.... ........ PAPAL LEGATE ASKS AGAINST ATHEISM Tht RegUter Hai th« International News Service (Wire and Mail), the N. C. W. C. Newe Service (Inclnding Kadioe and Cablee), Iti Ovm Special Service, Lumen Service of China, International Uluitrated Newi, and N. C. W. C. Picture Service. SEES PERIL TO BISHOP-ELECT Local Local Edition “ Incredible and manifesl- Edition ing ' an amazing lack of 12TH CONVERT FAITH, SOCIETY, knowledge concerning the THE Spanisli situation” is the al­ most too charitable interpre­ IN HIERARCHY REASON ITSELF tation pul by a group of New York Catholic editors on an Archbishop Cicognani Calls on C. C. D. Open Letter signed by 150 Salt Lake Prelate Is First Former Methodist Protestant clergymen, educa­ REGISTER, (Name Registered in the U, S. Patent Office) Leaders to Go Forward “for God and To Be Raised to Episcopacy in tors, and others and printed Country” in Catechetical Talk in the October 4 issue of the United States VOL. XIII. No. 42 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 1937 TWO CENTS ISetc York times. Tlie Open St. Louis.— Word to go forward in their “ holy yrusade Letter, prepared by Dr. Guy Salt Lake City,— Eleven other converts have preceded of George Cardinal Mundelein following the dedication for God and country” was given leaders of the Confrater­ Kmery Shipler and Dr. Harry the Most Rev. Duane G. Hunt, Bishop-elect of Salt Lake, President Luncheon Quest by the Chief Executive of Chicago’i new Outer Drive nity of Christian Doctrine gathered here for the Third F. Ward, attacks the Spanish in the American Hierarchy. Bishop-elect Hunt, a former Methodist, will be consecrated here Oct. 28. Of the other link bridge. In eatabliehing a precedent of being the firrt' man of hia office to call officially at the National Catechetical congress by the Most Rev. Amleto Bishops’ pastoral on the His- private residence of a Cardinal of the Church, Mr. Roosevelt was motivated by remembrances of a great Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United panian civil war, and pre­ convert-Bishops, six were former Episcopalians, two Luth­ friendship for Cardinal Mundelein, which had its beginning some 30 years ago when the two were young erans, one a Presbjderian, one a Unitarian, and one a Con- States. While we know that “the gates of hell shall not tends that the Hierarchy dis- men in New York city. The President was escorted to the Cardinal’s residence by Auxiliary Bishop Ber­ prevail,” the Apostolic Delegate said, faith, society, and j)lays open hostility “ towards gregationalist. Four of the converts became Archbishops. nard J. Shell. Also in the entourage that met Mr. Roosevelt was Auxiliary Bishop William D. O’Brien. First convert to reach the American Hierarchy was reason itself are imperiled by the forces of modern atheism. popular government, freedom The congress was attended by 39 Archbishops and Bishops of worship, and separation the Most Rev. Samuel Eccleston, fifth Archbishop of Bal­ timore, who was consecrated in 1834. He had been con­ and by a large host of clerical, religious, and lay leaders' of Church and State— princi­ verted from the Protestant EpiS' in the confraternity. ples that we, as Americans, copal Church in 1809. Last before Telling of the Holy Father’s de­ tleeply cherish.” The letter Bishop-elect Hunt was the Most light in the parish school system of the UniteO States, Archbishop wants to know whether the Rev. James Hubert Blenk, S.J., for­ Christianity Is Tather Time Is Cicognani continued: mer Lutheran who was Archbishop Bishops speak for themselves of New Orleans from 1906 to “ Seven thousand, four hundred or for the entire Catholic 1917 after serving as Bishop of and forty-five parishes have paro­ Church, and whether they Puerto Rico. chial schools, a miracle of generos­ ity and of faith so great and so en­ Seen by Queen as represent the “ political views Others W'ere the Most Rev. Wil­ Not Old Man, But. liam Tyler, former Episcopalian, tertaining as to encourage the best- of the Catholic Church in who became first Bishop of Hart­ grounded hopes that the number America.” ford in 184-1; the Most Rev. James is still to increase, to the great Roosevelt Bayley, convert from benefit of our youth and to the States Foundation Youthful Jesuit edification of Christian nations. Episcopalianism who became There was nothing at all in Bishop of Newark in 1853, Arch­ “ Without doubt, the parochial the Bishops* pastoral to up­ bishop of Baltimore in 18'72; the school is a fundamental part of The Hague.— To secure and to hold these strange charges. Most Rev. Josue M. Young, con­ Manila.—“ Father Time” in the the ‘school of Christ,’ the school strengthen the positive Christian Philippines is no tottering gray- which has made Christian civiliza­ foundations of society is the aim of But the Open Letter, in order vert from Congregationalism, made Bishop of Erie in 1854; the Most beard, but a vigorous young Jesuit tion the civilization of this nation. her government. Queen, Wilhel- to make out a case, repeats Rev. James F. Wood, ex-Unita- priest, the Rev. Edmund J. Hut- To the school of Christ,, as vital mina of Holland said in opening 4»ften-exploded propaganda of rian, who served as Coadjutor tall, chief of the astronomical di­ for the soul as food for the body, parliament. Professor Alberse, the Red Spanish government. Bishop, Bishop, and Archbishop of vision of the weather bureau the American Episcopate has de­ Catholic minister o f state, has been and hence official timekeeper for sired to make a new, a priceless, named speaker of the second cham­ Either the 150 persons who Philadelphia between 1857 and 1883; the Most Rev. Sylvester H. the islands. Father Nuttal thinks contribution by establishing the ber of the parliament. •signed the Open Letter have Rosecrans, made first Bishop of he is doing a poor job if his time Confraternity of Christian _ Doc­ Queen Wilhelmina said, “ In the made no attempt to learn Columbus in 1868 after being signals are off by more than a trine, whose object, in addition to midst of the world’s confusion, both sides of the question or Auxiliai-y of Cincinnati, converted tenth of a second. Usually they strengthening .ever more the paro­ from which this country has not chial schools, is to provide for the entirely escaped, arises an insistent. ■ they have been blinded by the from the Episcopal Church. are accurate to one two-hundredth The Most Rev. Thomas Andrew of a second. Christian way of living, by various demand that above all the law o f ; ancient prejudice that makes Becker, former Lutheran, conse­ His three master clocks are methods of teaching, for the God he taken as a directive in leg;i'i some people unable to see crated Bishop of Wilmington in about the closest things to per­ benefit of localities and persons islation and administration.” Sound I outside these schools. development of family life and the anything good in what IS 1-868 and made sixth Bishop of petual motion ever constructed. “ Its objects are; 1. Religious protection of public morals are Spanish or Catholic. Savannah in 1886; the Most Rev. They are self-wound every 30 sec­ Richard Gilmour, second Bishop onds, the impulse coming from training of Catholic elementary among the aims of the Queen’s of Cleveland, converted from gravity. Two of the clocks gain (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 1) government. Presbyterianism in 1842 and con­ The fact is that the Red or lose no more than three or four secrated in 1872; the Most Rev. hundredths of a second a day. Leaders Plan General Council government of Spain is in no Edgar P. Wadhams, convert from The third, which has a zero rate, sense a “ popular” one. The Episcopalianism, minister, made does not lose or gain unless some­ government operating at Va­ Bishop of Ogdensburg in 1872; the thing like an earthquake throws Internal Strife Is Most Rev. Alfred A. Curtis, for­ it off balance. Under ideal con­ lencia is not the government mer Episcopalian, made Bishop of ditions, this clock could keep on that was elected in February, Wilmington in 1886 to succeed its going indefinitely with no human (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) other convert Bishop. attention except for the changing Worry to Orthodox of batteries every nine months. Earthquakes are a great bother "Vienna.—The Russian Orthodox the ecumenic council—the assem­ Plans Made for Budapest Fete to “ Father Time.” The recent Church of the Diaspora (disper­ bly of all the Bishops—is the severe temblors in the Philippines sion)-will-Jiold_a.geneial council, Church’s highest apthorjty^ajygp. stopped the master clocks dead in Sremsky-Karlovac, Jugoslavia, actually rested with the 40,000 U, S. Pilgrims in their tracks. Six months may Says Father Coughlin Not Speaking as Church Authority in December to seek an end to Patriarchs. be' passed before the priest gets the internal strife and schism The Patriarch of Constantinople them settled down to the accuracy that are threatening its continued was first in rank, but for political he wants. Meanwhile he is guar­ ARCHBISHOP MOONEY IN existence find driving many mem­ reasons the Patriarchate in Mos­ Expected at Congress anteeing his signals to be accurate bers into the Catholic fold. Ameri­ cow, founded in the 16th century, within only three-tenths of a can Orthodox Metropolitan Theo- eventually assumed the lead, since second. philus has been assigned the task of it was backed by the power of the ■ Budapest.— Forty thousand every country, world atonement STATEMENT ON C.
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