/C ROOM KITCHEN ROOM KITCHEN BATH 2 BATH 2 A/C A/C DRY DRY YARD YARD CAR PORCH CAR PORCH GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR TQFDJGJDBUJPOT!)UZQF!B2b!.!JOUFSNFEJBUF!VOJU* TQFDJGJDBUJPOT!)UZQF!E3b!.!BOHVMBS!VOJU* STRUCTURE Reinforced Concrete STRUCTURE Reinforced Concrete WALL Clay Bricks, Cement Sand Bricks WALL Clay Bricks, Cement Sand Bricks ROOF COVERING Roof Tiles, Flat Roof ROOF COVERING Roof Tiles, Flat Roof ROOF FRAMING Metal ROOF FRAMING Metal CEILING Plaster Ceiling, Skim Coat and Paint CEILING Plaster Ceiling, Skim Coat and Paint WINDOWS Aluminium Framed WINDOWS Aluminium Framed DOORS DOORS Main Entrance Solid Core Main Entrance Solid Core Others Hollow Core, Louvred Others Hollow Core, Louvred, Aluminium Framed Sliding Glass IRONMONGERY Locksets with Accessories IRONMONGERY Locksets with Accessories WALL FINISHES WALL FINISHES Bathrooms Ceramic Tiles Bathrooms Ceramic Tiles Kitchen Ceramic Tiles up to 1.5m High Kitchen Ceramic Tiles up to 1.5m High Others Plaster and Paint Others Plaster and Paint FLOOR FINISHES FLOOR FINISHES Living Ceramic Tiles Living Ceramic Tiles Dining Ceramic Tiles Dining Ceramic Tiles Kitchen Ceramic Tiles Kitchen Ceramic Tiles Bedroom (Ground Floor) Ceramic Tiles Bedroom (Ground Floor) Ceramic Tiles Bathrooms Ceramic Tiles Bathrooms Ceramic Tiles Terrace Ceramic Tiles Terrace Ceramic Tiles Store Cement Render Store Cement Render Staircase Laminated Flooring Staircase Laminated Flooring Dry Yard Ceramic Tiles Dry Yard Ceramic Tiles Pond (A1, A2, C2) Ceramic Tiles Car Porch Textured Concrete Car Porch Textured Concrete Bedrooms (First Floor) Laminated Flooring Bedrooms (First Floor) Laminated Flooring Study Laminated Flooring Family Laminated Flooring Family Laminated Flooring Balcony Ceramic Tiles SANITARY WARE & PLUMBING FITTINGS Rumpus Ceramic Tiles Bathrooms Water Closet, Wash Basin, Shower Rose, Soap Holder, Toilet Roll Holder, Tap Kitchen Kitchen Sink with Tap SANITARY WARE & PLUMBING FITTINGS Dry Yard Tap Bathrooms Water Closet, Wash Basin, Shower Rose, Long Bath, Soap Holder, Toilet Roll Holder, Tap ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Kitchen Kitchen Sink with Tap Lighting Points 30 Dry Yard Tap 13 Amp Switch Socket Outlet 24 15 Amp Switch Socket Outlet 4 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 13 Amp Switch Socket (Outdoor) 1 Lighting Points 52 Ceiling Fan Point 7 13 Amp Switch Socket Outlet 35 TV Outlet Point 3 15 Amp Switch Socket Outlet 4 Telephone Point 2 13 Amp Switch Socket (Outdoor) 1 Door Bell Point 1 Ceiling Fan Point 9 Auto Gate Point 1 TV Outlet Point 3 Air Conditioning Point 4 Telephone Point 2 Door Bell Point 1 INTERNAL TELEPHONE Auto Gate Point 1 TRUNKING & CABLING Concealed Air Conditioning Point 5 FENCING Brick Wall with Mild Steel Grill INTERNAL TELEPHONE TRUNKING & CABLING Concealed TURFING Nil FENCING Brick Wall with Mild Steel Grill EXTERNAL FEATURES Letter Box, Refuse Compartment TURFING Turfing EXTERNAL FEATURES Letter Box, Refuse Compartment ONE OF THE GREEN PARKS THAT CLOVER PARK DRAWS ITS NAME FROM For enquiries, please call or visit us at: Denai Alam Sales Gallery Persiaran Metafasa, Seksyen U16 1800 88 1118 Denai Alam, 40160 Shah Alam, Selangor property.simedarby.com Open daily from 9.30am – 6.30pm (including Public Holidays) iÛi«iÀýÊViÃiÊ \ÊÈ{ÓÇ{xÉ£ÓÓä£ÓÊÊUÊ6>`ÌÞÊ*iÀ`\Ê£äÉ£ÓÉÓääÊÊäÉ£ÓÉÓä£ÓÊUÊ Ý«iVÌi`Ê >ÌiÊvÊ 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