Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2009 Arjan Ovaa, Dick Groenendijk, Max Berlijn & CDNA his is the 30th annual report on rare birds in Records from 2008 last ing into 2009 that already Tthe Netherlands to be publish ed in Dutch Bird­ have been publish ed in the 2008 report (Ovaa et ing. This report comprises records from 2009 as al 2009) are repeat ed here without reference, for well as belat ed and reconsider ed records, dating the sake of completeness. Observations not (yet) back to 1869, which have been evaluat ed by the submitted but mention ed in the 2008 report are Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaal­ not repeat ed in this report. Sequence of the records gasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several in the species accounts is from the current year 2009 records are still under review or await ing backwards, with records within one year present­ submission and could therefore not be includ ed. ed chronologically. A compilation of most rarities In addition, some records for 2008 and earlier videoed can be found in Plomp (2010). Numbers years are still under consideration for various rea­ after each (sub)species’ name refer to the total sons. number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to Details includ ed for each record are, if avail­ 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but able: date(s); location and/or municipality (mu­ exclud ing 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an nicipal divisions as on 1 January 2009); province; asterisk * are new to the Dutch list. number of birds if more than one, plumage and The follow ing CDNA members voted on some sex; type of record if trapped, photograph ed, or all of the records in this report: Rob S A van sound­record ed, videoed or found dead (and Bemmelen, Ruud E Brouwer, Dick Groenendijk where specimen is stored); names of up to three (chairman), Frank Neijts, Arjan Ovaa, Willem van observers involv ed in find ing, identify ing and Rijswijk (secretary), Roy Slaterus, Laurens B Steijn record ing, and relevant references in the litera­ and Arend Wassink. Max Berlijn supported the ture, which normally include (inter)national but committee as non­voting archivist and assist ed in not regional journals, and publish ed photographs. submitting many records publish ed on national [Dutch Birding 32: 363-383, 2010] 363 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2009 and regional websites. Records can be submitted Icterus galbula, fourth Black­wing ed Kite Elanus through e­mail ([email protected]) via the caeruleus, sixth Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe CDNA page on www.dutchbirding.nl, using an isa bellina, sixth to eighth Alpine Accentor Prunella electronic submission form. Furthermore, submit­ collaris, seventh Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyono- ting a record is also facilitat ed by filling in this progne rupestris and Black­throat ed Thrush Turdus form after entering a record on www.waarneming. atrogularis, and seventh and eighth Pallas’s Grass­ nl. Records can also be sent by ordinary mail to hopper Warbler Locustella certhiola. In addition, CDNA, Duinlustparkweg 98A, 2082 EG Santpoort­ 2009 was a good year for American Golden Plover Zuid, the Netherlands, preferably using standard Pluvialis dominica, Pacific Golden Plover P fulva, forms which can be obtain ed free of charge from Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus, and Citrine CDNA. On the Dutch Bird ing website, informa­ Wagtail Motacilla citreola, all with three records, tion is shown on either recently accept ed or Ross’s Goose Anser rossii with five individuals, reject ed records as well as records currently un­ Buff­breast ed Sandpiper Tryngites ruficollis with der review. six records, and Pallid Harrier Circus ma crourus Decisions regard ing taxonomy have been with eight records. delegat ed to the Dutch committee for avian sys­ tematics (Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Systematic list of records Avifauna; CSNA), which on 1 January 2009 con­ sist ed of the follow ing members: Arnoud B van Ross’s Goose / Ross’ Gans den Berg, André J van Loon, C S (Kees) Roselaar Anser rossii 0,6,5 and George Sangster (secretary). 9 May, Banckspolder, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult, blue morph, photographed, videoed (M Bot, M van In 2009, at least 359 species were recorded, Vliet, C Blouw et al); 28 September to 18 October and just below average for the last 10 years (figure 1). 21 October, several sites, Texel, Noord­Holland, four, Two are new to the Dutch list: Caspian Plover adult, white morph, photograph ed (E Boot et al; Dutch Charadrius asiaticus and Long­toed Stint Calidris Bird ing 31: 393, plate 542­543, 2009), and 20 October, subminuta. The only Dutch record of Canvasback Huisduinerpolder, Den Helder, Noord­Holland, photo­ Aythya valisineria of a bird first seen on 9 January graph ed (E B Ebels et al); 21 November, Slikken van 2003 and record ed in most winters until November Flakkee, Dirksland, Zuid­Holland, adult (V van der 2009 (except dur ing the winters of 2003/04 and Spek); 29 November, Wolsum, Wymbritseradiel, Fries­ 2004/05), was reject ed after review. It became land, adult, photographed (A B van den Berg, F Cottaar et al); 5 December, Goedereede, Zuid­Holland, adult, known that a wing­clip was present on the bird’s photograph ed (K van Rij); 14 December, Pikgat, Zierik­ left wing. The record of an Oriental Turtle Dove zee, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, photo graph­ Streptopelia orientalis from January 2010 into ed; 16 December, Zierikzee, Schouwen-Duiveland, two April 2010 but possibly from December 2009 is adults, photograph ed (E Dansette); 19 December, Haam­ still under consideration to clarify the exact dates stede, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, photo­ of its presence (cf Ebels et al 2010). The Dutch list graph ed (M van der Schalk; Dutch Bird ing 32: 64, plate now numbers 498 species. Other highlights for 78, 2010); 29 December, Koudekerksche Inlaag, 2009 includ ed the second Egyptian Vulture Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, photograph ed (P van Neophron percnopterus and Baltimore Oriole den Hoek). The bird on Schiermonnikoog concern ed the first blue morph for the Netherlands; it is a most exceptional record, because blue­morph Ross’s Goose is an ex­ FIGURE 1 Number of species recorded in the tremely rare morph, also in North America (cf Berlijn Netherlands in 2000­09; mean = 361.6 1999). The four adult white­morph birds on Texel, Noord­Holland, were widely regard ed as fresh arrivals 367 367 from North America. From Texel, the four made a brief 365 364 364 visit to the nearby mainland, still as a group. However, only single birds were seen afterwards in some of the 361 regular geese areas in the Delta area and the northern 359 358 provinces. Also because the species was not record ed in 357 the previous two winters, it is assumed that the group of 354 four had split and the individual birds associat ed with other geese flocks. In addition, based on the pattern of black feathers in the wing, probably one of them had reach ed Poland in early March 2010. All observers dur­ ing the winter of 2009/10 are ask ed to submit additional 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 data to clarify the movements of these birds. 364 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2009 507 Ross’s Geese / Ross’ Ganzen Anser rossii, Waal en Burg, Texel, Noord­Holland, 28 September 2009 (Eckard Boot) 508 Green­winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling Anas carolinensis, male, Dijkmanshuizen, Texel, Noord­Holland, 4 April 2009 (René van Rossum) 509 Canvasback / Grote Tafeleend Aythya valisineria, adult male, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord­Holland, 12 January 2008 (Teun Baarspul). Note wing­clip on left wing, which led to recirculation of this record and subsequently to removal of this species from the Dutch list. Greenland White-front ed Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans able to retrace the origin, despite extensive research. The Anser albifrons flavirostris 14,66,1 wing­clip may have been applied either on a wild bird 9 October to 22 November, Hoorn, Terschelling, Fries­ trapped for research or a bird in captivity. However, it is land, adult, photograph ed, videoed (A Ouwerkerk, certain that the bird has been handled by men and, in M Feen stra, J Vink et al). combination with the uncertain origin of the wing­clip, 2005 12 November, Kampereiland, Kampen, Overijssel, the CDNA conclud ed this individual no longer accept­ photographed (G J ter Haar, C Fikkert et al). able. The CDNA is, however, still anxious to receive any information on the use of wing­tags especially in wild Canvasback / Grote Tafeleend Nearctic Aythya ducks. Aythya valisineria 0,0,0 The CDNA reviewed the record of an adult male Ring-necked Duck / Ringsnaveleend at Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord­ Aythya collaris 5,25,1 Holland, in most winters from January 2003 to at least 12 April, Hoogekampse Plas, De Bilt, Utrecht, adult 15 November 2009 (it was not seen in the winters of male, photograph ed, videoed (B de Knegt, T de Groot et 2003/04 and 2004/05). Photographs taken in January al). 2008 (five years after its first sight ing!) show ed that the 1985 27 March to 18 April, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, bird wore a metal wing­clip (most likely the remains of Castricum, Noord­Holland (N F van der Ham, J Apper­ a wing­tag) on its left wing for which the CDNA was not loo). 365 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2009 510 Surf Scoter / Brilzee­eend Melanitta perspicillata, adult male, with Common Eiders / Eiders Somateria mollis- sima, Slufter, Texel, Noord­Holland, 10 May 2009 (René Pop) 511 Lesser Scaup / Kleine Topper Aythya affinis, male, Oude Zeug, Noord­Holland, 23 March 2009 (Michel Veldt) 366 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2009 The 1985 record concerns a date extension; the bird Helder) are assum ed to concern the same first-summer was already accept ed for 27 March to 17 April (van den male (commut ing almost 30 km between Texel and Berg & Bosman 2001).
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