SPORTS [ksy Q1. ‘Subroto Cup’ is associated ‘lqczrks di’ fdl [ksy/ [ksy&dwn ls with which game/sport? lacaf/kr gS\ a) Hockey a) g‚dh b) Football b) QqVc‚y c) Basketball c) ckLdsVc‚y d) Badminton d) cSMfeaVu Q2. Rangaswami Cup is jaxkLokeh di fdlls lacaf/kr gS\ associated with a) xksYQ a) Golf b) g‚dh b) Hockey c) Football c) QqVc‚y dq'rh d) Wrestling d) Q3. “Bull’s eye” is used in the “cqYl vkbZ” 'kCn fdl [ksy esa game of mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\ a) Shooting a) fu'kkusckth b) Boxing b) eqDdsckth c) Polo c) iksyks d) Baseball d) cslc‚y Q4. Which of the following fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl Vª‚Qh dks trophies is not awarded in fØdsV esa çnku ugha fd;k tkrk gS\ cricket? a) ,lsl a) Ashes jkbMj di b) Ryder Cup b) j.kth Qh c) Ranji Trophy c) Vª‚ nso/kj Qh d) Deodhar Trophy d) Vª‚ Q5. Find the mismatch: xyr lqesy dh igpku dhft, : a)Somdev Devvarman : Badminton a) lksenso nsooeZu : cSMfeaVu b) Gagan Narang : Shooting b) xxu ukjax : fu'kkusckth c) Arjun Atwal : Golf c) vtqZu vVoky : xksYQ d) Anita Sood : Swimming d) vuhrk lwn : rSjkdh Q6. Who became the youngest Hkkjr ds lcls ;qok xzSaMekLVj dkSu Grandmaster of India? cus gS\ a) R. Pragnananda a) vkj- çkxukuank b) D. Gukesh b) Mh- xqds'k c) Prithvi Gupta c) i`Foh xqIrk d) Parimarjan Negi d) ifjektZu usxh Q7. Which game is Tiger Vkbxj oqM~l fdl [ksy ds fy, Woods famous for? çfl) gS\ a) Golf a) xksYQ b) Football b) QqVc‚y c) Pole-vault c) iksy&o‚YV d) Basketball d) ckLdsVc‚y Q8. The term ‘Butterfly Stroke’ ‘cVj¶ykbZ LVªksd’ 'kCn fdl [ksy esa is referred to in which sport? lanfHkZr fd;k tkrk gS\ a) Wrestling a) dq'rh b) Volleyball b) o‚yhc‚y c) Tennis c) Vsful d) Swimming d) rSjkdh Q9. Thomas Cup is related to Fk‚el di fdlls lacaf/kr gS\ a) Tennis a) Vsful b) Cricket b) fØdsV c) Basketball c) ckLdsVc‚y d) Badminton d) cSMfeaVu Q10. Where is the headquarters varjjk"Vªh; vksyafid lfefr dk of the International Olympic eq[;ky; dgk¡ fLFkr gS\ Committee located? a) bVyh a) Italy Ýkal b) France b) csfYt;e c) Belgium c) fLoV~tjySaM d) Switzerland d) Q11. The term "Gambit" is used "xSfEcV" 'kCn dk ç;ksx fdl [ksy esa in the game of fd;k tkrk gS\ a) Golf a) xksYQ b) Chess b) 'krjat c) Badminton c) cSMfeaVu d) Tennis d) Vsful Q12. Which of the following cSMfeaVu ds [ksy esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls terms is used in the game of fdl 'kCn dk ç;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\ Badminton? a) pk;ukeSu a) Chinaman xSfEcV b) Gambit b) LeS'k c) Smash c) cSd LVªksd d) Back Stroke d) Q13. ‘Federation Cup' in India is Hkkjr esa ‘QsMjs'ku di' fdl [ksy ls associated with which sport? lacaf/kr gS\ a) Hockey a) g‚dh b) Football b) QqVc‚y c) Billiards c) fcfy;MZ~l d) Basketball d) ckLdsVc‚y Q14. Who is named as the 'Hkkjr dk ¶ykbax fl[k' fdls ukfer ‘Flying Sikh of India’? fd;k x;k gS\ a) Milkha Singh a) feY[kk flag b) Joginder Singh b) tksfxanj flag c) Ajit Pal Singh c) vthr iky flag d) Mohinder Singh d) eksfganj flag Q15. Hopman Cup is related g‚ieSu ¼gksieSu½ di fdl [ksy ls with which sport? lacaf/kr gS\ a) Tennis a) Vsful b) Football b) QqVc‚y c) Badminton c) cSMfeaVu d) Hockey d) g‚dh Q16. Which of the following fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk 'kCn terms is not associated with QqVc‚y ls lEcaf/kr ugha gS\ Football? a) Ýh fdd a) Free Kick gkQ cSd b) Half Back b) isuYVh fdd c) Penalty Kick c) FkMZ eSu d) Third Man d) Q17. Which game is Geet Sethi xhr lsBh fdl [ksy ls lacaf/kr gS\ associated with? a) LDoS'k a) Squash b) dcìh b) Kabaddi Vsful c) Lawn Tennis c) y‚u fcfy;MZ~l d) Billiards d) Q18. Durand Cup is associated MwjaM di fdlls lacaf/kr gS\ with a) QqVc‚y a) Football b) dcìh b) Kabaddi c) Hockey c) g‚dh Vscy Vsful d) Table Tennis d) Q19. Name the Para Athletic who gky gh esa ?kksf"kr jk"Vªh; [ksy won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna iqjLdkj&2020 esa jktho xka/kh [ksy Award in the recently announced jRu iqjLdkj thrus okys iSjk National Sports Awards 2020? ,FkysfVd dk uke D;k gS\ a) Ms. Rani a) lqJh jkuh b) Shri Purushotham Rai Jh iq#"kksÙke jk; c) Shri Mariyappan T. b) Jh efj;Iiu Vh- d) Ms. Dutee Chand c) d) lqJh nqrh pan Q20. Which game is associated dkSu lk [ksy 'eMsZdk di' ls lEcaf/kr with 'Merdeka Cup'? gS\ a) Badminton a) cSMfeaVu b) Football b) QqVc‚y c) Hockey c) g‚dh d) Tennis d) Vsful Q21. Which of the following y‚u Vsful ds [ksy esa fuEufyf[kr esa terms is used in the game of ls fdl 'kCn dk ç;ksx fd;k tkrk Lawn Tennis? gS\ a) Deuce a) Mîwl b) Jockey b) t‚dh c) Punter iaVj d) Padak c) d) iSMkd Q22. Which of the following is fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk Hkkjr ds related to Jallikattu sport rfeyukMq vkSj iM+kslh jkT;ksa esa [ksys played in Tamil Nadu and tkus okys tYyhdêw [ksy ls lacaf/kr gS\ neighbouring states of India? a) Bullfight and bullock-cart a) cqyQkbV vkSj cSyxkM+h nkSM+ racing b) d‚dQkbV b) Cockfight c) Dogfight c) M‚xQkbV d) Cricket fight d) fØdsV QkbV Q23. Which of the following Hkkjr esa [ksy çf'k{k.k esa mR—"Vrk awards is given for excellence in ds fy, fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk sports coaching in India? iqjLdkj fn;k tkrk gS\ a) Arjuna Awards a) vtqZu iqjLdkj b) Dronacharya Award b) æks.kkpk;Z iqjLdkj c) Dhyan Chand Award /;kupan iqjLdkj d) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna c) d) jktho xka/kh [ksy jRu Q24. When is National Sports Hkkjr dk jk"Vªh; [ksy fnol dc day of India celebrated? euk;k tkrk gS\ a) April 6 a) 6 vçSy b) August 29 b) 29 vxLr c) September 14 c) 14 flracj d) October 11 d) 11 vDVwcj Q25. Which city will play host to dkSu lk 'kgj jk"VªeaMy [ksy&2022 the 2022 Common Wealth dh estckuh djsxk\ Games? a) yanu a) London ubZ fnYyh b) New Delhi b) cfeaZ?ke c) Birmingham c) xksYM dksLV d) Gold Coast d) Q26. Which Indian State/ UT Hkkjr ds fdl jkT; / dsaæ 'kkflr has won the Khelo India Youth çns'k us [ksyks bafM;k ;wFk xsEl Games Champions trophy, pkSafi;al Vª‚Qh] 2020 thrk gS\ 2020? gfj;k.kk a) Haryana a) egkjk"Vª b) Maharashtra b) xqtjkr c) Gujarat c) d) Karnataka d) dukZVd Q27. Divyansh Singh Panwar, fnO;ka'k flag iaokj] ftUgsa gky gh esa who was seen in news recently, is [kcjksa esa ns[kk x;k Fkk] fdl [ksy ds an Indian player of which sport? Hkkjrh; f[kykM+h gS\ a) Boxing a) eqDdsckth b) Wrestling b) dq'rh c) Shooting fu'kkusckth d) Archery c) d) rhjankth Q28. Which Indian cricketer has jktho xk¡/kh [ksy jRu vokMZ] 2020 received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel fdl Hkkjrh; fØdsVj dks feyk gS\ Ratna Award, 2020? a) lqjs'k jSuk a) Suresh Raina jksfgr 'kekZ b) Rohit Sharma b) ds,y jkgqy c) KL Rahul c) tlçhr cqejk d) Jasprit Bumra d) Q29. Manika Batra, who was efudk c=k] ftUgsa jktho xk¡/kh [ksy conferred with the Rajeev Gandhi jRu iqjLdkj ls lEekfur fd;k x;k Khel Ratna award, is associated Fkk] fdl [ksy ls lEcaf/kr gS\ with which sport? a) Hockey a) g‚dh Vscy Vsful b) Table Tennis b) Vsful c) Tennis c) d) Athletics d) ,FkysfVDl Q30. In the context of the Indian [ksyksa esa Hkkjrh; iqjLdkjksa vkSj awards and honors in sports, lEekuksa ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr esa which among the following is given ls fdls ykbQ Vkbe vphoesaV as a Life Time achievement award? iqjLdkj ds :i esa fn;k tkrk gS\ a) Dhronacharya Award æks.kkpk;Z iqjLdkj b) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award a) jktho xka/kh [ksy jRu iqjLdkj c) Dhyan Chand Award b) d) Arjuna Award c) /;kupan iqjLdkj d) vtqZu iqjLdkj Q31.Which famous sportsperson's fdl çfl) f[kykM+h dk tUefnu birthday is celebrated as National Hkkjr esa gj lky jk"Vªh; [ksy Sports Day every year in India? fnol ds :i esa euk;k tkrk gS\ a) Major Dhyan Chand Singh a) estj /;kupan flag b) PT Usha b) ihVh m"kk c) Sachin Tendulkar lfpu rsanqydj d) None of the above c) d) mijksä esa ls dksbZ ugha Q32. Ms. N. Usha recently won lqJh ,u- m"kk us gky gh esa /;kupan the Dhyan Chand Award, iqjLdkj] jk"Vªh; [ksy iqjLdkj&2020 National Sports Awards 2020. thrk gSA og fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl From which of the following sports she is associated? [ksy ls lEcaf/kr gS\ a) Athletics a) ,FkysfVDl b) Boxing b) eqDdsckth c) Football d) Badminton c) QqVc‚y d) cSMfeaVu Q33. What is the new name of fQjkst 'kkg dksVyk eSnku dk u;k Feroz Shah Kotla ground? uke D;k gS\ a) Arun Jaitley Stadium a) v#.k tsVyh LVsfM;e b) Sheila Dikshit Stadium b) 'khyk nhf{kr LVsfM;e c) Gautam Gambhir Stadium c) xkSre xaHkhj LVsfM;e d) Ajit Wadekar Stadium d) vthr okMsdj LVsfM;e Q34.
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