Eastern Maine Development Corporation 93 Northern Maine Development Commission 011 Eastern T8 R15 T8 R14 WELS T8 R7 WELS WELS 11 ³ ± Maine T7 R14 T7 R11 T7 R10 T7 R15 T7 R13 T7 R12 T7 R9 T7 R8 T7 R7 WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS T7 R6 WELS WELS WELS 212 ³ ± T6 R7 T6 R15 T6 R14 T6 R13 T6 R12 T6 R11 T6 R10 Trout T6 R8 T6 R6 WELS WELS WELS Brook WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS Twp ¨¦§95 Nesourdnahunk p Chesuncook 2 159 ³ ± 01 T5 R15 T5 R14 Twp T5 R12 T5 R11 Twp T5 R9 T5 R8 T5 R7 WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS 159 ³ ± T4 R15 WELS T4 R9 ¨¦§95 T4 R14 T4 R11 T4 R10 T4 R8 T4 R7 T4 R13 T4 R12 WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS 11 ³ ± No Carry rtheast 1 T3 R10 Mount T3 R7 10 Lobster T3 R13 T3 R11 WELS T3 R8 Twp T3 R12 Katahdin WELS Twp WELS WELS WELS Twp WELS Development TX R14 WELS Corporation T2 R8 T2 R13 T2 R12 T2 R10 T2 R9 Soldiertown WELS Rainbow WELS WELS WELS Twp 2A WELS Twp 10 T2 R7 DaysAcademy East Middlesex Canal Grant Twp WELS Grant Twp T1 R8 Grindstone 102 Spencer T1 R13 T1 R11 WELS Twp T1 R6 Bay Twp T1 R12 T1 R10 T1 R9 Kineo Twp WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS WELS T3 Indian 171 ³ ± Purchase Frenchtown T4 Indian Twp Millinocket Forest Lily Bay Purchase 157 ³ ± City Twp Twp p Twp Shawtown TA R11 Twp §95 169 ³ ± TA R10 ¨¦ T8 R4 Twp WELS Medway WELS 11 ³ ± TA R7 NBPP WELS T11 R3 NBPP Kingman Drew Plt Forest Twp 157 ³ ± Beaver Cove Twp Vanceboro TB R10 Long A Twp Mattawamkeag 170 ³ ± Big TB R11 WELS WELS Brookton 116 ³ ± New Brunswick, Moose T2 R9 NWP T8 R3 NBPP Twp Twp Bowdoin College Grant East Twp Woodville Prentiss Twp 6 ³ ± Bowdoin College Grant West Twp T7 R3 NBPP CANADA T3 R9 NWP Lambert Webster Plt Codyville Lake Twp Ebeemee Winn Plt p Twp T4 R9 Topsfield Moosehead Katahdin Iron NWP Junction Twp Works Twp Chester Greenville T7 R9 Kossuth Twp 168 ³ ± Dyer Twp NWP T2 R8 Tourism InfrastructureSeboeis Program NWP Springfield Carroll Plt Elliottsville Twp Lake Plt 6 ³ ± Lee (Piscataquis/PenobscotView Plt Counties) 012 6 ³ ± Waite Brownville Williamsburg Twp p Lincoln Talmadge Pukakon 15 ³ ± Fowler Mattamiscontis Twp Twp Barnard Twp Twp Shirley Bowerbank T6 R1 NBPP Willimantic Lakeville Eastport Regional Monson Maxfield T3 R1 Medford Indian 11 ³ ± Sebec NBPP 011 Connector Road & Bridge Milo Enfield Grand Lake Twp Res Blanchard Howland Stream Plt Baileyville 6 ³ ± Twp Burlington 6 ³ ± 16 ³ ± PenobscotLowell River Restoration T6 ND Guilford ¨¦§95 Abbot and Trail Network DowneastSakom BPP Regional Airportp Passadumkeag Twp Kingsbury Dover-Foxcroft Orneville Twp Oqiton Plt p Lagrange Edinburg T3 ND Twp Atkinson Princeton 15 ³ ± Big Calais Grand Greenlaw Lake Parkman Sangerville Falls Twp T43 MD Summit TourismInfrastructure Program BPP Chopping Twp Alexander Twp T42 MD Twp 191Baring Plt Bradford ³ ± 1 16 ³ ± Charleston 16 ³ ± 150 ³ ± 7 ³ ± (Hancock/WashingtonCounties) 01 T41 MD BPP 23 ³ ± Greenbush T40 MD Robbinston Improve MobilityWellington Safety on Rts 7, 11, 15, 23 Argyle Twp 11 ³ ± T39 MD Garland Alton Crawford Meddybemps Dexter Newport to Dover-Foxcroft and Greenville 012 Greenfield Charlotte T36 MD T37 MD T26 Twp BPP Cooper BPP ED BPP 214 Perry Hudson Increase Truck Weight Limits ³ ± p T35 MD Pleasant 151 ³ ± Corinth T34 MD Point 43 ³ ± Milford 43 ³ ± on I-95/I-395 to 100,000 lbs Pembroke Exeter Indian Island Day Great T19 ED BPP Eastport Corinna Old Town T32 MD Pond Block Cathance Dennysville 190 ³ ± 11 ³ ± p 221 ³ ± T30 MD Twp Wesley BPP Twp Devereaux p Kenduskeag 191 8 ³ ± ³ ± Bangor43 International Airport Connector Road Glenburn Twp ³ ± 16 151 ³ ± Orono 86 ³ ± T28 MD Berry Bradley ³ ± 7 Stetson Aurora 9 ³ ± ³ ± Improve Mobility and Safety on Levant T25 MD Twp Edmunds Twp o Rt Amherst3/1A-Bangor to Bar Harbor BPP Newport Veazie Northfield Marion Twp 189 ³ ± 15 ³ ± T24 MD BPP 150 ³ ± 23 ³ ± 192 012 Hermon Bangor Eddington Beddington ³ ± East Clifton T22 MD Machias 148 ³ ± I-95 Corridor Improvements Carmel 012 Trescott Twp Lubec Etna Improve North-South Brewer Improve Mobility and Safety T19 MD Whiting 193 ³ ± Plymouth §95 Mariaville Osborn BPP Marshfield p ¦¨ 395 Holden Connector Rts 3 § T18 MD BPP Centerville Twp ³ ± 2 ¦¨ on Rt 15 - Brewer to Bucksport 01 Hampden Whitneyville 011 Port of Eastport Columbia Newburgh Dedham T16 MD pDeblois Falls Cutler Otis p East Coast Greenway Orrington 179 ³ ± Machias 191 p ³ ± Dixmont Eastbrook 1A Waltham 01 Improve Mobility and Safety on Columbia Jonesboro 11 ³ ± 139 ³ ± 1A §95 Winterport 01 Down East Sunrise Trail ¦¨ 46 ³ ± Rt 3 Access Managment Bucksport Rt 1A-Searsport to Bangor T10 SD Cherryfield Roque Bluffs Jackson Study (Liberty to Belfast) T9 SD Jonesport Machiasport 201 01202 Monroe Franklin Frankfort 1 01 187 ³ ± 7 ³ ± Fletchers Landing Twp 01 Addison 011A OrlandPenobscotEllsworth Narrows Transportation PlanT7 SD MaineDOT Gateway 1 Prospect Hancock Sullivan Steuben Brooks 15 ³ ± Knox Stockton Springs 27 175 ³ ± Harrington ³ ± p Planning (Warren to Prospect) Swanville 011 Verona Island 172 ³ ± Searsport 1 Surry o Improve Mobility and Safety 220 ³ ± 01 Belfast Rt 1 Lamoine 011 Waldo Penobscot Sorrento on Rt 1- Bucksport to Eastport 184 ³ ± Rt 3 Intersection Improvments Montville Intersection Improvements Trenton Gouldsboro Beals Morrill p Belfast 1 Blue Hill Milbridge 186 ³ ± 01 195 ³ ± 01202 Castine Bar Harbor 3 ³ ± p 102 ³ ± 3 ³ ± Liberty Belmont 15 ³ ± o Searsmont Brooksville 220 ³ ± Rt 17 Access Managment Northport EllsworthSedgwick Intermodal Center ¦¨§95 Rt 52 Upgrade 3 ³ ± Mount AcadiaWinter Harbor Gateway Center 198 ³ ± 202 Study (Washington to Rockland) 01 Islesboro Desert Appleton Lincolnville p Tremont Brooklin 17 ³ ± Washington Implement Gateway 1 Findings 102 ³ ± Hope 1 Camden 01 Deer Isle Cranberry Isles ³ ± 126 ³ ± 17 Union ¨¦§95 Rt 17 Intersection Improvements 220 ³ ± Rockport & Road Safetyp Audits Strategic Investment 32 ³ ± Strategic Investment Warren North Haven Stonington 17 ³ ± 213 ³ ± Rockland Branch Rockland Frenchboro Railroad Upgrades o Plan for 011 Thomaston Swans Island 295 ¨¦§ Owls Head 27 ³ ± South Thomaston Eastern Maine Mid-Coast 220 ³ ± Cushing Rockland Maine State Ferry Terminal Parking Lot Upgrade Rt 1 Safety Audit Muscle Ridge Shoals Twp 73 ³ ± ment District 011 Vinalhaven Development Corporation Isle Au Haut 32 ³ ± p Knox County Airport Runway/Taxiway Upgrades 129 ³ ± 131 ³ ± Friendship 1 27 ³ ± 01 130 ³ ± Saint George Corridor of Regional Economic 127 ³ ± Matinicus Isle Plt Significance for Transportation (CREST) 209 ³ ± Criehaven Twp 94 Caswell T15 R15 WELS T15 R13 WELS T15 R11 WELS T15 R9 WELST15 R8 WELSWinterville Plt T15 R5 WELSWestmanlandNew Sweden T15 R14 WELS T15 R12 WELS T15 R10 WELS T15 R6 WELS Limestone T14 R10 WELS Caribou Woodland T14 R15 WELST14 R14 WELST14 R13 WELS T14 R11 WELS T14 R9 WELST14 R8 WELST14 R7 WELS T14 R5 WELS Perham GeneralGeneralT14 R16 WELS T14 R12 WELS MovementMovementT14 R6 WELS Caribou T13 R15 WELS Washburn T13 R16 WELS T13 R14 WELS T13 R12 WELS T13 R10 WELST13 R9 WELST13 R8 WELS Portage LakeT13 R5 WELS Wade T13 R13 WELS T13 R11 WELS T13 R7 WELS Fort Fairfield Presque Isle T12 R16 WELS T12 R14P WELS aT12 R12 t WELS t e r n s P a t t e r n sT12 R8 WELS T12 R17 WELS T12 R15 WELS T12 R13 WELST12 R11 WELST12 R10 WELST12 R9 WELS T12 R7 WELSNashville Plt Castle Hill Mapleton Eastern Maine Ashland Presque Isle Ashland Easton T11 R12 WELS T11 R8 WELS T11 R17 WELST11 R16 WELST11 R15 WELS T11 R13 WELS T11 R11 WELST11 R10 WELST11 R9 WELS T11 R4 WELSChapman DevelopmentT11 R14 WELS CorporationT11 R7 WELSGarfield Plt Westfield Mars Hill Legend T10 R12 WELS Big Ten TwpT10 R16 WELST10 R15 WELS T10 R8 WELS T10 R13 WELST10 R11 WELST10 R10 WELST10 R9 WELS T10 R3 WELS T10 R14 WELS T10 R7 WELS MasardisSquapan Twp Maine Highways T10 R6 WELS Blaine E Twp Interstate T9 R14 WELS Cox Patent NEW BRUNSWICK, Principal Arterial T9 R17 WELST9 R16 WELST9 R15 WELS T9 R13 WELS T9 R11 WELST9 R10 WELST9 R9 WELST9 R8 WELS T9 R12 WELS T9 R7 WELSOxbow PltT9 R5 WELST9 R4 WELST9 R3 WELS Bridgewater CANADA Minor arterial TD R2 WELS Major/urb collector T8 R17 WELST8 R16 WELS T8 R14 WELSEagle Lake TwpT8 R11 WELST8 R10 WELST8 R9 WELST8 R8 WELS T8 R6 WELST8 R5 WELS T8 R3 WELS Maine Rail System T8 R15 WELS Soper Mountain Twp T8 R7 WELS Saint Croix Twp TC R2 WELSMonticello T7 R17 WELS T7 R10 WELS T7 R16 WELST7 R15 WELST7 R14 WELST7 R13 WELS T7 R11 WELS T7 R9 WELST7 R8 WELS T7 R6 WELST7 R5 WELS Dudley Twp Maine State Airport System T7 R12 WELS T7 R7 WELS Webbertown Twp Hammond Littleton e Saint John Twp Trout Brook Twp T6 R6 WELS T6 R17 WELS T6 R15 WELST6 R14 WELS T6 R12 WELST6 R11 WELST6 R10 WELS T6 R8 WELST6 R7 WELS Moro Plt Merrill Smyrna Ludlow Commercial Service T6 R13 WELS Houlton e New Limerick Houlton Russell Pond Twp General Aviation T5 R17 WELS T5 R15 WELST5 R14 WELS T5 R12 WELST5 R11 WELS T5 R9 WELS T5 R7 WELS Hersey Dyer Brook Oakfield Chesuncook Twp Nesourdnahunk Twp T5 R8 WELS Mount Chase Linneus Hodgdon RPO Corridor Vectors Elm Stream Twp T4 R10 WELS T4 R17 WELS T4 R15 WELS T4 R3 WELS T4 R14 WELS T4 R12 WELST4 R11 WELS T4 R9 WELS T4 R7 WELS Patten Crystal Island Falls Cary Plt T4 R13 WELS T4 R8 WELS TA R2 WELS Seboomook Twp Plymouth Twp Mount Katahdin Twp Amity T3 R13 WELS T3 R3 WELS Pittston Academy Grant T3 R12 WELS T3 R10 WELS T3 R8 WELST3 R7 WELS Stacyville Sherman T3 R4 WELS Forkstown Twp Northeast Carry TwpLobster Twp T3 R11 WELS West Middlesex Canal GrantLittle W Twp Big W Twp TX R14 WELS Benedicta Twp Glenwood Plt Orient Haynesville Soldiertown Twp T2 R3 NBKP T2 R13 WELST2 R12 WELSRainbow TwpT2 R10 WELS T2 R8 WELS Herseytown Twp T2 R4 WELS Soldiertown Twp T2 R7 WELSSilver Ridge Twp East Middlesex Canal Grant Twp T2 R9
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