Annual Report 2004 KS International Projects Preface By Halvdan Skard, President of KS, Councillor in Bærum Municipal Council, Member of the Executive Bureau of Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Vice-President of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), Member of the World Council of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) KS – The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional tic areas where KS is involved. The activities are with a Authorities – is a national association for all the 434 muni- few exceptions all financed by the Norwegian government cipalities and 19 county authorities of Norway. In addition through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and the Nor- approx. 500 enterprises owned by local/regional govern- wegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). ment or operating in markets created by local/regional Through the international projects KS acts as a partner government are members of KS. with the Norwegian government and implements coope- ration activities within the framework of Norwegian foreign KS is an interest-, employer and advisory association. The policy. main goal is to work for the common interest of its mem- bers in order to develop good framework conditions for the development of good governance and democracy. KS As the list of cooperation activities shows, many of KS’ is the main channel for dialogue with national government members share the positive will to strengthen the inter- institutions. The organisation is also conducting central national contacts through mutual exchange of experien- bargaining on behalf of the members as employers, vis-à- ces. KS has taken the role of coordinating many of the vis the trade unions. In its capacity as advisory body, KS is international activities that our members undertake, thus working closely with the members to develop efficient and contributing to efficient and professional programmes and effective service provision for the inhabitants. opening access to the national funds available for interna- tional cooperation projects. KS has for the last 15 years been involved in international cooperation projects in Europe, Africa and Asia. This An- In Europe, the Council of Europe sets standards for good nual Report for the year 2004 on KS’ international project and efficient local government and people’s participa- activities gives an overview of the geographic and thema- tion in decision-making processes through the European 2 Charter on Local Self Government and other documents related to the development of local democracy. The same requirements apply to countries in the rest of the world, adapted to local geographical and political conditions and with poverty alleviation and sustainable development as main goals. An important guideline for KS’ international cooperation activities is that the partner institution or organisation shall decide their own priorities for the cooperation with KS. Mutual exchange of experiences and exposure to Norwe- gian local government are of help in the process of ma- king these priorities. Direct contact between the partners creates a better understanding on both sides. International cooperation has a positive influence not only on the coo- peration partners, but also on KS and Norwegian local and regional government as a whole. Oslo, 10. January 2005 3 Obilic, Kosovo Activities in 2004 in retrospect By Øystein Haugen, International Project Coordinator The year 2004 has resulted in several changes in the direc- successfully repeated for the fifth time, and the municipal tion of international projects with KS involvement. cooperation programme between Russian and Norwegian municipalities was continued. In Africa, the cooperation with partners in Malawi and Tan- zania was strengthened, while the co-operation in South KS’ involvement in cooperation activities with the acces- Africa and Zambia within local government development sion countries to the European Union (EU) was terminated was terminated. as ten new countries became member of the EU in May 2004. However, KS laid down a substantial amount of work In Asia, the cooperation with institutions in Pakistan was to develop opportunities for KS and Norwegian local and elaborated further, while the civil war in Nepal has halted regional government and public enterprises to continue the co-operation with our sister organisation. the cooperation with these countries through the Financial Mechanism established within the framework of the Euro- In the Caucasus region, the cooperation with Azerbaijan pean Economic Area (EEA) Agreement and a Norwegian continued, and the broad cooperation with the Council of Bilateral Financial Mechanism. Europe in Georgia was very successful and ended with the Georgians creating a national local government associa- The main areas for KS’ international project activities in tion at the end of the year. 2004 were: In the former Yugoslavia, the good cooperation with • Cooperation with local government associations. Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo This is a key activity for KS and association capacity continued from the previous year, while cooperation with building projects took place in Malawi, Zambia, South institutions in Croatia was established. Africa, Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. KS was also involved in With Russia the training programme for civil servants was establishing new associations in Georgia, 4 Participants of Russian – Norwegian training programme. Nkotakota, Malawi Arkhangelsk, Russia. Seminar participants for Municipal International Cooperaiton. Mukono, Seminar in Baku, Azerbaijan Uganda Azerbaijan and Pakistan. Bosnia-Hercegovina, • Councillor training programme. • UNDP on gender as a crosscutting issue, This is an activity closed linked to cooperation with • the Norwegian Institute of Urban and Regional local government associations. Development of Research on crosscutting research activities, Councillor training programmes took place in Malawi • Agder Research Foundation in Tanzania and and Bosnia-Hercegovina. • the British consultancy agency People and • Municipal International Cooperation (MIC) includes Organisation in Vietnam. cooperation with municipalities in Uganda, Zambia, KS has also had informal cooperation with a wide range of Namibia, South Africa, Malawi and Madagascar. national and international organisations and institutions. The MIC programmes for Bosnia-Hercegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and Russia were also continued, and To create a stronger and broader national platform for the the cooperation in Kosovo also partly involves direct international cooperation activities, KS has throughout the municipal cooperation. year had extensive cooperation with the Norwegian Freds- • Environment and sustainable development has had korpset, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Local special priority in the cooperation with Government and Regional Development as well as the two Serbia-Montenegro. Norwegian NGOs; Friendship North/South and Idébanken. • Local economic development has been a key issue in the cooperation with Kosovo, South Africa and Further information about KS international project activities Azerbaijan. is available on www.ks.no/internasjonalt and www.ks.no/ english KS has had formal cooperation with the following institu- tions: • the Dutch sister organisation VNG in 5 Overview of KS’ international projects 2004 The budget indicates the amount that KS manages, and The KS budget is funded by NMFA - Norwegian Ministry may represent only a small share of a larger Norwegian of Foreign Affairs, NORAD - The Norwegian Agency for contribution to a programme, or the amount may represent Development Cooperation or UNDP – United Nations De- the KS share in a co-financed project with other insti- velopment Programme. tutions. All amounts are stipulated in Norwegian Kroner (NOK). 100 NOK ≈ 12,10 � Country Project Partners Budget and funding Azerbaijan Support to establishment of local KS - For The Sake Of Civil Society 50.000/NMFA government association Strengthen local government and KS - For The Sake Of Civil Society, Municipalities 521.031/NMFA local economic development in 6 of Sarkar, Mingachevir, Yukhari Tala, Sarvan, pilot municipalities Jorat and Yasamal. Bosnia Municipal International Orkdal - Mostar 300.000/ NMFA Hercegovina Cooperation Sund – Konjic 300.000 KS coordination activities 100.000 Institutional cooperation with sister KS – The two local government associations 1.000.000/ NMFA organisation; councillor training in Bosnia Hercegovina and Vereniging van programme Nederlandse Gemeenten. Croatia Pre-project mission: KS – The Union of the Association of Towns and 243.000/ NMFA Institutional cooperation with the Association of Municipalities. sister organisation, municipal Municipal partnerships to be established in 2005 international cooperation Georgia Support to establishment of local KS - Council of Europe, CIVITAS 1.800.000/NMFA government association Development of National Training KS - Council of Europe, CIVITAS 1.000.000/ NMFA Strategy Kosovo Pilot project in three municipalities KS - Hamar-Region, The Royal Norwegian 3.000.000/ NMFA for strengthening of local Society for Development, Business Innovation government and local economic Programs, Glogovac, Obilic, Kosovo Polje development Madagascar Municipal International Stavanger - Antsirabe 405.000/ NORAD Cooperation Malawi Municipal International Fredrikstad - Lilongwe 365.000/ NORAD Cooperation Flora - Nkotakota 365.000/ NORAD Institutional cooperation
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