827 Written AnBW6/S MARCH 4, 1999 to QUftStions 828 2 3 4 5 14. Punjab 16.15 43.25 15. Rajasthan B.OO 40.00 16. Tamil Nadu 8.00 8.00 23.30 17. Tripura B.65 1B. Uttar Pradesh B.OO 19. West Bengal B.OO Total: 75.95 235.20 309.55 • An amount o. Rs. 1 crore W88 relaaaad to ICAR during 1996-97 lor the component o. tronUlne demonstrations on soli test baaed crop response. Status of Slkklm has been conveyed to the Chinese authorities at various levels. 1135. SHRI GURUDAS KAMAT: SHRI NADENDLA BHASKARA RAO: (c) We seek friendly, co-operative, good neighbourly and mutually beneficial relations with China, on the basis Will the Minister 01 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased 01 Panchsheel. Both sides are making efforts lor lurther to state: improving the bilateral relations, including measures to expand bilateral trade and enhance bilateral exchanges (a) whether the attention of the Govemment has been in various fields. The two sides are in regular contact drawn to the news-item captioned ·China may back Sikkim through diplomatic and non-official channels and, at Status· appearing in the 'Hindustan Times' ,dated various other levels. Visits of Parliamentarians people-to- 29 January, 1999; people exchanges, visits 01 political party delegations and functional exchanges in diverse fields are also taking (b) if so, the facts of the matter reported ther&in; place. Bilateral trade is growing, and reached US$ 1.92 and billion in 1998, representing an Increase of 5% over 1997. There remains considerable potential to expand our (c) the steps taken by the Indian Govemment to economic and commercial co-operation. improve the relations with Chinese Government? Indo-Pak Talka THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS 1136. SHRI RANJIB BISWAL: Will the Minister of (SHRI JASWANT SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (b) China has nol fonnally recognised Sikkim 8& part (a) the number of times Indo-Pak high level talks of India. The lact that Sikkim is an integrel part of In<¥ were held during the last three years; 829 Written AnswelS PHALGUNA 13, 1920 (Sales) to Questions 830 (b) the various matters discussed each time; [Translation} (c) wliether any agreement has been signed between laaue of Pauporta both the countries on any matter and particularly in the field of power during last one year; and 1137. SHRI MANIKRAO HODLYA GAVIT: Will tt-e Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (d) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether Govemment are contemplating to issue THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND p8ll8pOrta within 30 days instead of 50 days on request MINISTER OF DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS (SHRI of Members of Pariiam'3nt; JASWANT SINGH): (a) to (d) The Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan have held talks on seven occasions (b) If so, the time by which it is likely to be during the last three years. The External Affairs Minister implemented; and held telks with the Foreign Minister of Pakistan on two occasions. The Ministers of State for Extemal Affairs also (c) If not, the reasons therefor'? held talks with their counterparts on three occasions during this period. The Foreign Secretaries 01 the two countries THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF have also held four formal rounds of discusaions. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI VASUNDHARA RAJE): (a) and (b) While there is no such proposal before During his visit to Paldstan on 20-21 February 1999, Govemment, every effort is made to issue all fresh the Prime Minister and the Pakistan Prime Minister signed passporta within a period of five weeks from the date of the Lahore Declaration which is a landmark for peace application. and security of the two countries. The Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan also signed a Memorandum of (c) The reasons for delay in iAue of pasaporta are Understanding on confidence building measures. A Joint increase in the number of applications, receipt of negative Statement was also issued on this occasion. or incomplete reporta from police authorities, di8crepancies in documents submitted by the applicants, lack of response from applicants who are asked to submit Following the second round of talks that had been additional documents, etc. held between the Foreign Secretaries in Islamabad from 19-23 June 1997 a Joint Statement was issued in which [Engtish} the two sides decided to address the following subjects. Voting Right. for Indian Citizen. (a) Peace and security, including CBMs; (b) Jammu and Kashmir, (c) Siachen; (d) Wullar Barrage Project! 1138. SHRI RAMA CHANDRA MALLICK: Will the Tulbul Navigation Project; (e) Sir Creek; (f) Terrorism and Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pklased to state: drug-trafficking; (g) Economic and Commercial Cooperation; and (h) Promotion of friendly exchanges in (a) whether the matter in respect of allowing Indian various fields. citizens, living in Indian enclaves in Bangladesh, to cast their votes is pending with the Govemment; Following agreement on the modalities of the dialogue, a follow-up statement was issued by the Foreign (b) if 80, since when and the details thereof; Secretaries in New York on 23 September 1998, in which it was decided to begin the composite dialogue process. (c) whether the Govemment have takEln/propose to The first round of talks was held from 15 October -13 take any decision in this regard? November 1998 in Islamabad and New Delhi. (d) If so, the details thereof; and Following expert level talks between India and Pakistan, an agreement and a protocol to regulate the (e) If not, the reasons therefor'? bus service between Delhi and Lahore was signed in Islamabad on 17 February 1999. THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER pF DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS (SHRI Discussions on the subject of power are going on JASWANT SINGH): (a) to (e) Govemment is aware of between India and Pakistan. the iISue of voting r1ghta for Indian citizens lI\,ing in Indian .
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