SCHEDULE ONE: RESTRICTED AND PROHIBITED AREAS FOR CAMPING Camping in Wellington is restricted or prohibited as illustrated and described within the following aerial photographs. Glover Park Te Aro Park Midland Park Central Railway Station Post Office Square Waitangi Park Frank Kitts Park Prohibited Camping Areas 0 80 160 320 metres , Wellington C.B.D. I E'.'ZJ Proh ibited scale 1:s. ooo Property boundaries. 20m Contours, road names, rail line, address & titie poinls sourced from Land MAP PRODUCED BY: ORIGINAL MAP SIZE: A4 1 Information NZ. Crown Copyri~t reserved. Pnperty boundanes aca.iracy: +/-1m In urban areas, +/-30m ln Wellington Cit)' Council AUTHOR presto2j Absolutely Positively rural areas_ Census data sourced from Statistics NZ. Postcodes sourced from NZ Post. wakef1eld Street DATE: Wellington City Council Assets, contours. water and drainage ink>rmaOOn shown 1s approximate and must not be used t>r detaHed 101 711012014 Me Hd:e Kl Nneke engineering design. WELLINGTON, NZ REFERENCE: other data has been compded tom a valiety of sources and ils accuracy may vary, butis generally +/- 1rn Cobblestone Park Memorial Park (Te Puke Ahu) Basin Reserve Canal Reserve Prohibited Camping Areas 0 75 150 300 metres , Wellington C.B.D. scale 1 :5,900 Property boundaries, 20m Contours, road names, rail line, address & title points sourced from Land MAP PRODUCED BY: O RIGINAL MAP SIZE: A4 1 Information NZ. Crown Copyright reserved. Property boundaries acooracy: +/-1m in Ufban areas, +/-30m in Wellington Cily council AUTHOR presto2j rural areas_ Census data sourced from Statistics NZ. Postcodes sourced from NZ Post. Absolutely Positively 101 wakefield Street DATE: 711012014 Assets. con1Durs. water and drainage infonnaoon shown ls approximate sod must not be used for detailed Wellington City Council engineering des;gn_ WELLINGTON, NZ REFERENCE: Mt J-K:lre Kl 1"6neke Other data has been compiled tom a variety of sources and 1~ accuracy may vary, but isgenerally .-/- 1m. Balaena Bay is situated on Evans Bay Parade between Oriental Bay and Ev.ans Bay, Freedom camping at Balaena Bay is prohibited . Balaena Bay, Wellington 0 5 10 20 metres Freedom camping restrictions & prohibited areas rza Camping prohibited scale 1:550 Propmy t>OUl'.ISJMe1 20m COMoun., ro.xs ~mtt. nil ~. :tcrdre$$ l :tic OOlllb: $outtt0 ttol!' ULd MAP PRODUCED BY: ORIGINAL MAP StzE: A4 I lr!~.3Uotl MZ. &!eM't C6P,~t ~um:o.. Pro~t"Y U.Ull.SSl\U. K~ ._L.1111 Ill ~"' artM, -./· Ulm Ill I~ Cily Council AUTHOR: presto2j Absolutely i'osltlvcly n.iral-S.. C='IJUSG~ t.oUIU'llfl'olW! bl!:tlcs NZ. P01.tcodel :OU~ ttom NZPo:a. 101 Waltefiekl Street DATE: 7110/2014 ..Usel:i, contour:.. Wlllef ooci dt3~gc tnbl'l"'.JIJOn ~"IS OOO!QllU".)lf: olXI mu:.t riot cc '1~0 ~r a.~111~ We!Ungton City Councn ~~'r.eeMQ dnlQ" WELLINGTON. NZ REFERENCE: Mo;t tlo!l;e t:ll'tlMfM omer d.)IO MS~tel' C<ll!!Plcd "°""'4 V4Mel)' d $G<;l'(e1; ~ 11$ OCCIJrat)' m117 vwy, tiul 1$.genUQ +tlfl ¯ EvansEvans BayBay ParadeParade Cobham Drive Evans Bay Marina is situated at the south end of Evans Bay Parade, where it meets Cobham Drive. The south end of the Marina car park is available for freedom camping with restrictions. Freedom Cobham Drive camping in all other areas of the marina complex is prohibited. Restrictions: Certified self-contained vehicles no greater than 7 metres long only, four nights max in a single calendar month. Evans Bay, Wellington 0 5 10 20 Camping prohibited metres Freedom camping restrictions & prohibited areas Restrictions apply scale 1:640 Property boundaries, 20m Contours, road names, rail line, address & title points sourced from Land MAP PRODUCED BY: ORIGINAL MAP SIZE: A4 Information NZ. Crown Copyright reserved. Property boundaries accuracy: +/-1m in urban areas, +/-30m in Wellington City Council AUTHOR: presto2j rural areas. Census data sourced from Statistics NZ. Postcodes sourced from NZ Post. 101 Wakefield Street DATE: 23/04/2018 Assets, contours, water and drainage information shown is approximate and must not be used for detailed engineering design. WELLINGTON, NZ REFERENCE: Other data has been compiled from a variety of sources and its accuracy may vary, but is generally +/- 1m. Filepath: Z:\Open_spaces_and_environment\Parks_Open_Space_Planning\Freedom_Camping\Projects\freedom_camping_prohibited_and_restricted_areas.mxd Filepath: Owhiro Bay Parade The car park at Te Kopahou Reserve is situated at the western end of Owhiro Bay Parade. Marked parking spaces within the car park are available for freedom camping with restrictions. Freedom camping is prohibited in all other areas including in the area outside the car park entrance on the roadside verge. Restrictions: Certified self-contained vehicles only, four nights max in a single calendar month. 0 10 20 40 Te Kopahou Reserve, Wellington metres Freedom camping restrictions & prohibited areas scale 1:930 Property boundaries, 20m Contours, road names, rail line, address & title points sourced from Land Information NZ. Crown Camping prohibited MAP PRODUCED BY: ORIGINAL MAP SIZE: A4 Copyright reserved. Property boundaries accuracy: +/-1m in urban areas, +/-30m in rural areas. Census data sourced from Statistics NZ. Postcodes sourced from NZ Post. Wellington City Council DATE: 16/10/2015 Assets, contours, water and drainage information shown is approximate and must not be used for detailed engineering design. Restrictions apply 101 Wakefield Street AUTHOR: presto2j Other data has been compiled from a variety of sources and its accuracy may vary, but is generally +/- 1m. WELLINGTON, NZ REFERENCE: Filepath: Z:\Open_spaces_and_environment\Parks_Analysis_Projects\Freedom_Camping\Projects\tekopahou_landscape.mxd .
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