Bryant University Bryant Digital Repository Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Booster (1925-1929) Collections 6-1928 Volume 5, Number 6, June 1928 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster Recommended Citation "Volume 5, Number 6, June 1928" (1928). Booster (1925-1929). Paper 8. https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster/8 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Collections at Bryant Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Booster (1925-1929) by an authorized administrator of Bryant Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e N ot boosting with a braggart's song But boosting to help along. ommencement N umber June 1928 THE BOOSTER Vol. 5 Published the Twenty-fifth of Each Month by the Students of BRYANT-STRATION COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Providence, R. I. CI Subscription Price $1.00 per year Single Copies 15c The close c fifth year is the huge dU I are to be lim BOARD OF EDITORS its fold a llo t! 1927-1928 ness exec ulin Booster t ake ubte these EDITOR-IN-CmEF graduates i Ot J OHN A. VICT ORIA complishcd. a Oll their lri l ASSISTA NT EDITOR and success. EVELYN M. ROWSE The close I termination Booster." It ASSOCIATE EDITORS during th e ) Alumni Editor-LURTIE W . HUFFMAN Business Topics-LEO NUSSENFELD favorable COt News Editor-ANTONIO DA PONT E Athletic Editors-GEORGE THORNLEY school fllthli Art Editor- RAYMOND CHAUFTY STEPHEN H. DEMIRJIAN United Sta te several issues den ts was CLASS REPRESENT A TIVES Booster," of RIel-l ARD L. ROLAND M ARY M. MULLANEY mistakes, but DUDLEY J . BLOCK CECELIA EINSTEIN ceived that II JOHN BEAGAN KATHLYN CHERRINGTON elude that all and I}clter " C BUSINESS MANAGER That the :1 1 CHARLES D. PHELAN the same res have been ace case had nut ADVERTISING MANAGER prevailed. Th EARNEST BARNES to bring to t and the [J1 CIll lowing facts BUSINESS STAFF importance i: OLIVE ALBERT upon which tl HELEN W ILBUR BERNARD KOLODOFF er" is most \\ "The Doos EVENING SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES same princi p! licatiolls, is ( DORIS HAMEL _WILLIAM .:RUTLEDGE people wh ose fUllctions rei]! FACULTY ADVISORS tiolls they a rc JEANNETTE CAR ROLL NELSON GULSKI are sllfficie nt IDA M. KNIGHT F RANCES HELGESON pected of ca , However, to i exist s, th e edi a coreful slur formal orga n meeting LXi'i; THE BOOSTER Vol. 5 JU N E 1928 N o.6 Commencement Day Commencement August 17th Draws Near Volume V of "The Booster" Terminates August 17 is Red Letter D ay The close of Bryant- S tratton', si xty- ua l duties o f each member. It is then in College Cale ndar- fifth year is ne~r at hand. Once more the du ty of each l1lC' lllber of the "tail to t he huge doors of the bu sin ess world devote his spare t ime, no matter how F riday morn ing, Aug ust 17, grad­ are to be throw lI open to 'welcome in to li mited it may be. to the work requ ired uates from al l departments of Bry­ its fo lel another group of future busi­ of him for th e publication. I n all Y pub­ ness executives a nd adl1l il listrators. The li cation. each lnelniJe r m ust talee a n a c­ ant-Stratton College wi ll assemble Booster takes this occa sion to CO ll g rat­ ti vc interest in the position he is fill ing at the A lbee Theatre to take part in L1lat e these young men a nd women if th e pub li cation is to be a Sllceess. an interesting program of speeches gradua tes for th e work th ey have ac­ The fir st sigu of loyalty is a 100% at­ I), prOtJ1il1ent men, JlllJsic by the complis hed, and bids thcm 'bon voyage' te nuance at mee tings wh en th ey are A lbee T heatre O rchestra and the 011 t he ir trip to f urther achievemcn t call"d. un less some mem ber h as an ex­ and stlccess. cusab le reason. A small attenda nce in­ awarding of degrees and di plomas to successf ul candida tes. Following the The close of t he year a lso marks the dicates laxness ami is a bsolute ly di s­ termination of V olume V of "The couraging to those \\'ho attcnd. The re­ Commencement exercises the Col­ Booster." It was especiall y gratifying sult is that by the enel of lhe fi sca l year, lege w ill be open throughout the cla y althoug h a large list of na mes appears during the year to receive letters of £0 1" the reception of parents and on the nr ,; t page, the publi cation in a ll fa vorabl e commen t from many ot her friends who may care to visit Bry­ rea lity represcnts the errorl , of two or school publications th ro ughout the ant-Stratton Coll ege, co rner Foun­ U nited S tates. T h e \\"Ciy in which t he three members at the most. The c1ep os­ tain and U ni on Streets, Providence. several iss ues were received by the stu­ itillg of tile cO!llparatively ligitt loads of dents was a lso encouraging. "The tite Ileg lig ent ,nem bers 0 11 the sho ulders Over two thoLlsaml Fl:fSO nS wit­ of thest' few in terested m Cl ubers, who Booster," of course, ,vas not devoid of nc."cd the aW~l l'di ng of degrees and already were overtaxed ,,-i th work in mis takes, but it w as so favo rably re­ diplomas to L l3 young men and ceived t hat the editor is happy to con­ the p urSll a llCC of the ir own chi ties, makes t he load unb C' e ra b le, and the re- youn g' women at the coml11 CnCel11C llt clude that all effort to publish a bigger exercises held at the Albee T heatre and better "Booster" was fru itful. suit, eV entnaliy, wouid be di sastrous. "The Booster" could be run with m uch last year, when ::'I I I' . N ic holas Roose- ­ That the above is true is evidellt, but ease li teraril y a nd fllialic ia lly w ithout velt, associate editur of the 1\:r7u the same res ul t or even better m ig ht bnrdenillg a llY particular individua l if Y orh Times, was the commencem cn l have been accom plis hed w ith 90'1<. more each member of the staff but relll em­ ease had no t one apparent weakness be red that h e or she was g ivell that po­ orator. p reva il ed. The editor especially desires sitio n with certain duties to pedorm, T hi s year, plans a re p rogressing to brin g to the mind of hi s su ccesso r a nd that Up OIl the perfo rmance of those to make the commencement program a nd the members of his sta ff the fo l­ duties in conjunction with those of the in evcry \\'ay one befitting the occa­ lowing fac ts 'I",hich lIla y prove of v ita l oth er m emb ers depends th e entire suc­ importance is re l1l edyillg a s itua tio n cess of "Thc Booster'." sion when over two hund red young upon w h ich t he success o [ "Thc Boost­ The position of E ditor-ill -chid is a ll men and young wOlllen will recelve e r" is most w holly dependent. enviable o ll e as is c'vcry other posit ion their degrees and di plo1l1as. "The Booster" s taff, built 011 the on the Hoard of Editors. T he pra ctical same princip les as those of other p ub­ experience one l1la y obtaill fr0111 any li catio ns, is composed of a g roup of o ne of Ille positions is ull lil11 ited. It is people whose duties it is to perform the t ime we lJ spe nt, a nd for a worthy cause. fllll cti ol1S reqll ired of them in the posi­ The editor wishes to th:lI1k a ll of those See pages four and five tions they are fi lling. The titles IJ sua lly w ltO ill all)' way co-operated with h im a re suf'f1c ient to indicate what is ex­ eluring the pa st year in furtherillg the of this issue for more peeted of each illember o f the staff. interesl s of "The Booster " or ill all" information of plans However, to be sure that no a m biguity other school flilictioll w hi ch he rna" have L1 ndertakell. T he ed itor a lso wishe', exists, the editor-i!l-chief Il sua lly makes to extell d to hi s Sl1ccessor his most , iJl ­ for Commencement. a careful study o i the staff before its cere wi,itcs for a lll OS t successful formal orga lli :~atio ll and at th e in itia l "Boosl rr" eluri ll g the com illg year. mcetiJi g ('xplail l:i in detail thc in d ivid­ Editor-ill-c it ief. Page Two THE BOOSTER Prophecy of the Class of L.
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